The Noose Tightens Around Mueller’s Scrawny Neck

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Nobody knows how it will turn out. Mueller served Reagan, Bush, Bush in varying capacities. His credentials as a Republican are fully intact unless you wish to say that the 3 presidents that appointed him are not Republicans all of the sudden.

The persona attacks on his character are not disturbing in the least; they are indications of just how bizarrely desperate the Trumpanzees have become.

Bush and Bush are both staunch globalists, as are Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
as they should investigate but it probably leaked from the Bank's end, not the Treasury dept..... Avenatti is not a political person with treasury dept connections....he's more an ambulance chaser, with Trump like marketing skills! :D
Several amusing theories from libs......parties over...turn out the lights
conspiring with a foreign government in a Presidential election by the campaign team is a crime.

conspiring with a foreign gvt in a presidential election promising something for something is also a crime.

i.e. Russia helps you win the election through their interference in our democracy, and you promise them the removal of US Sanctions in return, is a crime.
Bush and Bush are both staunch globalists, as are Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
Yeah, funny how the successful countries all seem to be somewhat globalist. It's almost like they think that what happens in other countries affects their own, and vice versa.
as they should investigate but it probably leaked from the Bank's end, not the Treasury dept..... Avenatti is not a political person with treasury dept connections....he's more an ambulance chaser, with Trump like marketing skills! :D
Several amusing theories from libs......parties over...turn out the lights
quite the contrary.....

the party hasn't even started yet!
there are only 2 options on where Avenatti could have sourced his information, the Bank who handled the transaction or the Treasury dept who also handled the paperwork. there are not a thousand options, only 2.
the point is, Cohen appears to be over his head in swamp water... like near everyone else that works for The Don.
conspiring with a foreign government in a Presidential election by the campaign team is a crime.

conspiring with a foreign gvt in a presidential election promising something for something is also a crime.

i.e. Russia helps you win the election through their interference in our democracy, and you promise them the removal of US Sanctions in return, is a crime.
Bribery, extortion, conspiracy, obstruction of justice and treason.
Cohen appears to be over his head in swamp water... like near everyone else that works for The Don.
Agreed, and I have to admit, this is one of the few things that has shocked me about Trump.

Sure, we already knew he was a classless, amoral, unethical budfoon with little wisdom and even less knowledge. But I guess I naively assumed that, surely, people around him with an interest in maintaining his empire (real or imagined) would be making the "big kid" decisions.

Nope. There appear to be not only no such restrictions on Free Assoctiaton Donald's free wheeling wheeling jaunt down president lane, but there doesn't seem to be many people even qualified (much less empowered?) to make the big kid decisions around him anymore.

He's a lame duck, now. He's Chauncey. He's Forrest.

He's a lame duck, now. He's Chauncey. He's Forrest.
he's a Phoenix.... he rises from the ashes....

''You under estimate, the power of the Dark Side''

be careful, be less confident, this man of chaos won't go down, without bringing the town, with him! :eek:
The Noose Tightens Around Mueller’s Scrawny Neck

Bob Mueller coming in for another great investigative landing...

View attachment 192827

Which way did he go? Which way did he go?
But don't worry. When a sham like him resorts to these sorts of dirty ploys, it just tells you that the Left is damn scared, their trail is running cold, they are sucking wind and getting desperate, and the day will come when one day Bob has to face the mike and admit to the world that he hasn't got anything but a tabloid whore for all the millions and millions of our taxpayer dollars he's cost us. But the Left won't mind because they knew all along it was just one more gamble that at the very least would just tie up the Trump Administration and slow down their ability to execute the will of the people and the needs of the nation. What the Left truly enjoys most--- hurting the nation.
Actually, I think it's desperate, overwrought rhetoric like yours that shows a palpable fear on behalf of the Trump circle and his 20 million surrogate mommies, of which you are one

I can smell your fear that the Mueller "Russia" investigation has all but run out of fumes.
I'm not scared of that. I don't think Trump will ever be impeached. I know the Trump campaign colluded with Russians, and I know Trump helps to launder their money. So the Mueller investigation , from where I stand, is more an academic effort to record facts for posterity.
Do you know anything that's actually true?
I know this might sound crazy to other liberals but there still is a chance that President Trump was unaware of some of the things going on behind the scenes....

Take Manafort....

first he had a mutual friend of Trump's and BEGGED HIM to recommend he be Trump's campaign manager to Trump.

Then Manafort sent a letter to Trump telling him why he was perfect for the job.

Trump hires him.

Then Manafort sends email to his partner, ''how can my new position help me 'get whole', with the Russian oligarch, putin connected that manafort owed $20 million to.

And another email arranging a personal update on the Trump campaign to the Russian, who flew in for the update....

ALL OF THAT stuff of Manafort's

Trump could have been unaware....Manafort could have been using Trump and his position for his advantage.....

yes, Trump has a talent for gathering seedy characters around him,

but knowing what they are all up to....? not so certain he cares or in a 'deniable plausibility manner' makes certain he doesn't know....?

Same with some of Cohen's alleged crooked dealings, Trump may not be involved or even know, all of them?
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Trump never paid Putin $15 Million for Russian Propaganda to hand over to McCain, Comey, McCabe, Mueller and Rosenstein to attempt to rig an Election and start off a Seditious and Treasonous Soft Coup for Clinton and Obama who also contributed to The Putin Propaganda Fund.

How about you produce The Russian Clinton Dossier or STFU?

Shame on you, for pledging allegiance to someone who has, and will continue to, sell this country out to Russia. You neofascist Trump supporters pose the greatest threat to the Constitution that I've ever seen in my lifetime.

And you did it all for a pathological liar and sociopath who can barely read a teleprompter. Idiots, all of you.

Pure fantasy. Enjoy the purge.
Shame on you, for pledging allegiance to someone who has, and will continue to, sell this country out to Russia. You neofascist Trump supporters pose the greatest threat to the Constitution that I've ever seen in my lifetime.

And you did it all for a pathological liar and sociopath who can barely read a teleprompter. Idiots, all of you.
How has the country been sold out to Russia ?
conspiring with a foreign government in a Presidential election by the campaign team is a crime.

conspiring with a foreign gvt in a presidential election promising something for something is also a crime.

i.e. Russia helps you win the election through their interference in our democracy, and you promise them the removal of US Sanctions in return, is a crime.

Clearly said.

Now, the evidence that ANY of this happened?
Bush and Bush are both staunch globalists, as are Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
Yeah, funny how the successful countries all seem to be somewhat globalist. It's almost like they think that what happens in other countries affects their own, and vice versa.

Funny how we were most successful compared to other countries before we put our wagon at the mercy of their mule.
The Noose Tightens Around Mueller’s Scrawny Neck

Bob Mueller coming in for another great investigative landing...

View attachment 192827

Which way did he go? Which way did he go?
But don't worry. When a sham like him resorts to these sorts of dirty ploys, it just tells you that the Left is damn scared, their trail is running cold, they are sucking wind and getting desperate, and the day will come when one day Bob has to face the mike and admit to the world that he hasn't got anything but a tabloid whore for all the millions and millions of our taxpayer dollars he's cost us. But the Left won't mind because they knew all along it was just one more gamble that at the very least would just tie up the Trump Administration and slow down their ability to execute the will of the people and the needs of the nation. What the Left truly enjoys most--- hurting the nation.
Actually, I think it's desperate, overwrought rhetoric like yours that shows a palpable fear on behalf of the Trump circle and his 20 million surrogate mommies, of which you are one

I can smell your fear that the Mueller "Russia" investigation has all but run out of fumes.
I'm not scared of that. I don't think Trump will ever be impeached. I know the Trump campaign colluded with Russians, and I know Trump helps to launder their money. So the Mueller investigation , from where I stand, is more an academic effort to record facts for posterity.
Do you know anything that's actually true?
That's about the lame level of defense I expect from one of Trump's surrogate mommies.
Funny how we were most successful compared to other countries
Oops, your Obama Tourettes Syndrome is messing with your brain again. You see, you were actually whining about Clinton and bush, too. Then you had a flare up of your condition and tried to point to only Obama, which not only contradicts yourself, but also every available shred of evidence. You might want to follow up with your doctor.
I know this might sound crazy to other liberals but there still is a chance that President Trump was unaware of some of the things going on behind the scenes....

Take Manafort....

first he had a mutual friend of Trump's and BEGGED HIM to recommend he be Trump's campaign manager to Trump.

Then Manafort sent a letter to Trump telling him why he was perfect for the job.

Trump hires him.

Then Manafort sends email to his partner, ''how can my new position help me 'get whole', with the Russian oligarch, putin connected that manafort owed $20 million to.

And another email arranging a personal update on the Trump campaign to the Russian, who flew in for the update....

ALL OF THAT stuff of Manafort's

Trump could have been unaware....Manafort could have been using Trump and his position for his advantage.....

yes, Trump has a talent for gathering seedy characters around him,

but knowing what they are all up to....? not so certain he cares or in a 'deniable plausibility manner' makes certain he doesn't know....?

Same with some of Cohen's alleged crooked dealings, Trump may not be involved or even know, all of them?

Which ales him a buffoon and not a traitor. Meh....
I know this might sound crazy to other liberals but there still is a chance that President Trump was unaware of some of the things going on behind the scenes....

Take Manafort....

first he had a mutual friend of Trump's and BEGGED HIM to recommend he be Trump's campaign manager to Trump.

Then Manafort sent a letter to Trump telling him why he was perfect for the job.

Trump hires him.

Then Manafort sends email to his partner, ''how can my new position help me 'get whole', with the Russian oligarch, putin connected that manafort owed $20 million to.

And another email arranging a personal update on the Trump campaign to the Russian, who flew in for the update....

ALL OF THAT stuff of Manafort's

Trump could have been unaware....Manafort could have been using Trump and his position for his advantage.....

yes, Trump has a talent for gathering seedy characters around him,

but knowing what they are all up to....? not so certain he cares or in a 'deniable plausibility manner' makes certain he doesn't know....?

Same with some of Cohen's alleged crooked dealings, Trump may not be involved or even know, all of them?

Which ales him a buffoon and not a traitor. Meh....
on some of the actions his ''friends'' have done.... by all means, I am not saying all of the things....!
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