The Obama Administration: the most corrupt in history

The Obama Administration: the most corrupt in history

Obama should be impeached.
No arrested. I see you got your updated bumper sticker lines. I watched Tucker last night, what an odd thing, you just said exactly the same thing that demolser congressman said. hahahhaahahaha it's true you all are getting bumper sticker talk. fking funny. No individuality at all with you losers.
There were more scandals and corruption under the Obama Administration than any other administration in U.S. history (possibly more than all administrations combined). It was unbelievable listening to the left attempt to defend this scandal back when it happened. Turns out, it was even worse than reported.

Iran May Have Received as Much as $33.6 Billion in Cash From U.S.

Ya, history will only report Obama being half black president as his only accomplishment. That will really burn his ass. Matter of fact, it does now.
History will record tangible and provable facts. History is written by historians and historians are strict about facts. Once the partisan commentators and pundits stop writing, only the stuff by the historians get into the history books. The speculative stuff gets tossed aside and eventually forgotten. Some major terrorist leaders got taken out during the Obama administration and under his command. Obama gets credit for both Bin Laden and Kadaffi.
all they will write about are the corruptions and tanking the US economy for ISIS.
We must restore constitutional government...
Leftist billionaire George Soros tapped into at least $9 million worth of taxpayer dollars when the Obama administration in 2016 allegedly funneled money into a Soros organization called the East West Management Institute, according to Judicial Watch.
The corruption under the Obama Administration exceeded that of third-world nations.

Billionaire George Soros received millions in US taxpayer dollars to fund his progressive agendas
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How many in or associated with the Obama administration got indicted for committing crimes? How many of them got convicted? How many people in the Obama administration received pardons for actions they did during service in the administration?
When you have appointed low life scum to positions of power within justice, it's kinda hard to get indicted.
Facts tell a different story than the one you are promoting, but nowadays we have a fair amount of people who ignore facts and believe in something called alternate facts.
You've never posted a fact in your life.
Unquestionably the most corrupt administration in U.S. history.
Recent text messages came to light implicating the Obama White House was behind the Department of Justice's investigation into President Trump's 2016 campaign.
There was nothing to "investigate". They bugged his office and placed an undercover asset inside his campaign - and two years later they still don't have the slightest shred of evidence, much less an indictment.

Was Obama WH behind FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation? New Strzok-Page messages provide clues
Fast and Furious: Pure Fantasy - I love nonsensical conspiracies.
I do too! Which is why it is fall-down hilarious that you created a conspiracy denying Fast & Furious (something even Barack Insane Obama doesn't deny). :laugh:
Solyndra - started by Bush
Ahahahahahaha! A second conspiracy created by ReDeantard. George W. Bush had absolutely nothing to do with the half a billion dollars illegally handed out to Solyndra. He was long gone by then, snowflake.

And White House emails show that Obama not only dolled out the money (because ownership were his pals and contributors), but that he also knew that Solyndra would still go under even with the money. So basically he was just making sure to line the pockets of his pals because he knew it would come back to him in the form of gifts, campaign contributions, etc.
This tread is ridiculous. No facts. All conspiracy theories.
President Trump is neither, my fragile little snowflake. He was the president elect in a fair and legal election in which he slaughtered Hitlery Clinton.
Todays scandal and biggest controversy is that it was not a fair and legal election. Your insistence that is was is nothing more than a subjective personal opinion. It is of no more value and worth than the next guy.
As far as Clinton being slaughtered in the election, again an opinion, but this one somewhat meritless since trump failed to win the popular vote and won the electoral college vote by less of a margin than Obama won in both of his elections and less than Bush in his elections.
How many in or associated with the Obama administration got indicted for committing crimes? How many of them got convicted? How many people in the Obama administration received pardons for actions they did during service in the administration?
When you have appointed low life scum to positions of power within justice, it's kinda hard to get indicted.
Facts tell a different story than the one you are promoting, but nowadays we have a fair amount of people who ignore facts and believe in something called alternate facts.
You've never posted a fact in your life.
You are a person living in denial and delusion.
Todays scandal and biggest controversy is that it was not a fair and legal election.
All evidence to the contrary. But hey, keep pissing and whining that it wasn’t. It’s just showing the American people that you guys are fascists that can’t accept when We the People have spoken.
The media fawned all over their boy, MaObama. But even they admitted that his was the most secretive administration ever despite campaigning on “transparency”.
Former President Barack Obama's recent denunciation of President Donald Trump's treatment of the press overlooks the aggressive steps the Justice Department took to keep information from the public during his administration.
But they didn’t just stop there...
Trump may use extraordinary rhetoric to undermine trust in the press, but Obama arguably went farther — using extraordinary actions to block the flow of information to the public.
This is an indisputable fact, that even his media admits (even though his left-wing minions won’t). He blocked the media. He literally hacked into Sharyl Attkisson’s laptop and spied on her. He was drunk with power from day one and his unconstitutional actions knew no boundaries.

AP FACT CHECK: Obama doesn't always tell the straight story

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