The Obama Administration: the most corrupt in history

Ever heard of "emoluments"?
Yes! It was egregiously violated by Secretary of State Hitlery Clinton of the Obama Administration when she approved the sale of 20% of U.S. uranium for millions of dollars to The Clinton Foundation.

Textbook violation of the emoluments clause.
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How many in or associated with the Obama administration got indicted for committing crimes? How many of them got convicted? How many people in the Obama administration received pardons for actions they did during service in the administration?
Cool troll thread. The truth of the matter is all presidents have been\ are corrupt.But for some reason each side will protect their man because hey they voted for him. This current administration and different.
Cool troll thread. The truth of the matter is all presidents have been\ are corrupt.But for some reason each side will protect their man because hey they voted for him. This current administration and different.
Perhaps that is why some kind of criteria has got to be agreed upon for making such a judgment. The OP seems to think the number of scandals and accusations is a relevant criterion. If that is the criteria, the Obama administration falls far short of the mark. The actual convictions, indictments, and pardons of the Reagan Administration far outnumber even the accusations made against the Obama Administration.

If one assumes that a person is convicted, indicted, or pardoned for a crime constitutes a scandal, Reagan tops the list.
There were more scandals and corruption under the Obama Administration than any other administration in U.S. history (possibly more than all administrations combined). It was unbelievable listening to the left attempt to defend this scandal back when it happened. Turns out, it was even worse than reported.

Iran May Have Received as Much as $33.6 Billion in Cash From U.S.

Ya, history will only report Obama being half black president as his only accomplishment. That will really burn his ass. Matter of fact, it does now.
There were more scandals and corruption under the Obama Administration than any other administration in U.S. history (possibly more than all administrations combined). It was unbelievable listening to the left attempt to defend this scandal back when it happened. Turns out, it was even worse than reported.

Iran May Have Received as Much as $33.6 Billion in Cash From U.S.

Ya, history will only report Obama being half black president as his only accomplishment. That will really burn his ass. Matter of fact, it does now.
History will record tangible and provable facts. History is written by historians and historians are strict about facts. Once the partisan commentators and pundits stop writing, only the stuff by the historians get into the history books. The speculative stuff gets tossed aside and eventually forgotten. Some major terrorist leaders got taken out during the Obama administration and under his command. Obama gets credit for both Bin Laden and Kadaffi.
How many in or associated with the Obama administration got indicted for committing crimes? How many of them got convicted? How many people in the Obama administration received pardons for actions they did during service in the administration?
When you have appointed low life scum to positions of power within justice, it's kinda hard to get indicted.
How many in or associated with the Obama administration got indicted for committing crimes? How many of them got convicted? How many people in the Obama administration received pardons for actions they did during service in the administration?
When you have appointed low life scum to positions of power within justice, it's kinda hard to get indicted.
Facts tell a different story than the one you are promoting, but nowadays we have a fair amount of people who ignore facts and believe in something called alternate facts.
There were more scandals and corruption under the Obama Administration than any other administration in U.S. history (possibly more than all administrations combined). It was unbelievable listening to the left attempt to defend this scandal back when it happened. Turns out, it was even worse than reported.

Iran May Have Received as Much as $33.6 Billion in Cash From U.S.

Ya, history will only report Obama being half black president as his only accomplishment. That will really burn his ass. Matter of fact, it does now.
The hack websites you get your “news” from are the only ones calling his skin color his only accomplishment; and moron partisans like you are the only people that believe that garbage
'The Obama Administration: the most corrupt in history'

This statement is undeniable to anyone who has any intellectual integrity and honesty.


- Refused to enforce Laws he personally did not like immediately upon taking office, refused to enforce existing Immigration Law, assisted / engaged in Human Trafficking, protected violent Illegals, and protected Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities

- Guilty of Contempt of Court (Like Clinton) for ignoring a judge's order on the Deep Water Drilling ban

--- U.S. in Contempt Over Gulf Drill Ban, Judge Rules

- Obama had the worst USSC record in modern history

--- Study: Obama Had Worst Record in Supreme Court in Modern History

- Obama, who claimed he would have 'the most transparent administration evuh', set a new Presidential / Administration record for the most ILLEGAL non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act
-- Obama administration sets new record for withholding FOIA requests

- Obama illegally armed Mexican Drug Cartels with thousands of automatic weapons and grenades (Fast and Furious) - while inviting the US to lecture Americans on our rights to enforce US Immigration Law and how American CITIZENS were responsible for Mexican gun violence - 4 Americans died as a result of Obama's illegal gun running - US AG was caught perpetrating Felony Perjury in an attempt to continue the cover up, was protected from prosecution, but became the 1st Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured in a bi-partisan vote to punish Holder (and Obama) for his crimes

- Obama aided, abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended terrorists around the world (Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS) and at home (Ft. Hood Terrorist and Boston Marathon Terrorists)
-- Obama called the Ft Hood terrorist attack a case of 'workplace violence', and despite knowing who the Boston Bombers were - having been warned in advance, Obama allowed the bombing to take place. Afterwards he had the FBI put their pictures on TV to ask Americans to help identify them even though they already knew who they were - they were trying to get people to believe they never knew who they were before the attack)

- Obama dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized wars to help Al Qaeda (successful) and ISIS (failed to date) take over their own nations; sent troops into Syria ,Yemen, Niger, etc...; allowed ISIS to enter Iraq without opposition to take over much of the country already liberated at great cost by US troops, costing many more lives in having to liberate the country again.

- Obama protected ISIS' black market oil production facilities - that funded 50% of its terrorist acts, like the Paris attack, the largest attack on allied France since WWII - from coalition air strikes. After the Paris attack, instead of joining coalition forces in an airstrike on those oil facilities, Obama treasonously dropped pamphlets down to ISIS at the target sites to warn them the attack was coming.

- Obama demonstrated more concern for the lives of terrorists and illegals as President then he did for the lives of US citizens.
-- Mocked Americans' concern for their safety and our national security ('Widows and Orphans') days before a terrorist he had a visa issued to murdered 7 Americans in California - sent out his US AG afterwards to threaten Americans who exercised their 1st Amendment rights to condemn the attacked and attack with Judicial punishment ; approx. 100 people died as a result of his failed Fast & Furious, to include 4 Americans; sought to protect the terrorists in the Ft. Hood and Boston Marathon terrorist attack; abandoned 4 Americans to die in Benghazi...

- Obama violated the Constitution, admittedly, repeatedly
--- Admitted he had no Constitutional authority to effect immigration - then instituted his illegal Dreamer EO; entered into an Un-Constitutional Treaty with Iran; paid terrorists / Iran ransoms; stole US tax dollars - declaring it was for use against the Zika virus in the US - only to give it to the UN days later for their new Global Initiative,

- Obama illegally spied on the American people, on reporters, on the media, on the US Senate, and even the USSC...

- Obama illegally used the IRS as a political weapon against US Citizens he called his 'enemies', the 2nd President to ever do so (1st was Bill Clinton)

- Obama's administration illegally unmasked Americans

.......The continued, repeated violations of citizens' rights by Obama's abuse of power demonstrated a total disregard for the Constitution, the Rule of law, and US Citizens.

This does not even cover all of Obama's offenses over 8 years but contains enough already to have had him Impeached numerous times, definitely proving Obama and his administration was most certainly the most criminal administration in US history.
"Most corrupt in history"?? :rofl:

Ever heard of Warren Harding?
Or Ulysses Grant?
Ever heard of "emoluments"?
Did they have the media covering for them the way Obama did?
Unimaginable corruption on top of the mountains of previous corruption (IRS scandal, Benghazi, Solyndra, Fast & Furious, etc.)...

Obama Justice Department's ‘Slush Fund’ Boosted Liberal Groups
So funny.,

IRS scandal - Obama couldn't put his guy in so he was stuck with a Bush appointee. That's the scandal.

Solyndra - started by Bush

Fast and Furious: Pure Fantasy - I love nonsensical conspiracies.
Tell that to the border agents family, that got killed by one of those guns.
Unimaginable corruption on top of the mountains of previous corruption (IRS scandal, Benghazi, Solyndra, Fast & Furious, etc.)...

Obama Justice Department's ‘Slush Fund’ Boosted Liberal Groups
So funny.,

IRS scandal - Obama couldn't put his guy in so he was stuck with a Bush appointee. That's the scandal.

Solyndra - started by Bush

Fast and Furious: Pure Fantasy - I love nonsensical conspiracies.
yeah, yeah, we know bush, bush bush. we get it. your guy never did anything, bush had his things, but really, solydra was all obammy, so please don't attempt to insult my intelligence. he cut the fking check.

are you saying that obammy still owns healthcare then since he started it? what a fking idiot you are. now dude your response is kissing someones junk right there if I ever saw it.

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