The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima


but they did support their government and their god, the Emperor, and were willing to fight to the death if told to do so
Are you claiming to know the thoughts and intentions of every one of the hundreds of thousands of civilians annihilated in the atomic bombings?
Are you claiming to know the thoughts and intentions of every one of the hundreds of thousands of civilians annihilated in the atomic bombings?
Any scholar worth his keep would point you you the civilians who killed themselves on Saipan and Okinawa during the US invasion there
Why are you trying to change the subject?

Because the issue is the same.

You supported the Union filth and their war of destruction against Americans and 100K Southerners were killed according to most historical articles that I have read.

I want you to apply the same morality to a war that you claim was right to a war that you obviously don't think was right.

In other words I want to see if you have any real convictions or you are just blowing smoke out your Moon Bat ass.
Okay great, but i dont totally agree (regular bombs can still be more discriminate), and you compared bayonets and nukes. Obviously we recognize a scale of our methods and weaponry. Else we would just drop a nuke every time we were annoyed with a nonnuclear state.
I stand by what I said. It is the killing that is either moral or immoral; not the weapon used to do the job. Weapons themselves are simply tools and one is no more able to make moral decisions than another. Nuclear weapons were a new and largely unknown item that time and it was not even known for sure they would work or how well. Silly to try to hold our ancestors accountable to some perceived SOP that was decades a was from being developed.
It is the killing that is either moral or immoral; not the weapon used to do the job.
well, then you disqualify yourself from any serious dicsussion of war and tactics, as we have long realized that there are degrees of morality to our tactics and recognize that certain tactics are not justifiable at certain times. We literally have signed global treaties to this effect. So enjoy being outside the class looking in the window, I guess.

Germany wisely surrendered,
Correct. Lets be vlear, i am not saying there is no way for a nuke to be justified. But its hard to have an honest discussion about the morality and ethics of them, when some of the kids in the class make the absurd insistence that they are no morally different then using bayonets.

its the informed opinion of the officers who planned Operation Downfall

they knew it would be a bloodbath for US troops

one million dead was not beyond possibility

and coincidentally even more for the japanese

its the informed opinion of the officers who planned Operation Downfall

they knew it would be a bloodbath for US troops

one million dead was not beyond possibility

and coincidentally even more for the japanese
All true. And if one considers that the only other option, the justification for nukes becomes crystal clear. But were they the only two options? That's a big part of the discussion.

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