The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

The only important books, are all those great old books wrote in the middle of the last century, closer to the time the bomb was dropped.
Thank you for pointing out the obvious. ... the only way to understand history is to either lived through it yourself, or read from it a book on the views and outlook of someone else who actually did while those events were fresh.......

Leaving aside the rest of your laughably childish take on history, many direct quotes from many of America's military leaders of that time have been provided expressing their views that the use of atomic weapons was immoral and unnecessary.

Are you going to contradict yourself now, Salty?

More laughably childish non-existent opinions from your library of non-existent imaginary people...? ...

Are you claiming that Fleet Admiral William Daniel Leahy did not exist?
You have zero knowledge outside a Google search?

What if your link contains gross errors, you would not know. You simply searched your opinion and found something you agree with.

Not facts, possible, but not.

Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Your link stated he took the quote from page 380 of Mandste For a Change.

That is a deliberate lie. That quote is not there.


Why would the person who copied quotes lie? Well, when revising history you certainly do not want the truth to be found.

Page 380 of Mandate For Change, that quote did not come from there.

I have now put more work in your post then you have. I have the book and have proof I am right and your link is wrong.

I hope you dont mind if I take my time answering, after all, any simpleton moron can copy a link from Google. I will not do that. I will get as many sources as possible and get a factual answer.

All quotes verified by multiple sources, champ.

Know why you keep falling down? You don’t have a leg to stand on.
Hilarious sidebar to this thread that some wannabe thinks he’s the only person in the world to ever purchase a book.

All quotes verified by multiple sources, champ.

Know why you keep falling down? You don’t have a leg to stand on.
I just proved the quote is not on page 380, that page 380 speaks of the Tennessee Valley Authority.

From Crusade in Europe. Eisenhower states he did not know an army of scientists were building the bomb and he expressed no view that the Japanese were beat and about to surrender. Why does this Eisenhower statement as a General differ than his statement as a politician, as a president?
Now I have proven unkoturd wrong, the page from his/her link has lies. Go to page 380 of "Mandate for change", see for yourself.
All quotes verified by multiple sources, champ.
Know why you keep falling down? You don’t have a leg to stand on.

Says the man who stands on his colonoscopy sack for legs.
NOTHING is "verified" in the website, unless it is verified by an outside third party. Have you looked up any of those books or titles and gone to the indicated pages to see if those quotes are indeed even there? Anyone can write shit (sorry) on a webpage then say it was quoted from here or there.

And what if the quotes are accurate? So what? A quote from Einstein who was deadset against atomic war from the git-go anyway and had to be dragged by his buddy kicking and screaming to write his letter to the president? You'd expect Einstein to maybe say something different? The man was a total pacifist.

Any website that starts out with a mission to overtly gather opinions AGAINST Hiroshima is automatically disqualified on the grounds of obvious bias. They are saying right at the start that they were against the nuking, created the site against it, and set out to gather only quotes in support of that view. So we hear NOTHING of dissenting views FOR the nuking. With the stated bias, the ability and motive to fabricate, anything printed there is as worthless as the National Star. So what? You found a handful of people against the nuking? A better option would be to seek out articles who at least remain open to looking at both sides. I mean, to anyone with a seed of intellectual honesty.


The Decision to Drop the Bomb []

Were the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki necessary?
Now I have proven unkoturd wrong, the page from his/her link has lies. Go to page 380 of "Mandate for change", see for yourself.

Not exactly the hardest thing, proving unko turdy wrong. My 8th grade nephew could do it.

Any website that starts out with a mission to overtly gather opinions AGAINST Hiroshima is automatically disqualified on the grounds of obvious bias. .....

But it the bias goes in the other direction, that's valid, Salty? You are kungfull of shit, Salty.
Prove it Quote with link. That is a start.

Hiroshima: Quotes[/QUOTE]
Herbert Hoover? What a joke, he knew was not told that a bomb existed, this quote says as much, Hoover never said do not drop the bomb on japan.

Just like Eisenhower never said do not drop the bomb on Japan.

That is now two of the quotes from two different people, destroyed, proven wrong.

Hoover after the event takes place? Eisenhower after the bomb? Neither were told of this top secret.The vice president was never told, yet we are to believe people way below the vice president were told?

2 down. Your link crumbles.
General Douglas MacArthur. Your link references American Caesar, ph 512. Again, nothing that says MacArthur disagrees before the bomb was dropped. And nothing saying the bomb should not of been dropped after the fact.

Interesting to note, MacArthur does say he was not told of the secret bomb. Last I checked MacArthur was the general of the Pacific, not Eisenhower, so why would they tell a general with less than a need to know then MacArthur. The answer is, Eisenhower was never told and is grandstanding after Stinson died. Hence who could question Eisenhower?
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