The Not So Gradual Erosion of the 4th Amendment at the Hands of Well Intentioned Laws

Clap your hands! Another attempt to run away to his bullshit statistics that are totally irrelevant. You need to get pwned by math yet again Bfgrn?

Like fucking clockwork "legalize drugs, I need my fix! BRAAAACK! legalize drugs, I need my fix!" "Polly wanna hit!"
It always amazes me how liberals ignore facts that flatly disprove their assertions, like the one that authoratarian personalities are not partisan. If the only authoritarian personalities were conservatives then Cuba would be an island paradise because Castro and Che started out as liberals and were fighting for the rights of individuals to be free from oppression, as did Stalin before them. Authoritarianism emanates from all of the political spectrum, which is why it must be watched for and guarded against by anyone who ever gains power.

There really is no such thing as a liberal authoritarian. You need to understand parochial indoctrination. What tenets, values and beliefs would a Joseph Stalin want to 'conserve' markets, capitalism, democracy???

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer

Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.


Most of the rules laid down regarding smoking, publishing calories in restaurants, etc., have been put out by the left.

Many of those would like to just outlaw fast food, meats, sugar, etc.

If you fail to see that as authoritarian, I feel sorry for you. While not necessarily reflecting your opinion, many liberals do.
Would you like some fois gras pate to go with that slapdown? ;)
It always amazes me how liberals ignore facts that flatly disprove their assertions, like the one that authoratarian personalities are not partisan. If the only authoritarian personalities were conservatives then Cuba would be an island paradise because Castro and Che started out as liberals and were fighting for the rights of individuals to be free from oppression, as did Stalin before them. Authoritarianism emanates from all of the political spectrum, which is why it must be watched for and guarded against by anyone who ever gains power.

There really is no such thing as a liberal authoritarian. You need to understand parochial indoctrination. What tenets, values and beliefs would a Joseph Stalin want to 'conserve' markets, capitalism, democracy???

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer

Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.


Most of the rules laid down regarding smoking, publishing calories in restaurants, etc., have been put out by the left.

Many of those would like to just outlaw fast food, meats, sugar, etc.

If you fail to see that as authoritarian, I feel sorry for you. While not necessarily reflecting your opinion, many liberals do.

I don't know that all those 'rules' can be blamed solely on the left, but blame whoever you wish. There is a BIG difference between authoritarianism and consumer protection and laws that protect humans from carcinogens is called DEATH you moron.

"My hero is St. Francis of Assisi because he understood the connection between spirituality and the environment. He understood the way God communicates to us most forcefully is through the fish, the birds and the trees and that it is a sin to destroy those things."
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
There really is no such thing as a liberal authoritarian. You need to understand parochial indoctrination. What tenets, values and beliefs would a Joseph Stalin want to 'conserve' markets, capitalism, democracy???

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer

Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.


Most of the rules laid down regarding smoking, publishing calories in restaurants, etc., have been put out by the left.

Many of those would like to just outlaw fast food, meats, sugar, etc.

If you fail to see that as authoritarian, I feel sorry for you. While not necessarily reflecting your opinion, many liberals do.

I don't know that all those 'rules' can be blamed solely on the left, but blame whoever you wish. There is a BIG difference between authoritarianism and consumer protection and laws that protect humans from carcinogens is called DEATH you moron.

"My hero is St. Francis of Assisi because he understood the connection between spirituality and the environment. He understood the way God communicates to us most forcefully is through the fish, the birds and the trees and that it is a sin to destroy those things."
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Again, BS.

1. I'm not a moron.
2. I don't want to hear about quotes from saints or RFK.
There's always a difference between the police state authoritarianism of the left and that of the right!

When leftist moonbats like Jethro do it, it's for your own good! :rolleyes:
There really is no such thing as a liberal authoritarian.

Absolutely. The terms are mutually exclusive.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer

Cons don't like Robert Altmeyer, Bf. That's because he's got their number, COLD.
There's always a difference between the police state authoritarianism of the left and that of the right!

When leftist moonbats like Jethro do it, it's for your own good! :rolleyes:

I agree. Police state authoritarianism of the Right involves things like lobbying to do away with bothersome nuisances for the police, such as the 4th Amendment's safeguards against illegal search and seizure, the Sixth Amendment's guarantee of speedy trial and right to counsel, the Eighth Amendment's prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, the Miranda decision, expansion of the death penalty to include crimes other than capital murder, putting religion into politics and forcing religious beliefs on others, getting government into the bedroom - that kind of stuff.

Police state authoritarianism of the Left involves anything that a Democratic government does which the Right doesn't like.

Most of the rules laid down regarding smoking, publishing calories in restaurants, etc., have been put out by the left.

Many of those would like to just outlaw fast food, meats, sugar, etc.

If you fail to see that as authoritarian, I feel sorry for you. While not necessarily reflecting your opinion, many liberals do.

Do yourself a favor. Before you embarrass yourself any further, read up on authoritarianism.

I would first suggest that you get a copy of Altmeyer's studies and read it. If wading through scientific language is too much for you, the topic is covered quite well in John Dean's book, "Conservatives Without Conscience."
There's always a difference between the police state authoritarianism of the left and that of the right!

When leftist moonbats like Jethro do it, it's for your own good! :rolleyes:

I agree. Police state authoritarianism of the Right involves things like lobbying to do away with bothersome nuisances for the police, such as the 4th Amendment's safeguards against illegal search and seizure, the Sixth Amendment's guarantee of speedy trial and right to counsel, the Eighth Amendment's prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, the Miranda decision, expansion of the death penalty to include crimes other than capital murder, putting religion into politics and forcing religious beliefs on others, getting government into the bedroom - that kind of stuff.

Police state authoritarianism of the Left involves anything that a Democratic government does which the Right doesn't like.
Oh really?

How did Bubba Clintoon pare back the idiotic "war" on (some) drugs?

How many Senate democratics voted against the USAPATRIOT Act?

When has ANY democrat stood up against the gross civil liberty and due process crushing asset forfeiture laws?

BTW...I'll bet you had no idea that the bulk of the USAPATRIOT Act consisted chiefly of a bunch of leftovers from the Clinton/Reno police state wish list, didja?
There really is no such thing as a liberal authoritarian. You need to understand parochial indoctrination. What tenets, values and beliefs would a Joseph Stalin want to 'conserve' markets, capitalism, democracy???

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer

Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.


Most of the rules laid down regarding smoking, publishing calories in restaurants, etc., have been put out by the left.

Many of those would like to just outlaw fast food, meats, sugar, etc.

If you fail to see that as authoritarian, I feel sorry for you. While not necessarily reflecting your opinion, many liberals do.
Would you like some fois gras pate to go with that slapdown? ;)

I gotcher "slapdown" right HERE . . .
There really is no such thing as a liberal authoritarian. You need to understand parochial indoctrination. What tenets, values and beliefs would a Joseph Stalin want to 'conserve' markets, capitalism, democracy???

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer

Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.

Are you saying that you believe in astrology?

If someone tells me I cannot smoke because it might be hazardous in my own business to someone else I would be willing to bet you that the person saying that is not a conservative, and is also authoritarian. If someone else tells me that I do not have the right to refuse to sell something because it violates a woman's right to choose I will guarantee you that that person is a liberal, and an authoritarian.

Denying these facts just makes you a hack.

Liberal Authoritarianism - MicroWiki

Class alliances and the liberal ... - Google Books
I don't know that all those 'rules' can be blamed solely on the left, but blame whoever you wish. There is a BIG difference between authoritarianism and consumer protection and laws that protect humans from carcinogens is called DEATH you moron.

"My hero is St. Francis of Assisi because he understood the connection between spirituality and the environment. He understood the way God communicates to us most forcefully is through the fish, the birds and the trees and that it is a sin to destroy those things."
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Consumer protection is another name for liberal authoritarianism.

I do not need to be protected from my decisions and choices, and the authoritarians who think I do are all liberals.

Most of the rules laid down regarding smoking, publishing calories in restaurants, etc., have been put out by the left.

Many of those would like to just outlaw fast food, meats, sugar, etc.

If you fail to see that as authoritarian, I feel sorry for you. While not necessarily reflecting your opinion, many liberals do.

Do yourself a favor. Before you embarrass yourself any further, read up on authoritarianism.

I would first suggest that you get a copy of Altmeyer's studies and read it. If wading through scientific language is too much for you, the topic is covered quite well in John Dean's book, "Conservatives Without Conscience."

Ok, now I know you are a douche. I posted x number of replies in empathy with your post. This nonsense is your reply? Hmm, your Curriculum Vitae, please? Mine's been posted numerous times over the years. It's a place to start.
There really is no such thing as a liberal authoritarian.

Absolutely. The terms are mutually exclusive.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer

Cons don't like Robert Altmeyer, Bf. That's because he's got their number, COLD.
Robert Altmeyer's quote is laughable in it's inability to match or even resemble slightly from a distance or with trick lighting and props, anything like reality.
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There really is no such thing as a liberal authoritarian.

Absolutely. The terms are mutually exclusive.

Only if you define liberals as those interested in personal choice and freedom. Since modern progressives have redefined liberal as someone who is interested in progress or reform, instead of personal rights, they are no longer mutually exclusive. After all, I know a lot of liberals who support DWI checkpoints, and I am sure you do also.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer

Cons don't like Robert Altmeyer, Bf. That's because he's got their number, COLD.

He might also have your number George. If I remember correctly you support hate speech laws, which actually stains your liberal credentials. It also puts you squarely in the authoritarian category, like it or not.
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I don't know that all those 'rules' can be blamed solely on the left, but blame whoever you wish. There is a BIG difference between authoritarianism and consumer protection and laws that protect humans from carcinogens is called DEATH you moron.

"My hero is St. Francis of Assisi because he understood the connection between spirituality and the environment. He understood the way God communicates to us most forcefully is through the fish, the birds and the trees and that it is a sin to destroy those things."
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Consumer protection is another name for liberal authoritarianism.

I do not need to be protected from my decisions and choices, and the authoritarians who think I do are all liberals.

WOW, are you THAT self absorbed, narcissistic and obtuse...REALLY? This world exists just for YOU at your convenience? Guess what pea brain, YOU are the authoritarian. Maybe you don't need protection, but what gives YOU the right to make choices for others? If you want to smoke 10 packs of cigarettes every hour, go for it, but WHO is responsible if your second hand smoke kills some kid that is forced to accept YOUR inconvenience as THEIR death sentence. Even if you commit suicide it would not bring back that other person, whose right you violated.

You've got to be kidding me...

Liberty is to the collective body, what health is to every individual body. Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man; without liberty, no happiness can be enjoyed by society.
Thomas Jefferson
Musta hit Jethro pretty close to the mark to get him all riled up like that, QW!

Good job, man. :thup: :lol:
There really is no such thing as a liberal authoritarian.

Absolutely. The terms are mutually exclusive.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer

Cons don't like Robert Altmeyer, Bf. That's because he's got their number, COLD.

Yea, fascist are always the last to know they ARE fascists, because self righteous dogma overrides self Big Fitz...

Death penalty convictions should be carried out inside of 2 years. If you can't find something new by then, no sense in dawdling. Even if the innocent accidentally sentenced to death row is 2 in 10,000, I'm still for it.

You pontificate and moralize how executing 'some' innocent human beings is just the cost of justice for society and the victim's families. But IS IT? What comfort would it be to a family having to live with the death of their loved one, an innocent victim of crime AND the death of another family's innocent loved one? What about the ability to 'sleep at night' for the jurors that sent an innocent person to their death?

AND what about the consequences Fitz. You are BIG on punishment and swift justice. Killing an innocent human being is murder. WHO pays for that crime when the State murders an innocent person, you?...the Governor? What about the families of THOSE innocent victims YOU have created? If one of my family members murdered someone, I could find a way to accept their consequences. But if my family member were innocent and executed, I would now be a victim you righteously say you are protecting.

No system of justice is perfect. Secondly, executing the wrong person is an accident. Not murder. Executions are a punishment for a crime.

It is more dangerous that even a guilty person should be punished without the forms of law than that he should escape.
Thomas Jefferson
Musta hit Jethro pretty close to the mark to get him all riled up like that, QW!

Good job, man. :thup: :lol:

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