The Obama Presidency: The Horror


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
It will be difficult to forgive the Americans who put Barack Obama in office. Even after he leaves office, the nation and the world will suffer from his actions, "The evil that men do lives after them," is certainly true in this case.

Here are some of the low-lights to which short sighted Americans sentenced all of us:

1. "We all will be living with the effects of his presidency for many years to come, long after the Obama's have retired to New York City and Martha’s Vineyard. .... the reality is that even if President Obama doesn’t accomplish another new thing in the next two years, the actions he has already taken make him one of the most consequential presidents ever.

2. The federal debt held by the public has grown on President Obama’s watch to about $12.6 trillion from about $6.8 trillion. The Obama presidency won’t be “over” until that nearly $6 trillion in new debt is either paid back or defaulted on.

a. As a percentage of gross domestic product, the federal debt held by the public has soared to 73.8% today from 43.8% .... won’t be “over” until that figure returns to the status quo ante. Don’t hold your breath.

3. .... the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act known as ObamaCare remains the law of the land, at least those parts that haven’t been waived or unilaterally rewritten by the Obama administration....

a. ... Republicans have funded its implementation and have no consensus on an alternative..... A mere 20 Senate candidates have signed the pledge to repeal ObamaCare.

b. .... inertia and framing means that repealing ObamaCare now becomes, at least in the press, a fight in which opponents of the law are depicted as taking away health coverage from sympathetic cancer victims, sick children, and other needy patients.

4. On immigration, too, Mr. Obama’s actions will be hard to undo. His signaling of a path to legal status for illegal immigrant children has attracted a wave of unaccompanied minors....60,000 will come this year,...

a. .... unable to win passage of a law to increase levels of legal immigration or change the laws to create a path to citizenship for illegals. But he’s somehow managed to crack open the gates nonetheless.

5. On foreign policy as on the economy, .... if the next president has to confront a radical Islamist terrorist threat newly strengthened from operating bases in Iraq, in Syria, and in an Iran on the verge of nuclear weapons, he will have some genuine justification for blaming Mr. Obama, whose retreat will be remembered in the Middle East and beyond for years to come.

6. As for the economy, the chances of a repeal of the Dodd-Frank financial regulation legislation are slimmer even than for a repeal of ObamaCare. So the 13,000 employees that JPMorgan Chase has added in the past couple of years to handle “regulatory issues and compliance” are likely to remain with us, in what passes for job-creation, Obama-style.

a. .... the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that Dodd-Frank created with a permanent funding stream from the Federal Reserve. The CFPB is spending$145 million to renovate a new headquarters.

7. The most enduring and dangerous Obama legacy, though, may be the expansive way he has suspended, waived, and rewritten laws, particularly the health care law. “A lawless president,” was the headline the Washington Post....

a. [Imagine a future President] citing Obama’s actions as precedent for suspending other parts of the ObamaCare or Dodd-Frank laws."
Obama Presidency To Endure Years After Obama Himself Has Retired From Office - The New York Sun
The one bright spot is that the children flooding our border are doctors and engineers we need more of them. And those who are not can benefit from the great schools the liberals have created.

Maybe I missed it but I think his biggest legacy will be his wanton disregard for the Constitution. His failure to work with the other side on almost every issue. His tendency to name call and blame the other side for all of his failures. His better then thou attitude.
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The one bright spot is that the children flooding our border are doctors and engineers we need more of them. And those who are not can benefit from the great schools the liberals have created.

Maybe I missed it but I think his biggest legacy will be his wonton disregard for the Constitution. His failure to work with the other side on almost every issue. His tendency to name call and blame the other side for all of his failures. His better then thou attitude.

Here's a wonton, just for you -

The one bright spot is that the children flooding our border are doctors and engineers we need more of them. And those who are not can benefit from the great schools the liberals have created.

Maybe I missed it but I think his biggest legacy will be his wonton disregard for the Constitution. His failure to work with the other side on almost every issue. His tendency to name call and blame the other side for all of his failures. His better then thou attitude.

"Bright spot"? Rewarding them from their first days for breaking the law?
And so MY daughter in law who immigrated from Ukraine and followed all the steps necessary taking the OATH of citizenship required of ALL legal immigrates now
looks at this totally thumbing the nose at immigration laws these "bright?" illegals and is pissed as well she should be!
She and millions of legal immigrants followed the law... and for what?

BASED on this Executive Order from President Obama was asking for this precise result when he imposed his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) – a key part of the president’s “selective deportation” scheme that effectively granted amnesty to illegal aliens who came to the U.S. as children “through no fault of their own.”
When you roll out the red carpet for illegal aliens, they walk across it! Or sprint or crawl or climb or whatever it takes!
Weekly Update: Obama Causes Border Crisis | Judicial Watch
The one bright spot is that the children flooding our border are doctors and engineers we need more of them. And those who are not can benefit from the great schools the liberals have created.

Maybe I missed it but I think his biggest legacy will be his wonton disregard for the Constitution. His failure to work with the other side on almost every issue. His tendency to name call and blame the other side for all of his failures. His better then thou attitude.

"Bright spot"? Rewarding them from their first days for breaking the law?
And so MY daughter in law who immigrated from Ukraine and followed all the steps necessary taking the OATH of citizenship required of ALL legal immigrates now
looks at this totally thumbing the nose at immigration laws these "bright?" illegals and is pissed as well she should be!
She and millions of legal immigrants followed the law... and for what?

BASED on this Executive Order from President Obama was asking for this precise result when he imposed his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) – a key part of the president’s “selective deportation” scheme that effectively granted amnesty to illegal aliens who came to the U.S. as children “through no fault of their own.”
When you roll out the red carpet for illegal aliens, they walk across it! Or sprint or crawl or climb or whatever it takes!
Weekly Update: Obama Causes Border Crisis | Judicial Watch

'"Bright spot"? Rewarding them from their first days for breaking the law?'


I think he's on the same side as you are.
You think Obama's presidency is bad? Wait till you see what happens if Hillary gets elected President. It will be worse. Much worse.
The one bright spot is that the children flooding our border are doctors and engineers we need more of them. And those who are not can benefit from the great schools the liberals have created.

Maybe I missed it but I think his biggest legacy will be his wonton disregard for the Constitution. His failure to work with the other side on almost every issue. His tendency to name call and blame the other side for all of his failures. His better then thou attitude.

The children now flooding the borders are cartel workers, gang members and current sex workers. 83% of the children are over the age of 14. 80% are male. Their training starts on the voyage when they are required to cut off the fingers or ears of other children or end up in a mass grave.
The one bright spot is that the children flooding our border are doctors and engineers we need more of them. And those who are not can benefit from the great schools the liberals have created.

Maybe I missed it but I think his biggest legacy will be his wonton disregard for the Constitution. His failure to work with the other side on almost every issue. His tendency to name call and blame the other side for all of his failures. His better then thou attitude.

"Bright spot"? Rewarding them from their first days for breaking the law?
And so MY daughter in law who immigrated from Ukraine and followed all the steps necessary taking the OATH of citizenship required of ALL legal immigrates now
looks at this totally thumbing the nose at immigration laws these "bright?" illegals and is pissed as well she should be!
She and millions of legal immigrants followed the law... and for what?

BASED on this Executive Order from President Obama was asking for this precise result when he imposed his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) – a key part of the president’s “selective deportation” scheme that effectively granted amnesty to illegal aliens who came to the U.S. as children “through no fault of their own.”
When you roll out the red carpet for illegal aliens, they walk across it! Or sprint or crawl or climb or whatever it takes!
Weekly Update: Obama Causes Border Crisis | Judicial Watch

YES!!!! Having 10 year old Mexican immigrant doctors work in Obamacare what in the hell could be better? If you don't see that as a bright spot I am thinking you are too far gone.
The one bright spot is that the children flooding our border are doctors and engineers we need more of them. And those who are not can benefit from the great schools the liberals have created.

Maybe I missed it but I think his biggest legacy will be his wonton disregard for the Constitution. His failure to work with the other side on almost every issue. His tendency to name call and blame the other side for all of his failures. His better then thou attitude.

The children now flooding the borders are cartel workers, gang members and current sex workers. 83% of the children are over the age of 14. 80% are male. Their training starts on the voyage when they are required to cut off the fingers or ears of other children or end up in a mass grave.

Oh, so they are tradesmen, good here I was thinking that maybe they were just coming for the benefits.
Maybe we need to elect a republican next time


Get it? A Republican leading the country?
The one bright spot is that the children flooding our border are doctors and engineers we need more of them. And those who are not can benefit from the great schools the liberals have created.

Maybe I missed it but I think his biggest legacy will be his wonton disregard for the Constitution. His failure to work with the other side on almost every issue. His tendency to name call and blame the other side for all of his failures. His better then thou attitude.

Here's a wonton, just for you -


That looks yummy! :D

Have any extra?
The one bright spot is that the children flooding our border are doctors and engineers we need more of them. And those who are not can benefit from the great schools the liberals have created.

Maybe I missed it but I think his biggest legacy will be his wonton disregard for the Constitution. His failure to work with the other side on almost every issue. His tendency to name call and blame the other side for all of his failures. His better then thou attitude.

Here's a wonton, just for you -


Wow ~ You have an actual photo of Obamas brain...Goodie for You :D:D:D
The one bright spot is that the children flooding our border are doctors and engineers we need more of them. And those who are not can benefit from the great schools the liberals have created.

Maybe I missed it but I think his biggest legacy will be his wonton disregard for the Constitution. His failure to work with the other side on almost every issue. His tendency to name call and blame the other side for all of his failures. His better then thou attitude.

Here's a wonton, just for you -


That looks yummy! :D

Have any extra?

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I deserved that..LOL. Do you have to be so wanton about wonton?
The most important nomination for 2016 will be that of the Democrat candidate for VICE President. Because, on the off-chance that Democrats might pause their war on women and nominate Hillary for president - and if she might happen to win - then it'll be a very short presidency. Stress is Hell on damaged brains.

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