The Obama Endorsement.Could Not Name One Major "Joe Biden Accomplishment" To Bring Up In The Endorsement?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
did anyone else notice this? when you endorse anyone for almost any major political office, you should at least name a few great things he/she has done to improve the lives of at least the states they served. and now we finally got an Obama endorsement for Biden {what took so long} and Obama couldn't think of anything great/productive that Biden has done to make all of our lives better/richer these last 12 or so years?
Can anyone out there make a list of Joe Bidens greatest achievements?
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did anyone else notice this? when you endorse anyone for almost any major political office, you should at least name a few great things he/she has done to improve the lives of at least the states they served. and now we finally got an Obama endorsement for Biden {what took so long} and Obama couldn't think of anything great/productive that Biden has done to make all of our lives better/richer these last 12 or so years?
Can anyone out there make a list of Joe Bidens greatest achievements?
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He got his kid a Billion bucks from China. Family values should count for something.
did anyone else notice this? when you endorse anyone for almost any major political office, you should at least name a few great things he/she has done to improve the lives of at least the states they served. and now we finally got an Obama endorsement for Biden {what took so long} and Obama couldn't think of anything great/productive that Biden has done to make all of our lives better/richer these last 12 or so years?
Can anyone out there make a list of Joe Bidens greatest achievements?
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He clearly over looked Joe's successful coercion and shaking down of the Ukraine. Then there's his later success in China. Making that much money while being just VP was no small feat.
did anyone else notice this? when you endorse anyone for almost any major political office, you should at least name a few great things he/she has done to improve the lives of at least the states they served. and now we finally got an Obama endorsement for Biden {what took so long} and Obama couldn't think of anything great/productive that Biden has done to make all of our lives better/richer these last 12 or so years?
Can anyone out there make a list of Joe Bidens greatest achievements?
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He got his kid a Billion bucks from China. Family values should count for something.
i didnt catch the entire boring announcement, but did he bring up that Biden was always about 15 points behind Trump?
there was some kind of accomplishment he made during the swearing in of new lawmakers in 2011,,,and fortunatley, much of it was filmed
Joe forcibly finger-fucked (ah, I is the alliteration master!) a young aide and yet WAPO says there's no evidence he's a pervert. Dozens of weird behavior complaints and Barry the Fairy still endorses him....Mike must have decided trying to grab the nomination wasn't worth having to get a physical ie drop trou.... hee hee
did anyone else notice this? when you endorse anyone for almost any major political office, you should at least name a few great things he/she has done to improve the lives of at least the states they served. and now we finally got an Obama endorsement for Biden {what took so long} and Obama couldn't think of anything great/productive that Biden has done to make all of our lives better/richer these last 12 or so years?
Can anyone out there make a list of Joe Bidens greatest achievements?
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Barry was in a hurry to cuddle with them hairy legs after it was over.
did anyone else notice this? when you endorse anyone for almost any major political office, you should at least name a few great things he/she has done to improve the lives of at least the states they served. and now we finally got an Obama endorsement for Biden {what took so long} and Obama couldn't think of anything great/productive that Biden has done to make all of our lives better/richer these last 12 or so years?
Can anyone out there make a list of Joe Bidens greatest achievements?
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Barry was in a hurry to cuddle with them hairy legs after it was over.
hey, he got away with a few things us older guys would of been sent to jail for,,,hmm.
Biden got his son a billion+ out of China and the Ukraine on his shakedowns. That's more than Trump could get out of Pelosi for the American worker.
Another Biden accomplshment

He has never divorced his wife

Something Trump has failed to accomplish
Joe Biden has never filed for bankruptcy

Something Trump has never accomplished
well Biden did fondle some guys knee without the dude kicking his ass,,thats an accomlishment

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