The Obama Murder and Shooting Spike

No cause and effect shown at all.

You might as well be blaming the rise on the weather.

1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

all these thug groups (OWS, BLM) was formed under Obama with Al Sharpton 60 visits to the white house. who elected him to anything? And it's being funded by that billionaire sugar daddy, George Soros along with the Democrat party. They even voted on something to stand up and show THEIR SOLIDARTY with them.....they have went and UNLEASED these groups on us. I've never seen anything like it. and people still supports that party no matter what they do to them. it's sickening
No cause and effect shown at all.

You might as well be blaming the rise on the weather.

1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

Riot Pact

See they do all they can to deny what their leader has caused in the US..

Al Sharpton the race baiter as the far left looks the other way!

"BOSS: White House visitor logs reveal over 100 visits by Al Sharpton — and counting" BOSS: White House visitor logs reveal over 100 visits by Al Sharpton — and counting
Explaining the massive 11% increase in murders under Obama?

6."... the media have tried to repackage that 11 percent increase as trivial. ...the most important [attempt is by] simply not disclosing the actual figure. AnAtlanticarticletitled “Debunking the Ferguson Effect” reports: “Based on their data, the Brennan Center projects that homicides will rise slightly overall from 2014 to 2015.” A reader could be forgiven for thinking that that “slight” rise in homicides is of the order of, say, 2 to 3 percent.

Vox,declaringthe crime increase “bunk,” is similarly discreet about the actual homicide jump, leaving it to the reader’s imagination.Crime & Justice News, published by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, coylyadmitsthat “murder is up moderately in some places” without disclosing what that “moderate” increase may be." City Journal, Op. Cit.

If you believe otherwise, that an 11% increase is no big deal, try imagining the confetti parades if they could claim an 11% decrease in murders.
5. This massive increase in murders is but one more of the dozens of detrimental results of the malevolent regime of Barack Hussein Obama.

most cities celebrate the first birth of the New Years Baby.., Shitcago celebrated it'd first homocide! (SIC)

Mere hours after Chicago rang in 2016 with fireworks along its famous riverwalk, the city reported its first homicide.

A 24-year-old man was shot in the chest a few minutes after 2 a.m. in Chicago's Bronzeville neighborhood, according to police. He was pronounced dead at the scene and the shooter is at large, a police spokeswoman said.
Chicago Rings in New Year With First Homicide
No cause and effect shown at all.

You might as well be blaming the rise on the weather.

1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

all these thug groups (OWS, BLM) was formed under Obama with Al Sharpton 60 visits to the white house. who elected him to anything? And it's being funded by that billionaire sugar daddy, George Soros along with the Democrat party. They even voted on something to stand up and show THEIR SOLIDARTY with them.....they have went and UNLEASED these groups on us. I've never seen anything like it. and people still supports that party no matter what they do to them. it's sickening

Any analysis of the Left, the Democrats, Progressives, and one finds a desire for the end of Western Civilization.
1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

2. "The latest effort is a report by the Brennan Center for Justice, which the press has hailed ecstatically as a refutation of what I and others have dubbed the “Ferguson effect”—the phenomenon of officers backing off of proactive policing and thereby emboldening criminals. In fact, the report confirms the Ferguson effect, while also showing how clueless the media are about crime and policing."
In Denial About Crime by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal December 29, 2015

3. Just so you recognize the players, the ultra-Liberal 'Brennan Center for Justice' is named for a Supreme Court Justice infamous for his efforts to dismember, incapacitate, and dissolve the United States Constitution.

In his 1985 Georgetown speech, Brennan supported the “transformative purpose” of the Constitution, in which he argued for an “aspiration to social justice, brotherhood, and human dignity…”

a. " Brennan falls back on the idea that moderns should not be bound by “a world that is dead and gone.” Of course, there are lots of laws on the books today by folks dead and gone: Social Security laws, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Sixteenth Amendment imposing an income tax, and all nine justices who participated in Roe v. Wade are now dead. Would Brennan suggest ignoring any of these….or does he simply wish to allow judges to pick and choose which laws written by dead people we are to be bound by? No, this ‘transformative’ view would simply allow justices to erase parts of the Constitution."
“Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate,” edited by Professor Steven G. Calabresi.

4. "The Brennan Center researchers gathered homicide data from 25 of the nation’s 30 largest cities for the period January 1, 2015, to October 1, 2015. ...The researchers then tried to estimate what 2015’s full-year homicide numbers ....compared with the similar period in 2014.
The resulting projected increase for homicides in 2015 in those 25 cities is 11 percent.

(By point of comparison, the FiveThirtyEight data blog looked at the 60 largest cities and found a 16 percent increase in homicides by September 2015. On Monday, the Brennan Center revised its own estimate of the 2015 murder increase to 14.6 percent.)
An 11 percent one-year increase in any crime category is massive;...."
City Journal, Op. Cit.

5. This massive increase in murders is but one more of the dozens of detrimental results of the malevolent regime of Barack Hussein Obama.
heres what i find strange ... you post this article about obama saying for the protester to stay on course... so I went to your source watched the video ... the only person who said stated to stay on course was your announcer ... can you explain why they didn't have any video of obama making these statements... then he said he and al sharpton got together to tell the protesters to stay on course ... can you explain why they did have that in this video??? seems a little strange that obama and sharpton wasn't shown their making these allege statements ... just askin'
1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

2. "The latest effort is a report by the Brennan Center for Justice, which the press has hailed ecstatically as a refutation of what I and others have dubbed the “Ferguson effect”—the phenomenon of officers backing off of proactive policing and thereby emboldening criminals. In fact, the report confirms the Ferguson effect, while also showing how clueless the media are about crime and policing."
In Denial About Crime by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal December 29, 2015

3. Just so you recognize the players, the ultra-Liberal 'Brennan Center for Justice' is named for a Supreme Court Justice infamous for his efforts to dismember, incapacitate, and dissolve the United States Constitution.

In his 1985 Georgetown speech, Brennan supported the “transformative purpose” of the Constitution, in which he argued for an “aspiration to social justice, brotherhood, and human dignity…”

a. " Brennan falls back on the idea that moderns should not be bound by “a world that is dead and gone.” Of course, there are lots of laws on the books today by folks dead and gone: Social Security laws, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Sixteenth Amendment imposing an income tax, and all nine justices who participated in Roe v. Wade are now dead. Would Brennan suggest ignoring any of these….or does he simply wish to allow judges to pick and choose which laws written by dead people we are to be bound by? No, this ‘transformative’ view would simply allow justices to erase parts of the Constitution."
“Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate,” edited by Professor Steven G. Calabresi.

4. "The Brennan Center researchers gathered homicide data from 25 of the nation’s 30 largest cities for the period January 1, 2015, to October 1, 2015. ...The researchers then tried to estimate what 2015’s full-year homicide numbers ....compared with the similar period in 2014.
The resulting projected increase for homicides in 2015 in those 25 cities is 11 percent.

(By point of comparison, the FiveThirtyEight data blog looked at the 60 largest cities and found a 16 percent increase in homicides by September 2015. On Monday, the Brennan Center revised its own estimate of the 2015 murder increase to 14.6 percent.)
An 11 percent one-year increase in any crime category is massive;...."
City Journal, Op. Cit.

5. This massive increase in murders is but one more of the dozens of detrimental results of the malevolent regime of Barack Hussein Obama.
heres what i find strange ... you post this article about obama saying for the protester to stay on course... so I went to your source watched the video ... the only person who said stated to stay on course was your announcer ... can you explain why they didn't have any video of obama making these statements... then he said he and al sharpton got together to tell the protesters to stay on course ... can you explain why they did have that in this video??? seems a little strange that obama and sharpton wasn't shown their making these allege statements ... just askin'

"...the only person who said stated to stay on course was your announcer .."

The story, and 'stay the course,' originated in an article in the house organ of Liberal/Progressive/Democrat politics, the New York Times.

"Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Protest leaders said wholesale change was ultimately what they were demanding, though not all agreed on what that meant."

Now....get your foot out of your mouth, and explain how wrong your post was.
I don't remember any of you dimwits starting threads giving Obama credit for that.[/QUOTE]

and exactly why should anyone? :up:

To prove you're not suffering from a classic case of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

"...Obama Derangement Syndrome."

The attempt to marginalize and defuse the contumely that Obama...and his richly deserve, falls flat when one considers the dozens.....dozens.....of missteps, gaffes, and failed policies of this man who never deserved the presidency.
No cause and effect shown at all.

You might as well be blaming the rise on the weather.

1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

all these thug groups (OWS, BLM) was formed under Obama with Al Sharpton 60 visits to the white house. who elected him to anything? And it's being funded by that billionaire sugar daddy, George Soros along with the Democrat party. They even voted on something to stand up and show THEIR SOLIDARTY with them.....they have went and UNLEASED these groups on us. I've never seen anything like it. and people still supports that party no matter what they do to them. it's sickening

Any analysis of the Left, the Democrats, Progressives, and one finds a desire for the end of Western Civilization.
there you go again making biased and untrue statements about Democrats left and progressives ... no democrat wishes the end of western civilization... thats all in your demented little head

did you watch the video I did apparently you didn't which is par for the course
No cause and effect shown at all.

You might as well be blaming the rise on the weather.

1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

all these thug groups (OWS, BLM) was formed under Obama with Al Sharpton 60 visits to the white house. who elected him to anything? And it's being funded by that billionaire sugar daddy, George Soros along with the Democrat party. They even voted on something to stand up and show THEIR SOLIDARTY with them.....they have went and UNLEASED these groups on us. I've never seen anything like it. and people still supports that party no matter what they do to them. it's sickening

Any analysis of the Left, the Democrats, Progressives, and one finds a desire for the end of Western Civilization.
there you go again making biased and untrue statements about Democrats left and progressives ... no democrat wishes the end of western civilization... thats all in your demented little head

And yet the far left drones have nothing connected to reality to prove that things are much different..

Just another drone on a far left on a failed narrative bombing run..
No cause and effect shown at all.

You might as well be blaming the rise on the weather.

1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

all these thug groups (OWS, BLM) was formed under Obama with Al Sharpton 60 visits to the white house. who elected him to anything? And it's being funded by that billionaire sugar daddy, George Soros along with the Democrat party. They even voted on something to stand up and show THEIR SOLIDARTY with them.....they have went and UNLEASED these groups on us. I've never seen anything like it. and people still supports that party no matter what they do to them. it's sickening

Any analysis of the Left, the Democrats, Progressives, and one finds a desire for the end of Western Civilization.
there you go again making biased and untrue statements about Democrats left and progressives ... no democrat wishes the end of western civilization... thats all in your demented little head

Kinda' quite on the fact that Obama's support of the Ferguson thugs came from the NYTimes....

My correcting you, and your silence, prove something I've said before: the right knows all about their beliefs, and the realities that form same....
....but the Left lives in a bubble and only knows their propaganda.

Check this out:
"Stephanopoulos appeared on The Sean Hannity Show and New York radio station WOR's The Steve Malzberg Show, where both Hannity and Malzberg suggested to Stephanopoulos that he ask Obama about Ayers."
He didn't know about Ayers!!

My premise is that if all were as familiar with our concerns, if they were covered by mainstream press and news outlets, everyone would be pretty much right wing.

But, of course, there is the alternative view, as revealed by Aldous Huxley in “Ends and Means.” “Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know, It is our will that decides how and upon what subjects we shall use our intelligence. Those who detect no meaning in the world generally do so because, for one reason or another, it suits their books that the world should be meaningless.”(p. 312)

CBS's Bob Schieffer on Sunday said the reason he didn't ask Attorney General Eric Holder about the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case on last week's "Face the Nation" was because he didn't know about it.

Chatting with Howard Kurtz on CNN's "Reliable Sources," Schieffer said, "This all really became a story when the whistleblower came out and testified that he'd had to leave the Justice Department and so on. And, frankly, had I known about that, I would have asked the question."

His excuse?

"I was on vacation that week. This happened -- apparently, it got very little publicity. And, you know, I just didn't know about it" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Bob Schieffer: What Black Panther Story? 'I Was on Vacation'
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1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

2. "The latest effort is a report by the Brennan Center for Justice, which the press has hailed ecstatically as a refutation of what I and others have dubbed the “Ferguson effect”—the phenomenon of officers backing off of proactive policing and thereby emboldening criminals. In fact, the report confirms the Ferguson effect, while also showing how clueless the media are about crime and policing."
In Denial About Crime by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal December 29, 2015

3. Just so you recognize the players, the ultra-Liberal 'Brennan Center for Justice' is named for a Supreme Court Justice infamous for his efforts to dismember, incapacitate, and dissolve the United States Constitution.

In his 1985 Georgetown speech, Brennan supported the “transformative purpose” of the Constitution, in which he argued for an “aspiration to social justice, brotherhood, and human dignity…”

a. " Brennan falls back on the idea that moderns should not be bound by “a world that is dead and gone.” Of course, there are lots of laws on the books today by folks dead and gone: Social Security laws, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Sixteenth Amendment imposing an income tax, and all nine justices who participated in Roe v. Wade are now dead. Would Brennan suggest ignoring any of these….or does he simply wish to allow judges to pick and choose which laws written by dead people we are to be bound by? No, this ‘transformative’ view would simply allow justices to erase parts of the Constitution."
“Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate,” edited by Professor Steven G. Calabresi.

4. "The Brennan Center researchers gathered homicide data from 25 of the nation’s 30 largest cities for the period January 1, 2015, to October 1, 2015. ...The researchers then tried to estimate what 2015’s full-year homicide numbers ....compared with the similar period in 2014.
The resulting projected increase for homicides in 2015 in those 25 cities is 11 percent.

(By point of comparison, the FiveThirtyEight data blog looked at the 60 largest cities and found a 16 percent increase in homicides by September 2015. On Monday, the Brennan Center revised its own estimate of the 2015 murder increase to 14.6 percent.)
An 11 percent one-year increase in any crime category is massive;...."
City Journal, Op. Cit.

5. This massive increase in murders is but one more of the dozens of detrimental results of the malevolent regime of Barack Hussein Obama.
heres what i find strange ... you post this article about obama saying for the protester to stay on course... so I went to your source watched the video ... the only person who said stated to stay on course was your announcer ... can you explain why they didn't have any video of obama making these statements... then he said he and al sharpton got together to tell the protesters to stay on course ... can you explain why they did have that in this video??? seems a little strange that obama and sharpton wasn't shown their making these allege statements ... just askin'

"...the only person who said stated to stay on course was your announcer .."

The story, and 'stay the course,' originated in an article in the house organ of Liberal/Progressive/Democrat politics, the New York Times.

"Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Protest leaders said wholesale change was ultimately what they were demanding, though not all agreed on what that meant."

Now....get your foot out of your mouth, and explain how wrong your post was.
when they went to a picture and said the president and al Sharpton met the picture was a picture of Bill de Blasio and al Sharpton shaking hands .. it amazes me what a liar you are political chick
No cause and effect shown at all.

You might as well be blaming the rise on the weather.

1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

all these thug groups (OWS, BLM) was formed under Obama with Al Sharpton 60 visits to the white house. who elected him to anything? And it's being funded by that billionaire sugar daddy, George Soros along with the Democrat party. They even voted on something to stand up and show THEIR SOLIDARTY with them.....they have went and UNLEASED these groups on us. I've never seen anything like it. and people still supports that party no matter what they do to them. it's sickening

Any analysis of the Left, the Democrats, Progressives, and one finds a desire for the end of Western Civilization.
there you go again making biased and untrue statements about Democrats left and progressives ... no democrat wishes the end of western civilization... thats all in your demented little head

And yet the far left drones have nothing connected to reality to prove that things are much different..

Just another drone on a far left on a failed narrative bombing run..
and yet these far right drones can't seem to come up with a actual true statement ... they have to have their right wing nut announcer to tell what the president said ...then these wing nuts lap that shit up like it was a tasty tidbit of information
No cause and effect shown at all.

You might as well be blaming the rise on the weather.

1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

all these thug groups (OWS, BLM) was formed under Obama with Al Sharpton 60 visits to the white house. who elected him to anything? And it's being funded by that billionaire sugar daddy, George Soros along with the Democrat party. They even voted on something to stand up and show THEIR SOLIDARTY with them.....they have went and UNLEASED these groups on us. I've never seen anything like it. and people still supports that party no matter what they do to them. it's sickening

Any analysis of the Left, the Democrats, Progressives, and one finds a desire for the end of Western Civilization.
there you go again making biased and untrue statements about Democrats left and progressives ... no democrat wishes the end of western civilization... thats all in your demented little head

And yet the far left drones have nothing connected to reality to prove that things are much different..

Just another drone on a far left on a failed narrative bombing run..

Perhaps I should have given him this example from the Liberal-occupied universities:

"Why did I have to listen in music humanities to this Mozart?" she groused in a discussion of the curriculum reported by David Denby in "Great Books," his 1997 account of re-enrolling in Columbia's core curriculum. "My problem with the core is that it upholds the premises of white supremacy and racism. It's a racist core. Who is this Mozart, this Haydn, these superior white men? There are no women, no people of color." These are not the idiosyncratic thoughts of one disgruntled student; they represent the dominant ideology in the humanities today.

a. "Is Schuman content with a situation in which a Columbia student rails against having been asked merely to listen to Mozart because Mozart is a dead white male? Where might that student have picked up that attitude if not from the academy and its offshoots? Whiteness studies, black studies, feminist studies, and queer studies are not a fever dream of the “neocons.”

For decades now, students have been taught to search for an echo of their own “voices” in the books they read and to reject those works that they believe “exclude” them, a remarkably narrow approach to the arts... Why not revel in the far more eloquent and surprising “voices” of Dreiser, Beerbohm, or Wells, for example, whose understanding of human passions and ability to craft sentences of stunning beauty and precision far outstrip our own?." Nothing More Timeless Than Ignorance by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal January 13, 2014

Bet our pal doesn't even know that nihilism is the basis of Leftist thought.
1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

all these thug groups (OWS, BLM) was formed under Obama with Al Sharpton 60 visits to the white house. who elected him to anything? And it's being funded by that billionaire sugar daddy, George Soros along with the Democrat party. They even voted on something to stand up and show THEIR SOLIDARTY with them.....they have went and UNLEASED these groups on us. I've never seen anything like it. and people still supports that party no matter what they do to them. it's sickening

Any analysis of the Left, the Democrats, Progressives, and one finds a desire for the end of Western Civilization.
there you go again making biased and untrue statements about Democrats left and progressives ... no democrat wishes the end of western civilization... thats all in your demented little head

And yet the far left drones have nothing connected to reality to prove that things are much different..

Just another drone on a far left on a failed narrative bombing run..
and yet these far right drones can't seem to come up with a actual true statement ... they have to have their right wing nut announcer to tell what the president said ...then these wing nuts lap that shit up like it was a tasty tidbit of information

See how anything that is not far left is automatically far right to the drones?

Again they have nothing connected to reality to prove their religious dogma..

They also prove that they are irony impaired!

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