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The Notorious Banned FOX 9-11-2001 News Footage Israeli/Mossad Links


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
I just found this. Never knew it existed. I looked for the 9-11 forum but it's been 'disappeared'. I couldn't put it in 'Conspiracy Theories' because it's FoxNews and they are so honest. I couldn't put it in 'Media' because it's not about FoxNews. Who is very honest, btw. If it was from an actual news organization the usual suspects here would be crying "Anti-Semitic Liberal Media!" But they can't say that about their beloved FoxNews, who luuuvs them some Israel.

The Notorious Banned FOX 9-11-2001 News Footage Israeli/Mossad Links

This was aired then immediately banned and removed from the Fox archives right after 9-11, a lot have people still have never seen it and is a must for the first step in the process.

I just found this. Never knew it existed. I looked for the 9-11 forum but it's been 'disappeared'. I couldn't put it in 'Conspiracy Theories' because it's FoxNews and they are so honest. I couldn't put it in 'Media' because it's not about FoxNews. Who is very honest, btw. If it was from an actual news organization the usual suspects here would be crying "Anti-Semitic Liberal Media!" But they can't say that about their beloved FoxNews, who luuuvs them some Israel.

The Notorious Banned FOX 9-11-2001 News Footage Israeli/Mossad Links

This was aired then immediately banned and removed from the Fox archives right after 9-11, a lot have people still have never seen it and is a must for the first step in the process.

The coolest part of this is that GW and Cheney knew about the impending attack and did nothing.
I guess they're Isralies.
I started watching it. Saw enough.
What does this have to do with the video?

Did you even watch it, or just decide it was 'funny' out of ignorance?
FoxNews isn't credible to you? Brit Hume and Carl Cameron are hacks?
The official story never made sense to me. But, our government classified information about Israel's connections to 9/11? What?
The coolest part of this is that GW and Cheney knew about the impending attack and did nothing.
I guess they're Isralies.
Why would you guess that? Have the Israelis and the US never worked together as conspirators? What about Iran-Contra?
I just found this. Never knew it existed. I looked for the 9-11 forum but it's been 'disappeared'. I couldn't put it in 'Conspiracy Theories' because it's FoxNews and they are so honest. I couldn't put it in 'Media' because it's not about FoxNews. Who is very honest, btw. If it was from an actual news organization the usual suspects here would be crying "Anti-Semitic Liberal Media!" But they can't say that about their beloved FoxNews, who luuuvs them some Israel.

The Notorious Banned FOX 9-11-2001 News Footage Israeli/Mossad Links

This was aired then immediately banned and removed from the Fox archives right after 9-11, a lot have people still have never seen it and is a must for the first step in the process.

Loser, Fox is fake news too.
I just found this. Never knew it existed. I looked for the 9-11 forum but it's been 'disappeared'. I couldn't put it in 'Conspiracy Theories' because it's FoxNews and they are so honest. I couldn't put it in 'Media' because it's not about FoxNews. Who is very honest, btw. If it was from an actual news organization the usual suspects here would be crying "Anti-Semitic Liberal Media!" But they can't say that about their beloved FoxNews, who luuuvs them some Israel.

The Notorious Banned FOX 9-11-2001 News Footage Israeli/Mossad Links

This was aired then immediately banned and removed from the Fox archives right after 9-11, a lot have people still have never seen it and is a must for the first step in the process.


The Research Rabbit Whole: 9/11Edition: PTECH - Computer Crimes Behind 9/11 - PTECH is an Israeli Owned Computer Company

It should be noted, Google screwed up the links in that video. You might be able to find them on his site or on BitChute.
Interesting video, it turns out it was actually a four part series where we learned of this massive spy operation with over 200 Israeli spies. And the information that FOX presented was still missing pieces. From what I can tell now, it went something like this.

Anthrax is what connected 9/11 and the war on terror/Al Qaeda with going to war in Iraq. No one cared that Saddam and Al Qaeda were bitter enemies.

The claim was that Iraqis passed anthrax to Al Qaeda through Mohamed Atta in Prague at some meeting. This was after the anthrax attack. We saw the notes that said “death to Israel" and “death to America." The notes were sent from New Jersey and Florida where the terror cells were. The official story blamed Bruce Ivins who 'committed suicide' before his trial. After his death it was shown he couldn’t have done it because his lab was not even capable of making it. There was also no way for him to have been in NJ, Florida and Maryland in the time span required. And it definitely was not he who came up with the Prague story.

The Prague meeting lies began from James Woolsey who passed it along to Gary Schmitt and Robert Kagan of PNAC fame who wrote about it in their ‘Weekly Standard.' These are the geniuses who had called for a “New Pearl Harbor,” but that’s another story. This is about them declaring that senior Iraqi officials met with the leader of the 9/11 hijackers which connected Iraq to 9/11.

Then, after the first letters were opened, Israeli security claimed it was at that meeting where they witnessed anthrax being passed to Atta. Now, how could Israelis witness this at a meeting that never happened? Even the Senate Intelligence Committee claimed that that meeting never happened.

But, we still had notes reading 9/11, death to Israel and death to America, and Allah is great? And nothing happened? No investigation into these liars?

Then Colin Powell goes to the UN with the anthrax lie.


We had claims of WsMD, but this was the legal reason for war. This, if true would have violated UN resolution 1441 regarding Iraq having WsMD.


And we heard about mobile weapons labs from Judith Miller at the NY Times. Previously, she had blamed the 1993 WTC bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing on Iraq, so why not push this lie along with the mobile weapons lab story? They had no actual pictures, but they showed us this:


Her source was Ahmed Chalabi who was connected to the PNAC and who founded the INC, which would have been Iraq’s new government if they were attacked. This was her source and when the lies came out it didn’t matter. Judith Miller was with Powell’s speech writer, Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby, they were a couple. Libby was an adviser for VP Cheney and a lawyer for the Mossad who represented Marc Rich, the Marc Rich pardoned by Bill Clinton. His wife financed Hillary’s Senate campaign, but I ramble.

As the story goes she gets sent fake anthrax from Al Qaeda, but why would she get the fake stuff from terrorists? A copycat attack? With identical notes to the real anthrax letters received by Patrick Lahey, Tom Daschle and others? And also sent from the hijackers location in New Jersey and Florida? Even though these letters came after, the first ones had not been opened (or reported on) so there was no way to know what those letters would have said. The letters came from the same people.

It gets weirder because it turns out the Israelis were living next door to the Florida hijackers and also the ones in Hamburg. The ones from Hamburg ended up in New Jersey and opened five moving companies that we learned later was part of this huge spy operation and were fronts for mossad agents who lived a few miles away from the hijackers. One was Urban Moving Systems, owned by Dominic Suter and became infamous.

It was his employees who were caught on 9/11 celebrating the attacks. The five arrested were Sivan Kurzberg and his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari. The driver, Sivan Kurzberg, told the cops, "We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem." And as odd as that is, three of them were caught celebrating. Witnesses described them laughing and joking, holding up a lit lighter in front of their camera with the towers smoldering in the background, and high-fiving each other. They had over 70 pictures of the mass murder and were there, with their cameras before the first plane struck the tower. There are witnesses.

So, there we have foreknowledge and these guys were hardly movers. They had plane tickets, all to different destinations on that day. The police report also claims they had all failed polygraphs as FOX even mentioned and none of their stories matched. The owner, Dominic Suter immediately closed Urban, leaving hard drives and other things behind and left for Israel.

At almost the same time, near Shanksville, where another plane crashed in Pennsylvania, another Urban Moving van was pulled over, they also lied. Another van was stopped and Israelis were arrested with bombs near the George Washington bridge. Urban was also the recipient of $500,000 loan from 2001... for a moving company? That loan was never repaid.

The FFI report (Full Field Investigation) is over 1800 pages long on these guys. Foreknowledge and possibly more was already known early on, so why cover it up? We have the police reports and the FFI report and we knew their guilt. Suter was on the FBI suspect list, but when a reporter first reported this, the FBI instead investigated the reporter. Is this because of the "career suicide" that the FOX report spoke of?

Our government ended up releasing all of them back to Israel. The same Israel where Converse and Amdocs, the companies FOX mentioned who were recording all our calls and instant messages are located, and the same spies who had cell phones that could listen in to all our government officials, who were caught with explosives and who were caught "documenting the event." Their own words. If you aren't mortified, you are already dead.

There is a lot more for anyone who cares to look.
It was his employees who were caught on 9/11 celebrating the attacks. The five arrested were Sivan Kurzberg and his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari. The driver, Sivan Kurzberg, told the cops, "We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem." And as odd as that is, three of them were caught celebrating.

Just as LBJ was celebrating as Israel started the 67 war....

Zionism does not value life not Zionist.
I just found this. Never knew it existed. I looked for the 9-11 forum but it's been 'disappeared'. I couldn't put it in 'Conspiracy Theories' because it's FoxNews and they are so honest. I couldn't put it in 'Media' because it's not about FoxNews. Who is very honest, btw. If it was from an actual news organization the usual suspects here would be crying "Anti-Semitic Liberal Media!" But they can't say that about their beloved FoxNews, who luuuvs them some Israel.

The Notorious Banned FOX 9-11-2001 News Footage Israeli/Mossad Links

This was aired then immediately banned and removed from the Fox archives right after 9-11, a lot have people still have never seen it and is a must for the first step in the process.

Loser, Fox is fake news too.

So what's real news?
This thread was just moved to 'Conspiracy Theories' but it's really about FoxNews.

Their self-censoring, and scrubbing from their history news reports that for all appearances are well-sourced with reporting has never been refuted, should alarm anyone who is always whining about a Liberal Media.
I just found this. Never knew it existed. I looked for the 9-11 forum but it's been 'disappeared'. I couldn't put it in 'Conspiracy Theories' because it's FoxNews and they are so honest. I couldn't put it in 'Media' because it's not about FoxNews. Who is very honest, btw. If it was from an actual news organization the usual suspects here would be crying "Anti-Semitic Liberal Media!" But they can't say that about their beloved FoxNews, who luuuvs them some Israel.

The Notorious Banned FOX 9-11-2001 News Footage Israeli/Mossad Links

This was aired then immediately banned and removed from the Fox archives right after 9-11, a lot have people still have never seen it and is a must for the first step in the process.

The most simple and logical explanation is that Fox pulled it after being informed that it was misinformation of some foreign govt Intel group.. I looked at the cover sheets for some of those docs -- and they are phony as hell.

The one about "Israeli Art Students" bears the name Office of Security Programs, DHA Headquarters and a fucking phone number. with DC area code. Which is immediately a red flag for anyone familiar with "classified documents". And WHOTF is DHA? The only DHA that shows up in search is Defense Health Agency.

I'm pretty sure, some Arab faction had a vested interest in drawing attention AWAY from the obvious... And that Fox was duped by having these docs dropped on them and went to air too soon.. Classified docs from multiple US agencies JUST DONT LAND at the desk of a major US Media operation...

It's a closed case. Fox got duped. Then embarrassed.
For those who don't know, flacaltenn, promotes Israeli propaganda as fact in the Israel/Palestine forum.

That said, let's look at his offering more closely.

The most simple and logical explanation is that Fox pulled it after being informed that it was misinformation of some foreign govt Intel group.
This is absolute nonsense. This is a tactic used commonly. It is also known as "the nothing to see here" gambit.

This was not misinformation, so that could not be the reason it was pulled. At around 7 minutes, Cameron himself comes on CSPAN to answer the questions that were coming in about these art students/spies.

I looked at the cover sheets for some of those docs -- and they are phony as hell. The one about "Israeli Art Students" bears the name Office of Security Programs, DHA Headquarters and a fucking phone number. with DC area code. Which is immediately a red flag for anyone familiar with "classified documents". And WHOTF is DHA? The only DHA that shows up in search is Defense Health Agency.
Which docs have you seen? Post them please. This is important. And you must be referring to the DEA. They are the Drug Enforcement Agency. These spies were funding themselves in America through drug sales of ecstasy. The DEA document is very important. I am sure Cameran's report used information from this document. You should actually read it.

The activities of these Israeli art students raised the suspicion of IS and other field offices when attempts were made to circumvent the access control systems at DEA offices, and when these individuals began to solicit their paintings at the homes of DEA employees. The nature of the individuals' conduct, combined with intelligence information and historical information regarding past incidents involving Israeli Organized Crime, leads IS to believe the incidents may well be an organized intelligence gathering activity. It is believed by IS that these incidents should not be the basis for any immediate concern for the safety and security of DEA personnel, however, employees should continue to exercise due caution in safeguarding information relating to DEA investigations, or activities.

DEA Orlando has developed the first drug nexus to this group. Telephone numbers obtained from an Israel Art Student encountered at the Orlando D.O. have been linked to several ongoing DEA MDMA (Ecstasy) investigations in Florida, California, Texas, and New York. The Orlando D.O. has opened an investigation that is being coordinated with DEA HQs.

Read it all here: http://www.ancreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/DEA_Report_redactedxx.pdf

I'm pretty sure, some Arab faction had a vested interest in drawing attention AWAY from the obvious... And that Fox was duped by having these docs dropped on them and went to air too soon.
1) He blames Arabs for everything. It is in all his posts in the Israel/Palestine forum.

2) The DEA and the FBI and the NY cops are not an "Arab faction."

3) This is the largest spy ring ever uncovered on American soil and the spies were not Arab Muslim, they were Israeli Jews.

4) FOX was not duped.

Classified docs from multiple US agencies JUST DONT LAND at the desk of a major US Media operation.
They did, though. Someone was obviously trying to get the truth out. The fact that our government went and classified information about these Israelis connections to 9/11 is unforgivable.

I mean this is from our DEA:

...a majority of those questioned has stated they served in military intelligence, electronic signal intercept, or explosive ordinance units. Some have been linked to high-ranking officials in the Israeli military. One was the son of a two-star general, one served as the bodyguard to the head of the Israeli Army, one served in a Patriot missile unit. That these people are now traveling in the U.S. selling art seems not to fit their background.

And there is so much more. This is the tip of the iceberg.

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