The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Attending church every sunday?

That's a pretty self serving way to measure religion.

It's a pretty darn accurate way of judging how SERIOUSLY the " Christians " take their religion.

If they REALLY believed they would be in Church every day ... not just on the occasional Sunday when they are in the mood.

That seems to be an unsupported assumption on your part.

One that is very self serving as it gives you an excuse to minimize the number and thus deserved role of Christians in America.
Christians DESERVE < nothing > in America.

They have a right to worship -- or not worship -- any way they choose but they DESERVE no particular role.

Neither do Agnostics or Atheists.

When you DESERVE something ... you are ENTITLED to it and everyone knows how conservatives hate ENTITLEMENTS --- especially ones that cost MONEY / TAXES.

But people DESERVE nothing because of belonging to a particular cult. NOTHING.

No one DESERVES a damn thing.
Bull. This nation is still vastly Christian.

Having Christian influenced platforms such be a huge advantage in attracting voters.

Only something like 17% of Americans attend church EVERY Sunday.

Americans < claim > to be Christian but don't act like it at all.

CEO's attend church on Sunday and then lay off 10,000 people on Monday in order to make 1/2 of 1% extra profit for an already highly profitable company with no regard for the damage they do to thousands of families and their careers.

Americans DO practice one religion faithfully though.


Attending church every sunday?

That's a pretty self serving way to measure religion.

Correll, just a thought!

Why do you think every lefty atro turfing poster on this site is against Trump and Cruz and at the same time for Rubio and Bush? Because what Mr Winger says is only partially true. If the left is thrown out now, the plan they have hatched is not complete. With a change in Presidents will come a change in immigration. They need at least one more cycle to complete the take over, so they need to keep status quo. If the NEW President brings birthright citizenship to the fore front, and if it goes to the supreme court AFTER he appoints the 3 judges he surely will in this cycle, the left is done, and they know it.

The far left, conservatives, and libertarians are fighting for their political lives this election. Of the big 3, Trump, Cruz, and Hilly........whomever wins will have the capacity to set this country on a path the other side will no longer be able to reverse; in Washington anyway. Convention of states is still possible and pausible, but I would then expect the left to break the constitution boldly to stop the states dead in their tracks.

This IS that election. Choose wisely for the GOP nominee, or RIGHTWINGERS words will become reality if we can NOT get that nominee elected. No matter what he/they say we can still elect one of ours. That is why these turfers are fighting so hard. They have gotten this close, and fear we are going to take it away from them.

Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

Only something like 17% of Americans attend church EVERY Sunday.

Americans < claim > to be Christian but don't act like it at all.

CEO's attend church on Sunday and then lay off 10,000 people on Monday in order to make 1/2 of 1% extra profit for an already highly profitable company with no regard for the damage they do to thousands of families and their careers.

Americans DO practice one religion faithfully though.


Attending church every sunday?

That's a pretty self serving way to measure religion.

Correll, just a thought!

Why do you think every lefty atro turfing poster on this site is against Trump and Cruz and at the same time for Rubio and Bush? Because what Mr Winger says is only partially true. If the left is thrown out now, the plan they have hatched is not complete. With a change in Presidents will come a change in immigration. They need at least one more cycle to complete the take over, so they need to keep status quo. If the NEW President brings birthright citizenship to the fore front, and if it goes to the supreme court AFTER he appoints the 3 judges he surely will in this cycle, the left is done, and they know it.

The far left, conservatives, and libertarians are fighting for their political lives this election. Of the big 3, Trump, Cruz, and Hilly........whomever wins will have the capacity to set this country on a path the other side will no longer be able to reverse; in Washington anyway. Convention of states is still possible and pausible, but I would then expect the left to break the constitution boldly to stop the states dead in their tracks.

This IS that election. Choose wisely for the GOP nominee, or RIGHTWINGERS words will become reality if we can NOT get that nominee elected. No matter what he/they say we can still elect one of ours. That is why these turfers are fighting so hard. They have gotten this close, and fear we are going to take it away from them.

Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

LOL, I like you being a soothsayer, it gives your troops over confidence.

Here is the deal WINGER.............for the last 2 elections at least, you have not won by promoting your candidate, but by tearing down ours. You had a blank slate with Obama, and the media sure wasn't going to vet him, now were they.

This time, the cards are with us, and you have a credibility, likability problem. We don't need horses to pull us over the finish line, you need horses to pull your voters outm of their homes for a unlikeable woman, lol.

Also, we have the enthusiasm, just like the Dems had for Obama.

Oh sure, if it is Trump or Cruz, you certainly will stir most ILLEGAL Hispanic voters who dare to try and pull that lever, but they are all in California, (we will give ya that) Illinois, (we figured to lose that too) New York, (haven't won that in years) and Florida. (which we have this time around)

You are going to lose, and the coat tails will probably keep the senate too. In fact, your best defense after the election, is probably hoping enough rinos will fight to hold on to the Washington establishment departments, because if not, they won't be there the next time you guys get back the Whitehouse. Whithout them, you really have no power at all, because once congress has to vote to pass regulations, the lefts whole safety net collapses; now doesn't it-)
Attending church every sunday?

That's a pretty self serving way to measure religion.

Correll, just a thought!

Why do you think every lefty atro turfing poster on this site is against Trump and Cruz and at the same time for Rubio and Bush? Because what Mr Winger says is only partially true. If the left is thrown out now, the plan they have hatched is not complete. With a change in Presidents will come a change in immigration. They need at least one more cycle to complete the take over, so they need to keep status quo. If the NEW President brings birthright citizenship to the fore front, and if it goes to the supreme court AFTER he appoints the 3 judges he surely will in this cycle, the left is done, and they know it.

The far left, conservatives, and libertarians are fighting for their political lives this election. Of the big 3, Trump, Cruz, and Hilly........whomever wins will have the capacity to set this country on a path the other side will no longer be able to reverse; in Washington anyway. Convention of states is still possible and pausible, but I would then expect the left to break the constitution boldly to stop the states dead in their tracks.

This IS that election. Choose wisely for the GOP nominee, or RIGHTWINGERS words will become reality if we can NOT get that nominee elected. No matter what he/they say we can still elect one of ours. That is why these turfers are fighting so hard. They have gotten this close, and fear we are going to take it away from them.

Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

LOL, I like you being a soothsayer, it gives your troops over confidence.

Here is the deal WINGER.............for the last 2 elections at least, you have not won by promoting your candidate, but by tearing down ours. You had a blank slate with Obama, and the media sure wasn't going to vet him, now were they.

This time, the cards are with us, and you have a credibility, likability problem. We don't need horses to pull us over the finish line, you need horses to pull your voters outm of their homes for a unlikeable woman, lol.

Also, we have the enthusiasm, just like the Dems had for Obama.

Oh sure, if it is Trump or Cruz, you certainly will stir most ILLEGAL Hispanic voters who dare to try and pull that lever, but they are all in California, (we will give ya that) Illinois, (we figured to lose that too) New York, (haven't won that in years) and Florida. (which we have this time around)

You are going to lose, and the coat tails will probably keep the senate too. In fact, your best defense after the election, is probably hoping enough rinos will fight to hold on to the Washington establishment departments, because if not, they won't be there the next time you guys get back the Whitehouse. Whithout them, you really have no power at all, because once congress has to vote to pass regulations, the lefts whole safety net collapses; now doesn't it-)
Which blue states do you think you can turn red?
Show me 96 EVs in swing states

Your candidates will get fewer electoral votes than Romney got

You will give back North Carolina and possibly Georgia

Run Cruz and Hillary will win 420 electoral votes

Only something like 17% of Americans attend church EVERY Sunday.

Americans < claim > to be Christian but don't act like it at all.

CEO's attend church on Sunday and then lay off 10,000 people on Monday in order to make 1/2 of 1% extra profit for an already highly profitable company with no regard for the damage they do to thousands of families and their careers.

Americans DO practice one religion faithfully though.


Attending church every sunday?

That's a pretty self serving way to measure religion.

Correll, just a thought!

Why do you think every lefty atro turfing poster on this site is against Trump and Cruz and at the same time for Rubio and Bush? Because what Mr Winger says is only partially true. If the left is thrown out now, the plan they have hatched is not complete. With a change in Presidents will come a change in immigration. They need at least one more cycle to complete the take over, so they need to keep status quo. If the NEW President brings birthright citizenship to the fore front, and if it goes to the supreme court AFTER he appoints the 3 judges he surely will in this cycle, the left is done, and they know it.

The far left, conservatives, and libertarians are fighting for their political lives this election. Of the big 3, Trump, Cruz, and Hilly........whomever wins will have the capacity to set this country on a path the other side will no longer be able to reverse; in Washington anyway. Convention of states is still possible and pausible, but I would then expect the left to break the constitution boldly to stop the states dead in their tracks.

This IS that election. Choose wisely for the GOP nominee, or RIGHTWINGERS words will become reality if we can NOT get that nominee elected. No matter what he/they say we can still elect one of ours. That is why these turfers are fighting so hard. They have gotten this close, and fear we are going to take it away from them.

Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

that's where you are wrong, very wrong. the weak field is on the dem side. Who do you have? an old, angry, senile, corrupt, lying female who a majority of americans use the word "liar" to describe, and an old, senile, socialist who cant find his ass with both hands.

Whereas the GOP has youth, a black, two Hispanics, a woman, and 3 non-politicians.

But we get it, you dems start these threads because you are scared shitless about your choices and your chances.
Correll, just a thought!

Why do you think every lefty atro turfing poster on this site is against Trump and Cruz and at the same time for Rubio and Bush? Because what Mr Winger says is only partially true. If the left is thrown out now, the plan they have hatched is not complete. With a change in Presidents will come a change in immigration. They need at least one more cycle to complete the take over, so they need to keep status quo. If the NEW President brings birthright citizenship to the fore front, and if it goes to the supreme court AFTER he appoints the 3 judges he surely will in this cycle, the left is done, and they know it.

The far left, conservatives, and libertarians are fighting for their political lives this election. Of the big 3, Trump, Cruz, and Hilly........whomever wins will have the capacity to set this country on a path the other side will no longer be able to reverse; in Washington anyway. Convention of states is still possible and pausible, but I would then expect the left to break the constitution boldly to stop the states dead in their tracks.

This IS that election. Choose wisely for the GOP nominee, or RIGHTWINGERS words will become reality if we can NOT get that nominee elected. No matter what he/they say we can still elect one of ours. That is why these turfers are fighting so hard. They have gotten this close, and fear we are going to take it away from them.

Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

LOL, I like you being a soothsayer, it gives your troops over confidence.

Here is the deal WINGER.............for the last 2 elections at least, you have not won by promoting your candidate, but by tearing down ours. You had a blank slate with Obama, and the media sure wasn't going to vet him, now were they.

This time, the cards are with us, and you have a credibility, likability problem. We don't need horses to pull us over the finish line, you need horses to pull your voters outm of their homes for a unlikeable woman, lol.

Also, we have the enthusiasm, just like the Dems had for Obama.

Oh sure, if it is Trump or Cruz, you certainly will stir most ILLEGAL Hispanic voters who dare to try and pull that lever, but they are all in California, (we will give ya that) Illinois, (we figured to lose that too) New York, (haven't won that in years) and Florida. (which we have this time around)

You are going to lose, and the coat tails will probably keep the senate too. In fact, your best defense after the election, is probably hoping enough rinos will fight to hold on to the Washington establishment departments, because if not, they won't be there the next time you guys get back the Whitehouse. Whithout them, you really have no power at all, because once congress has to vote to pass regulations, the lefts whole safety net collapses; now doesn't it-)
Which blue states do you think you can turn red?
Show me 96 EVs in swing states

Your candidates will get fewer electoral votes than Romney got

You will give back North Carolina and possibly Georgia

Run Cruz and Hillary will win 420 electoral votes

what are you mixing with your vodka and paxil?
Correll, just a thought!

Why do you think every lefty atro turfing poster on this site is against Trump and Cruz and at the same time for Rubio and Bush? Because what Mr Winger says is only partially true. If the left is thrown out now, the plan they have hatched is not complete. With a change in Presidents will come a change in immigration. They need at least one more cycle to complete the take over, so they need to keep status quo. If the NEW President brings birthright citizenship to the fore front, and if it goes to the supreme court AFTER he appoints the 3 judges he surely will in this cycle, the left is done, and they know it.

The far left, conservatives, and libertarians are fighting for their political lives this election. Of the big 3, Trump, Cruz, and Hilly........whomever wins will have the capacity to set this country on a path the other side will no longer be able to reverse; in Washington anyway. Convention of states is still possible and pausible, but I would then expect the left to break the constitution boldly to stop the states dead in their tracks.

This IS that election. Choose wisely for the GOP nominee, or RIGHTWINGERS words will become reality if we can NOT get that nominee elected. No matter what he/they say we can still elect one of ours. That is why these turfers are fighting so hard. They have gotten this close, and fear we are going to take it away from them.

Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

LOL, I like you being a soothsayer, it gives your troops over confidence.

Here is the deal WINGER.............for the last 2 elections at least, you have not won by promoting your candidate, but by tearing down ours. You had a blank slate with Obama, and the media sure wasn't going to vet him, now were they.

This time, the cards are with us, and you have a credibility, likability problem. We don't need horses to pull us over the finish line, you need horses to pull your voters outm of their homes for a unlikeable woman, lol.

Also, we have the enthusiasm, just like the Dems had for Obama.

Oh sure, if it is Trump or Cruz, you certainly will stir most ILLEGAL Hispanic voters who dare to try and pull that lever, but they are all in California, (we will give ya that) Illinois, (we figured to lose that too) New York, (haven't won that in years) and Florida. (which we have this time around)

You are going to lose, and the coat tails will probably keep the senate too. In fact, your best defense after the election, is probably hoping enough rinos will fight to hold on to the Washington establishment departments, because if not, they won't be there the next time you guys get back the Whitehouse. Whithout them, you really have no power at all, because once congress has to vote to pass regulations, the lefts whole safety net collapses; now doesn't it-)
Which blue states do you think you can turn red?
Show me 96 EVs in swing states

Your candidates will get fewer electoral votes than Romney got

You will give back North Carolina and possibly Georgia

Run Cruz and Hillary will win 420 electoral votes

You run Hillary, and 1/2 of the Democratic constituents will stay home-) I know it, and you know it. Your job is to convince the people that what I say is not true, lol. Unfortunately, I know, YOU believe it, so you are WEAK, lol!
Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

LOL, I like you being a soothsayer, it gives your troops over confidence.

Here is the deal WINGER.............for the last 2 elections at least, you have not won by promoting your candidate, but by tearing down ours. You had a blank slate with Obama, and the media sure wasn't going to vet him, now were they.

This time, the cards are with us, and you have a credibility, likability problem. We don't need horses to pull us over the finish line, you need horses to pull your voters outm of their homes for a unlikeable woman, lol.

Also, we have the enthusiasm, just like the Dems had for Obama.

Oh sure, if it is Trump or Cruz, you certainly will stir most ILLEGAL Hispanic voters who dare to try and pull that lever, but they are all in California, (we will give ya that) Illinois, (we figured to lose that too) New York, (haven't won that in years) and Florida. (which we have this time around)

You are going to lose, and the coat tails will probably keep the senate too. In fact, your best defense after the election, is probably hoping enough rinos will fight to hold on to the Washington establishment departments, because if not, they won't be there the next time you guys get back the Whitehouse. Whithout them, you really have no power at all, because once congress has to vote to pass regulations, the lefts whole safety net collapses; now doesn't it-)
Which blue states do you think you can turn red?
Show me 96 EVs in swing states

Your candidates will get fewer electoral votes than Romney got

You will give back North Carolina and possibly Georgia

Run Cruz and Hillary will win 420 electoral votes

You run Hillary, and 1/2 of the Democratic constituents will stay home-) I know it, and you know it. Your job is to convince the people that what I say is not true, lol. Unfortunately, I know, YOU believe it, so you are WEAK, lol!

they know that Hillary is a corrupt lying bitch but they continue to try to convince themselves that she isn't.
Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

LOL, I like you being a soothsayer, it gives your troops over confidence.

Here is the deal WINGER.............for the last 2 elections at least, you have not won by promoting your candidate, but by tearing down ours. You had a blank slate with Obama, and the media sure wasn't going to vet him, now were they.

This time, the cards are with us, and you have a credibility, likability problem. We don't need horses to pull us over the finish line, you need horses to pull your voters outm of their homes for a unlikeable woman, lol.

Also, we have the enthusiasm, just like the Dems had for Obama.

Oh sure, if it is Trump or Cruz, you certainly will stir most ILLEGAL Hispanic voters who dare to try and pull that lever, but they are all in California, (we will give ya that) Illinois, (we figured to lose that too) New York, (haven't won that in years) and Florida. (which we have this time around)

You are going to lose, and the coat tails will probably keep the senate too. In fact, your best defense after the election, is probably hoping enough rinos will fight to hold on to the Washington establishment departments, because if not, they won't be there the next time you guys get back the Whitehouse. Whithout them, you really have no power at all, because once congress has to vote to pass regulations, the lefts whole safety net collapses; now doesn't it-)
Which blue states do you think you can turn red?
Show me 96 EVs in swing states

Your candidates will get fewer electoral votes than Romney got

You will give back North Carolina and possibly Georgia

Run Cruz and Hillary will win 420 electoral votes

You run Hillary, and 1/2 of the Democratic constituents will stay home-) I know it, and you know it. Your job is to convince the people that what I say is not true, lol. Unfortunately, I know, YOU believe it, so you are WEAK, lol!

I am sorry WINGER and Conservatives, I admit I exaggerated. The actual predictions are, that if Hilly is the nominee, between 9 and 12% of the people who voted for Obama will not vote, or defect.

I apologize that I lied, but I am confident that the numbers I have put forth are true.

I won't tell you how far the GOP numbers jump UP, because at this time, it is depending upon which candidate it is. In any case, regardless of WHAT WINGER SAYS, take Ohio, and even with the WEAKEST Republican that is NOT establishment, 70% probability, YOU HAVE WON THE WHITEHOUSE!

I know I just pissed WINGER off, but I am sure he is privy to exactly the same things I am privy too. If he isn't, he just pissed his pants-)
Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

LOL, I like you being a soothsayer, it gives your troops over confidence.

Here is the deal WINGER.............for the last 2 elections at least, you have not won by promoting your candidate, but by tearing down ours. You had a blank slate with Obama, and the media sure wasn't going to vet him, now were they.

This time, the cards are with us, and you have a credibility, likability problem. We don't need horses to pull us over the finish line, you need horses to pull your voters outm of their homes for a unlikeable woman, lol.

Also, we have the enthusiasm, just like the Dems had for Obama.

Oh sure, if it is Trump or Cruz, you certainly will stir most ILLEGAL Hispanic voters who dare to try and pull that lever, but they are all in California, (we will give ya that) Illinois, (we figured to lose that too) New York, (haven't won that in years) and Florida. (which we have this time around)

You are going to lose, and the coat tails will probably keep the senate too. In fact, your best defense after the election, is probably hoping enough rinos will fight to hold on to the Washington establishment departments, because if not, they won't be there the next time you guys get back the Whitehouse. Whithout them, you really have no power at all, because once congress has to vote to pass regulations, the lefts whole safety net collapses; now doesn't it-)
Which blue states do you think you can turn red?
Show me 96 EVs in swing states

Your candidates will get fewer electoral votes than Romney got

You will give back North Carolina and possibly Georgia

Run Cruz and Hillary will win 420 electoral votes

You run Hillary, and 1/2 of the Democratic constituents will stay home-) I know it, and you know it. Your job is to convince the people that what I say is not true, lol. Unfortunately, I know, YOU believe it, so you are WEAK, lol!

Hillary will pull 60% of the women's vote
Run Cruz or Trump and Hillary will win by landslide
Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

LOL, I like you being a soothsayer, it gives your troops over confidence.

Here is the deal WINGER.............for the last 2 elections at least, you have not won by promoting your candidate, but by tearing down ours. You had a blank slate with Obama, and the media sure wasn't going to vet him, now were they.

This time, the cards are with us, and you have a credibility, likability problem. We don't need horses to pull us over the finish line, you need horses to pull your voters outm of their homes for a unlikeable woman, lol.

Also, we have the enthusiasm, just like the Dems had for Obama.

Oh sure, if it is Trump or Cruz, you certainly will stir most ILLEGAL Hispanic voters who dare to try and pull that lever, but they are all in California, (we will give ya that) Illinois, (we figured to lose that too) New York, (haven't won that in years) and Florida. (which we have this time around)

You are going to lose, and the coat tails will probably keep the senate too. In fact, your best defense after the election, is probably hoping enough rinos will fight to hold on to the Washington establishment departments, because if not, they won't be there the next time you guys get back the Whitehouse. Whithout them, you really have no power at all, because once congress has to vote to pass regulations, the lefts whole safety net collapses; now doesn't it-)
Which blue states do you think you can turn red?
Show me 96 EVs in swing states

Your candidates will get fewer electoral votes than Romney got

You will give back North Carolina and possibly Georgia

Run Cruz and Hillary will win 420 electoral votes

You run Hillary, and 1/2 of the Democratic constituents will stay home-) I know it, and you know it. Your job is to convince the people that what I say is not true, lol. Unfortunately, I know, YOU believe it, so you are WEAK, lol!

they know that Hillary is a corrupt lying bitch but they continue to try to convince themselves that she isn't.
You watch too much rightwing TV

You said the same crap about Obama.....Hillary will win by larger margins

Republicans have digressed that much
Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

LOL, I like you being a soothsayer, it gives your troops over confidence.

Here is the deal WINGER.............for the last 2 elections at least, you have not won by promoting your candidate, but by tearing down ours. You had a blank slate with Obama, and the media sure wasn't going to vet him, now were they.

This time, the cards are with us, and you have a credibility, likability problem. We don't need horses to pull us over the finish line, you need horses to pull your voters outm of their homes for a unlikeable woman, lol.

Also, we have the enthusiasm, just like the Dems had for Obama.

Oh sure, if it is Trump or Cruz, you certainly will stir most ILLEGAL Hispanic voters who dare to try and pull that lever, but they are all in California, (we will give ya that) Illinois, (we figured to lose that too) New York, (haven't won that in years) and Florida. (which we have this time around)

You are going to lose, and the coat tails will probably keep the senate too. In fact, your best defense after the election, is probably hoping enough rinos will fight to hold on to the Washington establishment departments, because if not, they won't be there the next time you guys get back the Whitehouse. Whithout them, you really have no power at all, because once congress has to vote to pass regulations, the lefts whole safety net collapses; now doesn't it-)
Which blue states do you think you can turn red?
Show me 96 EVs in swing states

Your candidates will get fewer electoral votes than Romney got

You will give back North Carolina and possibly Georgia

Run Cruz and Hillary will win 420 electoral votes

You run Hillary, and 1/2 of the Democratic constituents will stay home-) I know it, and you know it. Your job is to convince the people that what I say is not true, lol. Unfortunately, I know, YOU believe it, so you are WEAK, lol!

Hillary will pull 60% of the women's vote
Run Cruz or Trump and Hillary will win by landslide

I like one liners too to get paid-)


Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

LOL, I like you being a soothsayer, it gives your troops over confidence.

Here is the deal WINGER.............for the last 2 elections at least, you have not won by promoting your candidate, but by tearing down ours. You had a blank slate with Obama, and the media sure wasn't going to vet him, now were they.

This time, the cards are with us, and you have a credibility, likability problem. We don't need horses to pull us over the finish line, you need horses to pull your voters outm of their homes for a unlikeable woman, lol.

Also, we have the enthusiasm, just like the Dems had for Obama.

Oh sure, if it is Trump or Cruz, you certainly will stir most ILLEGAL Hispanic voters who dare to try and pull that lever, but they are all in California, (we will give ya that) Illinois, (we figured to lose that too) New York, (haven't won that in years) and Florida. (which we have this time around)

You are going to lose, and the coat tails will probably keep the senate too. In fact, your best defense after the election, is probably hoping enough rinos will fight to hold on to the Washington establishment departments, because if not, they won't be there the next time you guys get back the Whitehouse. Whithout them, you really have no power at all, because once congress has to vote to pass regulations, the lefts whole safety net collapses; now doesn't it-)
Which blue states do you think you can turn red?
Show me 96 EVs in swing states

Your candidates will get fewer electoral votes than Romney got

You will give back North Carolina and possibly Georgia

Run Cruz and Hillary will win 420 electoral votes

You run Hillary, and 1/2 of the Democratic constituents will stay home-) I know it, and you know it. Your job is to convince the people that what I say is not true, lol. Unfortunately, I know, YOU believe it, so you are WEAK, lol!

Hillary will pull 60% of the women's vote
Run Cruz or Trump and Hillary will win by landslide

I like one liners too to get paid-)

Heard the same crap about Obama

Remember "worst president of all time"?
How'd that one work out for you?
If that was the case, you wouldn't be gloating that the next REpublican President hasn't been born yet.

A cycle or two in the wilderness and some new blood and a new platform and boom, the political entity has evolved.

BUT your gloating has revealed that you know that is not an option in this case. Or at least a very unlikely one.

SO, please stop lying about it.

Bloc voting by minorities and split voting by whites, who do not bloc vote and the majority of whites will be permanently disenfranchised.

I have been agreeing with you on this trend. It is something other libs have been gloating about.

I have also been asking you to share with me/us your view on how this will work out to be a good thing.

Which is something you must think since you support the policies that are making it happens, ie Third World Immigration.

But you have refused to share your view of the future with me.

I'm beginning to wonder if you also think that such a future will be a nightmare for America as a whole and for White People in particular what with Disparate Impact Theory and no legal or political recourse.

But if that is the case why do you want it? Why push for an outcome that is not in the best interest of American or Americans?

If you read my posts on this thread, they have concentrated on the issue...namely, the electoral vote process has gotten to the point where Republicans can no longer get the 270 votes they need to win the White House

Rather than gloating, I am identifying a critical problem that Republicans need to address

Can a party called the Republicans eventually build a constituency that is once again capable of winning the White House? I believe they can.
Can this version of Republicanism ever win back the White House? That is no longer possible

Sorry, that is not what you are doing.

Policies and platforms change with each candidate. Yet you are stating that the next GOP President has not yet been born.

That is at least 36 years, and more likely 50 plus.

And that's not to say it won't be longer.

That is NOT an issue driven by policies, it is an issue driven by bloc identity voting, which is the half of the base of the Dems and growing half.

Thus permanent disenfranchisement.

So, please stop denying the obvious and share with my your vision of what a One Party State America will look like.

I'm thinking about 50 years

Republicans have marginalized themselves and blocked out a constituency that can't win
Like I said, Florida and Texas will ensure that the next Republican President hasn't been born yet
Hispanic populations with entrenched memories of the racist rhetoric emanating from right wing media. The punitive and demeaning laws targeted at Hispanics

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
They are not block voting....They are voting for the party that best represents their views

Republicans are doomed

You ever ask a pro-life religious black why they vote for the pro-abortion party?

It's block voting.

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.

You are one of the few people on this site other than myself that sees this train barreling down on us, and I am very curious as to your thoughts on it, and especially how and why you do not see it as the utter disaster for America that I do.

SO, please so being evasive and just answer the question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
Bull. This nation is still vastly Christian.

Having Christian influenced platforms such be a huge advantage in attracting voters.

Only something like 17% of Americans attend church EVERY Sunday.

Americans < claim > to be Christian but don't act like it at all.

CEO's attend church on Sunday and then lay off 10,000 people on Monday in order to make 1/2 of 1% extra profit for an already highly profitable company with no regard for the damage they do to thousands of families and their careers.

Americans DO practice one religion faithfully though.


Attending church every sunday?

That's a pretty self serving way to measure religion.

Correll, just a thought!

Why do you think every lefty atro turfing poster on this site is against Trump and Cruz and at the same time for Rubio and Bush? Because what Mr Winger says is only partially true. If the left is thrown out now, the plan they have hatched is not complete. With a change in Presidents will come a change in immigration. They need at least one more cycle to complete the take over, so they need to keep status quo. If the NEW President brings birthright citizenship to the fore front, and if it goes to the supreme court AFTER he appoints the 3 judges he surely will in this cycle, the left is done, and they know it.

The far left, conservatives, and libertarians are fighting for their political lives this election. Of the big 3, Trump, Cruz, and Hilly........whomever wins will have the capacity to set this country on a path the other side will no longer be able to reverse; in Washington anyway. Convention of states is still possible and pausible, but I would then expect the left to break the constitution boldly to stop the states dead in their tracks.

This IS that election. Choose wisely for the GOP nominee, or RIGHTWINGERS words will become reality if we can NOT get that nominee elected. No matter what he/they say we can still elect one of ours. That is why these turfers are fighting so hard. They have gotten this close, and fear we are going to take it away from them.

Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.
Republicans nominating Trump will be identified as the breaking point of the Republican Party

Which completely contradicts your constant references to demographic shift and ethnic voting patters.

Factors that were set in stone decades before Trump.

You're not making sense.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
Breaking news....three fatalities in last nights democrat "debate". All resulting from self inflicted wounds....
Bull. This nation is still vastly Christian.

Having Christian influenced platforms such be a huge advantage in attracting voters.

Only something like 17% of Americans attend church EVERY Sunday.

Americans < claim > to be Christian but don't act like it at all.

CEO's attend church on Sunday and then lay off 10,000 people on Monday in order to make 1/2 of 1% extra profit for an already highly profitable company with no regard for the damage they do to thousands of families and their careers.

Americans DO practice one religion faithfully though.


Attending church every sunday?

That's a pretty self serving way to measure religion.

Correll, just a thought!

Why do you think every lefty atro turfing poster on this site is against Trump and Cruz and at the same time for Rubio and Bush? Because what Mr Winger says is only partially true. If the left is thrown out now, the plan they have hatched is not complete. With a change in Presidents will come a change in immigration. They need at least one more cycle to complete the take over, so they need to keep status quo. If the NEW President brings birthright citizenship to the fore front, and if it goes to the supreme court AFTER he appoints the 3 judges he surely will in this cycle, the left is done, and they know it.

The far left, conservatives, and libertarians are fighting for their political lives this election. Of the big 3, Trump, Cruz, and Hilly........whomever wins will have the capacity to set this country on a path the other side will no longer be able to reverse; in Washington anyway. Convention of states is still possible and pausible, but I would then expect the left to break the constitution boldly to stop the states dead in their tracks.

This IS that election. Choose wisely for the GOP nominee, or RIGHTWINGERS words will become reality if we can NOT get that nominee elected. No matter what he/they say we can still elect one of ours. That is why these turfers are fighting so hard. They have gotten this close, and fear we are going to take it away from them.

Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

No my friend, I am not wrong. Why? Because these voters congregate in very big cities, and most of those states were long ago blue. We were never going to win California, New York, or Illinois. The Dems winning them by 2% or 10% mean nothing in the electoral college. A lot of states matter, but the main 2 are Florida, (we have Florida this time big) and Ohio.

There you have it, one state, Ohio. Win that state in 16, and your odds are 70-30, the GOP wins the Presidency. It is what it is, but as of this post, that is what it boils down to, because Florida is in the bag, and the Dems know it!

We used to win California. Till it was swamped by Third World Immigration.

And they do not stay in very big cities. They are spreading out.

Only something like 17% of Americans attend church EVERY Sunday.

Americans < claim > to be Christian but don't act like it at all.

CEO's attend church on Sunday and then lay off 10,000 people on Monday in order to make 1/2 of 1% extra profit for an already highly profitable company with no regard for the damage they do to thousands of families and their careers.

Americans DO practice one religion faithfully though.


Attending church every sunday?

That's a pretty self serving way to measure religion.

Correll, just a thought!

Why do you think every lefty atro turfing poster on this site is against Trump and Cruz and at the same time for Rubio and Bush? Because what Mr Winger says is only partially true. If the left is thrown out now, the plan they have hatched is not complete. With a change in Presidents will come a change in immigration. They need at least one more cycle to complete the take over, so they need to keep status quo. If the NEW President brings birthright citizenship to the fore front, and if it goes to the supreme court AFTER he appoints the 3 judges he surely will in this cycle, the left is done, and they know it.

The far left, conservatives, and libertarians are fighting for their political lives this election. Of the big 3, Trump, Cruz, and Hilly........whomever wins will have the capacity to set this country on a path the other side will no longer be able to reverse; in Washington anyway. Convention of states is still possible and pausible, but I would then expect the left to break the constitution boldly to stop the states dead in their tracks.

This IS that election. Choose wisely for the GOP nominee, or RIGHTWINGERS words will become reality if we can NOT get that nominee elected. No matter what he/they say we can still elect one of ours. That is why these turfers are fighting so hard. They have gotten this close, and fear we are going to take it away from them.

Personally, I'm afraid that you are wrong, and that it is too late, regardless of whether Trump gets elected.

What with all the Third World VOters that have been brought in who are now legally Americans, and children are legally americans.

BUT i agree that if there is any chance of a reversal, it has to be NOW and Trump is the very last chance.

No my friend, I am not wrong. Why? Because these voters congregate in very big cities, and most of those states were long ago blue. We were never going to win California, New York, or Illinois. The Dems winning them by 2% or 10% mean nothing in the electoral college. A lot of states matter, but the main 2 are Florida, (we have Florida this time big) and Ohio.

There you have it, one state, Ohio. Win that state in 16, and your odds are 70-30, the GOP wins the Presidency. It is what it is, but as of this post, that is what it boils down to, because Florida is in the bag, and the Dems know it!
Depends who you run

Bush or Rubio puts Florida in the hands of Republicans. Anyone else and Hillary wins big

Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Nevada....all blue

If Trump is the nominee, I think he can do well in the Rust Belt.
If you read my posts on this thread, they have concentrated on the issue...namely, the electoral vote process has gotten to the point where Republicans can no longer get the 270 votes they need to win the White House

Rather than gloating, I am identifying a critical problem that Republicans need to address

Can a party called the Republicans eventually build a constituency that is once again capable of winning the White House? I believe they can.
Can this version of Republicanism ever win back the White House? That is no longer possible

Sorry, that is not what you are doing.

Policies and platforms change with each candidate. Yet you are stating that the next GOP President has not yet been born.

That is at least 36 years, and more likely 50 plus.

And that's not to say it won't be longer.

That is NOT an issue driven by policies, it is an issue driven by bloc identity voting, which is the half of the base of the Dems and growing half.

Thus permanent disenfranchisement.

So, please stop denying the obvious and share with my your vision of what a One Party State America will look like.

I'm thinking about 50 years

Republicans have marginalized themselves and blocked out a constituency that can't win
Like I said, Florida and Texas will ensure that the next Republican President hasn't been born yet
Hispanic populations with entrenched memories of the racist rhetoric emanating from right wing media. The punitive and demeaning laws targeted at Hispanics

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
They are not block voting....They are voting for the party that best represents their views

Republicans are doomed

You ever ask a pro-life religious black why they vote for the pro-abortion party?

It's block voting.

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.

You are one of the few people on this site other than myself that sees this train barreling down on us, and I am very curious as to your thoughts on it, and especially how and why you do not see it as the utter disaster for America that I do.

SO, please so being evasive and just answer the question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
Actually it is voting on more than one issue. The fact that ALL minorities including Asians and Jews are repelled by Republicans should tell you something
Republicans made a choice....throw minorities under the bus to placate the bigots who flocked to their party in the 60s
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
Breaking news....three fatalities in last nights democrat "debate". All resulting from self inflicted wounds....

Two fatalities and they were DOA

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