The NIST 9-11 Report on the WTC Collapse

blah, blah, blah...

Two things.


There were no temperatures found that were high enough to melt steel. That is a fact and PROVES that what people perceived as molten steel was not molten steel at all. You even refused to acknowledge the eutectic findings.

Second and most important.

You and your idiot brethren have been at the same tired bullshit for 11 years now and you haven't accomplished a fucking thing. Except maybe funding Richard Gage's vacations and salary.... errr... "truth conventions".

How does that feel freak? You and your conspiracy theories get slapped around at every turn. You can't even get more than 1% of the total engineering population to support you. After 11 years!!!! How does it feel to be a failure after 11 years?

Ah well. You continue to have fun with that. I'm adding you to ignore as you have only idiocy left to blather on about.

Good luck with your future in futility...

That's right pussy take your failed anti American stance elsewhere you fucking miserable troll, and all your stupid arguments including aluminum fucking car parts with you.
Sightings of melted and steel running like little rivers as seen by an original WTC engineer, and you want people to take you fucking seriously?
You're a weak fucking coward who would rather stand against the people of America to the point of stripping yourself butt ass naked of any honesty, or integrity and using wild imaginative insane speculations that don't make a lick of sense, and have no solid foundation.

You continue to think that people aren't aware because the criminals that attacked our nation have access and control of the media, or fool the people by putting on the air of legitimacy given to those who secure a high position in government.

Common criminals may plague our society, but whatever threat they pose, pales in comparison to the threat of those who rule over us.

Common criminals cannot legally seize our money, destroy the purchasing power of our currency or command standing armies. They cannot legislate away our rights, or by their reckless spending, reduce our children to debt slaves.
They cannot obstruct investigations from inside the system. They cannot seal documents, confiscate video tapes or appoint their own investigators. They cannot subpoena witnesses, find out what the witnesses know, and then use the information they've obtained to more effectively whitewash their crime.
They cannot have billions of dollars in cash sent into the desert, have it disappear without a trace, and have nobody bat an eye. They cannot orchestrate covert operations that drag us into war. They cannot commission our agencies to carry out atrocities around the world on our behalf destroying America's reputation, undermining its future security, and setting the stage for other great powers to unite against us.

Only an unaware stupid individual would not stop to think and research what has happened and continues to happen to their nation. You on the other hand are a part of the problem and are a willful participant in aiding and abetting crimes against the American people and crimes against humanity around the world.

My BRETHREN are the American people and their families who have suffered and continue to suffer because of the criminal scumbag fucks you and YOUR BRETHREN defend at every turn

John Adams Wrote: "Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean the characters and conduct of their rulers."
When speaking of our freedoms, Samuel Adams warned: Let us not be "cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men."

Good riddance you fucking maggot.
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blah, blah, blah...

Two things.


There were no temperatures found that were high enough to melt steel. That is a fact and PROVES that what people perceived as molten steel was not molten steel at all. You even refused to acknowledge the eutectic findings.

there is no evidence temperatures predicted as necessary to cause structural failure in any of the metal NIST tested

Second and most important.

You and your idiot brethren have been at the same tired bullshit for 11 years now and you haven't accomplished a fucking thing. Except maybe funding Richard Gage's vacations and salary.... errr... "truth conventions".

the strawman said what ??

How does that feel freak? You and your conspiracy theories get slapped around at every turn. You can't even get more than 1% of the total engineering population to support you. After 11 years!!!! How does it feel to be a failure after 11 years?

Ah well. You continue to have fun with that. I'm adding you to ignore as you have only idiocy left to blather on about.

Good luck with your future in futility...

its not futile freak..we get to bitch lap debwunkers like least half the country does not believe your government cover story and after 11 years you still cant sell your does it feel to be such a complete failure ?
blah, blah, blah...

Two things.

there is no evidence temperatures predicted as necessary to cause structural failure in any of the metal NIST tested

the strawman said what ??

Ah well. You continue to have fun with that. I'm adding you to ignore as you have only idiocy left to blather on about.

Good luck with your future in futility...

its not futile freak..we get to bitch lap debwunkers like least half the country does not believe your government cover story and after 11 years you still cant sell your does it feel to be such a complete failure ?
It is never absurd to question the statements, motives, or actions, of extremely powerful people. To the contrary, all evidence suggests it is absurd not to.

I left out the rest of the post as this is the only thing I am going to respond to here.

It's not a matter of questioning. The problem is that you seem to start with a conclusion, then come up with questions that will lead to that conclusion.

Then there is who and how you question. It's fine to question the government, to the point that you assume from the start anything they say is a lie. But to question truthers, or the creators of the various youtube videos posted as evidence that the NIST report is a fabrication....that is ridiculous!

You aren't asking people to simply question. You are expecting them to come to the same conclusions you have, and get upset when they do not.
blah, blah, blah...

Two things.


There were no temperatures found that were high enough to melt steel. That is a fact and PROVES that what people perceived as molten steel was not molten steel at all. You even refused to acknowledge the eutectic findings.

Second and most important.

You and your idiot brethren have been at the same tired bullshit for 11 years now and you haven't accomplished a fucking thing. Except maybe funding Richard Gage's vacations and salary.... errr... "truth conventions".

How does that feel freak? You and your conspiracy theories get slapped around at every turn. You can't even get more than 1% of the total engineering population to support you. After 11 years!!!! How does it feel to be a failure after 11 years?

Ah well. You continue to have fun with that. I'm adding you to ignore as you have only idiocy left to blather on about.

Good luck with your future in futility...

"It takes all kinds" my dad used to say. Most of us are relatively normal peeps but certainly not all. Some seem to enjoy getting spanked. I don't understand them but clearly some of these CTs are in it for the abuse they get. :D
blah, blah, blah...

Two things.


There were no temperatures found that were high enough to melt steel. That is a fact and PROVES that what people perceived as molten steel was not molten steel at all. You even refused to acknowledge the eutectic findings.

Second and most important.

You and your idiot brethren have been at the same tired bullshit for 11 years now and you haven't accomplished a fucking thing. Except maybe funding Richard Gage's vacations and salary.... errr... "truth conventions".

How does that feel freak? You and your conspiracy theories get slapped around at every turn. You can't even get more than 1% of the total engineering population to support you. After 11 years!!!! How does it feel to be a failure after 11 years?

Ah well. You continue to have fun with that. I'm adding you to ignore as you have only idiocy left to blather on about.

Good luck with your future in futility...

"It takes all kinds" my dad used to say. Most of us are relatively normal peeps but certainly not all. Some seem to enjoy getting spanked. I don't understand them but clearly some of these CTs are in it for the abuse they get. :D

It really is telling that not a single person who tries to defend the NIST and their willful negligence and non existent explanations,

What is really telling is that of the thousands of people you claim were in your version of a 9/11 CT not one has come forward in 11+ years. Not one.

can actually point to any specifics within their report that can be called a "slam dunk" and actually answers anything that others have found objectionable....

Straw Man. Most norms here have said they believe the NIST report is imperfect but that your CTs are ridiculous.

I mean we got assholes in this thread, blaming GZ people, saying that hundreds of them are wrong, that it was most likely aluminum in the molted wreckage etc...

A blatant lie. How many GZ people said they saw molten steel and how many of them had any way of knowing what that molten stuff was and since we know it couldn't have been steel, aluminum is most likely.

But their reasons for wanting others to assume their positions can at all be considered the least bit plausible are
fucking shamefully hilarious...These assholes don't know when to stop making fools of themselves
There are many contradictions within the NIST investigation and the subsequent BS reports that real normal everyday folks, that have a semblance of rationality and integrity, and honesty can easily see.
The glaring contradictions and willful obfuscations that the anti American, anti freedom, and pro anti thinking segment in these threads think that they can actually justify BECAUSE NIST as a government controlled agency, WAS purposefully negligent, and avoided doing a real investigation that included ALL MANOR OF EVIDENCE!!! Are fucking obvious to observant American people..

What we are witnessing here are idiots who have no valid arguments for NIST and the OCT, and are appealing to others they hope are as scared and or intellectually dishonest as they are..

In fact, I have seen no norm here trying to sell anything but you CTs do nothing else.

It really is so bad that they have resorted to having to disregard any rational thought or logic, and have stooped to speculating about obscure inconsequential aluminum fucking car parts LOL!!
The fact is that these desperate people only are here to slide blame away from the real
criminals who conducted and facilitated these murderous acts upon the nation they were sworn to protect...The NIST report is only a piece of the cover up, and millions know it, and more are tuning in and waking up about it, hence the desperation tactics of trying to lay blame on GZ workers, and the desperate and laughable attempt to even mention aluminum where non was mentioned or could have been present.
Simple common sense combined with the actual reports including eyewitnesses, and the structures themselves, including figures and calculations, that I have used and taken from one of their own so called "debunking sites" will attest to their failure to provide a rational argument against the hundreds of reports, and statements and sightings of this molten steel.
I mean how much more desperate does one get when he has to say that no temps hot enough to melt steel ever existed in the wreckage when all the evidence suggest otherwise? Including the presence of melted and dripping steel in the fucking wreckage itself???

The shills on this thread want Americans to trust the government and its agencies based on what?
The many verified instances that can be easily pointed out to show exactly the opposite?

There has been no effort to get anyone to trust the gov't but plenty by you CT "patriots" trashing our gov't. What is irrefutable is that 11+ years after the fact the 9/11 CT Movement has failed to prove any alternative to the NIST report.

Have they earned our trust? Or have they violated it over and over again? Those that have
an agenda to protect the cover up, and continue to perpetrate the lies that have been told to Americans and the world would surely want us to continue to be gullible trust them.

What is even more ludicrous is that they even show up in threads like this in packs to attack and ridicule anyone and everything that exposes the lies and criminal behavior of the NIST and the government agencies ,and they are making fools of themselves, while being stripped naked of any honesty, credibility, and integrity in their failed attempts to do so.

Fucking aluminum car parts ...Fucking seriously? You are one disgraceful weak son of a bitch.
With desperate and weak arguments such as those why should anyone in their right mind trust you and your insane opinions?

Again I ask why should any red blooded American man women or child trust NIST or the corrupt US government? Trust them based on what? Have they earned our trust? Or have they violated it over and over again? Is it really absurd to suspect them of heinous crimes when we've repeatedly caught them red-handed, and the instances of the many times they have lied can be pointed out?
And how exactly can we expect to expose any of their crimes if simply denying the charge and attacking their accuser is considered sufficient grounds for acquittal?
They have been exposed by their own works, and their defenders are hoping that we wont expose them, or that fear of ridicule is enough to curtail or halt thinking Americans from even questioning them.
We know the elite lie, we know they can be sadistic, we know they'll stop at nothing to secure and expand their power while diminishing those of the common American.
We know this has always been the case throughout history.
If that isn't enough to warrant healthy skepticism, what is?

It is never absurd to question the statements, motives, or actions, of extremely powerful people. To the contrary, all evidence suggests it is absurd not to.

I do love when these 9/11 CT loons wrap themselves in our flag and prance around proclaiming their righteousness and patriotism, especially the ones who think their verbosity makes them seem credible. :lol: :lol: :lol:
blah, blah, blah...

Two things.


There were no temperatures found that were high enough to melt steel. That is a fact and PROVES that what people perceived as molten steel was not molten steel at all. You even refused to acknowledge the eutectic findings.

Second and most important.

You and your idiot brethren have been at the same tired bullshit for 11 years now and you haven't accomplished a fucking thing. Except maybe funding Richard Gage's vacations and salary.... errr... "truth conventions".

How does that feel freak? You and your conspiracy theories get slapped around at every turn. You can't even get more than 1% of the total engineering population to support you. After 11 years!!!! How does it feel to be a failure after 11 years?

Ah well. You continue to have fun with that. I'm adding you to ignore as you have only idiocy left to blather on about.

Good luck with your future in futility...

That's right pussy take your failed anti American stance elsewhere you fucking miserable troll... Good riddance you fucking maggot.

Woo. Princess Jones gets mighty brave once Gamer turns his back. Typical CT jackass. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Two things.


There were no temperatures found that were high enough to melt steel. That is a fact and PROVES that what people perceived as molten steel was not molten steel at all. You even refused to acknowledge the eutectic findings.

Second and most important.

You and your idiot brethren have been at the same tired bullshit for 11 years now and you haven't accomplished a fucking thing. Except maybe funding Richard Gage's vacations and salary.... errr... "truth conventions".

How does that feel freak? You and your conspiracy theories get slapped around at every turn. You can't even get more than 1% of the total engineering population to support you. After 11 years!!!! How does it feel to be a failure after 11 years?

Ah well. You continue to have fun with that. I'm adding you to ignore as you have only idiocy left to blather on about.

Good luck with your future in futility...

That's right pussy take your failed anti American stance elsewhere you fucking miserable troll... Good riddance you fucking maggot.

Woo. Princess Jones gets mighty brave once Gamer turns his back. Typical CT jackass. :lol: :lol: :lol:


11 years of failed beliefs, ignorance, and futility will do that to a person.

Reminds me of Christophera and his concrete core (if anyone remembers him).

Oh well...
Woo. Princess Jones gets mighty brave once Gamer turns his back. Typical CT jackass. :lol: :lol: :lol:


I was just thinking about something. Thermite produces aluminum oxide and elemental iron. If there was supposedly enough thermite burning in the debris pile to keep the steel heated to melting for weeks, why didn't anyone see molten aluminum oxide?

There would have had to have been shitloads produced based on the amount of thermite needed to maintain temperatures at 2800 F for weeks.

All anyone supposedly saw was molten steel.

Woo. Princess Jones gets mighty brave once Gamer turns his back. Typical CT jackass. :lol: :lol: :lol:


I was just thinking about something. Thermite produces aluminum oxide and elemental iron. If there was supposedly enough thermite burning in the debris pile to keep the steel heated to melting for weeks, why didn't anyone see molten aluminum oxide?

There would have had to have been shitloads produced based on the amount of thermite needed to maintain temperatures at 2800 F for weeks.

All anyone supposedly saw was molten steel.


The whole idea that the building was rigged with thermite is preposterous in the extreme. How did a demolition team rig both towers to drop without anyone seeing it? Not the regular workers, not the building security, not the cleaning crew, no one.

Clearly a ridiculous idea.
It might be true that the temperatures that the fires achieved was 1000 degrees less than what is needed to melt steel, but the steel did not need to be liquid to fail. With the amount of weight on the columns, heating them to 1800 degrees is enough to cause them to warp and fail.
Woo. Princess Jones gets mighty brave once Gamer turns his back. Typical CT jackass. :lol: :lol: :lol:


I was just thinking about something. Thermite produces aluminum oxide and elemental iron. If there was supposedly enough thermite burning in the debris pile to keep the steel heated to melting for weeks, why didn't anyone see molten aluminum oxide?

There would have had to have been shitloads produced based on the amount of thermite needed to maintain temperatures at 2800 F for weeks.

All anyone supposedly saw was molten steel.


The whole idea that the building was rigged with thermite is preposterous in the extreme. How did a demolition team rig both towers to drop without anyone seeing it? Not the regular workers, not the building security, not the cleaning crew, no one.

Clearly a ridiculous idea.

It goes further than that. The idiots here want to claim thermite fueled the fires within the debris pile to create molten steel found weeks (or longer) after the actual collapse.

They claim that people can tell the difference between molten steel, molten aluminum, or other molten substances.

So if nobody saw anything but molten steel in the debris pile, why didn't anyone see molten aluminum oxide? There had to have been a lot a thermite in the pile to keep the temperatures at 2800 F and produce molten steel for weeks. What about elemental iron? None of these "experts in visual identification of molten substances" reported that either, yet it is also a byproduct of a thermite reaction.
It might be true that the temperatures that the fires achieved was 1000 degrees less than what is needed to melt steel, but the steel did not need to be liquid to fail. With the amount of weight on the columns, heating them to 1800 degrees is enough to cause them to warp and fail.

Agreed. That's what I've always said.

But eots will come back and say that NIST says there weren't temps high enough to weaken steel. Yet turns around and believes the molten steel crap.

Pretty funny is you ask me.
Woo. Princess Jones gets mighty brave once Gamer turns his back. Typical CT jackass. :lol: :lol: :lol:


I was just thinking about something. Thermite produces aluminum oxide and elemental iron. If there was supposedly enough thermite burning in the debris pile to keep the steel heated to melting for weeks, why didn't anyone see molten aluminum oxide?

There would have had to have been shitloads produced based on the amount of thermite needed to maintain temperatures at 2800 F for weeks.

All anyone supposedly saw was molten steel.:D

Thermites do not burn very long and there is no way that thermite use on 9/11 would or could have kept steel molten for weeks. There is also no way to have burned through enough steel support beams at exactly the same rate to cause the Towers to fall straight down. Uneven burning would have caused the buildings to topple like trees.
I believe if we've established nothing else in the molten steel debate it is that no one actually knows what that molten material was. It is unfortunate that the NIST did not at least measure its temp but having no reason to believe the material could be steel there was little reason to. It is pathetic that the CTs do not apply the same skepticism to the statements of those who claimed to have seem molten steel that they do to everything the NIST said.
Ironically, it is the "secret super stuff" theory which has a greater probability than thermite but that just highlights the overwhelming probability that there was no CD at all.
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It might be true that the temperatures that the fires achieved was 1000 degrees less than what is needed to melt steel, but the steel did not need to be liquid to fail. With the amount of weight on the columns, heating them to 1800 degrees is enough to cause them to warp and fail.

Agreed. That's what I've always said.

But eots will come back and say that NIST says there weren't temps high enough to weaken steel. Yet turns around and believes the molten steel crap.

Pretty funny is you ask me.

Pathetic if you ask me but he seems to be a man with an agenda other than the truth.
Jones, on the other hand, actually believes the CTBS he posts. Then there is 9/11 Hand Job ... the village idiot. :cuckoo:

I was just thinking about something. Thermite produces aluminum oxide and elemental iron. If there was supposedly enough thermite burning in the debris pile to keep the steel heated to melting for weeks, why didn't anyone see molten aluminum oxide?

There would have had to have been shitloads produced based on the amount of thermite needed to maintain temperatures at 2800 F for weeks.

All anyone supposedly saw was molten steel.


The whole idea that the building was rigged with thermite is preposterous in the extreme. How did a demolition team rig both towers to drop without anyone seeing it? Not the regular workers, not the building security, not the cleaning crew, no one.

Clearly a ridiculous idea.

It goes further than that. The idiots here want to claim thermite fueled the fires within the debris pile to create molten steel found weeks (or longer) after the actual collapse.

They claim that people can tell the difference between molten steel, molten aluminum, or other molten substances.

So if nobody saw anything but molten steel in the debris pile, why didn't anyone see molten aluminum oxide? There had to have been a lot a thermite in the pile to keep the temperatures at 2800 F and produce molten steel for weeks. What about elemental iron? None of these "experts in visual identification of molten substances" reported that either, yet it is also a byproduct of a thermite reaction.

I remember that someone once posted a picture here os a beam that was "melted", when actually it was obviously cut by a cutting torch. Probably any molton steel found in the debris was there because of the torches used to remove the steel/rescue survivors/increase safety.
It might be true that the temperatures that the fires achieved was 1000 degrees less than what is needed to melt steel, but the steel did not need to be liquid to fail. With the amount of weight on the columns, heating them to 1800 degrees is enough to cause them to warp and fail.

Agreed. That's what I've always said.

But eots will come back and say that NIST says there weren't temps high enough to weaken steel. Yet turns around and believes the molten steel crap.

Pretty funny is you ask me.

Does the NIST report actually state that there weren't temps high enough? If so, that's pretty ignorant of them.
It might be true that the temperatures that the fires achieved was 1000 degrees less than what is needed to melt steel, but the steel did not need to be liquid to fail. With the amount of weight on the columns, heating them to 1800 degrees is enough to cause them to warp and fail.

Just to reiterate what Mr. Jones is claiming. The important parts are enlarged/colored/bolded.

Because, as I mentioned numerous already...aluminum melts at a lower temp then steel...But, it gets rid of the heat faster then steel. This means that if it was aluminum that was melting, and running "like in a foundry" there had to be a very high, and constant heating source/fuel supply in order for the aluminum to react, and be in a constant state of melting. Where did this heat fuel source come from? How did it manage to last for 100 days despite constant efforts to extinguish it, and even resorting to thousands of gallons of pyrocool?
Steel on the other hand, will hold onto the heat longer then aluminum, still the source of the heat/fuel source to maintain the temps, in aluminum or steel, that were reported and measured remains a mystery.

Mr. Jones thinking is basically that thermite kept the steel molten for 100 days.
Does the NIST report actually state that there weren't temps high enough?


15. Since the melting point of steel is about 1,500 degrees Celsius (2,800 degrees Fahrenheit) and the temperature of a jet fuel fire does not exceed 1,000 degrees Celsius (1,800 degrees Fahrenheit), how could fires have impacted the steel enough to bring down the WTC towers?

In no instance did NIST report that steel in the WTC towers melted due to the fires. The melting point of steel is about 1,500 degrees Celsius (2,800 degrees Fahrenheit). Normal building fires and hydrocarbon (e.g., jet fuel) fires generate temperatures up to about 1,100 degrees Celsius (2,000 degrees Fahrenheit). NIST reported maximum upper layer air temperatures of about 1,000 degrees Celsius (1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) in the WTC towers (for example, see NCSTAR 1, Figure 6-36).
However, when bare steel reaches temperatures of 1,000 degrees Celsius, it softens and its strength reduces to roughly 10 percent of its room temperature value. Steel that is unprotected (e.g., if the fireproofing is dislodged) can reach the air temperature within the time period that the fires burned within the towers. Thus, yielding and buckling of the steel members (floor trusses, beams, and both core and exterior columns) with missing fireproofing were expected under the fire intensity and duration determined by NIST for the WTC towers.

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