The Obama Approved (Nazi)TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA

There is no "right" to fly on a commercial airliner. :lol:

"A citizen of the United States has a public right of transit through the navigable airspace." :lol:

49 U.S.C. § 40103 : US Code - Section 40103: Sovereignty and use of airspace

:lol: So who is stopping you?

(b) Use of Airspace. - (1) The Administrator of the Federal
Aviation Administration shall develop plans and policy for the use
of the navigable airspace and assign by regulation or order the use
of the airspace necessary to ensure the safety of aircraft and the
efficient use of airspace. The Administrator may modify or revoke
an assignment when required in the public interest.
The fucking point is that you, me and a former Miss America are not terrorism threats
What about military vets?


No, i am saying search for a reason to search, not to fulfill an hourly quota. Anything else is an personal intrusion by "the government"

There is reason to search and no evidence of an hourly quota whatsoever....

There is no reason to search. Fear is not a reason, it is an emotion.

It is defeat.

If we change our way of living and subject ourselves to humiliation and live in fear because of AQ's actions, isn't that a victory for AQ?

I'm with Penn and Teller, the WTC memorial should be another twin towers like the last (Save for structural improvements), we should go back to sane flying policies, and we should stop letting the terrorists control our lives
Its funny but I don't remember him flying? so the TSA would have stopped him how?

Castillo, an actress and former MTV VJ, made a YouTube video of her ordeal, tearily complaining that a female screener repeatedly touched her inappropriately during a full body frisking.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this would make me cry,” she said in the video. “I’m really really upset that, as an American, I have to go through this. I do feel violated. This woman touched my vagina four times.”

Castillo said she was told she would have to undergo a pat down after she declined to go through the body scanner.

“I’ve read so many terrible things and I travel so much. . . . I don’t want to get more radiated than I already do,” she said. “That’s why I’m crying, that’s why I’m so upset. They’re making me choose to either get molested, because that’s what I feel like, or go through this machine that’s completely unhealthy and dangerous. That’s why I’m crying.”

Susie Castillo: I was ‘molested’ in a pat down by airport security -

Too bad what she feels and what she thinks have no basis in reality...

28 Mar 2011

* Study indicates radiation fears are overblown

* Exposure is 50 times less than 1 dental X-ray

Airport scanners are an "extremely low" source of radiation exposure that poses virtually no health risk, not even to frequent air travelers, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

Dr. Stephen Machnicki of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, who was not involved in the study, said the radiation from one of these scanners is less than what someone would get just by taking a cross-country flight.

"Hopefully it will help them to overcome their fears of going through the scanners, Machnicki said.

Smith-Bindman -- who has published several studies on cancer risks from overuse of medical imaging -- said the risk from airport scanners is trivial.

"If you compare it to a CT scan, you need to go through an airport scanner 200,000 times to be equivalent to the dose of one CT," she said.

Radiation from airport scanners very low -US study - AlertNet

Castillo, an actress and former MTV VJ, made a YouTube video of her ordeal, tearily complaining that a female screener repeatedly touched her inappropriately during a full body frisking.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this would make me cry,” she said in the video. “I’m really really upset that, as an American, I have to go through this. I do feel violated. This woman touched my vagina four times.”

Castillo said she was told she would have to undergo a pat down after she declined to go through the body scanner.

“I’ve read so many terrible things and I travel so much. . . . I don’t want to get more radiated than I already do,” she said. “That’s why I’m crying, that’s why I’m so upset. They’re making me choose to either get molested, because that’s what I feel like, or go through this machine that’s completely unhealthy and dangerous. That’s why I’m crying.”

Susie Castillo: I was ‘molested’ in a pat down by airport security -

Too bad what she feels and what she thinks have no basis in reality...

28 Mar 2011

* Study indicates radiation fears are overblown

* Exposure is 50 times less than 1 dental X-ray

Airport scanners are an "extremely low" source of radiation exposure that poses virtually no health risk, not even to frequent air travelers, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

Dr. Stephen Machnicki of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, who was not involved in the study, said the radiation from one of these scanners is less than what someone would get just by taking a cross-country flight.

"Hopefully it will help them to overcome their fears of going through the scanners, Machnicki said.

Smith-Bindman -- who has published several studies on cancer risks from overuse of medical imaging -- said the risk from airport scanners is trivial.

"If you compare it to a CT scan, you need to go through an airport scanner 200,000 times to be equivalent to the dose of one CT," she said.

Radiation from airport scanners very low -US study - AlertNet

Airport body scanners deliver radiation dose 20 times higher than first thought | Mail Online

TSA to retest airport body scanners for radiation -

TSA Admits Bungling of Airport Body-Scanner Radiation Tests | Threat Level |

I guess you just didn't know right?
If that is sexual assault, then every cop that's ever patted down an 'arrestee' is guilty of sexual assault. Granted, I don't like the physical searches, but sexual assault? Naaaw. I actually feel sorry for some of the TSA employees for having to do these body searches. If you're a female TSA agent, I'm pretty sure you don't want to run your hand down the crack of another woman's butt. Ditto for guys searching other guys.
these brown shirts


Look, until they start beating up political opponents in the streets and sending over secret police to raid your home, put you in a cattle car, and massacre millions of people, you just sound like a fucking retard.
If that is sexual assault, then every cop that's ever patted down an 'arrestee' is guilty of sexual assault. Granted, I don't like the physical searches, but sexual assault? Naaaw. I actually feel sorry for some of the TSA employees for having to do these body searches. If you're a female TSA agent, I'm pretty sure you don't want to run your hand down the crack of another woman's butt. Ditto for guys searching other guys.

You do understand these people are not "cops" they are at best Mall Security guards paid on the Public dime given a pretty badge and allowed to do what ever the hell they want.
these brown shirts


Look, until they start beating up political opponents in the streets and sending over secret police to raid your home, put you in a cattle car, and massacre millions of people, you just sound like a fucking retard.
Robert said:
Hi, you have received -14 reputation points from Robert.
Reputation was given for this post.

Are you disappointed they're not sending political opponents to death camps?

Castillo, an actress and former MTV VJ, made a YouTube video of her ordeal, tearily complaining that a female screener repeatedly touched her inappropriately during a full body frisking.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this would make me cry,” she said in the video. “I’m really really upset that, as an American, I have to go through this. I do feel violated. This woman touched my vagina four times.”

Castillo said she was told she would have to undergo a pat down after she declined to go through the body scanner.

“I’ve read so many terrible things and I travel so much. . . . I don’t want to get more radiated than I already do,” she said. “That’s why I’m crying, that’s why I’m so upset. They’re making me choose to either get molested, because that’s what I feel like, or go through this machine that’s completely unhealthy and dangerous. That’s why I’m crying.”

Susie Castillo: I was ‘molested’ in a pat down by airport security -

Too bad what she feels and what she thinks have no basis in reality...

28 Mar 2011

* Study indicates radiation fears are overblown

* Exposure is 50 times less than 1 dental X-ray

Airport scanners are an "extremely low" source of radiation exposure that poses virtually no health risk, not even to frequent air travelers, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

Dr. Stephen Machnicki of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, who was not involved in the study, said the radiation from one of these scanners is less than what someone would get just by taking a cross-country flight.

"Hopefully it will help them to overcome their fears of going through the scanners, Machnicki said.

Smith-Bindman -- who has published several studies on cancer risks from overuse of medical imaging -- said the risk from airport scanners is trivial.

"If you compare it to a CT scan, you need to go through an airport scanner 200,000 times to be equivalent to the dose of one CT," she said.

Radiation from airport scanners very low -US study - AlertNet

Airport body scanners deliver radiation dose 20 times higher than first thought | Mail Online

TSA to retest airport body scanners for radiation -

TSA Admits Bungling of Airport Body-Scanner Radiation Tests | Threat Level |

I guess you just didn't know right?

:lol: Did you even read those articles for comprehension?

July 2010

Dr David Brenner, head of Columbia University's centre for radiological research, said although the danger posed to the individual passenger is 'very low', he is urging researchers to carry out more tests on the device to look at the way it affects specific groups who could be more sensitive to radiation.

The Civil Aviation Authority, Department for Transport and Health Protection Agency insist that the technology is safe and say their tests show it would take 5,000 trips through the scanner to equal the dose of a single chest X-ray.

The CAA said: 'The device has been approved for use within the UK by the Department for Transport and has been subjected to risk assessments from the Health Protection Agency.

'To put the issue in perspective, the radiation received from the scanning process is the equivalent to two minutes radiation received on a Transatlantic flight.

'Recent press publications have been a little alarmist and may have heightened concern in frequent travellers who may worry about their repeated exposure.

'Under current regulations, up to 5,000 scans per person per year can be conducted safely.'

In a written statement sent to USA TODAY, TSA Administrator John Pistole said the equipment is safe.

"Independent third-party testing has confirmed that all TSA technology is safe," Pistole said. "We are also taking additional steps to build on existing safety measures in an open and transparent way, including commissioning an additional independent entity to evaluate these protocols."

The full-body scanners, called backscatter devices, are supposed to deliver only a tiny amount of radiation — about as much as an airplane passenger gets during two minutes of a typical flight.

"Numerous independent tests have confirmed that these technologies are safe"

Still, the government said the results proved the safety of the devices.

The government, however, maintains a thousand screenings equal the amount of radiation of one standard medical chest X-ray.

A federal appeals court hearing EPIC’s lawsuit suggested last week it was not likely to halt the scanners’ use.
these brown shirts


Look, until they start beating up political opponents in the streets and sending over secret police to raid your home, put you in a cattle car, and massacre millions of people, you just sound like a fucking retard.
Robert said:
Hi, you have received -14 reputation points from Robert.
Reputation was given for this post.

Are you disappointed they're not sending political opponents to death camps?

Hi, you have received -204 reputation points from JBeukema.
Reputation was given for this post.

for trivializing the deaths of millions
Oh I'm sorry did you forget that two can play this game?

Guess you would like to silence those whom disagree with utterly petty good job
The TSA needs to be scrapped and revamped. I know the usual suspect Government Goose Steppers will defend anything they do but there really is no justification for groping kids and women. Something's very wrong at the TSA. I feel bad for this woman. I hope she gets some justice.

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