The North Pole could melt this year

Those quotes are 4 years old....

Let's review shall we.....

California is experiencing its driest year on record. Over 800 square miles of California forests have burned so far, and the real fire season doesn't even start until late July. Most of the North Pole has melted. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere has risen by one third in the last 200 years. CO2 is now at the highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years. Every year we pump 8 billion metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, and that number is rising as China and India industrialize.
Most of the "scientists" who were global warming deniers turned out to be paid by Exxon and the Petroleum Institute. Two years ago Exxon realized they were wrong and stopped funding those scientists. Still, some people continue to parrot them. Even Bush the Lesser now believes in global warming.

Kirk, you have your facts completely mixed up. Global warming is not causing forest fires. Firt off I'll start by saying that about 80% of forest fires are started by carelessness. Second, there is a pesticide resilient pine beetle in the Rockies and west to California. In the last couple of years, these pine beetles have killed millions of square miles of forests, leaving them more vulnerable to fire. Not to mention, forests are responsible for trapping and holding carbon in the earth. Many scientists fear that the pine-beetle, killing the trees, is causing the release of abnormal amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. Not that I agree that CO2 is causing global warming, but this comes from YOUR side of the need to get your facts straight. According to you, everyone who disagrees with you is in cahoots with Exxon or Halliburton. If we use your logic, everything is attributed to global warming.

Those quotes are 4 years old....

Let's review shall we.....

California is experiencing its driest year on record. Over 800 square miles of California forests have burned so far, and the real fire season doesn't even start until late July. Most of the North Pole has melted. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere has risen by one third in the last 200 years. CO2 is now at the highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years. Every year we pump 8 billion metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, and that number is rising as China and India industrialize.
Most of the "scientists" who were global warming deniers turned out to be paid by Exxon and the Petroleum Institute. Two years ago Exxon realized they were wrong and stopped funding those scientists. Still, some people continue to parrot them. Even Bush the Lesser now believes in global warming.

LOL, If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're The Good Shephard with a different screen-name....You enjoy using his retarded tactics. Anyone who disagrees with you is just plain wrong or a liar :rolleyes: And funded by Exxon. :rolleyes: Anyone who post sources are posting sources that aren't credible or too old... :rolleyes: Typical bull crap from AGW alarmist. If I didn't enjoy watching the stupidity level rise with every post of yours, I'd quit posting...
LOL, If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're The Good Shephard with a different screen-name....You enjoy using his retarded tactics. Anyone who disagrees with you is just plain wrong or a liar :rolleyes: And funded by Exxon. :rolleyes: Anyone who post sources are posting sources that aren't credible or too old... :rolleyes: Typical bull crap from AGW alarmist. If I didn't enjoy watching the stupidity level rise with every post of yours, I'd quit posting...

Recently there was a guy saying that global warming was increasing seismic activity which would result in worldwide catastrophe. We've seen global warming blamed for everything from increased bug infestations to hurricanes to tornados in Kansas. I suppose all those locust plagues and Krakatoa and the reoccurring northwest passage in the Arctic were due to methane emissions from all those chariot horses or Viking SUVs?

The lengths that the AGW advocates--why don't the kool-ade drinkers ever check THEIR funding?--go to tie every natural phenomenon to global warming would be amusing if we weren't in danger of losing our freedoms, choices, and at least some of our prosperity to national and international policies that very well may be based on junk science.
LOL, If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're The Good Shephard with a different screen-name....You enjoy using his retarded tactics. Anyone who disagrees with you is just plain wrong or a liar :rolleyes: And funded by Exxon. :rolleyes: Anyone who post sources are posting sources that aren't credible or too old... :rolleyes: Typical bull crap from AGW alarmist. If I didn't enjoy watching the stupidity level rise with every post of yours, I'd quit posting...

Everything posted below is a fact. Your post is just insults.

California is experiencing its driest year on record. Over 800 square miles of California forests have burned so far, and the real fire season doesn't even start until late July. Most of the North Pole has melted. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere has risen by one third in the last 200 years. CO2 is now at the highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years. Every year we pump 8 billion metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, and that number is rising as China and India industrialize.
Most of the "scientists" who were global warming deniers turned out to be paid by Exxon and the Petroleum Institute. Two years ago Exxon realized they were wrong and stopped funding those scientists. Still, some people continue to parrot them. Even Bush the Lesser now believes in global warming.
Everything posted below is a fact. Your post is just insults.

California is experiencing its driest year on record. Over 800 square miles of California forests have burned so far, and the real fire season doesn't even start until late July. Most of the North Pole has melted. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere has risen by one third in the last 200 years. CO2 is now at the highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years. Every year we pump 8 billion metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, and that number is rising as China and India industrialize.
Most of the "scientists" who were global warming deniers turned out to be paid by Exxon and the Petroleum Institute. Two years ago Exxon realized they were wrong and stopped funding those scientists. Still, some people continue to parrot them. Even Bush the Lesser now believes in global warming.

Fair enough...all above may be fact...but the one thing that is not a fact posted above is AGW....That my friend, is a theory. You know it, as well as every other AGW alarmist. It has not been proven. And your assumption that most scientists who disagree with global warming are paid by Exxon is also not a fact. Do you have any idea how many scientists their are in this world...what kind of projection would it be to assume that the ones that disagree with AGW are funded by Exxon? AGW has not been proven. You are posting statistics and assuming that it correlates, while continually ignored FACT that all the planets in the solar system are warming, as well as projections that circulation in the arctic could be the cause for its melting. You are just like TGS, you assume all you have to say is %100 fact, and anyone who disagrees is a liar who's paid by oil companies.
Fair enough...all above may be fact...but the one thing that is not a fact posted above is AGW....That my friend, is a theory. You know it, as well as every other AGW alarmist. It has not been proven. And your assumption that most scientists who disagree with global warming are paid by Exxon is also not a fact. Do you have any idea how many scientists their are in this world...what kind of projection would it be to assume that the ones that disagree with AGW are funded by Exxon? AGW has not been proven. You are posting statistics and assuming that it correlates, while continually ignored FACT that all the planets in the solar system are warming, as well as projections that circulation in the arctic could be the cause for its melting. You are just like TGS, you assume all you have to say is %100 fact, and anyone who disagrees is a liar who's paid by oil companies.

AGW is not a theory. CO2 in the atmosphere is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases cause the earth to retain heat. NO ONE disputes that. We have increased the amount of CO2 in the earth's atmosphere by one third in the last 200 years. NO ONE disputes that. We are pumping 8 billion metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. NO ONE disputes that. The question is, how much does this massive increase in CO2 warm the earth? You say it doesn't at all. The vast majority of climatologists say it does. Who should I believe?
AGW is not a theory. CO2 in the atmosphere is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases cause the earth to retain heat. NO ONE disputes that. We have increased the amount of CO2 in the earth's atmosphere by one third in the last 200 years. NO ONE disputes that. We are pumping 8 billion metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. NO ONE disputes that. The question is, how much does this massive increase in CO2 warm the earth? You say it doesn't at all. The vast majority of climatologists say it does. Who should I believe?

No Kirk, I have never said that CO2 does not cause any warming of the earth. You claim that humans are causing global warming by the amount of CO2 they've put in the atmosphere. Considering the earth has warmed numerous times before (whether CO2 initiated or not), that doesn't mean that it's caused by humans. Look up pine-beetles. LIke I've said a million times before on these boards, I do believe the earth may be warming, and I do believe that humans do contribute to green-house gases, but they are not the main source or the main cause of the warming of the earth. You are attributing way too much to humans when the earth's climate has changed dozens of times without human help. You cannot PROVE that humans are causing global warming.
Those quotes are 4 years old....

Let's review shall we.....

California is experiencing its driest year on record. Over 800 square miles of California forests have burned so far, and the real fire season doesn't even start until late July. Most of the North Pole has melted. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere has risen by one third in the last 200 years. CO2 is now at the highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years. Every year we pump 8 billion metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, and that number is rising as China and India industrialize.
Most of the "scientists" who were global warming deniers turned out to be paid by Exxon and the Petroleum Institute. Two years ago Exxon realized they were wrong and stopped funding those scientists. Still, some people continue to parrot them. Even Bush the Lesser now believes in global warming.

How refreshingly devoid of malice and rancor that post is.

Yes, Bush II finally admitted that Global warming was real.
He sage advise?

"I guess we'll all just have to get used to global warming"

That man has a mind like a steel trap, folks.

He's not just the decider, he's one hell of a problem solver, too.
How refreshingly devoid of malice and rancor that post is.

Yes, Bush II finally admitted that Global warming was real.
He sage advise?

"I guess we'll all just have to get used to global warming"

That man has a mind like a steel trap, folks.

He's not just the decider, he's one hell of a problem solver, too.

I'm glad we finally have Dr. George W. Bush weighing in on his take of Global Warming. I'd really like to see his research...
No Kirk, I have never said that CO2 does not cause any warming of the earth. You claim that humans are causing global warming by the amount of CO2 they've put in the atmosphere. Considering the earth has warmed numerous times before (whether CO2 initiated or not), that doesn't mean that it's caused by humans. Look up pine-beetles. LIke I've said a million times before on these boards, I do believe the earth may be warming, and I do believe that humans do contribute to green-house gases, but they are not the main source or the main cause of the warming of the earth. You are attributing way too much to humans when the earth's climate has changed dozens of times without human help. You cannot PROVE that humans are causing global warming.

You cannot prove that CO2 is not the source of global warming either. The only other thing that could cause the earth to heat so quickly is the sun, and the Stanford University solar scientists report that the sun has not increased its radiation enough to cause the degree of warming we are seeing.

The scientists who study climate are convinced that this warming is man-made. There are a few who disagree, but the vast majority are in agreement. They can use computers to build climate models that can tell them what a one third increase in CO2 will do. And don't be fooled. This is just the beginning. We are actually increasing our output of CO2.

We melted the North Pole in 50 short years for Christ's sake!
No Kirk, I have never said that CO2 does not cause any warming of the earth. You claim that humans are causing global warming by the amount of CO2 they've put in the atmosphere. Considering the earth has warmed numerous times before (whether CO2 initiated or not), that doesn't mean that it's caused by humans. Look up pine-beetles. LIke I've said a million times before on these boards, I do believe the earth may be warming, and I do believe that humans do contribute to green-house gases, but they are not the main source or the main cause of the warming of the earth. You are attributing way too much to humans when the earth's climate has changed dozens of times without human help. You cannot PROVE that humans are causing global warming.

look at you arguing for global warming. sorta reminds me of when the gop made dems argue against guns. you'll never win this argument. the "scientific community" as a whole agree we are ruining the planet. one way is with co2/global warming.

your party doesn't even believe in science. ie evolution.

so what do your "scientists" say about evolution?

I bet your scientists work for big corporations.

but keep arguing. this is a wedge issue we don't mind because it makes you seem brainwashed.

is there anything the gop says that you don't agree with?

silly little man.
You cannot prove that CO2 is not the source of global warming either. The only other thing that could cause the earth to heat so quickly is the sun, and the Stanford University solar scientists report that the sun has not increased its radiation enough to cause the degree of warming we are seeing.

The scientists who study climate are convinced that this warming is man-made. There are a few who disagree, but the vast majority are in agreement. They can use computers to build climate models that can tell them what a one third increase in CO2 will do. And don't be fooled. This is just the beginning. We are actually increasing our output of CO2.

We melted the North Pole in 50 short years for Christ's sake!

All I have done, was refuse to believe something that you can't prove.

And as far as the sun goes...

"In what could be the simplest explanation for one component of global warming, a new study shows the Sun's radiation has increased by .05 percent per decade since the late 1970s" -- Sun's Output Increasing in Possible Trend Fueling Global Warming

National Policy Analysis #203: Sun to Blame for Global Warming - June 1998

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says
look at you arguing for global warming. sorta reminds me of when the gop made dems argue against guns. you'll never win this argument. the "scientific community" as a whole agree we are ruining the planet. one way is with co2/global warming.

your party doesn't even believe in science. ie evolution.

so what do your "scientists" say about evolution?

I bet your scientists work for big corporations.

but keep arguing. this is a wedge issue we don't mind because it makes you seem brainwashed.

is there anything the gop says that you don't agree with?

silly little man.

LOL...first off. You have absolutely NO proof what-so-ever in which party I'm affiliated with. If you really knew, you'd eat your words.

Second, The Supreme Court ruled in favor of MY OPINION on guns, thereby, strengthening my arguement and making it MORE RIGHT than yours. So if this argument reminds you of that one, good...

Third, you have no more proof of human caused global warming than Kirk does... Go get an education before you try to spew any knowledge.


You have, by far, the crappiest arguments and opinions on these boards followed up by absolutely NO FACT and more biased opinion. You my friend, have more loyalty to the Democratic party than any loyalty I may or may not have for the GOP or any party for that matter.
All I have done, was refuse to believe something that you can't prove.

And as far as the sun goes...

"In what could be the simplest explanation for one component of global warming, a new study shows the Sun's radiation has increased by .05 percent per decade since the late 1970s" -- Sun's Output Increasing in Possible Trend Fueling Global Warming

National Policy Analysis #203: Sun to Blame for Global Warming - June 1998

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says

The Stanford scientists said that the sun was a factor in global warming, but only 25%. We know CO2 causes the earth to retain heat. Climate models can predict how much increasing the CO2 in the atmosphere by one third will warm the earth, and we are going to double the amount of CO2 in this century, so CO2 is definitely warming the earth. The only question is, how much?
Last edited:
Here's an excellent article on the subject of global warming and drought in the Western U.S.

Do you realize how this article shows your weak support for man made global warming? I have showed you where, droughts haven't increased, a study done over the last 100 years. To point out individual cases is silly, of course there are droughts in the world but its not due to global warming. We have had droughts in the last 100 years but nothing you have shown is out of the ordinary for the last 100 years.
When questioned in 1998, OISM's Arthur Robinson admitted that only 2,100 signers of the Oregon Petition had identified themselves as physicists, geophysicists, climatologists, or meteorologists, "and of those the greatest number are physicists." This grouping of fields concealed the fact that only a few dozen, at most, of the signatories were drawn from the core disciplines of climate science - such as meteorology, oceanography, and glaciology - and almost none were climate specialists. The names of the signers are available on the OISM's website, but without listing any institutional affiliations or even city of residence, making it very difficult to determine their credentials or even whether they exist at all. When the Oregon Petition first circulated, in fact, environmental activists successfully added the names of several fictional characters and celebrities to the list, including John Grisham, Michael J. Fox, Drs. Frank Burns, B. J. Honeycutt, and Benjamin Pierce (from the TV show M*A*S*H), an individual by the name of "Dr. Red Wine," and Geraldine Halliwell, formerly known as pop singer Ginger Spice of the Spice Girls. Halliwell's field of scientific specialization was listed as "biology." Even in 2003, the list was loaded with misspellings, duplications, name and title fragments, and names of non-persons, such as company names.

OISM has refused to release info on the number of mailings it made. From comments in Nature:

"Virtually every scientist in every field got it," says Robert Park, a professor of physics at the University of Maryland at College Park and spokesman for the American Physical Society. "That's a big mailing." According to the National Science Foundation, there are more than half a million science or engineering PhDs in the United States, and ten million individuals with first degrees in science or engineering.

Lmao...does this come from one of those scientist benefiting from my tax dollars(grants)?
When questioned in 1998, OISM's Arthur Robinson admitted that only 2,100 signers of the Oregon Petition had identified themselves as physicists, geophysicists, climatologists, or meteorologists, "and of those the greatest number are physicists." This grouping of fields concealed the fact that only a few dozen, at most, of the signatories were drawn from the core disciplines of climate science - such as meteorology, oceanography, and glaciology - and almost none were climate specialists. The names of the signers are available on the OISM's website, but without listing any institutional affiliations or even city of residence, making it very difficult to determine their credentials or even whether they exist at all. When the Oregon Petition first circulated, in fact, environmental activists successfully added the names of several fictional characters and celebrities to the list, including John Grisham, Michael J. Fox, Drs. Frank Burns, B. J. Honeycutt, and Benjamin Pierce (from the TV show M*A*S*H), an individual by the name of "Dr. Red Wine," and Geraldine Halliwell, formerly known as pop singer Ginger Spice of the Spice Girls. Halliwell's field of scientific specialization was listed as "biology." Even in 2003, the list was loaded with misspellings, duplications, name and title fragments, and names of non-persons, such as company names.

OISM has refused to release info on the number of mailings it made. From comments in Nature:

"Virtually every scientist in every field got it," says Robert Park, a professor of physics at the University of Maryland at College Park and spokesman for the American Physical Society. "That's a big mailing." According to the National Science Foundation, there are more than half a million science or engineering PhDs in the United States, and ten million individuals with first degrees in science or engineering.

Where is his name then?

Dwaine Fowlkes, David William Fox, PhD, Neil Stewart Fox, PhD, Russell Elwell Fox, PhD, Michael R. Fox, PhD, Brian D. Fox, G. Sidney Fox, Gerald Fox, James M. Fox, Irving H. Fox, MD, Harry James Fox, Forrest L. Fox, Corri A. Fox, Norman A. Fox, Timothy J. Fox, Bennett R. Fox, J. Fox, Donald W. Fox, Eugene K. Fox, Earl Fox, Vaughn M. Foxwell Jr., Wade Hampton Foy, PhD, James Foy, PhD, Stephen Joseph Fraenkel, PhD,

Signers F - Global Warming Petition Project
You cannot prove that CO2 is not the source of global warming either. The only other thing that could cause the earth to heat so quickly is the sun, and the Stanford University solar scientists report that the sun has not increased its radiation enough to cause the degree of warming we are seeing.

The scientists who study climate are convinced that this warming is man-made. There are a few who disagree, but the vast majority are in agreement. They can use computers to build climate models that can tell them what a one third increase in CO2 will do. And don't be fooled. This is just the beginning. We are actually increasing our output of CO2.

We melted the North Pole in 50 short years for Christ's sake!

So we should build public policy on something that can't be proven or disproven.


The average temperature of the Earth has varied within a range of
about 3°C during the past 3,000 years. It is currently increasing as the
Earth recovers from a period that is known as the Little Ice Age, as
shown in Figure 1. George Washington and his army were at Valley
Forge during the coldest era in 1,500 years, but even then the temperature
was only about 1° Centigrade below the 3,000-year average.
The most recent part of this warming period is reflected by shortening
of world glaciers, as shown in Figure 2. Glaciers regularly
lengthen and shorten in delayed correlation with cooling and warming
trends. Shortening lags temperature by about 20 years, so the cur -
rent warming trend began in about 1800.
Why is it you never cite the source for your information, isn't that against board rules?

The Money Masters


But the Fed Reserve will tell you:

The Fed is a little defensive about the question of ownership. In its Frequently Asked Questions section, the Federal Reserve Board says: "The Federal Reserve System is not 'owned' by anyone and is not a private, profit-making institution. Instead, it is an independent entity within the government, having both public purposes and private aspects." It continues:

Nearly 200 years ago Thomas Jefferson wrote:

"If the American people ever allowed the banks to control the issuance of their currency, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied."

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