"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

They can not run, they can not hide, they can not lie. obamacare's true, ugly side is showing. They don't care.

Chris Wallace interview with Zeke Emanuel <--- the bastard

The host, Chris Wallace, said: "President Obama famously promised, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Doesn't that turn out to be just as false, just as misleading, as his promise about if you like your plan, you can keep your plan? Isn't it a fact, sir, that a number, most, in fact, of the Obamacare health plans that are being offered on the exchanges exclude a number of doctors and hospitals to lower costs?"

"The president never said you were going to have unlimited choice of any doctor in the country you want to go to," said the Obamacare architect.

"No. He asked a question. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Did he not say that, sir?"

"He didn't say you could have unlimited choice."

"It's a simple yes or no question. Did he say if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?"

"Yes. But look, if you want to pay more for an insurance company that covers your doctor, you can do that. This is a matter of choice. We know in all sorts of places you pay more for certain -- for a wider range of choices or wider range of benefits.The issue isn't the selective networks. People keep saying, Oh, the problem is you're going to have a selective network--"

"Well, if you lose your doctor or lose your hospital--"

"Let me just say something," said Emanuel. "People are going to have a choice as to whether they want to pay a certain amount for a selective network or pay more for a broader network."

"Which will mean your premiums will probably go up."

"They get that choice. That's a choice they always made."

"Which means your premium may go up over what you were paying so that, in other words --

"No one guaranteed you that your premium wouldn't increase. Premiums have been going up."

"The president guaranteed me I could keep my doctor," said Wallace.

"And if you want to, you can pay for it," said Emanuel.

Obamacare Architect: If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More | The Weekly Standard

Video at link.

The bolded? During his campaign obama pledged families would save up to $2,500 on their premiums. Per year, per family. Liar.

I actually caught this on TV while folding laundry.
My jaw dropped!!

Rahm's brother.
Dear Leader is not to be challenged

A California county has banned a veteran employee from criticizing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act because a coworker who overheard the criticism was offended.

The employee is Norina Mooney, who has logged some 20 years of work experience with Santa Clara County, the epicenter of Silicon Valley.

According to Mooney’s attorneys with the Pacific Justice Institute, she made some water-cooler talk with a fellow employee about the high number people who have had their insurance policies canceled under Obamacare

California county censors employee who criticizes Obamacare | The Daily Caller
Dear Leader is not to be challenged

A California county has banned a veteran employee from criticizing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act because a coworker who overheard the criticism was offended.

The employee is Norina Mooney, who has logged some 20 years of work experience with Santa Clara County, the epicenter of Silicon Valley.

According to Mooney’s attorneys with the Pacific Justice Institute, she made some water-cooler talk with a fellow employee about the high number people who have had their insurance policies canceled under Obamacare

California county censors employee who criticizes Obamacare | The Daily Caller

norina mooney's Page ? Tea Party Patriots Silicon Valley

Activity ? Tea Party Patriots Silicon Valley

She is a very very bad girl!
OSAWATOMIE, Kan. — The winner of an Obamacare video contest put on by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is either completely oblivious or participating in the most obvious misdirection campaign we’ve ever seen.

Entitled “Forget About the Price Tag,” the video is the musical equivalent of some guy standing on the sidelines shouting “Hey look over there, a moose!

Obamacare video winner: 'Forget about the price tag' « Watchdog.org

OSAWATOMIE, Kan. — The winner of an Obamacare video contest put on by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is either completely oblivious or participating in the most obvious misdirection campaign we’ve ever seen.

Entitled “Forget About the Price Tag,” the video is the musical equivalent of some guy standing on the sidelines shouting “Hey look over there, a moose!

Obamacare video winner: 'Forget about the price tag' « Watchdog.org


Wow.... have we sunk that low?
OSAWATOMIE, Kan. &#8212; The winner of an Obamacare video contest put on by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is either completely oblivious or participating in the most obvious misdirection campaign we&#8217;ve ever seen.

Entitled &#8220;Forget About the Price Tag,&#8221; the video is the musical equivalent of some guy standing on the sidelines shouting &#8220;Hey look over there, a moose!

Obamacare video winner: 'Forget about the price tag' « Watchdog.org


actually you do need a lot of "money..money..money"

High Deductibles Chase the Middle Class from Health Services

I'd literally need to be dying before I would start paying this ridiculous deductible for routine care."

Under ObamaCare, those who work for a living incur massive premium and deductible increases to subsidize those that cannot or will not provide their own insurance. In the universe of ObamaCare, unless you are among the privileged dependency class that enjoys free health care, gone are the days when cautionary calls can be made to the doctor because a child has a stomachache or bad cough, because such calls will cost you five hundred bucks or so.

As with so many utopian policies of the progressive Left, ObamaCare is rife with unintended consequences that inflict pernicious pain and damage on society

Articles: High Deductibles Chase the Middle Class from Health Services
Even the New York Times is now admitting that Obamacare is unaffordable.

ACA? ObamaCare Not So Affordable « Commentary Magazine


There are Americans who are, as the Times points out, grateful to get any kind of insurance at all and will suffer with ObamaCare’s costs due to its allowing those with pre-existing conditions to be covered. But the numbers of those who are benefiting from the new health-care regime appear to be heavily outnumbered by those who are being either inconvenienced or gouged by the Affordable Care Act. That’s why the expectation that once it is implemented it will be popular appears to be based on some faulty assumptions. As the ranks of the ObamaCare losers grows, the burden of “affordable care” that turns out to be not so affordable is turning the ACA into an albatross sinking President Obama’s second term.

When the NYT backs off from a democrat's Big Lie, that lie might actually be in trouble.
Even the New York Times is now admitting that Obamacare is unaffordable.

ACA? ObamaCare Not So Affordable « Commentary Magazine


There are Americans who are, as the Times points out, grateful to get any kind of insurance at all and will suffer with ObamaCare’s costs due to its allowing those with pre-existing conditions to be covered. But the numbers of those who are benefiting from the new health-care regime appear to be heavily outnumbered by those who are being either inconvenienced or gouged by the Affordable Care Act. That’s why the expectation that once it is implemented it will be popular appears to be based on some faulty assumptions. As the ranks of the ObamaCare losers grows, the burden of “affordable care” that turns out to be not so affordable is turning the ACA into an albatross sinking President Obama’s second term.

When the NYT backs off from a democrat's Big Lie, that lie might actually be in trouble.


WASHINGTON — But as consumers dig into the details, they are finding that the deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs are often much higher than what is typical in employer-sponsored health plans.

For policies offered in the federal exchange, as in many states, the annual deductible often tops $5,000 for an individual and $10,000 for a couple.

Insurers devised the new policies on the assumption that consumers would pick a plan based mainly on price, as reflected in the premium. But insurance plans with lower premiums generally have higher deductibles.

In El Paso, Tex., for example, for a husband and wife both age 35, one of the cheapest plans on the federal exchange, offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield, has a premium less than $300 a month, but the annual deductible is more than $12,000. For a 45-year-old couple seeking insurance on the federal exchange in Saginaw, Mich., a policy with a premium of $515 a month has a deductible of $10,000.

In Santa Cruz, Calif., where the exchange is run by the state, Robert Aaron, a self-employed 56-year-old engineer, said he was looking for a low-cost plan. The best one he could find had a premium of $488 a month. But the annual deductible was $5,000, and that, he said, “sounds really high.”

By contrast, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average deductible in employer-sponsored health plans is $1,135.

“Deductibles for many plans in the insurance exchanges are pretty high,” said Stan Dorn, a health policy expert at the Urban Institute. “These plans are more generous than what’s prevalent in the current individual insurance market, but significantly less generous than most employer-sponsored insurance.”

Caroline F. Pearson, a vice president of Avalere Health, a consulting company that has analyzed hundreds of plans, said: “The premiums are lower than expected, but consumers on the exchange will often face high deductibles and high co-payments for medical services and prescription drugs before they reach the cap on out-of-pocket costs,” $6,350 for an individual and $12,700 for a family.

Those limits provide significant protection, even though those sums are substantial for most consumers. In addition, the federal website, HealthCare.gov, informs people that they may qualify for subsidies to reduce their out-of-pocket costs if their household income is below 250 percent of the federal poverty level, meaning that it is less than $28,725 for an individual or $48,825 for a family of three.

These “cost-sharing reductions” are available for a specific kind of midlevel plan known as a silver plan. People with lower incomes can get more help with out-of-pocket costs, but only if they choose silver plans.

Plans in the marketplace are separated into four categories — bronze, silver, gold and platinum — indicating the generosity of coverage, or the share of costs paid by insurance for an average enrollee.

Many people buying insurance on the federal and state exchanges are expected to qualify for subsidies. But in the first month, for reasons that are not clear, only 30 percent qualified. The others must pay the full premium and will be subject to the full deductible.

A study by Jon R. Gabel and colleagues at NORC, a research organization affiliated with the University of Chicago, found that 65 percent of employees in group health plans had higher-value coverage that would be classified as gold or platinum under the Affordable Care Act.

At the same time, most policies in the exchanges are more generous than what people have been buying for themselves in the individual insurance market. Mr. Gabel found that 84 percent of policyholders in the individual market had coverage that was less than or equivalent to the bronze level.

James T. O’Connor, an actuary at Milliman, an employee benefit consulting firm, said: “Larger employers generally have more generous coverage than small employers, and small group plans, on average, are richer than what people can typically buy with their own money in the new health insurance exchanges.”

Mark A. York, a 60-year-old freelance writer in Hailey, Idaho, said he began shopping after he received a letter saying that his current insurance policy would be canceled because it did not meet the requirements of the health care law. In the exchange, he said, he found policies with premiums similar to what he is now paying, $440 a month, but “the deductibles were so high — $4,000 to $6,000 a year — that it defeats the purpose of having insurance.”

Brian H. Snoddy, 35, of Palmyra, Va., said his wife and two children had a policy with a $330 premium and a $2,500 deductible, but it is being canceled. For new plans with comparable coverage on the federal exchange, he said, “the deductibles are way higher, $5,000 or $6,000.”

For visits to a medical specialist, many plans on the federal exchange require co-payments of $50 to $75 or more.

“Nearly six in 10 uninsured Americans can pay less than $100 a month for coverage in the health insurance marketplace,” Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, has said.

Kellye Norris, 53, of Dallas said that after trying for more than a month, she completed an application on the federal exchange and enrolled in a Cigna plan with a premium of about $500 a month and no subsidies.

“My deductible is nearly $3,000, which is ridiculously high, in my opinion,” Ms. Norris said. “But as someone with pre-existing conditions, I’m grateful to be able to buy insurance at all.”
I copied the majority of the story because I don't know if the NYT is one of the papers that only let you view so many free articles a month.
Md. the 3rd state to see exchange director go

Fourteen states and the District of Columbia told the federal government they could run their own health insurance exchanges, but three people leading their states’ exchanges have now left following problem-plagued rollouts of the online marketplaces.

The executive director of Maryland’s exchange, Rebecca Pearce, was the latest to go, resigning late Friday. The head of Hawaii’s health insurance marketplace announced her resignation in November after delays in getting the exchange running and low signups in the first month. And the head of Oregon’s health exchange took a medical leave earlier in December as state officials were reviewing his job performance. The state’s online enrollment system wasn’t ready to launch on schedule and has had technical problems.

Md. the 3rd state to see exchange director go - The Washington Post
Obama won't pull the plug on this turkey. With ERs shutting down and medicaid the safest entitlement to cut on the state and federal level especially for Rs the outcome is bleak.
They can not run, they can not hide, they can not lie. obamacare's true, ugly side is showing. They don't care.

Chris Wallace interview with Zeke Emanuel <--- the bastard

The host, Chris Wallace, said: "President Obama famously promised, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Doesn't that turn out to be just as false, just as misleading, as his promise about if you like your plan, you can keep your plan? Isn't it a fact, sir, that a number, most, in fact, of the Obamacare health plans that are being offered on the exchanges exclude a number of doctors and hospitals to lower costs?"

"The president never said you were going to have unlimited choice of any doctor in the country you want to go to," said the Obamacare architect.

"No. He asked a question. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Did he not say that, sir?"

"He didn't say you could have unlimited choice."

"It's a simple yes or no question. Did he say if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?"

"Yes. But look, if you want to pay more for an insurance company that covers your doctor, you can do that. This is a matter of choice. We know in all sorts of places you pay more for certain -- for a wider range of choices or wider range of benefits.The issue isn't the selective networks. People keep saying, Oh, the problem is you're going to have a selective network--"

"Well, if you lose your doctor or lose your hospital--"

"Let me just say something," said Emanuel. "People are going to have a choice as to whether they want to pay a certain amount for a selective network or pay more for a broader network."

"Which will mean your premiums will probably go up."

"They get that choice. That's a choice they always made."

"Which means your premium may go up over what you were paying so that, in other words --

"No one guaranteed you that your premium wouldn't increase. Premiums have been going up."

"The president guaranteed me I could keep my doctor," said Wallace.

"And if you want to, you can pay for it," said Emanuel.

Obamacare Architect: If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More | The Weekly Standard

Video at link.

The bolded? During his campaign obama pledged families would save up to $2,500 on their premiums. Per year, per family. Liar.

I actually caught this on TV while folding laundry.
My jaw dropped!!

Rahm's brother

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHIfKnDjLxQ]ObamaCare Architect Zeke Emanuel: If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More - YouTube[/ame]
Friendly reminder from CNN: Senate Democrats killed a 2010 GOP proposal to let more people keep their plans
November 1st

~Someone else posted this somewhere but darn if I can keep up!

In September 2010, Senate Republicans brought a resolution to the floor to block implementation of the grandfather rule, warning that it would result in canceled policies and violate President Barack Obama’s promise that people could keep their insurance if they liked it.

“The District of Columbia is an island surrounded by reality. Only in the District of Columbia could you get away with telling the people if you like what you have you can keep it, and then pass regulations six months later that do just the opposite and figure that people are going to ignore it. But common sense is eventually going to prevail in this town and common sense is going to have to prevail on this piece of legislation as well,” Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley said at the time.

“The administration’s own regulations prove this is not the case. Under the grandfathering regulation, according to the White House’s own economic impact analysis, as many as 69 percent of businesses will lose their grandfathered status by 2013 and be forced to buy government-approved plans,” the Iowa Republican said.

On a party line vote, Democrats killed the resolution, which could come back to haunt vulnerable Democrats up for re-election this year.

Friendly reminder from CNN: Senate Democrats killed a 2010 GOP proposal to let more people keep their plans « Hot Air

Original article:
Senate Democrats supported rule that led to insurance cancellations ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

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