The Obama Dilemma: President Never Maintains At Least 50% Polling Against Romney

Dems will try to convince the much more informed independants that the economy is growing for the next six months. and today, as expected, the DOW is lower and dont expect it to hit 13,500 until Romney wins.

Dow is down today because of problems in the Netherlands

The last time we entrusted our country to a Republican the Dow was at 10750 and was at 8150 when he left eight years later

Dow always does better with Democratic President

Even today as Rasmussem came out with his latest poll, Romney is ahead with a comfortable lead. All you have to do is look at the history of polling 6/7 months before an election. We all know that any President who polled around 45-49% prior to re-election lost. Just like with Jimmy Carter.
The liberal/democratic commentators will boast how/when Obama has a 3 point lead over Romney, yet they wont speak of the 8 to 10 per-cent who are undecided. In every election as far back as when Jesus and Moses were around, the undecided went for the challanger, often close to 80% of them.
So gee, hmm, Why Can't Obama Ever Poll Between 50 to 55% as we get closer to November? :dunno::slap::smoke:


Although Obama’s approval rating is improving, this is offset by the fact that it remains below the averages at the same point in time
for presidents who were re-elected. All presidents since Eisenhower who were re-elected enjoyed average approval ratings above 50% during their 13th quarters in office.​

If Gallup’s trend holds, it looks like history might repeat itself- Papa Obama
will go the way of Jimmy Carter


Unless some big positive changes happen for Papa Obama
he is in real trouble
To break this historical trend. he would be the first one since the end of the first Eisenhower administration

The left knows this is true.
Which is why you see them trying to run on anything, but his record.

Sorry Democrats

Obama isn't working
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I go by the facts/data I recieve from news shows and watching the stock market daily,,,,,,Im not as dumbfounded as our President and Biden who thinks Jobs is a three letter word !!!
Gallup&Raz should take a poll soley of home owners who's home vaules have plummeted 40 to 50% since Obumma took office, and not of any fault of their own. Romeny or Obama?
Gallup&Raz should take a poll soley of home owners who's home vaules have plummeted 40 to 50% since Obumma took office, and not of any fault of their own. Romeny or Obama?

Are you talkIng about the housing bubble?
Gallup&Raz should take a poll soley of home owners who's home vaules have plummeted 40 to 50% since Obumma took office, and not of any fault of their own. Romeny or Obama?

The overwhelming bulk of the evidence suggests that Obama has a very large base, has treated it well, and should be able to count on it in November.

The size of Obama's base should come first. About four out of ten Americans, in short, support Obama no matter what.

The result is that Romney will have to energize his own base in order to win. In some ways, this may be easy: Republicans are extremely negative about Obama and will vote against him even without much enthusiasm for Romney. Republicans also generally tell pollsters they're more enthusiastic about voting in general. All this is good for Romney.

But it may not be enough to win: most pollsters believe that less than a quarter of the electorate is true swing voters. If Obama starts with a little over 40 percent, he can get less than half of the swing voters and still get a majority. Obama, in short, has been a very base friendly president -- probably the most base-friendly one in the past 30 years. The fact that a few people on the Right of his own party may vote for Romney doesn't change the facts: Obama is going to keep control of his own base.

Eli Lehrer: Obama's Big Base

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