"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

Medicaid Growth Could Aggravate Doctor Shortage

SAN DIEGO — Dr. Ted Mazer is one of the few ear, nose and throat specialists in this region who treat low-income people on Medicaid, so many of his patients travel long distances to see him.

But now, as California’s Medicaid program is preparing for a major expansion under President Obama’s health care law, Dr. Mazer says he cannot accept additional patients under the government insurance program for a simple reason: It does not pay enough.

“It’s a bad situation that is likely to be made worse,” he said.

His view is shared by many doctors around the country. Medicaid for years has struggled with a shortage of doctors willing to accept its low reimbursement rates and red tape, forcing many patients to wait for care, particularly from specialists like Dr. Mazer.

Yet in just five weeks, millions of additional Americans will be covered by the program, many of them older people with an array of health problems. ....
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The Bad Faith Presidency | RealClearPolitics

At the end of the day, the root of President Obama’s mendacity on ObamaCare was simple: He didn’t dare tell people how the law would work. He couldn’t tell people how the law would work.

Forthrightness was the enemy. It served no useful purpose and could only bring peril, and potentially defeat. It had to be banished. Instead, President Obama made the sale on the basis of dubious blandishments and outright deceptions.

If this is the only way to pass your signature initiative — and a decades-long goal of your party — it ought to give you pause. But Obama was a natural at delivering sweeping and sincere-seeming assurances that just weren’t true. This kind of thing is his métier.

If he were awoken at 3 a.m. and told that he had to make the case for nationalizing the banks by denying he was nationalizing the banks, he would do an entirely creditable job of it, even without a TelePrompTer. The salesmanship for ObamaCare represents in microcosm the larger Obama political project, which has always depended on throwing a reassuring skein of moderation on top of left-wing ideological aims.

All politicians are prone to shaving the truth, giving themselves the benefit of the doubt and trying to appear more reasonable than they are. Obama has made it an art form. Bad faith is one of his signal strengths as a politician, and it makes him one of the greatest frontmen progressivism has ever had.

He will never admit his deep bias toward the growth of the federal government, or that he doesn’t care that much if Iran gets the bomb, or that he is liquidating the American leadership role in the Middle East. No, no — he is just trying to make government work, giving diplomacy a chance and pivoting to Asia, respectively.

In this vein, the things that the president couldn’t say about ObamaCare keep mounting.

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Amelia, unless your own kids are caught up in this mess just relax and get you own angle on this separation of fools and their money. This is the best free lemonade ever. Your gain and some poor fool volunteer's pain.
Amelia, unless your own kids are caught up in this mess just relax and get you own angle on this separation of fools and their money. This is the best free lemonade ever. Your gain and some poor fool volunteer's pain.


No matter what the benefits are, I won't forget how Democrats made mockery of the democratic process in 2009.

It's convenient for me that Obama was so flagrant in his lies and that I have no foreseeable benefit from what they did and that they have been so damnably incompetent in the rollout, because it might have been hard to keep standing up and shouting about the insult to democratic principles from the "we're doing this for your own good but you're too dense to understand it" president. So I am glad Obama has made it easy.

The economic cost is secondary. The worst cost is the assault on democratic principles. The economic cost will help others understand the evil Obama perpetrated on us.

I know my angle. And I'm not going to "relax".
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Medicaid Growth Could Aggravate Doctor Shortage

SAN DIEGO — Dr. Ted Mazer is one of the few ear, nose and throat specialists in this region who treat low-income people on Medicaid, so many of his patients travel long distances to see him.

But now, as California’s Medicaid program is preparing for a major expansion under President Obama’s health care law, Dr. Mazer says he cannot accept additional patients under the government insurance program for a simple reason: It does not pay enough.

“It’s a bad situation that is likely to be made worse,” he said.

His view is shared by many doctors around the country. Medicaid for years has struggled with a shortage of doctors willing to accept its low reimbursement rates and red tape, forcing many patients to wait for care, particularly from specialists like Dr. Mazer.

Yet in just five weeks, millions of additional Americans will be covered by the program, many of them older people with an array of health problems. ....

Expansion may worsen lack of doctors - Longview News-Journal: Nation

Same article...I'm not signed up for the snooty NYT...:eusa_angel:
Sometimes when I follow the link to the NYT it says I've gone over my limit, but then I just look the title up on google. For some reason I can read the pages when I open them from google.
Latest health law delay: small business website

Small businesses interested in buying marketplace health insurance plans for their workers will have to purchase them from agents, brokers or insurance companies for the next year, rather than through the government website. The Obama administration, in yet another delay, is putting off the launch of its online portal to the health insurance marketplace for small businesses until November 2014. The move, announced Wednesday, was needed because repairs are still underway to the troubled HealthCare.gov website, which is the primary way for individuals to apply for insurance, and that has priority, federal officials said. The administration said the plan will still allow small businesses to buy coverage while avoiding a slowdown in technical repairs to the hobbled federal online site.

Latest health law delay: small business website | CNS News
if you take your car in for service and you get it back still not working, you bring it back and they fix it at no extra charge. that's the way it goes for all services provided. So why can our government be allowed to charge us for a service, one we don't even want actually. Remember they are using our tax dollars for all of this. then it doesn't work and they charge us more to fix it. Fucked up if you ask me. we need to unelect the idiots who laid this mess on us.

Health Site Is Improving But Likely to Miss Saturday Deadline - WSJ.com
Sometimes when I follow the link to the NYT it says I've gone over my limit, but then I just look the title up on google. For some reason I can read the pages when I open them from google.

The New York Times has a quota for the number of conservatives that read their articles. Once they reach the quota, they lock out the rest of us.
:eusa_eh: Hopefully this thing will be repealed by 2017

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-LCztGF-d4]Plouffe: Obamacare Will Be Great by 2017 - YouTube[/ame]
:eusa_eh: Hopefully this thing will be repealed by 2017

Plouffe: Obamacare Will Be Great by 2017 - YouTube

What will happen they'll try to figure how to fix it just like they've tried to figure out how to fix social security.
obamacare is the new fat cow for the government easy money just like social security is. It's not going anywhere.

We don't just lay down and accept it the fight for our liberty goes on

if this waits until 2017 it will be too late.
What will happen they'll try to figure how to fix it just like they've tried to figure out how to fix social security.
obamacare is the new fat cow for the government easy money just like social security is. It's not going anywhere.

We don't just lay down and accept it the fight for our liberty goes on

if this waits until 2017 it will be too late.
Agree with your sentiment but not your opinion.
A) This law is causing an increase in bankruptcies now due to the botched rollout. That will become a common statistic everyone knows because of the astronomical cost of insurance from the exchanges.
B) This law has increased non-acceptance of medicaid. So far no one is keeping track of waiting line deaths. That will most likely become a sticky on this message board.
C) Hospital closures will rise exponentially due to the end of federal subsidies of hospitals and this list goes on.

But the key fact is that due to safe seats in the house held by single payer advocates it is not possible until 2017 to get the votes to repeal this pos.
Scott Pruitt: ObamaCare's Next Legal Challenge - WSJ.com

The law says subsidies can only go through state-run exchanges.

As millions of Americans see their health-insurance premiums increase, have their coverage dropped as a result of the Affordable Care Act, and are unable to use the federal exchange, Oklahoma has sued the Obama administration. The Sooner State and several others are trying to stop the government from imposing tax penalties on certain states, businesses and individuals in defiance of the law. If these legal challenges are successful, the deficit spending associated with the new health-care law could be reduced by approximately $700 billion over the next decade.

While the president's health law is vast and extraordinarily complex, it is in one respect very simple. Subsidies are only to be made available, and tax penalties for not signing up for health insurance are only to be assessed, in states that create their own health-care exchange. The IRS, however, is attempting to enforce tax penalties in all states—including Oklahoma and the majority of the other states that have declined to create their own exchanges. Citizens and businesses in these states must use the federal exchange instead.

The distinction is critical, because under the terms of the law it is the availability of government insurance-premium subsidies that triggers the penalties against businesses if they fail to provide their employees with health insurance that the administration deems acceptable. This is a huge problem for the administration, which desperately needs to hand out tax credits and subsidies to the citizenry to quash the swelling backlash against the law.

When Oklahoma first raised this challenge in 2012, many experts predicted that the Sooner State would "go it alone" in pursuing this legal strategy. Not so. In Indiana, the state and 15 school districts have filed a lawsuit against the IRS, the agency that collects the penalties. Business owners (who, like the state of Oklahoma, would be subject to penalties as employers) and individuals in Virginia and the District of Columbia have done the same. In the D.C. lawsuit, the presiding judge recently rejected the Obama administration's attempt to have the case dismissed, as the judge in the Oklahoma case did in August.

Motions for summary judgment will soon be filed in federal district courts, and our court system will determine whether what the administration has called its "improvements" to the ACA—essentially by ignoring some of its provisions—are lawful.

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