"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

lets hope It seems they're all running from it to me...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDxW6ha4UQw#t=14]Debbie Wasserman Schultz: 'All of our candidates' will run on Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]
this article is interesting. looks like obama took a 9% hit from voters who did vote for him but would not again if they had to do it over.

But what is really interesting is the numbers on obamacare. even among obama supporters. wow, they trash it. and it looks like they have no intent on participating. enrollment numbers aren't low just because of the failed website. they are low because as pelosi said they had to launch it to see what it was all about. now they saw and they reject it

Most youth unhappy with Obama's job performance: poll
It doesn't matter. The fix is in.

An Obamacare fix quietly announced on Black Friday could put states at risk for higher Medicaid costs and even fraud.
Although Medicaid sign-ups through HealthCare.gov have been considered a rare bright spot in the flawed Obamacare rollout, the federal portal has been unable to send those Medicaid applications to the states for final processing. If states can’t receive and complete their work on Medicaid applications by the end of the year, people could go without Medicaid coverage in early 2014 despite having an eligibility determination."

Read more: Medicaid, insurance fixes may be big trouble later - Kyle Cheney - POLITICO.com

I've been telling people on this site that this was going to happen...I've been telling them that for the last year or more.

People are going to die, and not in small numbers.
Where are those morons who were saying "well thank goodness medicaid and medicare aren't affected"...fucking idiots.
Well of course. That's why so many Insurance companies are keeping silent about the EPIC FAIL of Obamacare. They've sunk vast sums of money into their Obamacare implementations...and their only hope to recover the money is a bail out.

Which of course makes Obama's promise that Obamacare won't "cost a dime" another Big Fat Lie.

very telling that they haven't launched the massive advertising budgets they have allocated for the estimated influx. they are realizing at this point, it would be money wasted
Short-term fix eyed for another problem with U.S. healthcare website | Reuters


The administration is planning a "workaround" for payments, said Daniel Durham, vice president for policy and regulatory affairs at America's Health Insurance Plans.

Health plans will estimate how much they are owed, and submit that estimate to the government. Once the system is built, the government and insurers can reconcile the payments made with the plan data to "true up" payments, he said.

"The intent is to make sure plans get paid on time, which is a good thing," Durham told Reuters.

The fix puts an additional "burden" on insurance companies, already taxed by having to double-check faulty enrollment data from the HealthCare.gov system.

Now, companies need to quickly put together financial management systems to make the payment estimates, so they can be paid beginning in January, he said.

"They have to recognize that plans are already quite stressed and introducing this at the last minute just adds substantial burden for plans to deal with," Durham said.

Paying insurers on time and accurately is critical for the long-term competitiveness of Obamacare marketplaces, said Kevin Lucia, senior research fellow at Georgetown University's Health Policy Institute.

"I'm pretty deeply concerned about this," Lucia said at a forum organized by the university and law firm Arent Fox.

Some large insurance carriers could "cushion" delayed payments for a short period of time, said Lucia, a former CMS official. But that's not the case for a group of co-ops and smaller insurance providers.

IRS Has No Strategy for Fraudulent Obamacare Tax Credits

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has no system in place to prevent fraud when individuals apply for tax credits under Obamacare, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).

The IG said in an audit released Tuesday that the IRS has no plan to manage, monitor, or mitigate fraud risk when processing premium tax credits

IRS Has No Strategy for Fraudulent Obamacare Tax Credits | Washington Free Beacon
Don't worry about it. Pelosi designed this bill to fail.

Before Obama leaves office no one except subsidy recipients will be on any of the exchanges.

Tax revenues will effectively decline because the fine can only be collected from refunds and the EITC so people will pay in 4/15.

McKinsey has been predicting that US automation will underprice Chinese wages by 2015 and you do have to buy or borrow it on Amazon to read it. However you can do your own calculations with Matthew's "Robotics" thread here on this board. Short form, anyone making more than $3.40/hour in the world is at ever higher risk of unemployment.

The downside is the ACA is a Republican wet dream so it will die very slowly. Even if Paul or Cruz becomes president in 2017 and veto proof R majorities are in congress expect the death to be very slow.
I'm arguing with longlaugher and billyerock about this on another thread. Their contributions to the argument so far are "zoom is batting 1000 from the echo chamber' and 'don't trust forbes or wsj'. :rolleyes: Some argument, eh? They also seem to think that obama never said that there would be a savings of "$2,500 per year, per family". Are they playing the "you didn't hear that" game? By jov, they are!

I have earlier demonstrated that the most absurd version of this Obama promise–$2500 in annual premium savings before the end of his first term—missed by a mile.[1] Average premiums for family coverage have increased $2,976 by the end of his first term. Thus, we can accurately say that both in direction and magnitude reality turned out to be worse than the opposite of what the president pledged 5 years ago.

But Prof. Cutler is not trying to defend this ludicrous promise. Instead, he is arguing in favor of a much more modest claim–that Obamacare would reduce total health spending per family by as much as $2,500 below trend.[2] And his analysis sounds pretty convincing until you learn what he hasn’t told you. The very same official forecast that he cites showed that had ACA not been enacted, health spending in 2016 would be $80 billion lower than is now expected under Obamacare (compare Table 2 with Table 2a). Either the Medicare actuaries are correct (Obamacare will increase spending by $80 billion in 2016 relative to what would have happened without the law) or David Cutler is right that thanks to Obamacare, medical spending in 2016 is $2,500 per family of 4 lower than it would be otherwise. Both cannot be right. My bet is on the Medicare actuaries.


David Cutler vs. Medicare Actuaries: Who Is Right About Obamacare's Impact On Health Spending? - Forbes

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