The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

During WW2, America bombed a lot of civilians both in the Empire of Japan- including long before Hiroshima as well as in Germany.

And the axis did the same kind of thing too.

It was just part of the war- the fact that new technology- the A-bomb- was used isn't particularly shameful. The Axis used the equally new V2 missile technology to attack the Allies civilians during the same conflict. Has Merkel apologized for that?

If the UK had the bomb, they would have used it.

If France had the bomb, they would have used it.

If POLAND, had the bomb, they would have used it.

If the Netherlands had the bomb, they would have used it.

The fact that we are the ones that did use it, is a testimony to our technical and scientific and economic prowess.

Not a sign of a moral failing.
Economic sanctions are a serious matter. If FDR had deescalated our conflict with Japan and Japan had attacked the Soviet Union, I don't know that that would have seriously hampered their war effort against the Germans.
There was no chance of that

the japanese and soviets had several border conflicts in the 30’s when no less than Zukoff himself was in command and the jspanese got their ass kicked

besides siberia was a secondary goal of japan

SE Asia was a much richer target
Have you managed to convince yourself that it somehow more immoral to be killed by a nuke than a bayonet? Dead is dead and none of the participants in WWII was especially concerned about killing "innocent civilians". Japan treated enemy civilians with special brutality and earned what they got. Some folks just seem to search for any excuse to slam my country. Doesn't make me very happy.
The Japanese used bayonets. Truman used nukes. You condemn them and commend Truman. CRAZY!!
The hundreds of thousands of civilians who were incinerated "had killed millions"?

They enabled a government that did it and they sent their sons off to do it and they provided support for the military production.

If you don't want shit don't start shit.
Have you managed to convince yourself that it somehow more immoral to be killed by a nuke than a bayonet? Dead is dead and none of the participants in WWII was especially concerned about killing "innocent civilians". Japan treated enemy civilians with special brutality and earned what they got. Some folks just seem to search for any excuse to slam my country. Doesn't make me very happy.
That's a weird justification..a nuke is the same as a bayonet so no big deal.
There was no chance of that

the japanese and soviets had several border conflicts in the 30’s when no less than Zukoff himself was in command and the jspanese got their ass kicked

besides siberia was a secondary goal of japan

SE Asia was a much richer target

Didnt' say that they would win. Just that war with the US could have been avoided.
Not as long as the militarists were running japan
Did you say "the militarists were running Japan"? So, the people did not have a say in what their government did such as would be the case in a more democratic nation?
" Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great. "

- Alexis de Tocqueville
" Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great. "

- Alexis de Tocqueville
Did you say "the militarists were running Japan"? So, the people did not have a say in what their government did such as would be the case in a more democratic nation?
Unkotare thinks he’s found an acorn

let’s see if he did

Yes the militarists were in control

which means the people were not responsible for crimes of their government

but they did support their government and their god, the Emperor, and were willing to fight to the death if told to do so
How so? Do you think they had any choice in the matter?
You are confused and are trying to argue the morality of total war. That doesn't hold water when the shit hits the fan. All morality is out the window.

The Jap leadership knew they were putting their civilians and children at risk when they went to war.

The Jap civilian population was aiding and abetting that total war effort and they paid the price with the nuking and fire bombing.

If you want to bitch about soldiers killing civilians then bitch about the filthy ass Union Army killing over 100,000 Southerner civilians in their war of aggression.
You are confused and are trying to argue the morality of total war. That doesn't hold water when the shit hits the fan. All morality is out the window.
So, you are saying that it was immoral to incinerate hundreds of thousands of civilians via atomic bomb?

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