The NRA will fall. It's inevitable.

Why do lefties who don't know a trigger from a hammer think the NRA is the enemy when it trains civilians in firearms safety, trains Police and is supported by hundreds of thousands of Veterans and at least half a dozen former Presidents? Are Police Officers and Veterans the enemy? Only hateful ignorant paranoid and crazy lefties fantasize about a privately funded organization "falling". If the crazy left was serious about punishing people who violate the law they would try to find out who supplied the weapon to Mexican Drug cartels that was used to murder a Border Patrol Officer. Nobody on the left seems interested in uncovering the truth behind the Vegas shooter because his motivation seems to have been hatred for the crowd characterized by the MSM as "Trump supporting rabble". Why doesn't the crazy paranoid left research what made a Sanders supporter and democrat operative open fire on a republican baseball team less than a year ago? The NRA ain't the enemy, incompetent administrations that ship 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico and the MSM that fuels insane hatred directed at republicans and jokes about mass murder is the freaking enemy.
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Colt Competition Goes Out of Business – First of Many?

Last year, Colt Competition manufactured and sold some forty thousand AR-15s. When Donald Trump was elected, sales dropped like a stone. The gunmaker has been struggling to sell 500 rifles per month lately Colt Competition — which licensed its name from Colt Manufacturing LLC (which has no financial interest in Colt Competition) — is no more. The Breckenridge, Texas-based rifle maker has ceased production

Colt Competition Goes Out of Business - First of Many? - The Truth About Guns

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Just look at the demographics.

Yes the inevitable is coming sooner then later for the NRA

Just look who their demographic is , also the gun
manufacturers are hitting bottom as some like remington at going out of business, their market is shrinking

Exclusive: U.S. gunmaker Remington seeks financing to file for...

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

if they confirm that the NRA was laundering money from Russia to the trump campaign, they'll fall way sooner than generational trends will cause.

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