The Obama ran against the policies and actions of the Bush Administration.

The Obama ran against the policies and actions of the Bush Administration.

His message of Hope and Change was predicated on the promise that He would bring "Hope" to the country by Changing those actions and policies - that he would deliver us from the ideological evil that was GWB.

-Which of the specified GWB policies/actions has The Obama changed?
-How did He change it?
-How has that change brought the improvements He promised?

Please be sepcific in your responses, and be sure to show causation.

He put some teeth behind President Bushes 9-11 rhetoric. In that we would go after the perps of 9-11 no matter where they were hiding. Evidenced by his willingness to attack the Pastun area of Pakistan (although Bush didn't really have the advanced drones Obama has, he was hand off the tribal area) as well as authorizing the attack deep inside Pakistan to kill OBL.

President Obama has proven to be a politician capable of most any lie. I'm still glad he is president and not McCain.
Its despicable to give Obama credit for the CIA and military guys under cover and on the front lines.

I bet you would be the first to put all the blame on President Obama if the mission had failed and our soldiers got killed.
Ideologies? What ideologies? Both parties are totally occupied with getting power and keeping it. Where is the difference? Didn't the Democrats vote with the Republicans for the illegal invasion of Iraq against the wishes of the majority? Where are these profound differences?
When I lived in Maine long ago, we had two excellent Senators, Cohen and Mitchell. They worked well together and even wrote a book together. They served in subsequent administrations. One was a Democrat, one a Republican. There was no ideological problem between them.
The problem is not honorable men such as they. The problem is the political hacks that dominate both parties.
It is past time for a change.

Nope. (I mean yes they voted for the invasion and occupation but...) 70% of Americans believed Saddam was somehow behind 9-11 in March of 03. Cohen and Mitchell were in office during a time where there was a majority of moderates in both chambers. Now there are only partisans on both side. No moderates are left to make needed compromise. Compromise has become a 4 letter word.
"The Obama has continued, if not expanded almost all of the GWB policies/actions He ran against.
If GWB was a disaster, what's that make The Obama?"

The same thing light.

Seeing as he's the first black president wouldn't that make him Bush dark?

I still am not convinced of how having a white mother and a black father makes one 'black', but then I don't care about those false, superficial distinctions anyway.

Bush light is still intolerable, but Romney is only Bush 'Lite' II
Take your pick.
These aren't examples of The Obama running against the relevant Bush policies/actions and then changing those policies/actions after He took office.

I -do- find it funny that this is all y'all can come up with.

President Bush was not going to attack inside Pakistan.
Except when he did.

He did exactly what he said he would do.
Looks like you'll have to find a valid exanple.

And, again - the best example of The Obama delivering on His promises of Hope and Change is military action inside Pakistan? If so, why aren't you complaining about The Obama's abject failure in this regard?

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