The Obama Political Legacy - Destruction of the Democratic Party

When the Dems re-align, the balance will occur. Inevitable.

I guess that's kind of what I've been listening to the last 30 years: The GOP is dead; a party of old white men that are dying off; the party of the rich can't withstand the will of the people.......

Keep convincing yourselves of that. Forget the results, just keep thinking the country is moving in a progressive direction.
No one in his right mind thinks the country is moving in a progressive direction, FayeRay.

A comment to you white supremacists like GoofyBoy etc. Your numbers are minimal. Blacks alone outnumber. White who disagree with you outnumber you many times.

Don't ever think you can rise up in mass action in times past. This is not the 1930s in Germany. This is not the 1950s or 1960s in America on this issue. Your neighbors would fuck you up before the LEO ever arrived.

Yell and smell but try mass action and you go to hell.
When the Dems re-align, the balance will occur. Inevitable.


They're too busy in a circle ..... uhhh .... firing squad to realign. Today's Democrat leaders are finished ... now, they need to develop a whole new generation (and, frankly, when they look at a guy like Keith Ellison, I'm pretty sure they are seriously misguided).

I'm guessing 12 - 16 years.
That's what they said about the GOP several times in the last century. You are hoping against hope for a one-party state, you as one of the leading fascisti. Don't be stoopid anymore, spared.

Ok, that was stupid ... but, frankly, pretty much the norm from you.
When the Dems re-align, the balance will occur. Inevitable.
Not as long as your side keeps playing identity politics. Everyone is sick of your bullshit.
Says Mr. Identity Politics white supremacist faction. You idiot. :lol:
^ This nonsense is exactly why your shitty party is finished. Thanks for being predictably self sabotaging.
^ I am Republican, and we will never let you turds take over. Ever. :)

What you call yourself is one thing ... what you ARE is something completely different.
What I am is a mainstream Republican who does not accept crap from the wannabee GOP alt right and far right nuts.
Everybody says Obama was a complete and utter failure of a President but he did accomplish two great things in his administration.

He sold more firearms than any other President in the history of the country and he got 1,000 Democrats removed from office.
No one in his right mind thinks the country is moving in a progressive direction, FayeRay.

A comment to you white supremacists like GoofyBoy etc. Your numbers are minimal. Blacks alone outnumber. White who disagree with you outnumber you many times.

Don't ever think you can rise up in mass action in times past. This is not the 1930s in Germany. This is not the 1950s or 1960s in America on this issue. Your neighbors would fuck you up before the LEO ever arrived.

Yell and smell but try mass action and you go to hell.

Mass action of what? WTF are you even talking about?

Yes, progressives do think they own the country. That's why they get so upset when they lose a presidential election. They are convinced that Republicans are very much a minority. Therefore, if one wins, something must have gone terribly wrong. Republicans must have found a way to cheat America.

No, this isn't 1930,50,or 60, but the Republicans did rise in full strength these past few years which explains why you lost over 1,000 seats local, state, federal, and now the White House. Your ideas and policies are totally rejected by the public.
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When the Dems re-align, the balance will occur. Inevitable.
Obama was a transformational president. He has more socially in common with millinials and Xers thatn the boomers. Hillary lost for many reasons, and she should not have lost, but the fact is the Obama coalition didn't turn out for her.

I don't think he was a very good president, but you look at the dinosaurs who are in senior dem positions, and you can see the handwriting on the wall.
When the Dems re-align, the balance will occur. Inevitable.
Not as long as your side keeps playing identity politics. Everyone is sick of your bullshit.
But didn't Trump play identity politics with Mexicans and Muslims? He did. It's true Hillary lost because she didn't run a campaign that was inclusive of working class whites. It came down to turnout in three states. Trump may well see job growth and even get a second term. But whether he reverses the gop's demographics will have to be seen.
There's one number you will almost never hear: More than 1,030 seats.

That's the number of spots in state legislatures, governor's mansions and Congress lost by Democrats during Obama's presidency.


When Obama won the presidency, his election was heralded as a moment of Democratic dominance — the crashing of a conservative wave that had swept the country since the dawn of the Reagan era.

Democrats believed that the coalition of young, minority and female voters who swept Obama into the White House would usher in something new: an ascendant Democratic majority that would ensure party gains for decades to come.

The coalition, it turns out, was Obama's alone.


The defeats have all but wiped out a generation of young Democrats, leaving the party with limited power in statehouses and a thin bench to challenge an ascendant GOP majority eager to undo many of the president's policies. To be sure, the president's party almost always loses seats in midterm elections. But, say experts, Obama's tenure has marked the greatest number of losses under any president in decades.

Right now, the GOP control 69/99 state legislatures, has over 4,100 state lawmakers in office (the most since the party’s founding); two-thirds of the governorships, control of Congress, and will soon occupy the presidency. The Republican Party is the dominant political force in the country. It took almost a decade for the GOP to regroup—and it was a long journey. It started the Tea Party wave in 2010, which continued with minimal gains between 2012 and 2014. By 2016, the GOP was occupying 33 governor’s mansions. The Senate was also a long slog, with significant gains in 2010 that were stunted in 2012, but all paid off by the 2014 midterms. That year the GOP retook control of Congress.
This fallacy is called MISDIRECTION.

You are blaming BHO for something that is strictly Hillary's fault.
Everybody says Obama was a complete and utter failure of a President but he did accomplish two great things in his administration.

He sold more firearms than any other President in the history of the country and he got 1,000 Democrats removed from office.
More firearms is correct.

But the second part is Hillary's fault alone.

Misdirection. See above.
Will Obama go away now or continue to demolish the Democratic party. They have no leader, other than Bernie lol.

DumBama will never go away. That's the problem. No matter what Trump does, the MSM will be seeking Obama's opinion on it, especially when Trump starts to reverse his policies.
Will Obama go away now or continue to demolish the Democratic party. They have no leader, other than Bernie lol.

DumBama will never go away. That's the problem. No matter what Trump does, the MSM will be seeking Obama's opinion on it, especially when Trump starts to reverse his policies.

One consolation prize is with Trump and the GOP controlling the White House and Congress, there's not much market for Obama to sell favors like Bill and Hillary did, he can't deliver on them. Obama isn't going to make a fraction of the money the Clinton's pulled in via pay to play.
Obama is driving the final nails in the DNC's coffin - the leader of the DNC just betrayed another ally...again.

Exposed with their own personal e-mails as racists, sexists, anti-Catholic, homophobic anti-Semites...

...hired thugs and arsonists to vandalize and firebomb GOP HQs, to intimidate, beat, and bloody Trump supporters...

...aided terrorists...armed Mexican Drug Cartels, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Muslim Brotherhood...used the US military to help Al Qaeda and ISIS...

Yeah, the DNC is earning quite a reputation.

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