"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

I don't have to disprove anything - it was YOU who jumped on me and Katz for telling that in some instances all the salvos about subsidies are FAKE - and now you stated the same with an example of your own daughter :lol:

so it was YOU who was trying to disprove the facts presented in the article not even reading the article and not bothering to understand what both of us were saying.

You were so full of yourself that you dd not even understand what we were pointing at.

(smile) The subsidies aren't fake....
A) You either qualify or you don't
B) You can use them on any plan you want.

Just thank me and go play in the yard.

of course they are fake - as your daughter and all other young adults across the country have learned recently. or are going to learn. and that was the point of the article and the very point of my statement.

Too bad you still do not get it :D
I don't care about the subsidies.
But it turns out they are just another Lie in this total big lie - which does not surprise me at all - because the left always lies :)
It's like going to the store and the sign says "Sale 50% Off" then you look at the price and notice the sale price is the same price as it was last week, only they choose to double the regular price. You ask the manager and he says, yeah the price is going up next week because of new regulations and we thought you'd prefer to see a sale sign this week than a price doubled sign next week.
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Obama makes Nixon look like a plaster saint but so what? He won't be impeached if for no other reason than time constraints. His vetoes will be sustained. The loony-left will become even more psychotic as all D moderates lose either primary or GE votes. The TEA party will grow and so it goes.
Nurse w/Disabled Child Wants Plan Back after ObamaCare Doubles her Premium

My plan does not qualify under the Affordable Care Act because it does not include maternity coverage. I am a 41-year-old woman with three children (one with moderate-severe autism and mental retardation). I am not having any more children.

This is ridiculous. However, it gets worse. Optima gave me my options. Now I have a $2,500 deductible with 100 percent coverage after the deductible is met. The family deductible is $5,000. The plan costs $209 per month. This is not a substandard plan.

I have a health savings account where I have saved more than $12,000, so if my family needs health care, I can provide for them.

The new Obamacare plans are worse in every regard. They are not better and I do not save $2,500, as President Obama promised so many times.

Here is the closest plan to mine: $3,250 deductible (worse), $6,500 family deductible (worse), and the premium is an outrageous $674 per month (far worse). Essentially, I will pay $465 a month or $5,580 a year more for insurance. Obama promised the average family (I’m a nurse; we’re average) $2,500, but I will pay $5,580 more?

Nurse w/Disabled Child Wants Plan Back after ObamaCare Doubles her Premium | FrontPage Magazine
It's criminal.

What the h*** is Obama going to do for people whose bank accounts and savings plans he has destroyed?

That's so horrible.
Nurse w/Disabled Child Wants Plan Back after ObamaCare Doubles her Premium

My plan does not qualify under the Affordable Care Act because it does not include maternity coverage. I am a 41-year-old woman with three children (one with moderate-severe autism and mental retardation). I am not having any more children.

This is ridiculous. However, it gets worse. Optima gave me my options. Now I have a $2,500 deductible with 100 percent coverage after the deductible is met. The family deductible is $5,000. The plan costs $209 per month. This is not a substandard plan.

I have a health savings account where I have saved more than $12,000, so if my family needs health care, I can provide for them.

The new Obamacare plans are worse in every regard. They are not better and I do not save $2,500, as President Obama promised so many times.

Here is the closest plan to mine: $3,250 deductible (worse), $6,500 family deductible (worse), and the premium is an outrageous $674 per month (far worse). Essentially, I will pay $465 a month or $5,580 a year more for insurance. Obama promised the average family (I’m a nurse; we’re average) $2,500, but I will pay $5,580 more?

Nurse w/Disabled Child Wants Plan Back after ObamaCare Doubles her Premium | FrontPage Magazine

WOW Obama even lied to a single mother of three who is a nurse! Something should be done about these democrat leaders who have turned out to be lying scum.
It's criminal.

What the h*** is Obama going to do for people whose bank accounts and savings plans he has destroyed?

That's so horrible.

Bankruptcies resulting from unpaid medical bills will affect nearly 2 million people this year—making health care the No. 1 cause of such filings, and outpacing bankruptcies due to credit-card bills or unpaid mortgages, according to new data. And even having health insurance doesn't buffer consumers against financial hardship.

Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study

How many families will go bankrupt just paying premiums and deductibles over the next few years?

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It's criminal.

What the h*** is Obama going to do for people whose bank accounts and savings plans he has destroyed?

That's so horrible.

Bankruptcies resulting from unpaid medical bills will affect nearly 2 million people this year—making health care the No. 1 cause of such filings, and outpacing bankruptcies due to credit-card bills or unpaid mortgages, according to new data. And even having health insurance doesn't buffer consumers against financial hardship.

Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study

How many families will go bankrupt just paying premiums and deductibles over the next few years?


It's not even clear that there is going to be a net increase in the number of insured Americans. Medical bankruptcy is still going to be a big problem. What will the next fix be?
It's criminal.

What the h*** is Obama going to do for people whose bank accounts and savings plans he has destroyed?

That's so horrible.

Bankruptcies resulting from unpaid medical bills will affect nearly 2 million people this year—making health care the No. 1 cause of such filings, and outpacing bankruptcies due to credit-card bills or unpaid mortgages, according to new data. And even having health insurance doesn't buffer consumers against financial hardship.

Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study

How many families will go bankrupt just paying premiums and deductibles over the next few years?


It's not even clear that there is going to be a net increase in the number of insured Americans. Medical bankruptcy is still going to be a big problem. What will the next fix be?

Bailouts? :dunno:

It's criminal.

What the h*** is Obama going to do for people whose bank accounts and savings plans he has destroyed?

That's so horrible.
Teach them to never vote D? But not all of them. I suspect he will have 20-30% approval for the foreseeable future.
It's criminal.

What the h*** is Obama going to do for people whose bank accounts and savings plans he has destroyed?

That's so horrible.

Bankruptcies resulting from unpaid medical bills will affect nearly 2 million people this year—making health care the No. 1 cause of such filings, and outpacing bankruptcies due to credit-card bills or unpaid mortgages, according to new data. And even having health insurance doesn't buffer consumers against financial hardship.

Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study

How many families will go bankrupt just paying premiums and deductibles over the next few years?


It's not even clear that there is going to be a net increase in the number of insured Americans. Medical bankruptcy is still going to be a big problem. What will the next fix be?

So many more people are being forced onto Medicaid. People who had insurance and were paying for it themselves now on Medicaid. Medicaid confiscates people's property for payment if they pay for illness. insurance companies don't, but these idiot libs are so happy with all the new Medicaid subscribers:cuckoo:

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