The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

... More than 2000 men, women, and children killed at Pearl Harbor.
Sounds like you are outraged at the needless deaths of women and children. Are you?

I'm most certainly outraged at the needless deaths of the 6 million killed by the Japanese. If killing a couple hundred thousand of their own to make them see and feel just how bad it is to have your countrymen massacred, then, yes, because I am against the needless deaths of women and children, I fully support the attack on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
You’re a morally confused hypocrite.

Really? You accept the death of MILLIONS of innocent women and children but the deaths to end the deaths are bad. There's no logic that can support your view. I am beginning to wonder if it's hatred for America that drives your view because common sense it can't be.

Your account picture is Asian. Are you? Your name is definitely Japanese in form and sound but I googled to see if it has meaning and it appears to be related to scat porn. I don't hold your sexual perversions against you but it does seem that you're full of what you love.
So mass murder because it results in peace. WTF!

I should have answered every post in this thread simply with: December 7, 1941.

End of discussion. If the Japanese did not want attacked, don't wake the sleeping bear.
That’s as I thought. Americans like you believe mass murdering Japanese civilians by the hundreds of thousands was warranted because the Imperial Japanese government, of which the Japanese people had no control, attacked Pearl Harbor killing about 2000 US servicemen.

Illogical and pathological.

The people always have control. Did the people have control of the USSR? Did the people have control of the GDR? Did the American colonists have control over the King of England?

Yes, actually, they did; they simply refused to exercise the control that they had. When pushed enough, the people will exercise the control that they always had.

And it wasn't 2000 servicemen alone. It was also innocent women and children that died in Pearl Harbor.
The people almost never have control. If you think the people have control in this country, you’re deluding yourself.
"President Dwight Eisenhower, the Allied commander in Europe during World War II, recalled in 1963, as he did on several other occasions, that he had opposed using the atomic bomb on Japan during a July 1945 meeting with Secretary of War Henry Stimson: "I told him I was against it on two counts. First, the Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing. Second, I hated to see our country be the first to use such a weapon." "

"Admiral William "Bull" Halsey, the tough and outspoken commander of the U.S. Third Fleet, which participated in the American offensive against the Japanese home islands in the final months of the war, publicly stated in 1946 that "the first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment." The Japanese, he noted, had "put out a lot of peace feelers through Russia long before" the bomb was used. "
"Admiral William "Bull" Halsey, the tough and outspoken commander of the U.S. Third Fleet, which participated in the American offensive against the Japanese home islands in the final months of the war, publicly stated in 1946 that "the first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment." The Japanese, he noted, had "put out a lot of peace feelers through Russia long before" the bomb was used. "
And yet you can not LINK to a single one and the stuff you link to says what I said NO SURRENDER, cessation of hostilities return to 41 start line and NO CONCESSIONS in China.
... I am beginning to wonder if it's hatred for America that drives your view because common sense it can't be.

Inevitably, you turn to emo-bullshit because you cannot defend your immoral hypocrisy and are ignorant of the history in question.
... I am beginning to wonder if it's hatred for America that drives your view because common sense it can't be.

Inevitably, you turn to emo-bullshit because you cannot defend your immoral hypocrisy and are ignorant of the history in question.
You can NOT link to a SINGLE missive from Japan offering to surrender. NOT ONE. The links you put up all go to the soviet camp and the Japanese never offered to surrender at all. They said return to 41 start lines and no concessions in China.
"Responding to a journalist's question in 1995 about what he would have done had he been in Truman's shoes, Joseph O'Donnell, a retired marine corps sergeant who served in the Pacific, answered that "we should have went after the military in Japan. They were bad. But to drop a bomb on women and children and the elderly, I draw a line there, and I still hold it." "
"Doug Dowd, a Pacific-theater rescue pilot who was slated to take an early part in the invasion of Japan if it had come to that, recently stated that it was clear in the final months of the war that the Japanese "had lost the ability to defend themselves." American planes "met little, and then virtually no resistance," Dowd recalled. He added, "It is well-known [now] that the Japanese were seeking to make a peace agreement well before Hiroshima." "
... I am beginning to wonder if it's hatred for America that drives your view because common sense it can't be.

Inevitably, you turn to emo-bullshit because you cannot defend your immoral hypocrisy and are ignorant of the history in question.

"it creates a fog of patriotic orthodoxy that makes it hard for Americans to have an honest debate and disagreement about this contentious issue. Criticism of the atomic bomb should not be interpreted as disrespect for World War II veterans. Americans once knew better. "
... I am beginning to wonder if it's hatred for America that drives your view because common sense it can't be.

Inevitably, you turn to emo-bullshit because you cannot defend your immoral hypocrisy and are ignorant of the history in question.

"it creates a fog of patriotic orthodoxy that makes it hard for Americans to have an honest debate and disagreement about this contentious issue. Criticism of the atomic bomb should not be interpreted as disrespect for World War II veterans. Americans once knew better. "
And yet you can not LINK to a single piece of ACTUAL evidence that proves any of what you say, you keep linking to OPINIONS. Guess what moron, everyone has one. I on the other hand have and continue to link to FACTS, hard evidence that proves MY point.


They said they don't want to surrender.
Q. E. D.
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...They said they don't want to surrender....

No, they didn't. You are painfully obtuse. The "condition" in question was the retention of the emperor. The "conditions" were exactly those that Truman agreed to after incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians and subjecting many, many more to radiation poisoning. If the scumbag fdr weren't dead set on basking in the sea of civilian blood he had so long dreamed of, an end to the war might have been negotiated before the loss of American life at Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and the slaughter of an unconscionable number of civilians.
"Admiral William "Bull" Halsey, the tough and outspoken commander of the U.S. Third Fleet, which participated in the American offensive against the Japanese home islands in the final months of the war, publicly stated in 1946 that "the first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment." The Japanese, he noted, had "put out a lot of peace feelers through Russia long before" the bomb was used. "
And yet you can not LINK to a single one and the stuff you link to says what I said NO SURRENDER, cessation of hostilities return to 41 start line and NO CONCESSIONS in China.


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