The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

But then, Obama was weak and he got elected. Twice.

McCain was weaker. All the power of Geritol. Unlike Reagan, he came across as just an old man.

Romney blew it when he let Candy Crowley walk all over him.

Two good reasons to tell the Republican establishment to shut up and get out of the way.
Which Republicans at the time would have done better against Obama?

probably no one. black pride, white guilt and a biased media ensured an Obama victory.

But now that the country has seen the mistake it made, the next election will be quite different.
Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.
What will turn America into a third world country is not immigration but the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor. Wages that are not keeping up with escalating costs of food, healthcare and education

LOL, do you understand that the rich/poor gap has gotten wider under Obama? Under the socialist utopia that you seem to want, all of the power and all of the wealth will be controlled by a very small minority of super elites.

your naivety is very obvious. you have no idea what you are asking for.

Of course the wealth gap under Obama got wider.

After the Bush debacle, millions of Americans lost their houses, jobs and savings.

If people came through the Bush disaster WITHOUT losing their houses, jobs and savings then they benefitted from the Obama period of great stock market, recovering house values and jobs.

So yea, those with something have more than those that lost everything.

The weath gap grew. Thanks to the policies of Bush. It grew more under Obama thanks to the policies of Bush.

now that's some funny shit.

Obozo is not responsible for anything that happened during the last 7 years, right?

Booooosch did it. Are you really that fricken dumb?

You cant read very well can you?

I blamed (held responsible)Obama for the stock market recovery, the housing market recovery and jobs.

But he didnt have much to do with cheap gas.

Damn Obama.
Who cares?

It is what it is...what are Republicans going to do about it?

You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?

Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.

What's really strange is that that is what the libs seem to want. Are they really that stupid?

I've been trying to get RW to share.

Near as I can tell, he seems to be in some state of denial where whites will just suck it up and everything will be fine, and the lib agenda will be implemented and sometime after he is dead, things will return to a normal two party system.

As he is the only lib I can get to do anything on this issue other than giggle like a school yard bully, I can only assume that he is representative of the libs.

Until new information becomes available.
You have yet to define what whites have lost
Won't be a majority.

That's the point.

Between hard core leftist and minorities, the Dems will have an effective majority, soon to be an actual majority.

wrong, the actual headcounts don't support that theory. Plus you are assuming that whites who currently vote lib will stay that way as their rights and property are taken away from them.

No, i agree as time goes on and the Left becomes ever more blatant and oppressive in their discrimination against whites, or "attempts to address historical disadvantages" that more and more whites will start voting against them.

But even if that means a GOP President, that doesn't reverse the underlying demographic trends.

again you are assuming that each demographic will continue its current political ideology, I don't think that will happen.
Good point

What are Republicans offering that would change that ideology?

They are losing more of the Hispanic vote

you know winger, you are under the false impression that just because you say something on this message board, that it is true.

The Hispanic vote is very much up for grabs. Legal Hispanics (the ones who are voters) are opposed to illegal immigration and muslim invasion.

Again, you dem/libs count on ignorant voters and the numbers of ignorants are becoming smaller thanks to the internet.
Only legal Hispanics vote
In the 2012 election, 72% of those Hispanics voted Democrat
You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?

Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.

What's really strange is that that is what the libs seem to want. Are they really that stupid?

I've been trying to get RW to share.

Near as I can tell, he seems to be in some state of denial where whites will just suck it up and everything will be fine, and the lib agenda will be implemented and sometime after he is dead, things will return to a normal two party system.

As he is the only lib I can get to do anything on this issue other than giggle like a school yard bully, I can only assume that he is representative of the libs.

Until new information becomes available.
You have yet to define what whites have lost

....what whites have lost?
Their fucking minds. At least some have.
But then, Obama was weak and he got elected. Twice.

McCain was weaker. All the power of Geritol. Unlike Reagan, he came across as just an old man.

Romney blew it when he let Candy Crowley walk all over him.

Two good reasons to tell the Republican establishment to shut up and get out of the way.
Which Republicans at the time would have done better against Obama?

probably no one. black pride, white guilt and a biased media ensured an Obama victory.

But now that the country has seen the mistake it made, the next election will be quite different.
We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.
What will turn America into a third world country is not immigration but the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor. Wages that are not keeping up with escalating costs of food, healthcare and education

LOL, do you understand that the rich/poor gap has gotten wider under Obama? Under the socialist utopia that you seem to want, all of the power and all of the wealth will be controlled by a very small minority of super elites.

your naivety is very obvious. you have no idea what you are asking for.

Of course the wealth gap under Obama got wider.

After the Bush debacle, millions of Americans lost their houses, jobs and savings.

If people came through the Bush disaster WITHOUT losing their houses, jobs and savings then they benefitted from the Obama period of great stock market, recovering house values and jobs.

So yea, those with something have more than those that lost everything.

The weath gap grew. Thanks to the policies of Bush. It grew more under Obama thanks to the policies of Bush.

now that's some funny shit.

Obozo is not responsible for anything that happened during the last 7 years, right?

Booooosch did it. Are you really that fricken dumb?

You cant read very well can you?

I blamed (held responsible)Obama for the stock market recovery, the housing market recovery and jobs.

But he didnt have much to do with cheap gas.

Damn Obama.

specifically what did Obama do to make the stock market go up?. Give us a list of his specific actions and how they impacted the market in a positive manner.

Also, give us a list of the specific actions he took that caused gas prices to fall. You can leave out the reduced demand due to so many people being out of work if you like.

Since unemployment and under employment have been at record levels during his terms, I can't wait for you to tell us how he created jobs. Then tell it to recent college grads who are flipping burgers with their degrees in engineering.
wrong, the actual headcounts don't support that theory. Plus you are assuming that whites who currently vote lib will stay that way as their rights and property are taken away from them.

No, i agree as time goes on and the Left becomes ever more blatant and oppressive in their discrimination against whites, or "attempts to address historical disadvantages" that more and more whites will start voting against them.

But even if that means a GOP President, that doesn't reverse the underlying demographic trends.

again you are assuming that each demographic will continue its current political ideology, I don't think that will happen.
Good point

What are Republicans offering that would change that ideology?

They are losing more of the Hispanic vote

you know winger, you are under the false impression that just because you say something on this message board, that it is true.

The Hispanic vote is very much up for grabs. Legal Hispanics (the ones who are voters) are opposed to illegal immigration and muslim invasion.

Again, you dem/libs count on ignorant voters and the numbers of ignorants are becoming smaller thanks to the internet.
Only legal Hispanics vote
In the 2012 election, 72% of those Hispanics voted Democrat

that will change significantly in 2016.

UMMM, the dead who voted for Obama, were they Hispanics, whites, blacks? looking for some clarification here.

Obama and the libs want illegals to be able to vote, do you? yes or no.
Won't be a majority.

That's the point.

Between hard core leftist and minorities, the Dems will have an effective majority, soon to be an actual majority.

wrong, the actual headcounts don't support that theory. Plus you are assuming that whites who currently vote lib will stay that way as their rights and property are taken away from them.

No, i agree as time goes on and the Left becomes ever more blatant and oppressive in their discrimination against whites, or "attempts to address historical disadvantages" that more and more whites will start voting against them.

But even if that means a GOP President, that doesn't reverse the underlying demographic trends.

again you are assuming that each demographic will continue its current political ideology, I don't think that will happen.

Yes I do.

Because it's not ideology.

Pro-life religious blacks are firmly in the pocket of the pro-abortion party.

For one example.

that is changing. blacks are not as homogeneous as the dems think they are. Tim Scott, Allen West, Mia Love, Ben Carson. All have huge black support and are conservative republicans.

the real enemy here is ignorance and lack of education. The dems need an ignorant populace to continue in power.

I hope you are correct.
wrong, the actual headcounts don't support that theory. Plus you are assuming that whites who currently vote lib will stay that way as their rights and property are taken away from them.

No, i agree as time goes on and the Left becomes ever more blatant and oppressive in their discrimination against whites, or "attempts to address historical disadvantages" that more and more whites will start voting against them.

But even if that means a GOP President, that doesn't reverse the underlying demographic trends.

again you are assuming that each demographic will continue its current political ideology, I don't think that will happen.

Yes I do.

Because it's not ideology.

Pro-life religious blacks are firmly in the pocket of the pro-abortion party.

For one example.

that is changing. blacks are not as homogeneous as the dems think they are. Tim Scott, Allen West, Mia Love, Ben Carson. All have huge black support and are conservative republicans.

the real enemy here is ignorance and lack of education. The dems need an ignorant populace to continue in power.

I hope you are correct.

I do too. Otherwise the USA is over as a free democratic republic.
But then, Obama was weak and he got elected. Twice.

McCain was weaker. All the power of Geritol. Unlike Reagan, he came across as just an old man.

Romney blew it when he let Candy Crowley walk all over him.

Two good reasons to tell the Republican establishment to shut up and get out of the way.
Which Republicans at the time would have done better against Obama?

probably no one. black pride, white guilt and a biased media ensured an Obama victory.

But now that the country has seen the mistake it made, the next election will be quite different.
What will turn America into a third world country is not immigration but the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor. Wages that are not keeping up with escalating costs of food, healthcare and education

LOL, do you understand that the rich/poor gap has gotten wider under Obama? Under the socialist utopia that you seem to want, all of the power and all of the wealth will be controlled by a very small minority of super elites.

your naivety is very obvious. you have no idea what you are asking for.

Of course the wealth gap under Obama got wider.

After the Bush debacle, millions of Americans lost their houses, jobs and savings.

If people came through the Bush disaster WITHOUT losing their houses, jobs and savings then they benefitted from the Obama period of great stock market, recovering house values and jobs.

So yea, those with something have more than those that lost everything.

The weath gap grew. Thanks to the policies of Bush. It grew more under Obama thanks to the policies of Bush.

now that's some funny shit.

Obozo is not responsible for anything that happened during the last 7 years, right?

Booooosch did it. Are you really that fricken dumb?

You cant read very well can you?

I blamed (held responsible)Obama for the stock market recovery, the housing market recovery and jobs.

But he didnt have much to do with cheap gas.

Damn Obama.

specifically what did Obama do to make the stock market go up?. Give us a list of his specific actions and how they impacted the market in a positive manner.

Also, give us a list of the specific actions he took that caused gas prices to fall. You can leave out the reduced demand due to so many people being out of work if you like.

Since unemployment and under employment have been at record levels during his terms, I can't wait for you to tell us how he created jobs. Then tell it to recent college grads who are flipping burgers with their degrees in engineering.

Redfish, sorry to hear that YOU are poor and suffering.

You must have really lost your ass under Bush to not have benefitted during Obama.

The topic was wealth gap. Yes it has grown. I explained why. But I will again.

Under Bush, people lost homes, jobs and savings. Fact. How it came to be you can argue about forever. But it still happened under President Bush.

Under Obama, the stock market came way back, home values rebounded and jobs were created. Facts. Obama may not have had jack shit to do with any of it and that can be argued forever.

But thats how the wealth gap changed so much. Millions lost about everything and other millions managed to hang on and benefitted from recovery.

Sorry to hear you are one that didnt get to benefit.
You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?

Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.

What's really strange is that that is what the libs seem to want. Are they really that stupid?

I've been trying to get RW to share.

Near as I can tell, he seems to be in some state of denial where whites will just suck it up and everything will be fine, and the lib agenda will be implemented and sometime after he is dead, things will return to a normal two party system.

As he is the only lib I can get to do anything on this issue other than giggle like a school yard bully, I can only assume that he is representative of the libs.

Until new information becomes available.
You have yet to define what whites have lost

The most obvious is anti-white discrimination, in hiring, promotions, university slots, ect.

An issue that is hurting a lot of whites NOW, and that you libs will very quickly make worse when you get a Liberal court with Disparate Impact Theory.

That alone supports my fears of a future of unending racial strife.

BUT I'm sure there will be other ways for you lefties to piss on whites and increase anger and resentment.

Like telling white over and over again that they are bad people when they complain about being discriminated against because they are racist.

As I mentioned before, "rubbing salt in a wound".
wrong, the actual headcounts don't support that theory. Plus you are assuming that whites who currently vote lib will stay that way as their rights and property are taken away from them.

No, i agree as time goes on and the Left becomes ever more blatant and oppressive in their discrimination against whites, or "attempts to address historical disadvantages" that more and more whites will start voting against them.

But even if that means a GOP President, that doesn't reverse the underlying demographic trends.

again you are assuming that each demographic will continue its current political ideology, I don't think that will happen.
Good point

What are Republicans offering that would change that ideology?

They are losing more of the Hispanic vote

you know winger, you are under the false impression that just because you say something on this message board, that it is true.

The Hispanic vote is very much up for grabs. Legal Hispanics (the ones who are voters) are opposed to illegal immigration and muslim invasion.

Again, you dem/libs count on ignorant voters and the numbers of ignorants are becoming smaller thanks to the internet.
Only legal Hispanics vote
In the 2012 election, 72% of those Hispanics voted Democrat

Illegals have kids who grow up to block vote for dems.
Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.

What's really strange is that that is what the libs seem to want. Are they really that stupid?

I've been trying to get RW to share.

Near as I can tell, he seems to be in some state of denial where whites will just suck it up and everything will be fine, and the lib agenda will be implemented and sometime after he is dead, things will return to a normal two party system.

As he is the only lib I can get to do anything on this issue other than giggle like a school yard bully, I can only assume that he is representative of the libs.

Until new information becomes available.
You have yet to define what whites have lost

The most obvious is anti-white discrimination, in hiring, promotions, university slots, ect.

An issue that is hurting a lot of whites NOW, and that you libs will very quickly make worse when you get a Liberal court with Disparate Impact Theory.

That alone supports my fears of a future of unending racial strife.

BUT I'm sure there will be other ways for you lefties to piss on whites and increase anger and resentment.

Like telling white over and over again that they are bad people when they complain about being discriminated against because they are racist.

As I mentioned before, "rubbing salt in a wound".

Most of that was 40 years ago with some of the strongest affirmative action laws under Reagan in the 80s

NOW...whites want to rebel?
No, i agree as time goes on and the Left becomes ever more blatant and oppressive in their discrimination against whites, or "attempts to address historical disadvantages" that more and more whites will start voting against them.

But even if that means a GOP President, that doesn't reverse the underlying demographic trends.

again you are assuming that each demographic will continue its current political ideology, I don't think that will happen.

Yes I do.

Because it's not ideology.

Pro-life religious blacks are firmly in the pocket of the pro-abortion party.

For one example.

that is changing. blacks are not as homogeneous as the dems think they are. Tim Scott, Allen West, Mia Love, Ben Carson. All have huge black support and are conservative republicans.

the real enemy here is ignorance and lack of education. The dems need an ignorant populace to continue in power.

I hope you are correct.

I do too. Otherwise the USA is over as a free democratic republic.
No, i agree as time goes on and the Left becomes ever more blatant and oppressive in their discrimination against whites, or "attempts to address historical disadvantages" that more and more whites will start voting against them.

But even if that means a GOP President, that doesn't reverse the underlying demographic trends.

again you are assuming that each demographic will continue its current political ideology, I don't think that will happen.

Yes I do.

Because it's not ideology.

Pro-life religious blacks are firmly in the pocket of the pro-abortion party.

For one example.

that is changing. blacks are not as homogeneous as the dems think they are. Tim Scott, Allen West, Mia Love, Ben Carson. All have huge black support and are conservative republicans.

the real enemy here is ignorance and lack of education. The dems need an ignorant populace to continue in power.

I hope you are correct.

I do too. Otherwise the USA is over as a free democratic republic.

"otherwise the USA is over as a free democratic republic. RF"

Hate to tell ya Red, but there will be hundreds of millions of dollars spent on this election.

That aint a "free democratic republic" when they spend that much money.

and now that the Repubs were successful in getting more dark money into politics, it just got less free.

Or do you think these people spend hundreds of millions of dollars not trying to " buy" something? '

Like maybe they are buying a politician?
That aint free. Or freedom.
We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.

What's really strange is that that is what the libs seem to want. Are they really that stupid?

I've been trying to get RW to share.

Near as I can tell, he seems to be in some state of denial where whites will just suck it up and everything will be fine, and the lib agenda will be implemented and sometime after he is dead, things will return to a normal two party system.

As he is the only lib I can get to do anything on this issue other than giggle like a school yard bully, I can only assume that he is representative of the libs.

Until new information becomes available.
You have yet to define what whites have lost

The most obvious is anti-white discrimination, in hiring, promotions, university slots, ect.

An issue that is hurting a lot of whites NOW, and that you libs will very quickly make worse when you get a Liberal court with Disparate Impact Theory.

That alone supports my fears of a future of unending racial strife.

BUT I'm sure there will be other ways for you lefties to piss on whites and increase anger and resentment.

Like telling white over and over again that they are bad people when they complain about being discriminated against because they are racist.

As I mentioned before, "rubbing salt in a wound".

Most of that was 40 years ago with some of the strongest affirmative action laws under Reagan in the 80s

NOW...whites want to rebel?

I've seen it in promotions within the last 20 years, and the SAT bonus for black skin is ongoing and well documented. For two easy examples.

We've reviewed the New Haven case from 2003 repeatedly and how ALL THE DEM appointees voted for Blatant Discrimination under Disparate Impact Theory.

It's bad and set to get far worse.

YOur dismissal of legal discrimination is incredibly demonstrative of the type of treatment whites can expect under a One Party State ruled by dems.
What's really strange is that that is what the libs seem to want. Are they really that stupid?

I've been trying to get RW to share.

Near as I can tell, he seems to be in some state of denial where whites will just suck it up and everything will be fine, and the lib agenda will be implemented and sometime after he is dead, things will return to a normal two party system.

As he is the only lib I can get to do anything on this issue other than giggle like a school yard bully, I can only assume that he is representative of the libs.

Until new information becomes available.
You have yet to define what whites have lost

The most obvious is anti-white discrimination, in hiring, promotions, university slots, ect.

An issue that is hurting a lot of whites NOW, and that you libs will very quickly make worse when you get a Liberal court with Disparate Impact Theory.

That alone supports my fears of a future of unending racial strife.

BUT I'm sure there will be other ways for you lefties to piss on whites and increase anger and resentment.

Like telling white over and over again that they are bad people when they complain about being discriminated against because they are racist.

As I mentioned before, "rubbing salt in a wound".

Most of that was 40 years ago with some of the strongest affirmative action laws under Reagan in the 80s

NOW...whites want to rebel?

I've seen it in promotions within the last 20 years, and the SAT bonus for black skin is ongoing and well documented. For two easy examples.

We've reviewed the New Haven case from 2003 repeatedly and how ALL THE DEM appointees voted for Blatant Discrimination under Disparate Impact Theory.

It's bad and set to get far worse.

YOur dismissal of legal discrimination is incredibly demonstrative of the type of treatment whites can expect under a One Party State ruled by dems.
Nothing compared to EEO and AA regulations in the 70 s and 80s

You think NOW whites are going to finally rebel?
Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.

What's really strange is that that is what the libs seem to want. Are they really that stupid?

I've been trying to get RW to share.

Near as I can tell, he seems to be in some state of denial where whites will just suck it up and everything will be fine, and the lib agenda will be implemented and sometime after he is dead, things will return to a normal two party system.

As he is the only lib I can get to do anything on this issue other than giggle like a school yard bully, I can only assume that he is representative of the libs.

Until new information becomes available.
You have yet to define what whites have lost

The most obvious is anti-white discrimination, in hiring, promotions, university slots, ect.

An issue that is hurting a lot of whites NOW, and that you libs will very quickly make worse when you get a Liberal court with Disparate Impact Theory.

That alone supports my fears of a future of unending racial strife.

BUT I'm sure there will be other ways for you lefties to piss on whites and increase anger and resentment.

Like telling white over and over again that they are bad people when they complain about being discriminated against because they are racist.

As I mentioned before, "rubbing salt in a wound".

Dayum, I been white all my life and I dont ever remember being discriminated agaainst.

Got all white kids. No discrimination. Unless you count running track. My daughter didnt get to run the 100m. A black runner was much faster.

Is that what you mean? Msybe it was God discriminating against the whites.

You know Jesus was a brown person. Right?
McCain was weaker. All the power of Geritol. Unlike Reagan, he came across as just an old man.

Romney blew it when he let Candy Crowley walk all over him.

Two good reasons to tell the Republican establishment to shut up and get out of the way.
Which Republicans at the time would have done better against Obama?

probably no one. black pride, white guilt and a biased media ensured an Obama victory.

But now that the country has seen the mistake it made, the next election will be quite different.
LOL, do you understand that the rich/poor gap has gotten wider under Obama? Under the socialist utopia that you seem to want, all of the power and all of the wealth will be controlled by a very small minority of super elites.

your naivety is very obvious. you have no idea what you are asking for.

Of course the wealth gap under Obama got wider.

After the Bush debacle, millions of Americans lost their houses, jobs and savings.

If people came through the Bush disaster WITHOUT losing their houses, jobs and savings then they benefitted from the Obama period of great stock market, recovering house values and jobs.

So yea, those with something have more than those that lost everything.

The weath gap grew. Thanks to the policies of Bush. It grew more under Obama thanks to the policies of Bush.

now that's some funny shit.

Obozo is not responsible for anything that happened during the last 7 years, right?

Booooosch did it. Are you really that fricken dumb?

You cant read very well can you?

I blamed (held responsible)Obama for the stock market recovery, the housing market recovery and jobs.

But he didnt have much to do with cheap gas.

Damn Obama.

specifically what did Obama do to make the stock market go up?. Give us a list of his specific actions and how they impacted the market in a positive manner.

Also, give us a list of the specific actions he took that caused gas prices to fall. You can leave out the reduced demand due to so many people being out of work if you like.

Since unemployment and under employment have been at record levels during his terms, I can't wait for you to tell us how he created jobs. Then tell it to recent college grads who are flipping burgers with their degrees in engineering.

Redfish, sorry to hear that YOU are poor and suffering.

You must have really lost your ass under Bush to not have benefitted during Obama.

The topic was wealth gap. Yes it has grown. I explained why. But I will again.

Under Bush, people lost homes, jobs and savings. Fact. How it came to be you can argue about forever. But it still happened under President Bush.

Under Obama, the stock market came way back, home values rebounded and jobs were created. Facts. Obama may not have had jack shit to do with any of it and that can be argued forever.

But thats how the wealth gap changed so much. Millions lost about everything and other millions managed to hang on and benefitted from recovery.

Sorry to hear you are one that didnt get to benefit.

Your attempt at being a circus clown has failed. I have done just fine personally and will continue to do so, your concern is misplaced.

You earlier claimed that Obama caused the market to go up and now you admit that he "may not have had jack shit to do with it" We agree. Now why did you lie about it in the first place?

So in your small mind Bush personally caused everything that happened during his terms but obozo has had zero to do with what has happened during his.

Maybe some time in a mental institution is what you need.
We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.

What's really strange is that that is what the libs seem to want. Are they really that stupid?

I've been trying to get RW to share.

Near as I can tell, he seems to be in some state of denial where whites will just suck it up and everything will be fine, and the lib agenda will be implemented and sometime after he is dead, things will return to a normal two party system.

As he is the only lib I can get to do anything on this issue other than giggle like a school yard bully, I can only assume that he is representative of the libs.

Until new information becomes available.
You have yet to define what whites have lost

The most obvious is anti-white discrimination, in hiring, promotions, university slots, ect.

An issue that is hurting a lot of whites NOW, and that you libs will very quickly make worse when you get a Liberal court with Disparate Impact Theory.

That alone supports my fears of a future of unending racial strife.

BUT I'm sure there will be other ways for you lefties to piss on whites and increase anger and resentment.

Like telling white over and over again that they are bad people when they complain about being discriminated against because they are racist.

As I mentioned before, "rubbing salt in a wound".

Dayum, I been white all my life and I dont ever remember being discriminated agaainst.

Got all white kids. No discrimination. Unless you count running track. My daughter didnt get to run the 100m. A black runner was much faster.

Is that what you mean? Msybe it was God discriminating against the whites.

You know Jesus was a brown person. Right?

If your daughter and a black girl with the same grades apply for admission to a state university, which one do you think will be higher on the acceptance list? Is that not discrimination?

Jesus was God incarnate. He was no race and all races.
again you are assuming that each demographic will continue its current political ideology, I don't think that will happen.

Yes I do.

Because it's not ideology.

Pro-life religious blacks are firmly in the pocket of the pro-abortion party.

For one example.

that is changing. blacks are not as homogeneous as the dems think they are. Tim Scott, Allen West, Mia Love, Ben Carson. All have huge black support and are conservative republicans.

the real enemy here is ignorance and lack of education. The dems need an ignorant populace to continue in power.

I hope you are correct.

I do too. Otherwise the USA is over as a free democratic republic.
again you are assuming that each demographic will continue its current political ideology, I don't think that will happen.

Yes I do.

Because it's not ideology.

Pro-life religious blacks are firmly in the pocket of the pro-abortion party.

For one example.

that is changing. blacks are not as homogeneous as the dems think they are. Tim Scott, Allen West, Mia Love, Ben Carson. All have huge black support and are conservative republicans.

the real enemy here is ignorance and lack of education. The dems need an ignorant populace to continue in power.

I hope you are correct.

I do too. Otherwise the USA is over as a free democratic republic.

"otherwise the USA is over as a free democratic republic. RF"

Hate to tell ya Red, but there will be hundreds of millions of dollars spent on this election.

That aint a "free democratic republic" when they spend that much money.

and now that the Repubs were successful in getting more dark money into politics, it just got less free.

Or do you think these people spend hundreds of millions of dollars not trying to " buy" something? '

Like maybe they are buying a politician?
That aint free. Or freedom.

all the more reason to vote for Trump, no one owns him, he owes no favors to any special interests.

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