The Obama legacy of leadership in Syria


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Just imagine Hillary straightening this mess out. A while ago I started a thread on Obama goals and strategy in Syria. Libtards failed to respond. This link says why. I scanned the link and missed seeing Iran mentioned... I guess they are working through surrogate Obama.

What a freak show. Leading from behind. Lolololololololol!
and chems have become common use.

Syrian regime and Isis carried out chemical attacks, say UN investigators

The UN-OPCW team said that between December 2015 and August 2016 it received more than 130 new allegations from UN member states of the use of chemical weapons or toxic chemicals as weapons in Syria.

It said 13 alleged the use of sarin, 12 mustard gas, four VX nerve gas, 41 chlorine, and 61 other toxic chemicals.

to that i can only add... this is august of '16
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Just imagine Hillary straightening this mess out. A while ago I started a thread on Obama goals and strategy in Syria. Libtards failed to respond. This link says why. I scanned the link and missed seeing Iran mentioned... I guess they are working through surrogate Obama.

What a freak show. Leading from behind. Lolololololololol!

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - World in War

Bbbbut Obungles has an "unprecedented coalition" ...what a freaking dope
Just imagine Hillary straightening this mess out. A while ago I started a thread on Obama goals and strategy in Syria. Libtards failed to respond. This link says why. I scanned the link and missed seeing Iran mentioned... I guess they are working through surrogate Obama.

What a freak show. Leading from behind. Lolololololololol!

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - World in War

Bbbbut Obungles has an "unprecedented coalition" ...what a freaking dope
he's a dreadful president, no leadership skills whatsoever.
Just imagine Hillary straightening this mess out. A while ago I started a thread on Obama goals and strategy in Syria. Libtards failed to respond. This link says why. I scanned the link and missed seeing Iran mentioned... I guess they are working through surrogate Obama.

What a freak show. Leading from behind. Lolololololololol!

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - World in War

Bbbbut Obungles has an "unprecedented coalition" ...what a freaking dope
he's a dreadful president, no leadership skills whatsoever.

Yep...I knew back in 2008 the jackass was in over his head.
Just imagine Hillary straightening this mess out. A while ago I started a thread on Obama goals and strategy in Syria. Libtards failed to respond. This link says why. I scanned the link and missed seeing Iran mentioned... I guess they are working through surrogate Obama.

What a freak show. Leading from behind. Lolololololololol!

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - World in War

Bbbbut Obungles has an "unprecedented coalition" ...what a freaking dope
he's a dreadful president, no leadership skills whatsoever.

Yep...I knew back in 2008 the jackass was in over his head.
one would think a community organiser with a year in the senate would have a knack for this kind of work.
Putin and Assad too much for Obama and Kerry...

White House Options Grim as Syria Spirals Downward
October 01, 2016 — Exactly one year after Russia began its air campaign to help Bashar al-Assad’s government crush opposition rebels, Syria continues a hellish descent into chaos, carnage and devastation.
The White House still has no effective plan to stop it and there are no good options either, experts said. Moscow marked the anniversary on Friday by signaling it will ramp up its bombardments alongside the Syrian government against Aleppo, the last stronghold of opposition rebels.


Syrian civil defense volunteers, known as the White Helmets, pass the body of a boy after he was pulled from the rubble following a government forces airstrike on the rebel-held al-Shaer neighborhood of Aleppo​

More than 250,000 people are trapped in the ravaged city, where the bombings have decimated critical sites, including water supplies, refugee camps, hospitals and humanitarian aid supplies. The strikes even targeted an underground playground, according to the White House. After speaking by phone on Friday, U.S. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel called the attacks "barbarous."

Humanitarian aid

Yet the White House has continued to express hope that Moscow would press the Assad government to uphold a cease-fire and allow the flow of humanitarian aid to terrorized populations in Aleppo and elsewhere. A U.S.-Russia brokered cease-fire fell apart last month, after Russia and Syria launched the air offensive against opposition rebels in a bid to push them out of major urban areas. The bombardments have pushed diplomatic engagement between Moscow and Washington to the brink. On Friday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called U.S. threats to break engagement over the Syria bombings “unacceptable and deplorable.”


People dig in the rubble in an ongoing search for survivors at a site hit previously by an airstrike in the rebel-held Tariq al-Bab neighborhood of Aleppo, Syria​

A telephone conversation between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Lavrov on Friday yielded no progress. “We are at the same place,” State Department spokesman Mark Toner said. U.S. diplomatic engagement with Russia “is on life support, but it has not flat-lined yet,” Toner said. “We want to make sure that we understand the stakes and that Russia understands the stakes, more importantly." The Obama administration has continued to look for ways to “alleviate the suffering in Syria,” but the options “are not very good,” Toner said.

No major shift by US

See also:

Syrian Army Presses into Aleppo after Hospital Bombings
October 02, 2016 - Syrian forces advanced in the northern city of Aleppo Sunday, in an ongoing offensive to wrest one of the country's major cities from opposition fighters.
Syrian state media reports the army promised rebels safe passage if they cleared out of the city's eastern sector, following bombing campaigns that have heavily targeted the area's hospitals. Relief workers say the largest remaining Syrian hospital in the rebel-held eastern half of Aleppo was bombed Saturday for the second time in recent days, as Syrian government forces and their Russian allies push to recapture the entire city. "The healthcare system in eastern Aleppo is all but obliterated," U.N. Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen O'Brien implored Sunday.

He called again for at least a temporary stop to the violence to evacuate critical medical cases from the city, where he said the hospital system is on the verge of collapsing. "As an absolute minimum, I reiterate my call for 48 hours weekly humanitarian pause in the fighting," O'Brien said in a statement posted online. "Stop the carnage now." The month-long battle for Aleppo has sparked some of the deadliest violence since civil war erupted in Syria more than five years ago. U.N. officials have estimated as many as 400,000 people have been killed in the fighting, which has also displaced millions of others.


Syrian civil defense volunteers, known as the White Helmets, pass the body of a boy after he was pulled from the rubble following a government forces air strike on the rebel-held al-Shaer neighborhood of the northern city of Aleppo​

World Health Organization humanitarian spokesman Rick Brennan, speaking Friday, described the situation in Aleppo as “really unfathomable.” Brennan said health officials in the city have recorded 338 bombing deaths “in the last couple of weeks” and said the toll includes 106 children. More than 800 people have been wounded, he said. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has denounced the hospital bombings as war crimes, while the United States continues to press Russia for a diplomatic solution to the crisis.

The Obama administration accuses Russia and Syria of targeting hospitals, refugee camps and other critical sites, including water pumping stations and power plants. U.S. officials say the bombings are indiscriminate and that the Russians make no effort to limit their targets to Islamic State fighters. For its part, Russia insists its forces are targeting what it calls "terrorists."

Syrian Army Presses into Aleppo after Hospital Bombings
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