The Obama effect continues...No 'special relationship' between Britain and US: MPs

Like i said,Britain has a big bark around the World but has almost no bite. They have become a weak & insignificant Island Nation living off their past power & influence. It still always amazes me that so many still care so much about what they think. I guess many are still stuck in the past when it comes to Great Britain. They really aren't what they used to be. All that being said,this President's 'Get tough and insulting towards our allies while bowing and apologizing to our enemies' Foreign Policy really is pretty bizarre.

Which ally has the POTUS 'gotten tough' with and/or insulted?
Obama does not like the Brits. If he can separate his dislike for them from his job and if he actually does have our best interests in mind, then I am not concerned about his comment on pragmatism.

Those are big 'ifs' though.

im not sure where you're coming from. i was in the UK during the g20 and obama was well received. ....
And that is relevant to my statement about Obama not liking the Brits, how?


.... what would make you say that he dislikes them?:doubt: i should say what actions of his make you say that?
See, there WAS this bust of Churchill in the Oval Office. It was by a good artist and quite valuable. It was a gift to the USA from the UK.

Obama didn't want it and rather than just move it to even a closet in the WH, Obama sent it back to the Brits.

Either Obama is a complete social Klutz (not good for a US President), or his message to the UK is crystal clear.

(Wait for the spin on that.)

If the Oval Office contained every significant "gift" ever accumulated by a president, it would look like my Aunt Hanna's cellar. Likewise, the British Prime Minister and the Queen and King have amassed so many "gifts" from foreign leaders, they can barely even feign excitement anymore. You're equating trinkets to foreign relations? I can hear the conversation now: "We're pulling our troops out of Afghanistan because you won't display the bust of Churchill..."
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I'd love to see the data that supports the notion that a vast number of Brits are rather upset over the Churchill statue.

But I suppose that is childish of me.


Unlike you Ravi, I don't get my info on this subject from Google. I get it from personal experience and from friends and family, as does antagon. If you don't like stuff without sources, I really don't give a shit.

And it's the "Waaaa" that was childish.
Who ultimately controls the USA?

The FED and it's stockholding banks?

Who owns the FED?

Do the research and you will discover that the bank of England was the FEDs largest original stockholder (though machinations with JP Morgan, incidently)

Is it still?

As far as I know, yes...though its stockholdings of various "American" banks that are the stockholders of the FED. we have a "special relationship"

What do you think?

We do live in a world where the GOLDEN RULE is in effect, do we not?

Oh gawd...please don't go there. You will only attract all the Prison Planet dwellers who yammer about the "new world order."

These Guys?


:lol: Which one is Alex Jones?
It's hard to take anything seriously that is posted on a rightwingloon's blog.

But I suppose we should give the wingnut credit for including the real problem.

I have no idea whether this is a right wing blog or not, but the piece seems factual and even handed.

It's all in how the words are treated, as usual. The right gloms onto the words "no more special relationship" while totally ignoring the finality of "[we] have a unique relationship" with the United States. There was absolutely NO dismissal of the United States as an ally in that piece, but leave it to the antagonists to pretend there was.

That's a fair point, but I would observe that both sides are cherry picking the article.
I'd love to see the data that supports the notion that a vast number of Brits are rather upset over the Churchill statue.

But I suppose that is childish of me.


Unlike you Ravi, I don't get my info on this subject from Google. I get it from personal experience and from friends and family, as does antagon. If you don't like stuff without sources, I really don't give a shit.

And it's the "Waaaa" that was childish.
As is saying because I say so. Which is what you're doing.
Like i said,Britain has a big bark around the World but has almost no bite. They have become a weak & insignificant Island Nation living off their past power & influence. It still always amazes me that so many still care so much about what they think. I guess many are still stuck in the past when it comes to Great Britain. They really aren't what they used to be. All that being said,this President's 'Get tough and insulting towards our allies while bowing and apologizing to our enemies' Foreign Policy really is pretty bizarre.

I think that's a fair point (with the exception of the last sentence, which I don't think I'd characterize in quite those words).
I'd love to see the data that supports the notion that a vast number of Brits are rather upset over the Churchill statue.

But I suppose that is childish of me.


Unlike you Ravi, I don't get my info on this subject from Google. I get it from personal experience and from friends and family, as does antagon. If you don't like stuff without sources, I really don't give a shit.

And it's the "Waaaa" that was childish.
As is saying because I say so. Which is what you're doing.

Is that really what I'm doing? I thought I was offering an informed opinion.

You are familiar with the word "opinion", right?
It's the informed part I doubt.

Ahhhh, so you're saying I'm making all this up. :eusa_eh:

I don't know what cause I've given you to believe that I'm a liar, but you're of course entitled to your opinion.
Deep meaning can be read into small shifts in Oval Office decor.

Some Britons took offense when Winston Churchill's bust was replaced with King's. But the decision to return the Churchill bust to the British — it had been presented by former Prime Minister Tony Blair to Bush on loan — had been made before Obama even arrived.

Obama adds his style to Oval Office decor - White House

It's Dubya's fault!!!.............LOL...
Deep meaning can be read into small shifts in Oval Office decor.

Some Britons took offense when Winston Churchill's bust was replaced with King's. But the decision to return the Churchill bust to the British — it had been presented by former Prime Minister Tony Blair to Bush on loan — had been made before Obama even arrived.
Obama adds his style to Oval Office decor - White House

It's Dubya's fault!!!.............LOL...
:lol: The the truth of the matter is that some Brits got offended by something that wasn't even true.

Damn, my faith in the Brits has been shaken.


Yeah, you can just tell he hates the Brits :lol:

Shaking the hand of the guard was very telling :cuckoo:

The coppers on duty are from a special protection squad I believe. They are usually not greeted by politicians who visit Number 10, they may nod but they're apparently not supposed to interact. Your president saw fit to shake the hands of the officers - good for him.
Like i said,Britain has a big bark around the World but has almost no bite. They have become a weak & insignificant Island Nation living off their past power & influence. It still always amazes me that so many still care so much about what they think. I guess many are still stuck in the past when it comes to Great Britain. They really aren't what they used to be. All that being said,this President's 'Get tough and insulting towards our allies while bowing and apologizing to our enemies' Foreign Policy really is pretty bizarre.

That's pretty much it, the British Empire gave way to the American Century. Now that's nearly over and we're looking at the rise of China and India to take the place the United States is relinquishing in the world. If you think I'm happy about that you're very wrong. Both the British Empire and the US in their foreign policy did some really brutal things but I'm betting we can expect worse from China if she ever reaches sole superpower status.
Deep meaning can be read into small shifts in Oval Office decor.

Some Britons took offense when Winston Churchill's bust was replaced with King's. But the decision to return the Churchill bust to the British — it had been presented by former Prime Minister Tony Blair to Bush on loan — had been made before Obama even arrived.
Obama adds his style to Oval Office decor - White House

It's Dubya's fault!!!.............LOL...
:lol: The the truth of the matter is that some Brits got offended by something that wasn't even true.

Damn, my faith in the Brits has been shaken.

Mine was shaken when Murdoch's fucking rag in Britain was so successful.
:lol: The the truth of the matter is that some Brits got offended by something that wasn't even true.

Damn, my faith in the Brits has been shaken.

Mine was shaken when Murdoch's fucking rag in Britain was so successful.
Well...we have the same problem, sadly.
:lol: The the truth of the matter is that some Brits got offended by something that wasn't even true.

Damn, my faith in the Brits has been shaken.

Mine was shaken when Murdoch's fucking rag in Britain was so successful.
Well...we have the same problem, sadly.

I feel I have to apologise to the rest of the world for Murdoch. Sorry we let him get away and infect everyone.

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