"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

Now all you have to do is take a number and wait to be called - why does this sound like the DMV? - oh yeah, the government is running it.



Well I'm through with watching this channel.​
Marc Thiessen: For Democrats in 2014, the Web site is not the problem - The Washington Post


Democrats are praying that this weekend’s relaunch of the Obamacare Web site will save them from an electoral bloodbath in 2014. Their hopes are misplaced. Here are five numbers that suggest that public anger over Obamacare will only grow as Election Day 2014 approaches:

5.5 million. That is how many people the administration needs to sign up in just 23 days because Obamacare drove them out of their health-care plans. That’s some 240,000 sign-ups every single day, just to break even. Getting that many enrolled in a few weeks would be extraordinarily difficult even if the Web site were working perfectly, which it isn’t. According to the New York Times, the system is still sending insurers inaccurate or incomplete information, and the companies are being “deluged with phone calls from people who believe they have signed up for a particular health plan, only to find that the company has no record of the enrollment.” As a result, many Americans could find themselves without insurance on Jan. 1. Their anger at those responsible for putting them through this panic and disruption is not likely to subside by November 2014.

50 million. That is how many Americans will be surprised to find their employer-based health plans dropped or substantially changed next year because of Obamacare.

Insurers Claim Health Website Is Still Flawed

Weeks of frantic technical work appear to have made the government's health care website easier for consumers to use. But that does not mean everyone who signs up for insurance can enroll in a health plan.

The problem is that so-called back end systems, which are supposed to deliver consumer information to insurers, still have not been fixed. And with coverage for many people scheduled to begin in just 30 days, insurers are worried the repairs may not be completed in time.

''Until the enrollment process is working from end to end, many consumers will not be able to enroll in coverage,'' said Karen M. Ignagni, president of America's Health Insurance Plans, a trade group.

The issues are vexing and complex. ....
Fact Check: Is President Obama's latest health care promise true? | Fox News

Is President Obama’s latest health care promise – that his plan will offer “most” people a better plan for the same price or less than their current policy – actually true?

Some analysts say no.

"That’s not an accurate argument," says Avik Roy of the Manhattan Institute. "If your plan is now covering a bunch of things that you don’t need, then how is it a better plan for you?"

Former Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Holtz-Eakin says there's no evidence to support the president's claim.

"You can do the math," he says. "Most of the policies in his claim could spend more, cover more things, provide more visits and charge less." But, he concludes, "the arithmetic just does not work."

Scott Pruitt: ObamaCare's Next Legal Challenge - WSJ.com

The law says subsidies can only go through state-run exchanges.

....Motions for summary judgment will soon be filed in federal district courts, and our court system will determine whether what the administration has called its "improvements" to the ACA—essentially by ignoring some of its provisions—are lawful.


I saw that to. Learned something new today. I have always wondered why the IRS has stated that they will only recover the fines for not having health insurance from any refunds due to the filer. They will not asses delinquent taxes. This may be why. If the courts rule that the fines can only be imposed in States with exchanges, maybe only the State can levy the fines.
Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, a liberal Democrat, says decisions about health care should rest with the federal government, not with individual employers who pay for their workers' health insurance. "So, you know, this is one country," Dean told CNN's "State of the Union" with Candy Crowley on Sunday. "We all have to live by a set of things that are passed in Washington and agreed to by the court. We'll see what the court does, but I don't think a particular employer has a right to decide what kind of health care their employees are going to get. That's now in the hands of the federal government, and that's where it should be

Howard Dean: Employers Have No Right to Make Health Decisions, But Gov't Does | CNS News
Well of course. That's why so many Insurance companies are keeping silent about the EPIC FAIL of Obamacare. They've sunk vast sums of money into their Obamacare implementations...and their only hope to recover the money is a bail out.

Which of course makes Obama's promise that Obamacare won't "cost a dime" another Big Fat Lie.
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Well of course. That's why so many Insurance companies are keeping silent about the EPIC FAIL of Obamacare. They've sunk vast sums of money into their Obamacare implementations...and their only hope to recover the money is a bail out.

Which of course makes Obama's promise that Obamacare won't "cost a dime" another Big Fat Lie.

The insurance industry is playing the long game, and the mandate is everything. They know that the details will be ironed out via lobbying and, in the end, if the mandate holds, they win.

Does Obama have the authority to change the law as he wishes? That's what he's doing

Obama 'crossed the constitutional line,' House panel is told - CSMonitor.com

Two constitutional law professors told Congress on Tuesday that President Obama exceeded his authority when he unilaterally extended the deadline for enforcement of the employer mandate in the Affordable Care Act.

They said he also “crossed the constitutional line” when he issued an executive order suspending enforcement of US immigration laws to prevent the deportation of immigrants who arrived illegally in the US as children.

The law professors made their comments during a three-hour hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, which is examining a string of unilateral actions taken by the White House that critics say usurped legislative powers or bypassed limits on executive authority.

Here is one of the professors who testified: George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley

Professor Turley is widely regarded as a champion of the rule of law, and his stated positions in many cases and his self-proclaimed "socially liberal agenda". have led liberal and progressive thinkers to also consider him a champion for their causes, especially on issues such as separation of church and state, environmental law, civil rights, and the illegality of torture. Politico has referred to Turley as a "liberal law professor and longtime civil libertarian". Turley has nevertheless exhibited his disagreement with rigid ideological stances in contradiction to the established law with other stated and published opinions.
In numerous appearances on Countdown with Keith Olbermann and The Rachel Maddow Show, he has called for criminal prosecution of Bush administration officials for war crimes, including torture.
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Does Obama have the authority to change the law as he wishes? That's what he's doing

Obama 'crossed the constitutional line,' House panel is told - CSMonitor.com

Two constitutional law professors told Congress on Tuesday that President Obama exceeded his authority when he unilaterally extended the deadline for enforcement of the employer mandate in the Affordable Care Act.

They said he also “crossed the constitutional line” when he issued an executive order suspending enforcement of US immigration laws to prevent the deportation of immigrants who arrived illegally in the US as children.

The law professors made their comments during a three-hour hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, which is examining a string of unilateral actions taken by the White House that critics say usurped legislative powers or bypassed limits on executive authority.

Here is one of the professors who testified: George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley

Professor Turley is widely regarded as a champion of the rule of law, and his stated positions in many cases and his self-proclaimed "socially liberal agenda". have led liberal and progressive thinkers to also consider him a champion for their causes, especially on issues such as separation of church and state, environmental law, civil rights, and the illegality of torture. Politico has referred to Turley as a "liberal law professor and longtime civil libertarian". Turley has nevertheless exhibited his disagreement with rigid ideological stances in contradiction to the established law with other stated and published opinions.
In numerous appearances on Countdown with Keith Olbermann and The Rachel Maddow Show, he has called for criminal prosecution of Bush administration officials for war crimes, including torture.

He has spent most of his sorry administration across the line.

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