The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

It is a good measure of those who will use their religion to guide their vote

I've never heard that.

Is that a guess of yours? Or have you seen studies tracking that?

It would be really helpful to see religious pro-life blacks tracked by weekly church attendance and voting Republican.
The 17% came from a report that was posted online in a forum but I didn't retain a link other than my memory. It gave stats for attending every week / once a month/ occasionally / on major holidays X-mas and Easter etc. etc.

How would a study tracking pro-life blacks be helpful other than, perhaps, as fuel for a racist dialogue?

If they are pro-life they more than likely would be considered Republican voters ... not many Dem voters succumb to the pro-life lies and doctored videos.

Personally I am pro-life AND pro-choice. I wouldn't want a female in my family to have an abortion ... but I respect her right to choose for herself without me thinking any the less of her. It isn't a religious issue for me ( an agnostic / atheist depending on the mood of the day ) but more of an emotional one.

And, although I say I'm pro-life --- I would NEVER vote to ban abortions NEVER NEVER NEVER.

After all God aborts millions of potential fetuses every day around the world.

He causes or allows fertilized eggs to fail to attach to the uterine wall which is a form of abortion ( I believe some birth control works that way ).

Even after they HAVE attached to the uterine wall, millions of fetuses are miscarried every day and don't get to live.


You know --- the God I don't believe in. But the same God the pro-life people claim hates abortion. The same one who just aborted half a million fetuses this morning around the world.

Not to mention other worlds in the multiple universes out there.

But you probably do believe.

My question was about if 17% is really the dividing line on who "uses" their religion to guide their vote.

Tracking religious blacks would help verify or debunk your claim, because I've known quite a few religious pro-life blacks who vote dem.

And save the Race Card for someone who cares.

Whatever the Pro-life numbers are in the black community, it isn't the numbers the gop is getting.
Last edited by a moderator:
Sorry, that is not what you are doing.

Policies and platforms change with each candidate. Yet you are stating that the next GOP President has not yet been born.

That is at least 36 years, and more likely 50 plus.

And that's not to say it won't be longer.

That is NOT an issue driven by policies, it is an issue driven by bloc identity voting, which is the half of the base of the Dems and growing half.

Thus permanent disenfranchisement.

So, please stop denying the obvious and share with my your vision of what a One Party State America will look like.

I'm thinking about 50 years

Republicans have marginalized themselves and blocked out a constituency that can't win
Like I said, Florida and Texas will ensure that the next Republican President hasn't been born yet
Hispanic populations with entrenched memories of the racist rhetoric emanating from right wing media. The punitive and demeaning laws targeted at Hispanics

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
They are not block voting....They are voting for the party that best represents their views

Republicans are doomed

You ever ask a pro-life religious black why they vote for the pro-abortion party?

It's block voting.

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.

You are one of the few people on this site other than myself that sees this train barreling down on us, and I am very curious as to your thoughts on it, and especially how and why you do not see it as the utter disaster for America that I do.

SO, please so being evasive and just answer the question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
Actually it is voting on more than one issue. The fact that ALL minorities including Asians and Jews are repelled by Republicans should tell you something
Republicans made a choice....throw minorities under the bus to placate the bigots who flocked to their party in the 60s

What issues are more important that the "mass murder of little black babies" to pro-life religious blacks?

I've asked. They can't tell you.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.
2020 will be a defining year.

Many states currently suffering under the embarrassment of well Gerrymandered districts will be forced by media attention to redistrict more fairly.

When the extremist viewpoints of the Republican party lose that advantage, the Republican party will change or die.

It is very possible to see a viable Republican candidate in 2024 or 2028, but it completely depends on Republican leadership at the time.
Attending church every sunday?

That's a pretty self serving way to measure religion.

It's a pretty darn accurate way of judging how SERIOUSLY the " Christians " take their religion.

If they REALLY believed they would be in Church every day ... not just on the occasional Sunday when they are in the mood.

That seems to be an unsupported assumption on your part.

One that is very self serving as it gives you an excuse to minimize the number and thus deserved role of Christians in America.
Christians DESERVE < nothing > in America.

They have a right to worship -- or not worship -- any way they choose but they DESERVE no particular role.

Neither do Agnostics or Atheists.

When you DESERVE something ... you are ENTITLED to it and everyone knows how conservatives hate ENTITLEMENTS --- especially ones that cost MONEY / TAXES.

But people DESERVE nothing because of belonging to a particular cult. NOTHING.

No one DESERVES a damn thing.

As American Citizens they are have the God Given Right to pursue their agendas and interests in all areas of American society and government.

As Self Identified Christians are 70% of the population is a democratic Republic one would expect the Culture and the Government and the Laws to reflect Christian values and culture.

Your attempts to dismiss the claims of the vast majority of Americans who identify as Christian, because they don't meet your standards notwithstanding.

i want to point out though that your general lib direction is to marginalize and dismiss and attack those who disagree with you.

THis ties in nicely with the THread OP and RW's ONe Party State Scenario.
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Only something like 17% of Americans attend church EVERY Sunday.

Americans < claim > to be Christian but don't act like it at all.

CEO's attend church on Sunday and then lay off 10,000 people on Monday in order to make 1/2 of 1% extra profit for an already highly profitable company with no regard for the damage they do to thousands of families and their careers.

Americans DO practice one religion faithfully though.


Attending church every sunday?

That's a pretty self serving way to measure religion.

Correll, just a thought!

Why do you think every lefty atro turfing poster on this site is against Trump and Cruz and at the same time for Rubio and Bush? Because what Mr Winger says is only partially true. If the left is thrown out now, the plan they have hatched is not complete. With a change in Presidents will come a change in immigration. They need at least one more cycle to complete the take over, so they need to keep status quo. If the NEW President brings birthright citizenship to the fore front, and if it goes to the supreme court AFTER he appoints the 3 judges he surely will in this cycle, the left is done, and they know it.

The far left, conservatives, and libertarians are fighting for their political lives this election. Of the big 3, Trump, Cruz, and Hilly........whomever wins will have the capacity to set this country on a path the other side will no longer be able to reverse; in Washington anyway. Convention of states is still possible and pausible, but I would then expect the left to break the constitution boldly to stop the states dead in their tracks.

This IS that election. Choose wisely for the GOP nominee, or RIGHTWINGERS words will become reality if we can NOT get that nominee elected. No matter what he/they say we can still elect one of ours. That is why these turfers are fighting so hard. They have gotten this close, and fear we are going to take it away from them.

Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

HOw many of those states that have gone Blue have done so because of demographic shift, or Third World Immigration since 1965?
Attending church every sunday?

That's a pretty self serving way to measure religion.

Correll, just a thought!

Why do you think every lefty atro turfing poster on this site is against Trump and Cruz and at the same time for Rubio and Bush? Because what Mr Winger says is only partially true. If the left is thrown out now, the plan they have hatched is not complete. With a change in Presidents will come a change in immigration. They need at least one more cycle to complete the take over, so they need to keep status quo. If the NEW President brings birthright citizenship to the fore front, and if it goes to the supreme court AFTER he appoints the 3 judges he surely will in this cycle, the left is done, and they know it.

The far left, conservatives, and libertarians are fighting for their political lives this election. Of the big 3, Trump, Cruz, and Hilly........whomever wins will have the capacity to set this country on a path the other side will no longer be able to reverse; in Washington anyway. Convention of states is still possible and pausible, but I would then expect the left to break the constitution boldly to stop the states dead in their tracks.

This IS that election. Choose wisely for the GOP nominee, or RIGHTWINGERS words will become reality if we can NOT get that nominee elected. No matter what he/they say we can still elect one of ours. That is why these turfers are fighting so hard. They have gotten this close, and fear we are going to take it away from them.

Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

that's where you are wrong, very wrong. the weak field is on the dem side. Who do you have? an old, angry, senile, corrupt, lying female who a majority of americans use the word "liar" to describe, and an old, senile, socialist who cant find his ass with both hands.

Whereas the GOP has youth, a black, two Hispanics, a woman, and 3 non-politicians.

But we get it, you dems start these threads because you are scared shitless about your choices and your chances.

YOu are right about that. The dem candidate is going to be a weak one.

But then, Obama was weak and he got elected. Twice.
I'm thinking about 50 years

Republicans have marginalized themselves and blocked out a constituency that can't win
Like I said, Florida and Texas will ensure that the next Republican President hasn't been born yet
Hispanic populations with entrenched memories of the racist rhetoric emanating from right wing media. The punitive and demeaning laws targeted at Hispanics

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
They are not block voting....They are voting for the party that best represents their views

Republicans are doomed

You ever ask a pro-life religious black why they vote for the pro-abortion party?

It's block voting.

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.

You are one of the few people on this site other than myself that sees this train barreling down on us, and I am very curious as to your thoughts on it, and especially how and why you do not see it as the utter disaster for America that I do.

SO, please so being evasive and just answer the question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
Actually it is voting on more than one issue. The fact that ALL minorities including Asians and Jews are repelled by Republicans should tell you something
Republicans made a choice....throw minorities under the bus to placate the bigots who flocked to their party in the 60s

What issues are more important that the "mass murder of little black babies" to pro-life religious blacks?

I've asked. They can't tell you.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.
I don't see many blacks, even evangelicals, who use abortion as a make or break issue. Same goes with most Americans
What can republicans do over the next 50 years to win back the electoral votes they have lost?
1. Stop being such assholes. Kick the racists and bigots out of your party ...they are the RINOS
2. Become fiscal conservatives and allow flexibility on social conservativism . Admit you lost the fight against gays, work on making healthcare better, stop trying to ban abortion
3. Jobs.....Jobs....Jobs. Make the Republican Party the party of jobs. Jobs in poor neighborhoods, stop exporting jobs. Be the party that workers turn to...the party that fights for worker rights
Attending church every sunday?

That's a pretty self serving way to measure religion.

Correll, just a thought!

Why do you think every lefty atro turfing poster on this site is against Trump and Cruz and at the same time for Rubio and Bush? Because what Mr Winger says is only partially true. If the left is thrown out now, the plan they have hatched is not complete. With a change in Presidents will come a change in immigration. They need at least one more cycle to complete the take over, so they need to keep status quo. If the NEW President brings birthright citizenship to the fore front, and if it goes to the supreme court AFTER he appoints the 3 judges he surely will in this cycle, the left is done, and they know it.

The far left, conservatives, and libertarians are fighting for their political lives this election. Of the big 3, Trump, Cruz, and Hilly........whomever wins will have the capacity to set this country on a path the other side will no longer be able to reverse; in Washington anyway. Convention of states is still possible and pausible, but I would then expect the left to break the constitution boldly to stop the states dead in their tracks.

This IS that election. Choose wisely for the GOP nominee, or RIGHTWINGERS words will become reality if we can NOT get that nominee elected. No matter what he/they say we can still elect one of ours. That is why these turfers are fighting so hard. They have gotten this close, and fear we are going to take it away from them.

Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

HOw many of those states that have gone Blue have done so because of demographic shift, or Third World Immigration since 1965?
Who cares?

It is what it is...what are Republicans going to do about it?
But then, Obama was weak and he got elected. Twice.

McCain was weaker. All the power of Geritol. Unlike Reagan, he came across as just an old man.

Romney blew it when he let Candy Crowley walk all over him.

Two good reasons to tell the Republican establishment to shut up and get out of the way.
Sorry, that is not what you are doing.

Policies and platforms change with each candidate. Yet you are stating that the next GOP President has not yet been born.

That is at least 36 years, and more likely 50 plus.

And that's not to say it won't be longer.

That is NOT an issue driven by policies, it is an issue driven by bloc identity voting, which is the half of the base of the Dems and growing half.

Thus permanent disenfranchisement.

So, please stop denying the obvious and share with my your vision of what a One Party State America will look like.

I'm thinking about 50 years

Republicans have marginalized themselves and blocked out a constituency that can't win
Like I said, Florida and Texas will ensure that the next Republican President hasn't been born yet
Hispanic populations with entrenched memories of the racist rhetoric emanating from right wing media. The punitive and demeaning laws targeted at Hispanics

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
They are not block voting....They are voting for the party that best represents their views

Republicans are doomed

You ever ask a pro-life religious black why they vote for the pro-abortion party?

It's block voting.

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.

You are one of the few people on this site other than myself that sees this train barreling down on us, and I am very curious as to your thoughts on it, and especially how and why you do not see it as the utter disaster for America that I do.

SO, please so being evasive and just answer the question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
Actually it is voting on more than one issue. The fact that ALL minorities including Asians and Jews are repelled by Republicans should tell you something
Republicans made a choice....throw minorities under the bus to placate the bigots who flocked to their party in the 60s

total horseshit. Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Allen West, Carly Fiorina, just to name a few republican minorities. Are they under the bus? no, you biased lying dipshit.

What is true is that the Clintons and obamas have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy and turned it into the party of far left radicals like Sharpton and Jackson and Farrakhan.

Face reality, Hillary is not likeable, is old, is ugly, is corrupt, is a proven liar, and is very likely suffering from dementia.

Why would young people of any demographic want to vote for an old, corrupt, white woman who screeches like a banshee?
What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
They are not block voting....They are voting for the party that best represents their views

Republicans are doomed

You ever ask a pro-life religious black why they vote for the pro-abortion party?

It's block voting.

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.

You are one of the few people on this site other than myself that sees this train barreling down on us, and I am very curious as to your thoughts on it, and especially how and why you do not see it as the utter disaster for America that I do.

SO, please so being evasive and just answer the question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
Actually it is voting on more than one issue. The fact that ALL minorities including Asians and Jews are repelled by Republicans should tell you something
Republicans made a choice....throw minorities under the bus to placate the bigots who flocked to their party in the 60s

What issues are more important that the "mass murder of little black babies" to pro-life religious blacks?

I've asked. They can't tell you.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.
I don't see many blacks, even evangelicals, who use abortion as a make or break issue. Same goes with most Americans
What can republicans do over the next 50 years to win back the electoral votes they have lost?
1. Stop being such assholes. Kick the racists and bigots out of your party ...they are the RINOS
2. Become fiscal conservatives and allow flexibility on social conservativism . Admit you lost the fight against gays, work on making healthcare better, stop trying to ban abortion
3. Jobs.....Jobs....Jobs. Make the Republican Party the party of jobs. Jobs in poor neighborhoods, stop exporting jobs. Be the party that workers turn to...the party that fights for worker rights

Thank you for a real answer.

1. The "racism" is a function of successful lib Demagoguery. We won't be able to challenge that any better in 50 years than we can now. Indeed, with reduced numbers and power our ability to do so will be LESS, than now.

2. Fiscal conservatism is not possible with the Greying of the Population. That is going to be a huge bi-partisan problem that neither side has an answer for. That is not going to change voting patterns.

2b We already do allow flexibility on Social Conservatism. Remember the Draft Powell movement? Despite him being pro-choice?

3. Trump is running on that platform and you libs have pulled out all the stops to paint him as a monster. And the RInos are helping you. And as the party permanently out of power, we won't be able to do more than then we can now. And even though I think Trump has a real chance now, he probably wouldn't in 8 years due to continued demographic shift.

So. It's not 50 years, it's forever.

Permanent Disenfranchisement of the majority of the largest single ethnic group.

We will not have our interests or agenda considered for national policy again in our lifetimes, or the lifetimes of our children.

We will have no political recourse as a permanent minority.

We will have no legal recourse because you libs will be writing the laws, and putting libs in the Supreme Court to rule in favor of them.
Correll, just a thought!

Why do you think every lefty atro turfing poster on this site is against Trump and Cruz and at the same time for Rubio and Bush? Because what Mr Winger says is only partially true. If the left is thrown out now, the plan they have hatched is not complete. With a change in Presidents will come a change in immigration. They need at least one more cycle to complete the take over, so they need to keep status quo. If the NEW President brings birthright citizenship to the fore front, and if it goes to the supreme court AFTER he appoints the 3 judges he surely will in this cycle, the left is done, and they know it.

The far left, conservatives, and libertarians are fighting for their political lives this election. Of the big 3, Trump, Cruz, and Hilly........whomever wins will have the capacity to set this country on a path the other side will no longer be able to reverse; in Washington anyway. Convention of states is still possible and pausible, but I would then expect the left to break the constitution boldly to stop the states dead in their tracks.

This IS that election. Choose wisely for the GOP nominee, or RIGHTWINGERS words will become reality if we can NOT get that nominee elected. No matter what he/they say we can still elect one of ours. That is why these turfers are fighting so hard. They have gotten this close, and fear we are going to take it away from them.

Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

that's where you are wrong, very wrong. the weak field is on the dem side. Who do you have? an old, angry, senile, corrupt, lying female who a majority of americans use the word "liar" to describe, and an old, senile, socialist who cant find his ass with both hands.

Whereas the GOP has youth, a black, two Hispanics, a woman, and 3 non-politicians.

But we get it, you dems start these threads because you are scared shitless about your choices and your chances.

YOu are right about that. The dem candidate is going to be a weak one.

But then, Obama was weak and he got elected. Twice.

Obama's qualifications made him a weak candidate, but his skin pigment and his worship by the media gave him two elections. Black pride, white guilt, and a biased media = two Obama wins.
They are not block voting....They are voting for the party that best represents their views

Republicans are doomed

You ever ask a pro-life religious black why they vote for the pro-abortion party?

It's block voting.

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.

You are one of the few people on this site other than myself that sees this train barreling down on us, and I am very curious as to your thoughts on it, and especially how and why you do not see it as the utter disaster for America that I do.

SO, please so being evasive and just answer the question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
Actually it is voting on more than one issue. The fact that ALL minorities including Asians and Jews are repelled by Republicans should tell you something
Republicans made a choice....throw minorities under the bus to placate the bigots who flocked to their party in the 60s

What issues are more important that the "mass murder of little black babies" to pro-life religious blacks?

I've asked. They can't tell you.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.
I don't see many blacks, even evangelicals, who use abortion as a make or break issue. Same goes with most Americans
What can republicans do over the next 50 years to win back the electoral votes they have lost?
1. Stop being such assholes. Kick the racists and bigots out of your party ...they are the RINOS
2. Become fiscal conservatives and allow flexibility on social conservativism . Admit you lost the fight against gays, work on making healthcare better, stop trying to ban abortion
3. Jobs.....Jobs....Jobs. Make the Republican Party the party of jobs. Jobs in poor neighborhoods, stop exporting jobs. Be the party that workers turn to...the party that fights for worker rights

Thank you for a real answer.

1. The "racism" is a function of successful lib Demagoguery. We won't be able to challenge that any better in 50 years than we can now. Indeed, with reduced numbers and power our ability to do so will be LESS, than now.

2. Fiscal conservatism is not possible with the Greying of the Population. That is going to be a huge bi-partisan problem that neither side has an answer for. That is not going to change voting patterns.

2b We already do allow flexibility on Social Conservatism. Remember the Draft Powell movement? Despite him being pro-choice?

3. Trump is running on that platform and you libs have pulled out all the stops to paint him as a monster. And the RInos are helping you. And as the party permanently out of power, we won't be able to do more than then we can now. And even though I think Trump has a real chance now, he probably wouldn't in 8 years due to continued demographic shift.

So. It's not 50 years, it's forever.

Permanent Disenfranchisement of the majority of the largest single ethnic group.

We will not have our interests or agenda considered for national policy again in our lifetimes, or the lifetimes of our children.

We will have no political recourse as a permanent minority.

We will have no legal recourse because you libs will be writing the laws, and putting libs in the Supreme Court to rule in favor of them.

if your projections are correct, then there will be a serious secession movement sometime in the next 20 years or less. If HRC is elected it could happen in 2017.

A disenfranchised majority will not be silent and allow itself to be overrun by the far left zealots.
As American Citizens they are have the God Given Right to pursue their agendas and interests in all areas of American society and government.

As American Citizens, they have the Constitutionally given right to pursue their agendas and interests in all areas of American society and government.

They DO NOT have ANY right to force their religion on anyone else. Including making people say " Merry Christmas ".
As Self Identified Christians are 70% of the population is a democratic Republic one would expect the Culture and the Government and the Laws to reflect Christian values and culture.

If one expected that --- one would be WRONG --- America is NOT and HAS NEVER BEEN a religious state. Some of the colonies were founded by religious groups, but when they formed the nation of America they abandoned that and wrote the Constitution which FORBIDS any religious test for holding office which shows they didn't want people voting their religion to run the country.
Correll, just a thought!

Why do you think every lefty atro turfing poster on this site is against Trump and Cruz and at the same time for Rubio and Bush? Because what Mr Winger says is only partially true. If the left is thrown out now, the plan they have hatched is not complete. With a change in Presidents will come a change in immigration. They need at least one more cycle to complete the take over, so they need to keep status quo. If the NEW President brings birthright citizenship to the fore front, and if it goes to the supreme court AFTER he appoints the 3 judges he surely will in this cycle, the left is done, and they know it.

The far left, conservatives, and libertarians are fighting for their political lives this election. Of the big 3, Trump, Cruz, and Hilly........whomever wins will have the capacity to set this country on a path the other side will no longer be able to reverse; in Washington anyway. Convention of states is still possible and pausible, but I would then expect the left to break the constitution boldly to stop the states dead in their tracks.

This IS that election. Choose wisely for the GOP nominee, or RIGHTWINGERS words will become reality if we can NOT get that nominee elected. No matter what he/they say we can still elect one of ours. That is why these turfers are fighting so hard. They have gotten this close, and fear we are going to take it away from them.

Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

HOw many of those states that have gone Blue have done so because of demographic shift, or Third World Immigration since 1965?
Who cares?

It is what it is...what are Republicans going to do about it?

You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?
Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

HOw many of those states that have gone Blue have done so because of demographic shift, or Third World Immigration since 1965?
Who cares?

It is what it is...what are Republicans going to do about it?

You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?

Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.
What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
They are not block voting....They are voting for the party that best represents their views

Republicans are doomed

You ever ask a pro-life religious black why they vote for the pro-abortion party?

It's block voting.

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.

You are one of the few people on this site other than myself that sees this train barreling down on us, and I am very curious as to your thoughts on it, and especially how and why you do not see it as the utter disaster for America that I do.

SO, please so being evasive and just answer the question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
Actually it is voting on more than one issue. The fact that ALL minorities including Asians and Jews are repelled by Republicans should tell you something
Republicans made a choice....throw minorities under the bus to placate the bigots who flocked to their party in the 60s

What issues are more important that the "mass murder of little black babies" to pro-life religious blacks?

I've asked. They can't tell you.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.
I don't see many blacks, even evangelicals, who use abortion as a make or break issue. Same goes with most Americans
What can republicans do over the next 50 years to win back the electoral votes they have lost?
1. Stop being such assholes. Kick the racists and bigots out of your party ...they are the RINOS
2. Become fiscal conservatives and allow flexibility on social conservativism . Admit you lost the fight against gays, work on making healthcare better, stop trying to ban abortion
3. Jobs.....Jobs....Jobs. Make the Republican Party the party of jobs. Jobs in poor neighborhoods, stop exporting jobs. Be the party that workers turn to...the party that fights for worker rights

Republican being the party that fights for workers rights? Haw haw haw

It is REPUBLICANS who are pushing legislation ending the weekend and " allowing " people to work 18 hours a day 7 days a week if they " wish " too. And, of course, everyone will " wish " to because if they don't they won't have a job to pay their rent / house payment.


It is REPUBLICANS who fight against equal pay for equal work

It is Republicans who fight against increasing the MINIMUM WAGE

Republicans believe ordinary, non billionaires, should be slaves and work for just enough food to live to the next day.
You ever ask a pro-life religious black why they vote for the pro-abortion party?

It's block voting.

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.

You are one of the few people on this site other than myself that sees this train barreling down on us, and I am very curious as to your thoughts on it, and especially how and why you do not see it as the utter disaster for America that I do.

SO, please so being evasive and just answer the question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
Actually it is voting on more than one issue. The fact that ALL minorities including Asians and Jews are repelled by Republicans should tell you something
Republicans made a choice....throw minorities under the bus to placate the bigots who flocked to their party in the 60s

What issues are more important that the "mass murder of little black babies" to pro-life religious blacks?

I've asked. They can't tell you.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.
I don't see many blacks, even evangelicals, who use abortion as a make or break issue. Same goes with most Americans
What can republicans do over the next 50 years to win back the electoral votes they have lost?
1. Stop being such assholes. Kick the racists and bigots out of your party ...they are the RINOS
2. Become fiscal conservatives and allow flexibility on social conservativism . Admit you lost the fight against gays, work on making healthcare better, stop trying to ban abortion
3. Jobs.....Jobs....Jobs. Make the Republican Party the party of jobs. Jobs in poor neighborhoods, stop exporting jobs. Be the party that workers turn to...the party that fights for worker rights

Thank you for a real answer.

1. The "racism" is a function of successful lib Demagoguery. We won't be able to challenge that any better in 50 years than we can now. Indeed, with reduced numbers and power our ability to do so will be LESS, than now.

2. Fiscal conservatism is not possible with the Greying of the Population. That is going to be a huge bi-partisan problem that neither side has an answer for. That is not going to change voting patterns.

2b We already do allow flexibility on Social Conservatism. Remember the Draft Powell movement? Despite him being pro-choice?

3. Trump is running on that platform and you libs have pulled out all the stops to paint him as a monster. And the RInos are helping you. And as the party permanently out of power, we won't be able to do more than then we can now. And even though I think Trump has a real chance now, he probably wouldn't in 8 years due to continued demographic shift.

So. It's not 50 years, it's forever.

Permanent Disenfranchisement of the majority of the largest single ethnic group.

We will not have our interests or agenda considered for national policy again in our lifetimes, or the lifetimes of our children.

We will have no political recourse as a permanent minority.

We will have no legal recourse because you libs will be writing the laws, and putting libs in the Supreme Court to rule in favor of them.

if your projections are correct, then there will be a serious secession movement sometime in the next 20 years or less. If HRC is elected it could happen in 2017.

A disenfranchised majority will not be silent and allow itself to be overrun by the far left zealots.

Won't be a majority.

That's the point.

Between hard core leftist and minorities, the Dems will have an effective majority, soon to be an actual majority.
They are not block voting....They are voting for the party that best represents their views

Republicans are doomed

You ever ask a pro-life religious black why they vote for the pro-abortion party?

It's block voting.

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.

You are one of the few people on this site other than myself that sees this train barreling down on us, and I am very curious as to your thoughts on it, and especially how and why you do not see it as the utter disaster for America that I do.

SO, please so being evasive and just answer the question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
Actually it is voting on more than one issue. The fact that ALL minorities including Asians and Jews are repelled by Republicans should tell you something
Republicans made a choice....throw minorities under the bus to placate the bigots who flocked to their party in the 60s

What issues are more important that the "mass murder of little black babies" to pro-life religious blacks?

I've asked. They can't tell you.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.
I don't see many blacks, even evangelicals, who use abortion as a make or break issue. Same goes with most Americans
What can republicans do over the next 50 years to win back the electoral votes they have lost?
1. Stop being such assholes. Kick the racists and bigots out of your party ...they are the RINOS
2. Become fiscal conservatives and allow flexibility on social conservativism . Admit you lost the fight against gays, work on making healthcare better, stop trying to ban abortion
3. Jobs.....Jobs....Jobs. Make the Republican Party the party of jobs. Jobs in poor neighborhoods, stop exporting jobs. Be the party that workers turn to...the party that fights for worker rights

Republican being the party that fights for workers rights? Haw haw haw

It is REPUBLICANS who are pushing legislation ending the weekend and " allowing " people to work 18 hours a day 7 days a week if they " wish " too. And, of course, everyone will " wish " to because if they don't they won't have a job to pay their rent / house payment.


It is REPUBLICANS who fight against equal pay for equal work

It is Republicans who fight against increasing the MINIMUM WAGE

Republicans believe ordinary, non billionaires, should be slaves and work for just enough food to live to the next day.

nothing in your post is true. But you get credit for accurately posting the dem/lib talking points.
Actually it is voting on more than one issue. The fact that ALL minorities including Asians and Jews are repelled by Republicans should tell you something
Republicans made a choice....throw minorities under the bus to placate the bigots who flocked to their party in the 60s

What issues are more important that the "mass murder of little black babies" to pro-life religious blacks?

I've asked. They can't tell you.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.
I don't see many blacks, even evangelicals, who use abortion as a make or break issue. Same goes with most Americans
What can republicans do over the next 50 years to win back the electoral votes they have lost?
1. Stop being such assholes. Kick the racists and bigots out of your party ...they are the RINOS
2. Become fiscal conservatives and allow flexibility on social conservativism . Admit you lost the fight against gays, work on making healthcare better, stop trying to ban abortion
3. Jobs.....Jobs....Jobs. Make the Republican Party the party of jobs. Jobs in poor neighborhoods, stop exporting jobs. Be the party that workers turn to...the party that fights for worker rights

Thank you for a real answer.

1. The "racism" is a function of successful lib Demagoguery. We won't be able to challenge that any better in 50 years than we can now. Indeed, with reduced numbers and power our ability to do so will be LESS, than now.

2. Fiscal conservatism is not possible with the Greying of the Population. That is going to be a huge bi-partisan problem that neither side has an answer for. That is not going to change voting patterns.

2b We already do allow flexibility on Social Conservatism. Remember the Draft Powell movement? Despite him being pro-choice?

3. Trump is running on that platform and you libs have pulled out all the stops to paint him as a monster. And the RInos are helping you. And as the party permanently out of power, we won't be able to do more than then we can now. And even though I think Trump has a real chance now, he probably wouldn't in 8 years due to continued demographic shift.

So. It's not 50 years, it's forever.

Permanent Disenfranchisement of the majority of the largest single ethnic group.

We will not have our interests or agenda considered for national policy again in our lifetimes, or the lifetimes of our children.

We will have no political recourse as a permanent minority.

We will have no legal recourse because you libs will be writing the laws, and putting libs in the Supreme Court to rule in favor of them.

if your projections are correct, then there will be a serious secession movement sometime in the next 20 years or less. If HRC is elected it could happen in 2017.

A disenfranchised majority will not be silent and allow itself to be overrun by the far left zealots.

Won't be a majority.

That's the point.

Between hard core leftist and minorities, the Dems will have an effective majority, soon to be an actual majority.

wrong, the actual headcounts don't support that theory. Plus you are assuming that whites who currently vote lib will stay that way as their rights and property are taken away from them.

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