The NIST 9-11 Report on the WTC Collapse


There were many reports and witnesses to explosions within the WTC towers. These came from many sources that included news reporters who were told to step back because of reports of 2ndary devices. There were witnesses to huge explosions in the basements as well.
It would seem logical that an investigation would include some analysis of these explosions.
The WTC was bombed in 1993 afterall, and so many people on 9-11 reported this.
Something ripped through the WTC 1 concourse lobby at about the time of the impact, blowing out windows and crumpling steel doors. The same blast even knocked marble slabs off the walls in the lobby. Custodians also heard explosions in the WTC 1 basement. A machine shop was wrecked, as well as a car garage.
NIST, has never identified an energy source in the WTC capable of producing such massive explosions.
We can see on videos explosions taking place throughout the towers, some many stories below the collapse fronts. I even found one video that shows a person being blown out of a window...
We can also see that much of the towers were pulverized by some energy source that remains unidentified. If this were a collapse with floors pancaking down on top of each other, we should expect to see some floors remaining relatively intact, in the middle of the "pancaked" floors primarily.

Each floor of the 110 story WTC towers, one acre in size, consisted of a 4-inch thick slabs of concrete on a deck of 22 gauge steel. During the collapse some force pulverized nearly all of this concrete into dust.

The concrete wasn't pulverized as the 1 acre floors hit the ground, but instead, they seemingly were pulverized in midair as the buildings explosively disintegrated.
One towers top section even tilted, but mysteriously instead of toppling over, it disintegrated and there were forcible ejections of massive tons of building materials.
Concrete wasn't the only thing to be disintegrated as many of the furnishings, like desks, chairs, storage cabinets, and people were blown to bits. Some bone fragments were found way across the street on the Deutsch Bank building.
Less than 300 corpses were recovered in the wreckage.
Workers found more than 700 slivers of bone, on the roof and within the that structure.

These towers did not seem to pancake floor by floor, and provide any resistance, instead they looked to just be exploding one by one in rapid succession. The towers fell straight down as if there was no resistance whatsoever., as we can see plumes of ejected materials exploding out of the buildings with great force, and again some of these plumes were 10-20- stories BELOW the collapse fronts. This would rule out them being "air" caused by the "pancaking" floors.

So I challenge any of you OC theorists, to explain this and point out what the NIST report has to say regarding these other anomalies...

Could gravity turn massive slabs of concrete, thousands of tons of material, into fine dust, in midair?

2012 New WTC Demolition Flashes and Loud Explosions (Analysis) - YouTube

No one wants to try and tackle this issue? It is yet another instance where it can be shown NIST ignored numerous reports, evidence and witnesses, and by doing so they lost more credibility, integrity, and showed they are dishonest.

[ame=]2012 New WTC Demolition Flashes and Loud Explosions (Analysis) - YouTube[/ame]
asked answered and debunked there is no evidence of explosives being used . no physical: un exploded ordinance or det cord, radio controlled detonator parts, no thermite of any kind.
no visual or audio evidence of blast waves . so all your evidence in shit.

how's this for zero credibility :About Xendrius This channel is ENTIRELY covering Illuminati related subjects and conspiracies. This is the home of the original Conspiritus Illuminati series.

All videos, short films and documetaries here are made by Xendrius

NIST did not properly consider or investigate any of the things mentioned, and the video is a sold piece of documentary evidence, that you nor NIST can explain, which is why you have to resort to ridiculing the makers who re-posted it on the U Tube channel, instead of
trying to discuss what is in the video...
Again NIST ignores numerous reports, eyewitnesses, and video evidence, so they can then say" no evidence of any explosions" and in order to keep your OCT in play, you must
defend their dishonesty, because you can't even provide a rational explanation for this either. This is what I mean when you fucks hide behind the NIST dishonest report.
This is another instance, like the melted steel, that was ignored, and went against the many people, and reports of something of significance that was of vital important regarding the 9-11 event at the WTC.

Asshole idiots like you will always assume non of the above parts were ever found, when such a plan would be secret and assured that such no such things would even survive, to even be found, let alone be searched for.
You simply must depend on the fact that NIST did not do a proper job, and ignored things that might have pointed to any evidence other then jet fuel and fires, and you must pretend and act like NIST did no wrong in the face of much opposition to the contrary.
You don't supply even a whimper of substantiating this and many other instances, of NIST deceiving and lying..So you defend unethical behavior, and defend lies, and think that by doing so, you have some sort of a valid point...

Why are you such a pussy, and wont even try to substantiate or argue in favor of your CT views and choose instead to hide behind NIST skirt?

There were many reports and witnesses to explosions within the WTC towers. These came from many sources that included news reporters who were told to step back because of reports of 2ndary devices. There were witnesses to huge explosions in the basements as well.
It would seem logical that an investigation would include some analysis of these explosions.
The WTC was bombed in 1993 afterall, and so many people on 9-11 reported this.
Something ripped through the WTC 1 concourse lobby at about the time of the impact, blowing out windows and crumpling steel doors. The same blast even knocked marble slabs off the walls in the lobby. Custodians also heard explosions in the WTC 1 basement. A machine shop was wrecked, as well as a car garage.
NIST, has never identified an energy source in the WTC capable of producing such massive explosions.
We can see on videos explosions taking place throughout the towers, some many stories below the collapse fronts. I even found one video that shows a person being blown out of a window...
We can also see that much of the towers were pulverized by some energy source that remains unidentified. If this were a collapse with floors pancaking down on top of each other, we should expect to see some floors remaining relatively intact, in the middle of the "pancaked" floors primarily.

Each floor of the 110 story WTC towers, one acre in size, consisted of a 4-inch thick slabs of concrete on a deck of 22 gauge steel. During the collapse some force pulverized nearly all of this concrete into dust.

The concrete wasn't pulverized as the 1 acre floors hit the ground, but instead, they seemingly were pulverized in midair as the buildings explosively disintegrated.
One towers top section even tilted, but mysteriously instead of toppling over, it disintegrated and there were forcible ejections of massive tons of building materials.
Concrete wasn't the only thing to be disintegrated as many of the furnishings, like desks, chairs, storage cabinets, and people were blown to bits. Some bone fragments were found way across the street on the Deutsch Bank building.
Less than 300 corpses were recovered in the wreckage.
Workers found more than 700 slivers of bone, on the roof and within the that structure.

These towers did not seem to pancake floor by floor, and provide any resistance, instead they looked to just be exploding one by one in rapid succession. The towers fell straight down as if there was no resistance whatsoever., as we can see plumes of ejected materials exploding out of the buildings with great force, and again some of these plumes were 10-20- stories BELOW the collapse fronts. This would rule out them being "air" caused by the "pancaking" floors.

So I challenge any of you OC theorists, to explain this and point out what the NIST report has to say regarding these other anomalies...

Could gravity turn massive slabs of concrete, thousands of tons of material, into fine dust, in midair?

2012 New WTC Demolition Flashes and Loud Explosions (Analysis) - YouTube

No one wants to try and tackle this issue? It is yet another instance where it can be shown NIST ignored numerous reports, evidence and witnesses, and by doing so they lost more credibility, integrity, and showed they are dishonest.

[ame=]2012 New WTC Demolition Flashes and Loud Explosions (Analysis) - YouTube[/ame]
asked answered and debunked there is no evidence of explosives being used . no physical: un exploded ordinance or det cord, radio controlled detonator parts, no thermite of any kind.
no visual or audio evidence of blast waves . so all your evidence in shit.

how's this for zero credibility :About Xendrius This channel is ENTIRELY covering Illuminati related subjects and conspiracies. This is the home of the original Conspiritus Illuminati series.

All videos, short films and documetaries here are made by Xendrius

What do you know about credibility? You avoid providing any response to the points being made, because you have nothing of significance to rebuttal with..So you think the other readers will pay attention to your stupid tactics and divert their attention away from what is actually in the video that is germane to the topic at hand..You assume people are stupid and would just not notice your tired and cowardly tactics and attempt to sidetrack them from the points being made..
This is the kind of BS you and the other anti American, dishonest trolls do on these boards on a daily basis, and it's become obvious..
When you can't defend, or substantiate the deviousness of NIST and the other segments that have lied to Americas people, you try to point in another direction in hopes the readers are so weak, timid and stupid they will forget about what the video actually shows and talks about...
Ridiculing the messenger is just one of the more obvious tactics all of you anti American, anti truth scumbags use a lot around here, especially at times when you are defeated, and can't answer or defend NIST, the governments own OCT, and your own short comings regarding this topic..

We can all see why you are here, and the purpose behind you selling whatever honesty, and integrity you may have once upon a time had.

You people simply must try to defend the criminal actions of a few criminals that were in positions of authority in our government at the time, and no amount of slimy, shameful trolling activity or tactics and glaringly obvious anti American trolling and behavior is too low for you scumbags to stoop to.

Anything or anyone who opposes the OCT, and NIST you are right there to defend..You don't do a very good job at it and are all very poor spokes people for their behalf, but you whip out every tactic in the book, when it comes to defending the liars and the lies, and every chance you get to try and discredit honest Americans, who have the right to question 9-11 and other things of importance to them, you try with all your tactics that include ridiculing makers of a video whose contents regarding the explosions and "squibs" have been posted every where on U Tube....

The false flag attack committed on the American people, is a crime. It has changed the lives of all who live in America, and the world, and when there is video proof that calls into question the credibility of the NIST investigation and reports and there is evidence
of a cover up, then the American people have a right to know about it, and it doesn't matter who posts a video, or link about it.
The fact is that NIST was dishonest, and many people can see that for themselves, and every chance that you get to stand with Americans regarding this instead of with the liars and criminals, you always always choose the latter.

You never miss out on an opportunity to trash talk anyone or anything that might give an American citizen any intelligent insight into what is so important to him/her and their nation.
But you suck at defending the lies, and the narrative, and you don't have a clue what you're even talking about at times, but it makes no difference to you, as long as you have a chance to piss on America and her citizens, by God you'll try to go for it, no matter how stupid, ridiculous, dishonest, or wildly unpopular you may be.
I have never run across more anti American sentiment, and accolades FOR dishonesty, and cheer leading for liars, their lies, and criminal behavior...anywhere...then the scumbags that post on here in favor of the most outrageous conspiracy theory and lies that have ever been perpetrated upon the American public in all of history, although the fraud that is the Federal Reserve and the monetary system gives it a run for its money.

I set out in this thread to point out why I don't believe the NIST investigation is honest, thorough, or credible, and I have made 2 points of 2 instances, that other very credible people in the pertinent fields of study, have been pointing out, and that me and many others have taken the time to research and look into.
Some of the defenses of the NIST are weak, lame, and use no rational figures, or calculations, or common sense at all, and depend on having to use the fact that NIST was a defense!!

The melted steel was just one example where you people have not produced any rational counter to a valid point, and one of you even stooped so low as to actually lay the blame and responsibility to the GZ workers and observers, for NIST not doing its job properly..

You are a shameful bunch, that will cling onto the most unlikely, weak unsubstantiated things that you can grab and use them in any way possible, in order to keep people from
thinking about what this thread is about.....
At least those that come here can now see who cares about their nation, and why so many don't trust or believe that what they have been told about the demise of the WTC buildings, and that it is filled with lies and a cover ups.

The WTC had melted steel. It should not have. It had extreme temps in the wreckage piles in the sub basements, some 70 feet below the surface.
They shouldn't have. This was important, and NIST ignored them and the hundreds of credible people.
There were hundreds of reports of explosions, from numerous credible people.
We can see evidence of explosions coming from the sides of the buildings in rapid succession 10-20-30 stories below the collapse fronts...
NIST again ignored this and the numerous credible people.
There were explosions in the basements and sub basements.
NIST again ignored this and the witnesses..
There was pulverization of concrete. NIST ignore this too..

So how can we even begin to believe anything that NIST and the people in charge at the time, is even true, or accurate, when so may times the ignored the evidence?

Because, they had a job to do. And that job was to make sure they came up with an explanation that included 3 things and ONLY those 3 things...Planes, fires, and gravity, and they ignored anything else. You OCT defenders have much the same job today that NIST had back then, and that is to ignore or ridicule anything that contradicts, with the NIST report, while also defending the fact that they DID IGNORE ANYTHING ELSE!
Problem is, NIST did such an obvious shitty job people can notice it right away, and you fucks do such a shitty job defending THEIR shitty job, that this too can be noticed right away...
We don't know exactly what caused the phenomena s that NIST ignored and purposefully failed to include in their investigation and reports, but because we don't or can't definitively say, does not mean that they did not occur, or that it is justifiable to pretend "there is no evidence".
The people that think this action by NIST and the government is justifiable, and are happy about it, then you truly are people who don't care about this country or its people, and disrespect all those who died on that day, and all those who died and continue to die because of the lies.
No one wants to try and tackle this issue? It is yet another instance where it can be shown NIST ignored numerous reports, evidence and witnesses, and by doing so they lost more credibility, integrity, and showed they are dishonest.

2012 New WTC Demolition Flashes and Loud Explosions (Analysis) - YouTube
asked answered and debunked there is no evidence of explosives being used . no physical: un exploded ordinance or det cord, radio controlled detonator parts, no thermite of any kind.
no visual or audio evidence of blast waves . so all your evidence in shit.

how's this for zero credibility :About Xendrius This channel is ENTIRELY covering Illuminati related subjects and conspiracies. This is the home of the original Conspiritus Illuminati series.

All videos, short films and documetaries here are made by Xendrius

NIST did not properly consider or investigate any of the things mentioned, and the video is a sold piece of documentary evidence, that you nor NIST can explain, which is why you have to resort to ridiculing the makers who re-posted it on the U Tube channel, instead of
trying to discuss what is in the video...
Again NIST ignores numerous reports, eyewitnesses, and video evidence, so they can then say" no evidence of any explosions" and in order to keep your OCT in play, you must
defend their dishonesty, because you can't even provide a rational explanation for this either. This is what I mean when you fucks hide behind the NIST dishonest report.
This is another instance, like the melted steel, that was ignored, and went against the many people, and reports of something of significance that was of vital important regarding the 9-11 event at the WTC.

How do you know what the NIST ignored? Where you there or are you simply rejecting the gov't peeps out-of-hand because they are gov't peeps and buying whatever the CT Movement is shoveling these days because you're a CT loon? Is it not possible the NIST version is true; that they considered the planted explosives theory and dismissed it as unsubstantiated by the facts?

Asshole idiots like you will always assume non of the above parts were ever found, when such a plan would be secret and assured that such no such things would even survive, to even be found, let alone be searched for.

Asshole idiots like you will reject anything anyone says if it does not conform to your personal CT lunacy.

You simply must depend on the fact that NIST did not do a proper job, and ignored things that might have pointed to any evidence other then jet fuel and fires, and you must pretend and act like NIST did no wrong in the face of much opposition to the contrary.
You don't supply even a whimper of substantiating this and many other instances, of NIST deceiving and lying..So you defend unethical behavior, and defend lies, and think that by doing so, you have some sort of a valid point...

There is no evidence that the NIST peeps lied or that they ignored anything which may have shed more light on the events of 9/11. You are forced to believe that silliness or your CT dies a painful death and given the time and effort you've wasted on it you just can't face that.

Why are you such a pussy, and wont even try to substantiate or argue in favor of your CT views and choose instead to hide behind NIST skirt?

He doesn't seem to have any CT views behind which to hide and the NIST findings are far more rational, logical, truthful and scientifically plausible than anything your CT Movement has produced in the 11+ years since 9/11.
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No one wants to try and tackle this issue? It is yet another instance where it can be shown NIST ignored numerous reports, evidence and witnesses, and by doing so they lost more credibility, integrity, and showed they are dishonest.

2012 New WTC Demolition Flashes and Loud Explosions (Analysis) - YouTube
asked answered and debunked there is no evidence of explosives being used . no physical: un exploded ordinance or det cord, radio controlled detonator parts, no thermite of any kind.
no visual or audio evidence of blast waves . so all your evidence in shit.

how's this for zero credibility :About Xendrius This channel is ENTIRELY covering Illuminati related subjects and conspiracies. This is the home of the original Conspiritus Illuminati series.

All videos, short films and documetaries here are made by Xendrius

What do you know about credibility? You avoid providing any response to the points being made, because you have nothing of significance to rebuttal with..So you think the other readers will pay attention to your stupid tactics and divert their attention away from what is actually in the video that is germane to the topic at hand..You assume people are stupid and would just not notice your tired and cowardly tactics and attempt to sidetrack them from the points being made..
This is the kind of BS you and the other anti American, dishonest trolls do on these boards on a daily basis, and it's become obvious..
When you can't defend, or substantiate the deviousness of NIST and the other segments that have lied to Americas people, you try to point in another direction in hopes the readers are so weak, timid and stupid they will forget about what the video actually shows and talks about...
Ridiculing the messenger is just one of the more obvious tactics all of you anti American, anti truth scumbags use a lot around here, especially at times when you are defeated, and can't answer or defend NIST, the governments own OCT, and your own short comings regarding this topic..

We can all see why you are here, and the purpose behind you selling whatever honesty, and integrity you may have once upon a time had.

You people simply must try to defend the criminal actions of a few criminals that were in positions of authority in our government at the time, and no amount of slimy, shameful trolling activity or tactics and glaringly obvious anti American trolling and behavior is too low for you scumbags to stoop to.

Anything or anyone who opposes the OCT, and NIST you are right there to defend..You don't do a very good job at it and are all very poor spokes people for their behalf, but you whip out every tactic in the book, when it comes to defending the liars and the lies, and every chance you get to try and discredit honest Americans, who have the right to question 9-11 and other things of importance to them, you try with all your tactics that include ridiculing makers of a video whose contents regarding the explosions and "squibs" have been posted every where on U Tube....

The false flag attack committed on the American people, is a crime. It has changed the lives of all who live in America, and the world, and when there is video proof that calls into question the credibility of the NIST investigation and reports and there is evidence
of a cover up, then the American people have a right to know about it, and it doesn't matter who posts a video, or link about it.
The fact is that NIST was dishonest, and many people can see that for themselves, and every chance that you get to stand with Americans regarding this instead of with the liars and criminals, you always always choose the latter.

You never miss out on an opportunity to trash talk anyone or anything that might give an American citizen any intelligent insight into what is so important to him/her and their nation.
But you suck at defending the lies, and the narrative, and you don't have a clue what you're even talking about at times, but it makes no difference to you, as long as you have a chance to piss on America and her citizens, by God you'll try to go for it, no matter how stupid, ridiculous, dishonest, or wildly unpopular you may be.
I have never run across more anti American sentiment, and accolades FOR dishonesty, and cheer leading for liars, their lies, and criminal behavior...anywhere...then the scumbags that post on here in favor of the most outrageous conspiracy theory and lies that have ever been perpetrated upon the American public in all of history, although the fraud that is the Federal Reserve and the monetary system gives it a run for its money.

I set out in this thread to point out why I don't believe the NIST investigation is honest, thorough, or credible, and I have made 2 points of 2 instances, that other very credible people in the pertinent fields of study, have been pointing out, and that me and many others have taken the time to research and look into.
Some of the defenses of the NIST are weak, lame, and use no rational figures, or calculations, or common sense at all, and depend on having to use the fact that NIST was a defense!!

The melted steel was just one example where you people have not produced any rational counter to a valid point, and one of you even stooped so low as to actually lay the blame and responsibility to the GZ workers and observers, for NIST not doing its job properly..

You are a shameful bunch, that will cling onto the most unlikely, weak unsubstantiated things that you can grab and use them in any way possible, in order to keep people from
thinking about what this thread is about.....
At least those that come here can now see who cares about their nation, and why so many don't trust or believe that what they have been told about the demise of the WTC buildings, and that it is filled with lies and a cover ups.

The WTC had melted steel. It should not have. It had extreme temps in the wreckage piles in the sub basements, some 70 feet below the surface.
They shouldn't have. This was important, and NIST ignored them and the hundreds of credible people.
There were hundreds of reports of explosions, from numerous credible people.
We can see evidence of explosions coming from the sides of the buildings in rapid succession 10-20-30 stories below the collapse fronts...
NIST again ignored this and the numerous credible people.
There were explosions in the basements and sub basements.
NIST again ignored this and the witnesses..
There was pulverization of concrete. NIST ignore this too..

So how can we even begin to believe anything that NIST and the people in charge at the time, is even true, or accurate, when so may times the ignored the evidence?

Because, they had a job to do. And that job was to make sure they came up with an explanation that included 3 things and ONLY those 3 things...Planes, fires, and gravity, and they ignored anything else. You OCT defenders have much the same job today that NIST had back then, and that is to ignore or ridicule anything that contradicts, with the NIST report, while also defending the fact that they DID IGNORE ANYTHING ELSE!
Problem is, NIST did such an obvious shitty job people can notice it right away, and you fucks do such a shitty job defending THEIR shitty job, that this too can be noticed right away...
We don't know exactly what caused the phenomena s that NIST ignored and purposefully failed to include in their investigation and reports, but because we don't or can't definitively say, does not mean that they did not occur, or that it is justifiable to pretend "there is no evidence".
The people that think this action by NIST and the government is justifiable, and are happy about it, then you truly are people who don't care about this country or its people, and disrespect all those who died on that day, and all those who died and continue to die because of the lies.

We all have to determine the credibility of the sources we use and norms consider the NIST findings to be far more rational and believeable than the silliness found at loony tunes web sites like Xendrius. There's a good reason why 11+ years after 9/11 you and your CT Movement have been relegated to sites like and what melted steel are you referring to? :cuckoo:
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No one wants to try and tackle this issue? It is yet another instance where it can be shown NIST ignored numerous reports, evidence and witnesses, and by doing so they lost more credibility, integrity, and showed they are dishonest.

2012 New WTC Demolition Flashes and Loud Explosions (Analysis) - YouTube
asked answered and debunked there is no evidence of explosives being used . no physical: un exploded ordinance or det cord, radio controlled detonator parts, no thermite of any kind.
no visual or audio evidence of blast waves . so all your evidence in shit.

how's this for zero credibility :About Xendrius This channel is ENTIRELY covering Illuminati related subjects and conspiracies. This is the home of the original Conspiritus Illuminati series.

All videos, short films and documetaries here are made by Xendrius

What do you know about credibility? You avoid providing any response to the points being made, because you have nothing of significance to rebuttal with..So you think the other readers will pay attention to your stupid tactics and divert their attention away from what is actually in the video that is germane to the topic at hand..You assume people are stupid and would just not notice your tired and cowardly tactics and attempt to sidetrack them from the points being made..
This is the kind of BS you and the other anti American, dishonest trolls do on these boards on a daily basis, and it's become obvious..
When you can't defend, or substantiate the deviousness of NIST and the other segments that have lied to Americas people, you try to point in another direction in hopes the readers are so weak, timid and stupid they will forget about what the video actually shows and talks about...
Ridiculing the messenger is just one of the more obvious tactics all of you anti American, anti truth scumbags use a lot around here, especially at times when you are defeated, and can't answer or defend NIST, the governments own OCT, and your own short comings regarding this topic..

We can all see why you are here, and the purpose behind you selling whatever honesty, and integrity you may have once upon a time had.

You people simply must try to defend the criminal actions of a few criminals that were in positions of authority in our government at the time, and no amount of slimy, shameful trolling activity or tactics and glaringly obvious anti American trolling and behavior is too low for you scumbags to stoop to.

Anything or anyone who opposes the OCT, and NIST you are right there to defend..You don't do a very good job at it and are all very poor spokes people for their behalf, but you whip out every tactic in the book, when it comes to defending the liars and the lies, and every chance you get to try and discredit honest Americans, who have the right to question 9-11 and other things of importance to them, you try with all your tactics that include ridiculing makers of a video whose contents regarding the explosions and "squibs" have been posted every where on U Tube....

The false flag attack committed on the American people, is a crime. It has changed the lives of all who live in America, and the world, and when there is video proof that calls into question the credibility of the NIST investigation and reports and there is evidence
of a cover up, then the American people have a right to know about it, and it doesn't matter who posts a video, or link about it.
The fact is that NIST was dishonest, and many people can see that for themselves, and every chance that you get to stand with Americans regarding this instead of with the liars and criminals, you always always choose the latter.

You never miss out on an opportunity to trash talk anyone or anything that might give an American citizen any intelligent insight into what is so important to him/her and their nation.
But you suck at defending the lies, and the narrative, and you don't have a clue what you're even talking about at times, but it makes no difference to you, as long as you have a chance to piss on America and her citizens, by God you'll try to go for it, no matter how stupid, ridiculous, dishonest, or wildly unpopular you may be.
I have never run across more anti American sentiment, and accolades FOR dishonesty, and cheer leading for liars, their lies, and criminal behavior...anywhere...then the scumbags that post on here in favor of the most outrageous conspiracy theory and lies that have ever been perpetrated upon the American public in all of history, although the fraud that is the Federal Reserve and the monetary system gives it a run for its money.

I set out in this thread to point out why I don't believe the NIST investigation is honest, thorough, or credible, and I have made 2 points of 2 instances, that other very credible people in the pertinent fields of study, have been pointing out, and that me and many others have taken the time to research and look into.
Some of the defenses of the NIST are weak, lame, and use no rational figures, or calculations, or common sense at all, and depend on having to use the fact that NIST was a defense!!

The melted steel was just one example where you people have not produced any rational counter to a valid point, and one of you even stooped so low as to actually lay the blame and responsibility to the GZ workers and observers, for NIST not doing its job properly..

You are a shameful bunch, that will cling onto the most unlikely, weak unsubstantiated things that you can grab and use them in any way possible, in order to keep people from
thinking about what this thread is about.....
At least those that come here can now see who cares about their nation, and why so many don't trust or believe that what they have been told about the demise of the WTC buildings, and that it is filled with lies and a cover ups.

The WTC had melted steel. It should not have. It had extreme temps in the wreckage piles in the sub basements, some 70 feet below the surface.
They shouldn't have. This was important, and NIST ignored them and the hundreds of credible people.
There were hundreds of reports of explosions, from numerous credible people.
We can see evidence of explosions coming from the sides of the buildings in rapid succession 10-20-30 stories below the collapse fronts...
NIST again ignored this and the numerous credible people.
There were explosions in the basements and sub basements.
NIST again ignored this and the witnesses..
There was pulverization of concrete. NIST ignore this too..

So how can we even begin to believe anything that NIST and the people in charge at the time, is even true, or accurate, when so may times the ignored the evidence?

Because, they had a job to do. And that job was to make sure they came up with an explanation that included 3 things and ONLY those 3 things...Planes, fires, and gravity, and they ignored anything else. You OCT defenders have much the same job today that NIST had back then, and that is to ignore or ridicule anything that contradicts, with the NIST report, while also defending the fact that they DID IGNORE ANYTHING ELSE!
Problem is, NIST did such an obvious shitty job people can notice it right away, and you fucks do such a shitty job defending THEIR shitty job, that this too can be noticed right away...
We don't know exactly what caused the phenomena s that NIST ignored and purposefully failed to include in their investigation and reports, but because we don't or can't definitively say, does not mean that they did not occur, or that it is justifiable to pretend "there is no evidence".
The people that think this action by NIST and the government is justifiable, and are happy about it, then you truly are people who don't care about this country or its people, and disrespect all those who died on that day, and all those who died and continue to die because of the lies.
sister jones is so easily lead, only a total mental case would yammer on over two pages creating a wall of text repeating the same debunked nonsense ad infinitum...
so tell me sister jones if your so right, then why is this not being trumpeted from every media source world wide?
any one with functioning grey matter knows that if your masturbation fantasy were true there would be no power on earth that could stop it.
every country with an ax to grind against the U.S. media would run it 24/7.
the only logical reason they don't is it's bullshit.
like all manifestos yours is highly detailed, passionately written and has no basis in reality.
asked answered and debunked there is no evidence of explosives being used . no physical: un exploded ordinance or det cord, radio controlled detonator parts, no thermite of any kind.
no visual or audio evidence of blast waves . so all your evidence in shit.

how's this for zero credibility :About Xendrius This channel is ENTIRELY covering Illuminati related subjects and conspiracies. This is the home of the original Conspiritus Illuminati series.

All videos, short films and documetaries here are made by Xendrius

NIST did not properly consider or investigate any of the things mentioned, and the video is a sold piece of documentary evidence, that you nor NIST can explain, which is why you have to resort to ridiculing the makers who re-posted it on the U Tube channel, instead of
trying to discuss what is in the video...
Again NIST ignores numerous reports, eyewitnesses, and video evidence, so they can then say" no evidence of any explosions" and in order to keep your OCT in play, you must
defend their dishonesty, because you can't even provide a rational explanation for this either. This is what I mean when you fucks hide behind the NIST dishonest report.
This is another instance, like the melted steel, that was ignored, and went against the many people, and reports of something of significance that was of vital important regarding the 9-11 event at the WTC.

How do you know what the NIST ignored? Where you there or are you simply rejecting the gov't peeps out-of-hand because they are gov't peeps and buying whatever the CT Movement is shoveling these days because you're a CT loon? Is it not possible the NIST version is true; that they considered the planted explosives theory and dismissed it as unsubstantiated by the facts?

Asshole idiots like you will always assume non of the above parts were ever found, when such a plan would be secret and assured that such no such things would even survive, to even be found, let alone be searched for.

Asshole idiots like you will reject anything anyone says if it does not conform to your personal CT lunacy.

You simply must depend on the fact that NIST did not do a proper job, and ignored things that might have pointed to any evidence other then jet fuel and fires, and you must pretend and act like NIST did no wrong in the face of much opposition to the contrary.
You don't supply even a whimper of substantiating this and many other instances, of NIST deceiving and lying..So you defend unethical behavior, and defend lies, and think that by doing so, you have some sort of a valid point...

There is no evidence that the NIST peeps lied or that they ignored anything which may have shed more light on the events of 9/11. You are forced to believe that silliness or your CT dies a painful death and given the time and effort you've wasted on it you just can't face that.

Why are you such a pussy, and wont even try to substantiate or argue in favor of your CT views and choose instead to hide behind NIST skirt?

He doesn't seem to have any CT views behind which to hide and the NIST findings are far more rational, logical, truthful and scientifically plausible than anything your CT Movement has produced in the 11+ years since 9/11.

You say this as if you have taken into consideration, and provided any sort of counter rebuttals or refutation of the points that have been made that show that the NIST is anything but honest, credible, or has any scientific integrity.
You've been given the chances to substantiate your beliefs that NIST's investigation tactics were thorough, credible, accurate or hold any validity.
You have nothing except your willingness to deny that which is indefensible, and you continue to deny you believe in a OCT, that others have posted evidence showing why it is not remotely credible..Again you find nothing the least bit unusual, or evasive in their investigative tactics, even when faced with an abundance of proof that gives validity to the objections of others that include credible people in the fields of science, physics, politics, the military and branches of the FBI, and the CIA...
You continue to talk a lot of shit with nothing to back up your reasons for your die hard allegiance to a failed theory, and narrative...
Bottom line...NIST lied, NIST ignored evidence and witnesses, and you were given the opportunity to show when and where, they did not...and all you can infer is that because
they indeed lied, and ignored instances of great importance regarding a thorough WTC investigation, and in so ding, have claimed "see...nothing here" it is perfectly acceptable.
Well it may be to OCT trolls like you, but rational thinking, normal folks can see the contradictions right off.
It's imperative and vital to your OCT that revolves around the absurd, and highly improbable, and filled with many instances of lies, ignorance, and preconceived outcomes
for you to pretend that it is perfectly normal to overlook these grievous instances by a government agency whose employees depend on for an income, but other more astute observers that can spot the lies and obfuscations, know better.
You have failed to make a case for your adherence to your CT, in 2 of the instances that I have mentioned thus far, and it is humorous to watch you try to use wiggle and squirm
tactics to avoid looking like the stupid idiot that you are...

Here is your case so far...
Melted steel? First you tried to say that no one was qualified to "test" it, WITHOUT admitting NIST would seem to be.
You ignore, then minimize the numerous reports, that include vast evidence of their validity...
You say no proof because the GZ workers and observers did not do NIST's job for them.
You say, that because NIST indeed ignored the numerous reports, of sightings and eye witnesses, it is OK to just say "no proof was ever found"!!!!

You say it probably was melted aluminum instead, then when I used your own web sites figures and calculations, and show you the improbability of it being aluminum because of the vast quantity of steel over aluminum within the towers, and where the steel vs aluminum was placed, you cry that no one "tested it"!!!
Again you try to absolve NIST for not following through in their mission statement, and try to play the blame game on others...
You keep bringing up, that no one has a better theory, but ignore the implications of the NIST obfuscations, and the inevitable consequences that have resulted from them...

In short, I have shown you why I do not trust the NIST report, and a few of the instances
where they lost my undying trust, and you have failed to adequately provide anything that
places the reasons for my opinions of distrust in doubt...
You don't seem to mind making yourself look like a fool, even when faced with overwhelming proof and evidence that directly contradict your position....

You keep harping on CT's, while pretending you beliefs are not a huge CT, that offers no credible, substantiated proof that it can be taken even halfheartedly as being truthful, or feasible.
You want people to consider themselves as "normal peeps" who should believe anything you say about the NIST and the OCT, when you can't even post anything that can even substantiate, the instances where they ignored, and lied about evidence and highly improbable occurrences, as being a normal part of the investigation about the WTC buildings.
You've provided nothing to suggest that people who question and doubt the OCT narrative and the NIST account, are NOT normal...And you continue to ignore just how bad your argument fails, against them being normal thinking Americans who car about their nation, and also care about all that has transpired since they were lied to.
You lost the steel vs aluminum debate, because you have nothing on which to substantiate your points on!, So you resort to calling me a CT, in a desperate attempt to hide your failings!

You're all talk and ridicule, but supply nothing to back it up..Nothing! You clearly are an anti American, anti truth stooge, and the more your tactics fail and are exposed the more obvious and humorous your gaffes are...I even used your web site to make a fool of you....LOL!!!
asked answered and debunked there is no evidence of explosives being used . no physical: un exploded ordinance or det cord, radio controlled detonator parts, no thermite of any kind.
no visual or audio evidence of blast waves . so all your evidence in shit.

how's this for zero credibility :About Xendrius This channel is ENTIRELY covering Illuminati related subjects and conspiracies. This is the home of the original Conspiritus Illuminati series.

All videos, short films and documetaries here are made by Xendrius

What do you know about credibility? You avoid providing any response to the points being made, because you have nothing of significance to rebuttal with..So you think the other readers will pay attention to your stupid tactics and divert their attention away from what is actually in the video that is germane to the topic at hand..You assume people are stupid and would just not notice your tired and cowardly tactics and attempt to sidetrack them from the points being made..
This is the kind of BS you and the other anti American, dishonest trolls do on these boards on a daily basis, and it's become obvious..
When you can't defend, or substantiate the deviousness of NIST and the other segments that have lied to Americas people, you try to point in another direction in hopes the readers are so weak, timid and stupid they will forget about what the video actually shows and talks about...
Ridiculing the messenger is just one of the more obvious tactics all of you anti American, anti truth scumbags use a lot around here, especially at times when you are defeated, and can't answer or defend NIST, the governments own OCT, and your own short comings regarding this topic..

We can all see why you are here, and the purpose behind you selling whatever honesty, and integrity you may have once upon a time had.

You people simply must try to defend the criminal actions of a few criminals that were in positions of authority in our government at the time, and no amount of slimy, shameful trolling activity or tactics and glaringly obvious anti American trolling and behavior is too low for you scumbags to stoop to.

Anything or anyone who opposes the OCT, and NIST you are right there to defend..You don't do a very good job at it and are all very poor spokes people for their behalf, but you whip out every tactic in the book, when it comes to defending the liars and the lies, and every chance you get to try and discredit honest Americans, who have the right to question 9-11 and other things of importance to them, you try with all your tactics that include ridiculing makers of a video whose contents regarding the explosions and "squibs" have been posted every where on U Tube....

The false flag attack committed on the American people, is a crime. It has changed the lives of all who live in America, and the world, and when there is video proof that calls into question the credibility of the NIST investigation and reports and there is evidence
of a cover up, then the American people have a right to know about it, and it doesn't matter who posts a video, or link about it.
The fact is that NIST was dishonest, and many people can see that for themselves, and every chance that you get to stand with Americans regarding this instead of with the liars and criminals, you always always choose the latter.

You never miss out on an opportunity to trash talk anyone or anything that might give an American citizen any intelligent insight into what is so important to him/her and their nation.
But you suck at defending the lies, and the narrative, and you don't have a clue what you're even talking about at times, but it makes no difference to you, as long as you have a chance to piss on America and her citizens, by God you'll try to go for it, no matter how stupid, ridiculous, dishonest, or wildly unpopular you may be.
I have never run across more anti American sentiment, and accolades FOR dishonesty, and cheer leading for liars, their lies, and criminal behavior...anywhere...then the scumbags that post on here in favor of the most outrageous conspiracy theory and lies that have ever been perpetrated upon the American public in all of history, although the fraud that is the Federal Reserve and the monetary system gives it a run for its money.

I set out in this thread to point out why I don't believe the NIST investigation is honest, thorough, or credible, and I have made 2 points of 2 instances, that other very credible people in the pertinent fields of study, have been pointing out, and that me and many others have taken the time to research and look into.
Some of the defenses of the NIST are weak, lame, and use no rational figures, or calculations, or common sense at all, and depend on having to use the fact that NIST was a defense!!

The melted steel was just one example where you people have not produced any rational counter to a valid point, and one of you even stooped so low as to actually lay the blame and responsibility to the GZ workers and observers, for NIST not doing its job properly..

You are a shameful bunch, that will cling onto the most unlikely, weak unsubstantiated things that you can grab and use them in any way possible, in order to keep people from
thinking about what this thread is about.....
At least those that come here can now see who cares about their nation, and why so many don't trust or believe that what they have been told about the demise of the WTC buildings, and that it is filled with lies and a cover ups.

The WTC had melted steel. It should not have. It had extreme temps in the wreckage piles in the sub basements, some 70 feet below the surface.
They shouldn't have. This was important, and NIST ignored them and the hundreds of credible people.
There were hundreds of reports of explosions, from numerous credible people.
We can see evidence of explosions coming from the sides of the buildings in rapid succession 10-20-30 stories below the collapse fronts...
NIST again ignored this and the numerous credible people.
There were explosions in the basements and sub basements.
NIST again ignored this and the witnesses..
There was pulverization of concrete. NIST ignore this too..

So how can we even begin to believe anything that NIST and the people in charge at the time, is even true, or accurate, when so may times the ignored the evidence?

Because, they had a job to do. And that job was to make sure they came up with an explanation that included 3 things and ONLY those 3 things...Planes, fires, and gravity, and they ignored anything else. You OCT defenders have much the same job today that NIST had back then, and that is to ignore or ridicule anything that contradicts, with the NIST report, while also defending the fact that they DID IGNORE ANYTHING ELSE!
Problem is, NIST did such an obvious shitty job people can notice it right away, and you fucks do such a shitty job defending THEIR shitty job, that this too can be noticed right away...
We don't know exactly what caused the phenomena s that NIST ignored and purposefully failed to include in their investigation and reports, but because we don't or can't definitively say, does not mean that they did not occur, or that it is justifiable to pretend "there is no evidence".
The people that think this action by NIST and the government is justifiable, and are happy about it, then you truly are people who don't care about this country or its people, and disrespect all those who died on that day, and all those who died and continue to die because of the lies.

We all have to determine the credibility of the sources we use and norms consider the NIST findings to be far more rational and believeable than the silliness found at loony tunes web sites like Xendrius. There's a good reason why 11+ years after 9/11 you and your CT Movement have been relegated to sites like and what melted steel are you referring to? :cuckoo:

Listen dumbfuck, the video that I posted showing the explosions and squibs, are found everywhere, they were not made up or contrived by the source that actually posted it on the U Tube! The source that posted it isn't lying about what the video actually shows...
And normal thinking Americans know this fact...And they also know that many of the same exact videos were released by FOIA for anyone to use and post..
You don't seem like a "normal" person when you pretend not to know widely known fact, and how you are trying to discredit what the people who uploaded it, instead of what the video actually shows!!
It is soo obvious that you are trying to dismiss what the video shows, because of who uploaded it...LOL...You are so pathetic and weak, this is what you have to resort to....Ridicule and character assassination, instead of addressing the points made, so you can then make it appear that the substance of the video is not valid, or the point I made can be declared false....
Look OCT troll, and anti American stooge.....You fail, and normal thinking, rational people can see right through your BS tactics.

BTW, I can also turn this right around on you, and post all the sources that can be proven to have lied about 9-11, and the wars it helped kick off, and the many sites that helped perpetrate the lies and disinformation, without having to ridicule any particular web site to do it..Try debating the points, and the message, after all the contents in the video are a matter of common, public knowledge......So explain how the symmetrical explosions
and squibs were "probably air"?
Last edited:
asked answered and debunked there is no evidence of explosives being used . no physical: un exploded ordinance or det cord, radio controlled detonator parts, no thermite of any kind.
no visual or audio evidence of blast waves . so all your evidence in shit.

how's this for zero credibility :About Xendrius This channel is ENTIRELY covering Illuminati related subjects and conspiracies. This is the home of the original Conspiritus Illuminati series.

All videos, short films and documetaries here are made by Xendrius

What do you know about credibility? You avoid providing any response to the points being made, because you have nothing of significance to rebuttal with..So you think the other readers will pay attention to your stupid tactics and divert their attention away from what is actually in the video that is germane to the topic at hand..You assume people are stupid and would just not notice your tired and cowardly tactics and attempt to sidetrack them from the points being made..
This is the kind of BS you and the other anti American, dishonest trolls do on these boards on a daily basis, and it's become obvious..
When you can't defend, or substantiate the deviousness of NIST and the other segments that have lied to Americas people, you try to point in another direction in hopes the readers are so weak, timid and stupid they will forget about what the video actually shows and talks about...
Ridiculing the messenger is just one of the more obvious tactics all of you anti American, anti truth scumbags use a lot around here, especially at times when you are defeated, and can't answer or defend NIST, the governments own OCT, and your own short comings regarding this topic..

We can all see why you are here, and the purpose behind you selling whatever honesty, and integrity you may have once upon a time had.

You people simply must try to defend the criminal actions of a few criminals that were in positions of authority in our government at the time, and no amount of slimy, shameful trolling activity or tactics and glaringly obvious anti American trolling and behavior is too low for you scumbags to stoop to.

Anything or anyone who opposes the OCT, and NIST you are right there to defend..You don't do a very good job at it and are all very poor spokes people for their behalf, but you whip out every tactic in the book, when it comes to defending the liars and the lies, and every chance you get to try and discredit honest Americans, who have the right to question 9-11 and other things of importance to them, you try with all your tactics that include ridiculing makers of a video whose contents regarding the explosions and "squibs" have been posted every where on U Tube....

The false flag attack committed on the American people, is a crime. It has changed the lives of all who live in America, and the world, and when there is video proof that calls into question the credibility of the NIST investigation and reports and there is evidence
of a cover up, then the American people have a right to know about it, and it doesn't matter who posts a video, or link about it.
The fact is that NIST was dishonest, and many people can see that for themselves, and every chance that you get to stand with Americans regarding this instead of with the liars and criminals, you always always choose the latter.

You never miss out on an opportunity to trash talk anyone or anything that might give an American citizen any intelligent insight into what is so important to him/her and their nation.
But you suck at defending the lies, and the narrative, and you don't have a clue what you're even talking about at times, but it makes no difference to you, as long as you have a chance to piss on America and her citizens, by God you'll try to go for it, no matter how stupid, ridiculous, dishonest, or wildly unpopular you may be.
I have never run across more anti American sentiment, and accolades FOR dishonesty, and cheer leading for liars, their lies, and criminal behavior...anywhere...then the scumbags that post on here in favor of the most outrageous conspiracy theory and lies that have ever been perpetrated upon the American public in all of history, although the fraud that is the Federal Reserve and the monetary system gives it a run for its money.

I set out in this thread to point out why I don't believe the NIST investigation is honest, thorough, or credible, and I have made 2 points of 2 instances, that other very credible people in the pertinent fields of study, have been pointing out, and that me and many others have taken the time to research and look into.
Some of the defenses of the NIST are weak, lame, and use no rational figures, or calculations, or common sense at all, and depend on having to use the fact that NIST was a defense!!

The melted steel was just one example where you people have not produced any rational counter to a valid point, and one of you even stooped so low as to actually lay the blame and responsibility to the GZ workers and observers, for NIST not doing its job properly..

You are a shameful bunch, that will cling onto the most unlikely, weak unsubstantiated things that you can grab and use them in any way possible, in order to keep people from
thinking about what this thread is about.....
At least those that come here can now see who cares about their nation, and why so many don't trust or believe that what they have been told about the demise of the WTC buildings, and that it is filled with lies and a cover ups.

The WTC had melted steel. It should not have. It had extreme temps in the wreckage piles in the sub basements, some 70 feet below the surface.
They shouldn't have. This was important, and NIST ignored them and the hundreds of credible people.
There were hundreds of reports of explosions, from numerous credible people.
We can see evidence of explosions coming from the sides of the buildings in rapid succession 10-20-30 stories below the collapse fronts...
NIST again ignored this and the numerous credible people.
There were explosions in the basements and sub basements.
NIST again ignored this and the witnesses..
There was pulverization of concrete. NIST ignore this too..

So how can we even begin to believe anything that NIST and the people in charge at the time, is even true, or accurate, when so may times the ignored the evidence?

Because, they had a job to do. And that job was to make sure they came up with an explanation that included 3 things and ONLY those 3 things...Planes, fires, and gravity, and they ignored anything else. You OCT defenders have much the same job today that NIST had back then, and that is to ignore or ridicule anything that contradicts, with the NIST report, while also defending the fact that they DID IGNORE ANYTHING ELSE!
Problem is, NIST did such an obvious shitty job people can notice it right away, and you fucks do such a shitty job defending THEIR shitty job, that this too can be noticed right away...
We don't know exactly what caused the phenomena s that NIST ignored and purposefully failed to include in their investigation and reports, but because we don't or can't definitively say, does not mean that they did not occur, or that it is justifiable to pretend "there is no evidence".
The people that think this action by NIST and the government is justifiable, and are happy about it, then you truly are people who don't care about this country or its people, and disrespect all those who died on that day, and all those who died and continue to die because of the lies.
sister jones is so easily lead, only a total mental case would yammer on over two pages creating a wall of text repeating the same debunked nonsense ad infinitum...
so tell me sister jones if your so right, then why is this not being trumpeted from every media source world wide?
any one with functioning grey matter knows that if your masturbation fantasy were true there would be no power on earth that could stop it.
every country with an ax to grind against the U.S. media would run it 24/7.
the only logical reason they don't is it's bullshit.
like all manifestos yours is highly detailed, passionately written and has no basis in reality.

Only a total dipshit like you, would yammer on like he debunked anything without actually doing so. You keep saying BS without ever providing any proof that you actually did/do what you are claiming!!
You seem to want normal people to think that the mass media would be the first to have the guts to scream loud and wide about any of this, and this assumption really shows how pathetically stupid you are, and assume others are as well...
You depend on shallow thinking and and likewise shallow knowledge about the world, and the corporations and people that control the flow of information.
I feel like I'm talking to a baby, and having to educate it about the reality of the nation and the goings on of the real world, at times.
Don't you ever bother to take the time to read and learn about such things, or do you think it is sufficient to go through life being stupid and ignorant about your nation, its corporations that control your government and its flow of information??
Don't you ever wonder why things are the way that they are, and try to follow along?
I don't suppose you do, which is why you always look like the fool when you try to engage in such topics.
It's fucking hilarious when all you stupid stooges can do is call everyone else names and ridicule them, when it is you who are the stupid idiots, and believe everything they are told, and don't have the basic instinct of human curiosity to investigate that which effects you and yours....
The label of stupid and ignorant fits you fucks like a custom made glove...

You lose again dawgshit..Now about those WTC explosions and squibs that NIST ignored and lied about.....The video posted shows them, and the source isn't the first or the last to up load it, so you can stop the crying about the source asshole, and try dealing with the point instead....
What do you know about credibility? You avoid providing any response to the points being made, because you have nothing of significance to rebuttal with..So you think the other readers will pay attention to your stupid tactics and divert their attention away from what is actually in the video that is germane to the topic at hand..You assume people are stupid and would just not notice your tired and cowardly tactics and attempt to sidetrack them from the points being made..
This is the kind of BS you and the other anti American, dishonest trolls do on these boards on a daily basis, and it's become obvious..
When you can't defend, or substantiate the deviousness of NIST and the other segments that have lied to Americas people, you try to point in another direction in hopes the readers are so weak, timid and stupid they will forget about what the video actually shows and talks about...
Ridiculing the messenger is just one of the more obvious tactics all of you anti American, anti truth scumbags use a lot around here, especially at times when you are defeated, and can't answer or defend NIST, the governments own OCT, and your own short comings regarding this topic..

We can all see why you are here, and the purpose behind you selling whatever honesty, and integrity you may have once upon a time had.

You people simply must try to defend the criminal actions of a few criminals that were in positions of authority in our government at the time, and no amount of slimy, shameful trolling activity or tactics and glaringly obvious anti American trolling and behavior is too low for you scumbags to stoop to.

Anything or anyone who opposes the OCT, and NIST you are right there to defend..You don't do a very good job at it and are all very poor spokes people for their behalf, but you whip out every tactic in the book, when it comes to defending the liars and the lies, and every chance you get to try and discredit honest Americans, who have the right to question 9-11 and other things of importance to them, you try with all your tactics that include ridiculing makers of a video whose contents regarding the explosions and "squibs" have been posted every where on U Tube....

The false flag attack committed on the American people, is a crime. It has changed the lives of all who live in America, and the world, and when there is video proof that calls into question the credibility of the NIST investigation and reports and there is evidence
of a cover up, then the American people have a right to know about it, and it doesn't matter who posts a video, or link about it.
The fact is that NIST was dishonest, and many people can see that for themselves, and every chance that you get to stand with Americans regarding this instead of with the liars and criminals, you always always choose the latter.

You never miss out on an opportunity to trash talk anyone or anything that might give an American citizen any intelligent insight into what is so important to him/her and their nation.
But you suck at defending the lies, and the narrative, and you don't have a clue what you're even talking about at times, but it makes no difference to you, as long as you have a chance to piss on America and her citizens, by God you'll try to go for it, no matter how stupid, ridiculous, dishonest, or wildly unpopular you may be.
I have never run across more anti American sentiment, and accolades FOR dishonesty, and cheer leading for liars, their lies, and criminal behavior...anywhere...then the scumbags that post on here in favor of the most outrageous conspiracy theory and lies that have ever been perpetrated upon the American public in all of history, although the fraud that is the Federal Reserve and the monetary system gives it a run for its money.

I set out in this thread to point out why I don't believe the NIST investigation is honest, thorough, or credible, and I have made 2 points of 2 instances, that other very credible people in the pertinent fields of study, have been pointing out, and that me and many others have taken the time to research and look into.
Some of the defenses of the NIST are weak, lame, and use no rational figures, or calculations, or common sense at all, and depend on having to use the fact that NIST was a defense!!

The melted steel was just one example where you people have not produced any rational counter to a valid point, and one of you even stooped so low as to actually lay the blame and responsibility to the GZ workers and observers, for NIST not doing its job properly..

You are a shameful bunch, that will cling onto the most unlikely, weak unsubstantiated things that you can grab and use them in any way possible, in order to keep people from
thinking about what this thread is about.....
At least those that come here can now see who cares about their nation, and why so many don't trust or believe that what they have been told about the demise of the WTC buildings, and that it is filled with lies and a cover ups.

The WTC had melted steel. It should not have. It had extreme temps in the wreckage piles in the sub basements, some 70 feet below the surface.
They shouldn't have. This was important, and NIST ignored them and the hundreds of credible people.
There were hundreds of reports of explosions, from numerous credible people.
We can see evidence of explosions coming from the sides of the buildings in rapid succession 10-20-30 stories below the collapse fronts...
NIST again ignored this and the numerous credible people.
There were explosions in the basements and sub basements.
NIST again ignored this and the witnesses..
There was pulverization of concrete. NIST ignore this too..

So how can we even begin to believe anything that NIST and the people in charge at the time, is even true, or accurate, when so may times the ignored the evidence?

Because, they had a job to do. And that job was to make sure they came up with an explanation that included 3 things and ONLY those 3 things...Planes, fires, and gravity, and they ignored anything else. You OCT defenders have much the same job today that NIST had back then, and that is to ignore or ridicule anything that contradicts, with the NIST report, while also defending the fact that they DID IGNORE ANYTHING ELSE!
Problem is, NIST did such an obvious shitty job people can notice it right away, and you fucks do such a shitty job defending THEIR shitty job, that this too can be noticed right away...
We don't know exactly what caused the phenomena s that NIST ignored and purposefully failed to include in their investigation and reports, but because we don't or can't definitively say, does not mean that they did not occur, or that it is justifiable to pretend "there is no evidence".
The people that think this action by NIST and the government is justifiable, and are happy about it, then you truly are people who don't care about this country or its people, and disrespect all those who died on that day, and all those who died and continue to die because of the lies.
sister jones is so easily lead, only a total mental case would yammer on over two pages creating a wall of text repeating the same debunked nonsense ad infinitum...
so tell me sister jones if your so right, then why is this not being trumpeted from every media source world wide?
any one with functioning grey matter knows that if your masturbation fantasy were true there would be no power on earth that could stop it.
every country with an ax to grind against the U.S. media would run it 24/7.
the only logical reason they don't is it's bullshit.
like all manifestos yours is highly detailed, passionately written and has no basis in reality.

Only a total dipshit like you, would yammer on like he debunked anything without actually doing so. You keep saying BS without ever providing any proof that you actually did/do what you are claiming!!
You seem to want normal people to think that the mass media would be the first to have the guts to scream loud and wide about any of this, and this assumption really shows how pathetically stupid you are, and assume others are as well...
You depend on shallow thinking and and likewise shallow knowledge about the world, and the corporations and people that control the flow of information.
I feel like I'm talking to a baby, and having to educate it about the reality of the nation and the goings on of the real world, at times.
Don't you ever bother to take the time to read and learn about such things, or do you think it is sufficient to go through life being stupid and ignorant about your nation, its corporations that control your government and its flow of information??
Don't you ever wonder why things are the way that they are, and try to follow along?
I don't suppose you do, which is why you always look like the fool when you try to engage in such topics.
It's fucking hilarious when all you stupid stooges can do is call everyone else names and ridicule them, when it is you who are the stupid idiots, and believe everything they are told, and don't have the basic instinct of human curiosity to investigate that which effects you and yours....
The label of stupid and ignorant fits you fucks like a custom made glove...

You lose again dawgshit..Now about those WTC explosions and squibs that NIST ignored and lied about.....The video posted shows them, and the source isn't the first or the last to up load it, so you can stop the crying about the source asshole, and try dealing with the point instead....
how could I lose since this is not a competition..although you see it that way..all your yammering is just a dodge around this: "any one with functioning grey matter knows that if your masturbation fantasy were true there would be no power on earth that could stop it.
every country with an ax to grind against the U.S. media would run it 24/7.
the only logical reason they don't is it's bullshit"-me
none of your endlessly repeated bullshit answers this simple question..
sister jones is so easily lead, only a total mental case would yammer on over two pages creating a wall of text repeating the same debunked nonsense ad infinitum...
so tell me sister jones if your so right, then why is this not being trumpeted from every media source world wide?
any one with functioning grey matter knows that if your masturbation fantasy were true there would be no power on earth that could stop it.
every country with an ax to grind against the U.S. media would run it 24/7.
the only logical reason they don't is it's bullshit.
like all manifestos yours is highly detailed, passionately written and has no basis in reality.

Only a total dipshit like you, would yammer on like he debunked anything without actually doing so. You keep saying BS without ever providing any proof that you actually did/do what you are claiming!!
You seem to want normal people to think that the mass media would be the first to have the guts to scream loud and wide about any of this, and this assumption really shows how pathetically stupid you are, and assume others are as well...
You depend on shallow thinking and and likewise shallow knowledge about the world, and the corporations and people that control the flow of information.
I feel like I'm talking to a baby, and having to educate it about the reality of the nation and the goings on of the real world, at times.
Don't you ever bother to take the time to read and learn about such things, or do you think it is sufficient to go through life being stupid and ignorant about your nation, its corporations that control your government and its flow of information??
Don't you ever wonder why things are the way that they are, and try to follow along?
I don't suppose you do, which is why you always look like the fool when you try to engage in such topics.
It's fucking hilarious when all you stupid stooges can do is call everyone else names and ridicule them, when it is you who are the stupid idiots, and believe everything they are told, and don't have the basic instinct of human curiosity to investigate that which effects you and yours....
The label of stupid and ignorant fits you fucks like a custom made glove...

You lose again dawgshit..Now about those WTC explosions and squibs that NIST ignored and lied about.....The video posted shows them, and the source isn't the first or the last to up load it, so you can stop the crying about the source asshole, and try dealing with the point instead....
how could I lose since this is not a competition..although you see it that way..all your yammering is just a dodge around this: "any one with functioning grey matter knows that if your masturbation fantasy were true there would be no power on earth that could stop it.
every country with an ax to grind against the U.S. media would run it 24/7.
the only logical reason they don't is it's bullshit"-me
none of your endlessly repeated bullshit answers this simple question..
You lose debates, that is how you lose. You provide very poor arguments and reasoning skills, and you always have to try to depend on lying,
and shallow trolling tactics in order to avoid things that show you when and where you are failing...
This is no competition, that is correct, but it is a board where you are supposed to provide substance and rational logic to your arguments and make your points as valid as possible, and when you try to do do indeed lose....Then we all can see you wiggle and squirm, and deny
this is happening to you and your stupid "points" as you post off one liners and call others who have beaten your ass the "conspiracy theorists"..

Honest people that are in tune with the world, know that there are forces at work today, that are controlled by nefarious people and organizations, who control the information that is released and who put their version and spin on events...Man, if you don't know this you solidify the term "dumbed down".

You have no real vision of how things work, and who controls what you hear as "news".
When one has control over the "news" the money supply and its currency, and has influence in many governments around the world, including their laws, and courts, is it any wonder there is so much fear in people who want to expose anything?
How many instances of whistle blowers being thrown in jail, or disappearing, losing their jobs, status and being blackballed, declared "insane" or mentally unfit, does it take for you to realize just how strong and pervasive the forces at work are??

You are a naive, shallow minded idiot. A conspiracy theorists who needs to believe that the conspiracies of the forces that are detrimental to Americans, and mankind are true and just. You are an example of what is known as a "dumbed down" indoctrinated person.
You seem to act as though you are limited in learning and obtaining knowledge about your world, and your surroundings, when the only limits are placed upon you by yourself.

Others know more about their surroundings, then you do, and this is evident by the way you conduct yourself here on the USMB, and your seemingly illogical, and irrational views, and postings..I wonder how anyone could be so fucking stupid and disconnected from reality, when there is so much information available to them, especially with the advent of the internet, that is like a vast library of information......You are a sad sad creature, very humorous but sad just the same...
Last edited:
Only a total dipshit like you, would yammer on like he debunked anything without actually doing so. You keep saying BS without ever providing any proof that you actually did/do what you are claiming!!
You seem to want normal people to think that the mass media would be the first to have the guts to scream loud and wide about any of this, and this assumption really shows how pathetically stupid you are, and assume others are as well...
You depend on shallow thinking and and likewise shallow knowledge about the world, and the corporations and people that control the flow of information.
I feel like I'm talking to a baby, and having to educate it about the reality of the nation and the goings on of the real world, at times.
Don't you ever bother to take the time to read and learn about such things, or do you think it is sufficient to go through life being stupid and ignorant about your nation, its corporations that control your government and its flow of information??
Don't you ever wonder why things are the way that they are, and try to follow along?
I don't suppose you do, which is why you always look like the fool when you try to engage in such topics.
It's fucking hilarious when all you stupid stooges can do is call everyone else names and ridicule them, when it is you who are the stupid idiots, and believe everything they are told, and don't have the basic instinct of human curiosity to investigate that which effects you and yours....
The label of stupid and ignorant fits you fucks like a custom made glove...

You lose again dawgshit..Now about those WTC explosions and squibs that NIST ignored and lied about.....The video posted shows them, and the source isn't the first or the last to up load it, so you can stop the crying about the source asshole, and try dealing with the point instead....
how could I lose since this is not a competition..although you see it that way..all your yammering is just a dodge around this: "any one with functioning grey matter knows that if your masturbation fantasy were true there would be no power on earth that could stop it.
every country with an ax to grind against the U.S. media would run it 24/7.
the only logical reason they don't is it's bullshit"-me
none of your endlessly repeated bullshit answers this simple question..
You lose debates, that is how you lose. You provide very poor arguments and reasoning skills, and you always have to try to depend on lying,
and shallow trolling tactics in order to avoid things that show you when and where you are failing...
This is no competition, that is correct, but it is a board where you are supposed to provide substance and rational logic to your arguments and make your points as valid as possible, and when you try to do do indeed lose....Then we all can see you wiggle and squirm, and deny
this is happening to you and your stupid "points" as you post off one liners and call others who have beaten your ass the "conspiracy theorists"..

Honest people that are in tune with the world, know that there are forces at work today, that are controlled by nefarious people and organizations, who control the information that is released and who put their version and spin on events...Man, if you don't know this you solidify the term "dumbed down".

You have no real vision of how things work, and who controls what you hear as "news".
When one has control over the "news" the money supply and its currency, and has influence in many governments around the world, including their laws, and courts, is it any wonder there is so much fear in people who want to expose anything?
How many instances of whistle blowers being thrown in jail, or disappearing, losing their jobs, status and being blackballed, declared "insane" or mentally unfit, does it take for you to realize just how strong and pervasive the forces at work are??

You are a naive, shallow minded idiot. A conspiracy theorists who needs to believe that the conspiracies of the forces that are detrimental to Americans, and mankind are true and just. You are an example of what is known as a "dumbed down" indoctrinated person.
You seem to act as though you are limited in learning and obtaining knowledge about your world, and your surroundings, when the only limits are placed upon you by yourself.

Others know more about their surroundings, then you do, and this is evident by the way you conduct yourself here on the USMB, and your seemingly illogical, and irrational views, and postings..I wonder how anyone could be so fucking stupid and disconnected from reality, when there is so much information available to them, especially with the advent of the internet, that is like a vast library of information......You are a sad sad creature, very humorous but sad just the same...
that's for proving my point about dodging my question. several paragraphs of nonsense to avoid answering..
if this were a competition I won.
btw sister I will always win until you can prove an actual conspiracy.

There were many reports and witnesses to explosions within the WTC towers. These came from many sources that included news reporters who were told to step back because of reports of 2ndary devices. There were witnesses to huge explosions in the basements as well.
It would seem logical that an investigation would include some analysis of these explosions.
The WTC was bombed in 1993 afterall, and so many people on 9-11 reported this.
Something ripped through the WTC 1 concourse lobby at about the time of the impact, blowing out windows and crumpling steel doors. The same blast even knocked marble slabs off the walls in the lobby. Custodians also heard explosions in the WTC 1 basement. A machine shop was wrecked, as well as a car garage.
NIST, has never identified an energy source in the WTC capable of producing such massive explosions.
We can see on videos explosions taking place throughout the towers, some many stories below the collapse fronts. I even found one video that shows a person being blown out of a window...
We can also see that much of the towers were pulverized by some energy source that remains unidentified. If this were a collapse with floors pancaking down on top of each other, we should expect to see some floors remaining relatively intact, in the middle of the "pancaked" floors primarily.

Each floor of the 110 story WTC towers, one acre in size, consisted of a 4-inch thick slabs of concrete on a deck of 22 gauge steel. During the collapse some force pulverized nearly all of this concrete into dust.

The concrete wasn't pulverized as the 1 acre floors hit the ground, but instead, they seemingly were pulverized in midair as the buildings explosively disintegrated.
One towers top section even tilted, but mysteriously instead of toppling over, it disintegrated and there were forcible ejections of massive tons of building materials.
Concrete wasn't the only thing to be disintegrated as many of the furnishings, like desks, chairs, storage cabinets, and people were blown to bits. Some bone fragments were found way across the street on the Deutsch Bank building.
Less than 300 corpses were recovered in the wreckage.
Workers found more than 700 slivers of bone, on the roof and within the that structure.

These towers did not seem to pancake floor by floor, and provide any resistance, instead they looked to just be exploding one by one in rapid succession. The towers fell straight down as if there was no resistance whatsoever., as we can see plumes of ejected materials exploding out of the buildings with great force, and again some of these plumes were 10-20- stories BELOW the collapse fronts. This would rule out them being "air" caused by the "pancaking" floors.

So I challenge any of you OC theorists, to explain this and point out what the NIST report has to say regarding these other anomalies...

Could gravity turn massive slabs of concrete, thousands of tons of material, into fine dust, in midair?

2012 New WTC Demolition Flashes and Loud Explosions (Analysis) - YouTube

No one wants to try and tackle this issue? It is yet another instance where it can be shown NIST ignored numerous reports, evidence and witnesses, and by doing so they lost more credibility, integrity, and showed they are dishonest.

[ame=]2012 New WTC Demolition Flashes and Loud Explosions (Analysis) - YouTube[/ame]

I've watched the video a couple of times now.

First, I do not find it particularly compelling. It seems extremely speculative to me.

The movement of the shades early in the video is something I can't explain, but that doesn't really mean anything. I don't know what happens during fires. Don't fires cause explosions at times without needing explosive materials to be planted? Windows blowing outwards due to pressure differences, things of that nature? It could easily be that such an occurrence caused the movement seen in the video.

I find it odd that the video speculates on bombs being planted not as part of any demolition, but rather just to cause more fire.

I think it's pretty silly that the video cuts off the one witness as he says that what he at first took to be another plane hitting the towers was, in reality, the sound of the collapse starting.

The audio of the beginning of the collapse in no way indicates explosives to me. I expect a large amount of noise to come from the huge tower beginning to collapse.

I don't see, in a number of the clips showing the collapse, anything that looks like distinctly like explosives. It looks to me like debris being forced outward from the collapse.

The speculation by news reporters isn't particularly authoritative. There's no reason to think they have any idea what was going on at the time, and a loud beginning to the collapse can easily explain the notion they were hearing another explosion.

Actually, in general, I think witness reports of explosions are probably pretty unreliable. Unless there's some reason the witness should know the difference between explosives going off and the noise of some sort of collapse, or the difference between explosives being set off and fire causing a pressure explosion, I don't know how reliable their accounts can be. Do they have any experience with the sounds of explosives? Of building collapses? Of massive fires? And witness testimony is, I have long heard/read, pretty unreliable. Personal experience would lead me to believe that people really do see and hear different things in the same situation. I find it easier to credit reports of seeing molten metal than I do of hearing an explosion caused by some sort of bomb(s).

I also wonder how many people may have said they thought they heard explosives, but later changed their minds.

According to one of the sites that has been linked here recently, questions to the NIST people, they looked into the possibility of explosives having been used and determined they most likely had not been.

As to the concrete being pulverized, I actually think that might make me lean more toward collapse than explosives. I think the massive amount of force from the top of the tower falling onto the lower floors is more likely to crush concrete into dust than explosives are; I think explosives would more likely create a lot of larger pieces. Of course, this is purely personal speculation.

Anyway, you clearly think NIST didn't look far enough into the possibility of explosives. I don't think it's nearly obvious as you do, at least with what I've seen thus far.
how could I lose since this is not a competition..although you see it that way..all your yammering is just a dodge around this: "any one with functioning grey matter knows that if your masturbation fantasy were true there would be no power on earth that could stop it.
every country with an ax to grind against the U.S. media would run it 24/7.
the only logical reason they don't is it's bullshit"-me
none of your endlessly repeated bullshit answers this simple question..
You lose debates, that is how you lose. You provide very poor arguments and reasoning skills, and you always have to try to depend on lying,
and shallow trolling tactics in order to avoid things that show you when and where you are failing...
This is no competition, that is correct, but it is a board where you are supposed to provide substance and rational logic to your arguments and make your points as valid as possible, and when you try to do do indeed lose....Then we all can see you wiggle and squirm, and deny
this is happening to you and your stupid "points" as you post off one liners and call others who have beaten your ass the "conspiracy theorists"..

Honest people that are in tune with the world, know that there are forces at work today, that are controlled by nefarious people and organizations, who control the information that is released and who put their version and spin on events...Man, if you don't know this you solidify the term "dumbed down".

You have no real vision of how things work, and who controls what you hear as "news".
When one has control over the "news" the money supply and its currency, and has influence in many governments around the world, including their laws, and courts, is it any wonder there is so much fear in people who want to expose anything?
How many instances of whistle blowers being thrown in jail, or disappearing, losing their jobs, status and being blackballed, declared "insane" or mentally unfit, does it take for you to realize just how strong and pervasive the forces at work are??

You are a naive, shallow minded idiot. A conspiracy theorists who needs to believe that the conspiracies of the forces that are detrimental to Americans, and mankind are true and just. You are an example of what is known as a "dumbed down" indoctrinated person.
You seem to act as though you are limited in learning and obtaining knowledge about your world, and your surroundings, when the only limits are placed upon you by yourself.

Others know more about their surroundings, then you do, and this is evident by the way you conduct yourself here on the USMB, and your seemingly illogical, and irrational views, and postings..I wonder how anyone could be so fucking stupid and disconnected from reality, when there is so much information available to them, especially with the advent of the internet, that is like a vast library of information......You are a sad sad creature, very humorous but sad just the same...
that's for proving my point about dodging my question. several paragraphs of nonsense to avoid answering..
if this were a competition I won.
btw sister I will always win until you can prove an actual conspiracy.

Oh so NOW this is a competition??? See how you contradict yourself you mental retard?
I don't have to prove an actual conspiracy either dumbfuck...
Al anyone has to do is to point out the irregularities, fabrications, and out right lies, in the NIST report to know there is a cover up.
The funny thing is, is when I DO point these out, and provide links to the actual NIST report to prove it, you fail, like always to counter it...

You like to pretend that the NIST report is accurate by ignoring what is posted about it.
This is no way to substantiate your position on anything especially the NIST report and threads purpose...

Tell did any aluminum get 70 feet below the surface, and what are the chances it was even aluminum when according to your web site, there was only about 22,000 lbs of aluminum in each tower, and the planes bodies were 80 stories in the air???
When the aluminum covering on the towers were on the outside perimeter walls, that were ejected away during the explosive collapse fronts???

How come NIST didn't realize what you try to assume was sooo obvious, and just come out and "oh it was probably just some aluminum"?
How come a trained WTC engineer said on tape he saw "little rivers of molten steel" instead of aluminum?

You had your chances to answer these questions, but you and others failed at it. You sick twisted fucks even stooped so low as to lay the blame on GZ workers and rescue personnel for not "testing"
You pathetic twats, are defending a vast conspiracy theory, that depends on lies, ignored evidence and witnesses, made up scientific data, and other tactics to give it even only a miniscule chance of being remotely correct...Only in the minds of OCT and government apologists can this be considered honest, or ethical...

Too bad asshole, you failed, like always, and when I said you lose, you said this was no you say "I won" as though it is....
What a mentally fucked up creature you are, just sad and pathetic. The only thing you design for a living is a made up world, with made up realities..
Tell did any aluminum get 70 feet below the surface, and what are the chances it was even aluminum when according to your web site, there was only about 22,000 lbs of aluminum in each tower, and the planes bodies were 80 stories in the air???

I guess you missed this post?

It COULDN'T have been aluminum right? Let's see. What was below the twin towers. Parking levels able to hold 2,000 cars. Hmmm. What percent of cars were aluminum back in 2001?

Yeah. COULDN'T have been aluminum. There's no source for it.


The bottom line is, you're molten steel garbage could NOT have happened. There were no temperatures at the melting point of steel. That's where your crap stops. You can go on blathering about molten steel all you want.

THERE WAS NO TEMPERATURES AT AROUND 2,600F - 2,800F. PERIOD. You and everyone else pretty much proved that.

Now what genius?

Bottom line. There was no evidence of temperatures needed to melt steel. Even your CT buddies admit this.
Tell did any aluminum get 70 feet below the surface, and what are the chances it was even aluminum when according to your web site, there was only about 22,000 lbs of aluminum in each tower, and the planes bodies were 80 stories in the air???

I guess you missed this post?

It COULDN'T have been aluminum right? Let's see. What was below the twin towers. Parking levels able to hold 2,000 cars. Hmmm. What percent of cars were aluminum back in 2001?

Yeah. COULDN'T have been aluminum. There's no source for it.


The bottom line is, you're molten steel garbage could NOT have happened. There were no temperatures at the melting point of steel. That's where your crap stops. You can go on blathering about molten steel all you want.

THERE WAS NO TEMPERATURES AT AROUND 2,600F - 2,800F. PERIOD. You and everyone else pretty much proved that.

Now what genius?

Bottom line. There was no evidence of temperatures needed to melt steel. Even your CT buddies admit this.

LOL...I didn't forget anything, including your flailing attempt, to assume it was whatever cars were in the parking garages...
What did NIST, the chief investigative agency say about that?
How many sightings and reports, mentioned aluminum?
You refuse to admit your premise is false, and the evidence against it is too vast to ignore.
When and original WTC engineer, states publicly he was shown the molted steel and claimed he saw it "running like little rivers"...and NOT MOLTED ALUMINUM, and when you honestly consider how much steel there was compared to aluminum..and where it was placed.....You drown in your failed assumptions...

What percentage "of cars" were made of aluminum? No cars are made strictly and totally of aluminum idiot.. A few may have a small percentage of aluminum parts, heads, intakes, rims, but this is a small percentage, and they were and are still mainly made out of steel frames, and engine blocks....You can not provide any definitive figures, and you struggle to make your assumption plausible...
Again the bottom line, and the point I have made is that NIST ignored this phenomena in the face of many witnesses, and reports, and because they ignored it and never addressed it, you have to sit here and try to come uo with highly improbable, and stupid assumptions in the face of so much evidence against it...
And apparently there were temps in the range to melt steel, as melted steel was seen, and reported, the strange thing is that NIST never found these extreme temps during the actual jet fuel fires, and obviously ignored them in the wreckage...

Not to mention that while there was room for 2000 parking spaces, there is no evidence that they were all occupied at the time...
You keep trying to reach, and plant doubt in the face of the available evidence, you embarrass yourself...

This thread is about what in the NIST report substantiates your assumptions and beliefs that make it accurate?
On this you and yours fail miserably. I suggest you just concede this point and try to find something else within the NIST report, that you can hang your hat on....

The explosions, perhaps? What did they do ar say about the many reports and witnesses concerning the explosions? The squibs???
Last edited:
You lose debates, that is how you lose. You provide very poor arguments and reasoning skills, and you always have to try to depend on lying,
and shallow trolling tactics in order to avoid things that show you when and where you are failing...
This is no competition, that is correct, but it is a board where you are supposed to provide substance and rational logic to your arguments and make your points as valid as possible, and when you try to do do indeed lose....Then we all can see you wiggle and squirm, and deny
this is happening to you and your stupid "points" as you post off one liners and call others who have beaten your ass the "conspiracy theorists"..

Honest people that are in tune with the world, know that there are forces at work today, that are controlled by nefarious people and organizations, who control the information that is released and who put their version and spin on events...Man, if you don't know this you solidify the term "dumbed down".

You have no real vision of how things work, and who controls what you hear as "news".
When one has control over the "news" the money supply and its currency, and has influence in many governments around the world, including their laws, and courts, is it any wonder there is so much fear in people who want to expose anything?
How many instances of whistle blowers being thrown in jail, or disappearing, losing their jobs, status and being blackballed, declared "insane" or mentally unfit, does it take for you to realize just how strong and pervasive the forces at work are??

You are a naive, shallow minded idiot. A conspiracy theorists who needs to believe that the conspiracies of the forces that are detrimental to Americans, and mankind are true and just. You are an example of what is known as a "dumbed down" indoctrinated person.
You seem to act as though you are limited in learning and obtaining knowledge about your world, and your surroundings, when the only limits are placed upon you by yourself.

Others know more about their surroundings, then you do, and this is evident by the way you conduct yourself here on the USMB, and your seemingly illogical, and irrational views, and postings..I wonder how anyone could be so fucking stupid and disconnected from reality, when there is so much information available to them, especially with the advent of the internet, that is like a vast library of information......You are a sad sad creature, very humorous but sad just the same...
that's for proving my point about dodging my question. several paragraphs of nonsense to avoid answering..
if this were a competition I won.
btw sister I will always win until you can prove an actual conspiracy.

Oh so NOW this is a competition??? See how you contradict yourself you mental retard?
I don't have to prove an actual conspiracy either dumbfuck...
Al anyone has to do is to point out the irregularities, fabrications, and out right lies, in the NIST report to know there is a cover up.
The funny thing is, is when I DO point these out, and provide links to the actual NIST report to prove it, you fail, like always to counter it...

You like to pretend that the NIST report is accurate by ignoring what is posted about it.
This is no way to substantiate your position on anything especially the NIST report and threads purpose...

Tell did any aluminum get 70 feet below the surface, and what are the chances it was even aluminum when according to your web site, there was only about 22,000 lbs of aluminum in each tower, and the planes bodies were 80 stories in the air???
When the aluminum covering on the towers were on the outside perimeter walls, that were ejected away during the explosive collapse fronts???

How come NIST didn't realize what you try to assume was sooo obvious, and just come out and "oh it was probably just some aluminum"?
How come a trained WTC engineer said on tape he saw "little rivers of molten steel" instead of aluminum?

You had your chances to answer these questions, but you and others failed at it. You sick twisted fucks even stooped so low as to lay the blame on GZ workers and rescue personnel for not "testing"
You pathetic twats, are defending a vast conspiracy theory, that depends on lies, ignored evidence and witnesses, made up scientific data, and other tactics to give it even only a miniscule chance of being remotely correct...Only in the minds of OCT and government apologists can this be considered honest, or ethical...

Too bad asshole, you failed, like always, and when I said you lose, you said this was no you say "I won" as though it is....
What a mentally fucked up creature you are, just sad and pathetic. The only thing you design for a living is a made up world, with made up realities..
once again sister jones proves he has major reading comprehension problems example:" if this were a competition I won."- ME
Sister jones' response: Oh so NOW this is a competition??? See how you contradict yourself you mental retard?
I don't have to prove an actual conspiracy either dumbfuck... -sisterjones

ah yes you do... you can't see why?
Tell did any aluminum get 70 feet below the surface, and what are the chances it was even aluminum when according to your web site, there was only about 22,000 lbs of aluminum in each tower, and the planes bodies were 80 stories in the air???

I guess you missed this post?

It COULDN'T have been aluminum right? Let's see. What was below the twin towers. Parking levels able to hold 2,000 cars. Hmmm. What percent of cars were aluminum back in 2001?

Yeah. COULDN'T have been aluminum. There's no source for it.


The bottom line is, you're molten steel garbage could NOT have happened. There were no temperatures at the melting point of steel. That's where your crap stops. You can go on blathering about molten steel all you want.

THERE WAS NO TEMPERATURES AT AROUND 2,600F - 2,800F. PERIOD. You and everyone else pretty much proved that.

Now what genius?

Bottom line. There was no evidence of temperatures needed to melt steel. Even your CT buddies admit this.

LOL...I didn't forget anything, including your flailing attempt, to assume it was whatever cars were in the parking garages...
What did NIST, the chief investigative agency say about that?
How many sightings and reports, mentioned aluminum?
You refuse to admit your premise is false, and the evidence against it is too vast to ignore.
When and original WTC engineer, states publicly he was shown the molted steel and claimed he saw it "running like little rivers"...and NOT MOLTED ALUMINUM, and when you honestly consider how much steel there was compared to aluminum..and where it was placed.....You drown in your failed assumptions...

What percentage "of cars" were made of aluminum? No cars are made strictly and totally of aluminum idiot.. A few may have a small percentage of aluminum parts, heads, intakes, rims, but this is a small percentage, and they were and are still mainly made out of steel frames, and engine blocks....You can not provide any definitive figures, and you struggle to make your assumption plausible...
Again the bottom line, and the point I have made is that NIST ignored this phenomena in the face of many witnesses, and reports, and because they ignored it and never addressed it, you have to sit here and try to come uo with highly improbable, and stupid assumptions in the face of so much evidence against it...
And apparently there were temps in the range to melt steel, as melted steel was seen, and reported, the strange thing is that NIST never found these extreme temps during the actual jet fuel fires, and obviously ignored them in the wreckage...

Not to mention that while there was room for 2000 parking spaces, there is no evidence that they were all occupied at the time...
You keep trying to reach, and plant doubt in the face of the available evidence, you embarrass yourself...

This thread is about what in the NIST report substantiates your assumptions and beliefs that make it accurate?
On this you and yours fail miserably. I suggest you just concede this point and try to find something else within the NIST report, that you can hang your hat on....

You still have a MAJOR problem. No temperatures were reported that could melt steel.

That is a fact and completely blows your theory out of the water. On the other hand I can PROVE there were temperatures to melt aluminum. I can prove there was a source for the possibility of aluminum being present.

I'd give up now if I were you because you're looking quite the fool. At least I have plausible reasons to show molten aluminum was possible. You got NOTHING.

The explosions, perhaps? What did they do ar say about the many reports and witnesses concerning the explosions? The squibs???

EXPLOSIONS do not mean EXPLOSIVES. I guess anytime anyone reports hearing a train when a tornado blows through a town, we can assume it was actually a train.

The squib bullshit has already been squashed. Demolition squibs to not jet out in a thin expulsion. You need glasses dumbass.
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What percentage "of cars" were made of aluminum? No cars are made strictly and totally of aluminum idiot..

Let me make this easier for you. What percentage of an average car is aluminum. Do you have any clue?

You aren't making anything easier on yourself by posing such stupid questions, when any rational person can see and understand the point I have made regarding the NIST report and how it deliberately failed in this particular instance..
You try to reach in trying to find anything that may substantiate your assumptions, that NIST left you blowing in the breeze about.
It is one thing to ignore the massive amounts of steel in comparison to the amounts of aluminum in/on the WTC towers, but it is even more embarrassing and foolish to watch you try and quibble over aluminum car parts lol....
Yours is an exercise in futility.....when comparing 200,000 tons of steel...56 tons in the foundation alone, to the miniscule amount of aluminum in a fucking car....

Good grief, give it up, and move on like has been suggested to other parts we can discuss and debate, like the instance where NIST also leaves you hanging regarding the explosions, the squibs, and the eyewitnesses, regarding those events. They are equally important, and have historical precedence attached to the complex.....So what did NIST do and say regarding them???

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