"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

i'm sorry, but this alone should stop obamacare in its tracks. how can you have a mandated paln out there that is the only option for millions of people and that plan excludes coverage for critical services? the best hospitals and special care facilities are excluded from having to accept obamacare. WTF? and the left claims democrats are all about the poor and impoverished? well it looks like the top faciliites are now reserved for the rich folks

Top Tier Hospitals Excluded from Obamacare
i'm sorry, but this alone should stop obamacare in its tracks. how can you have a mandated paln out there that is the only option for millions of people and that plan excludes coverage for critical services? the best hospitals and special care facilities are excluded from having to accept obamacare. WTF? and the left claims democrats are all about the poor and impoverished? well it looks like the top faciliites are now reserved for the rich folks

Top Tier Hospitals Excluded from Obamacare
Just more of the plan... a year or two will go by and they will blame the republicans for refusing to let the poor use hospitals of the rich and famous. They will claim the answer is universal health care, one plan for all funded by the evil rich. If you don't agree it's because you want to let grandma die. They will bring out lines of people hurt by mean republicans who would not give them heath care on the exchange. Person after person who had a loved one die because of republicans that put money above health care for the poor.
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Democrats keep hoping (and spinning) that the initial failure of the Obamacare rollout will be forgotten like the initial hiccups of the Medicare D rollout were.

The more apt comparison should be to the 1989 Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act. Medicare D was optional and didn't cause pain in the pocketbooks of voters. The 1989 was viewed as being a redistribution of wealth for a nonexistent benefit. That might not have been strictly accurate perception -- people didn't recognize the benefit there would have been for them.

But it still remains the better comparison -- redistribution of wealth (in opposition to promises) for questionable benefits to most of the people who are paying -- i.e., people who are more likely to be dedicated voters.

And the 1989 law is no more.
Flashback 2010:


But on signing day 2010, it was all cheering. As the audience applauded, Obama promised the new law would "lower costs for families and for businesses." He cited the case of Natoma Canfield, an Ohio woman whose story he often told during the health care fight. Canfield, divorced and 50 years old, had had cancer but was still able to find what she called "costly, but affordable" coverage on the individual market. Then her insurance company abruptly raised her premium.

"Natoma had to give up her health coverage after her rates were jacked up by more than 40 percent," Obama said.


Ah, the good old days when 40% increases in premiums were something Obama disapproved of.

Euphoria of Obamacare becomes nightmare of higher premiums and deductibles | WashingtonExaminer.com


After the ceremony, Obama went to the headquarters of the Interior Department, where he held what amounted to a duplicate ceremony for an overflow crowd. During that event, he re-stated the promises that seem so troubling now that Obamacare has actually arrived. "I said this once or twice, but it bears repeating: If you like your current insurance, you will keep your current insurance," Obama said. "Nobody is changing what you've got if you're happy with it. If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor."

If anybody had any doubts, Obama pledged, the future would prove his words to be true. "Now that this legislation is passed, you don't have to take my word for it," he told the crowd. "You'll be able to see it in your own lives."
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Why should we have volunteer fire departments? They should all be paid government employees. You should not be allowed to provide charity or volunteer for your community. Think of the unions!!

The "Volunteer" Fire Departments in Nassau County always have appeals.
I found out about 10 years ago that these "Volunteers" were paid by the County.
Every organization is FOS in one way or another.
The "Volunteer" Fire Departments in Nassau County always have appeals.
I found out about 10 years ago that these "Volunteers" were paid by the County.
Every organization is FOS in one way or another.

A stipend for each fire that volunteers show up to is not "pay".

Which Nassau County are you referring to?

This issue also paves the way for any volunteer org with > than 50 volunteers to
1) shut their doors including volunteers for libraries, schools including (PTC/PTA),
soup kitchens/homeless shelters, church volunteers, unpaid interns...and so many more that I won't bother to name.

Youth soccer
Food banks

Why should we have volunteer fire departments? They should all be paid government employees. You should not be allowed to provide charity or volunteer for your community. Think of the unions!!

:lol: You snark!

Geeze...I remember a time when ambulance services where all volunteer.
Did they receive training? You betcha!!
My Father had to pull the Chief of Police's son from a lake. Regardless that the teen was cold and blue, CPR and mouth to mouth resuscitation was performed.

Charity begins with passion and a heart, no matter what form it takes.

Oh eM Gee
Hospital volunteers!
Harry Reid Receives Obamacare Verdict: Gets $4,500 Increase in Cost

Poor Harry...

Harry Reid: Obamacare 'Costs Me About $4,500 More'

I thought the cost curve was suppose to bend down?

Another day, another lie.

Now that topic would make for a great thread!!

isnt it nice that harry got a special little cutout in the obamacare law

while the little people do not get one

no wonder obama shakes the hand of the likes of castro
Eight Obamacare exchanges could reveal user names, passwords | The Daily Caller

Minnesota and seven other state Obama exchanges are vulnerable to a certain cyberattack that can reveal customers’ usernames and passwords, according to a local ABC News affiliate report.

Minnesota Obamacare exchange MNsure failed in a simulated WiFi attack by tech firm Computer Forensic Services, along with seven out of 12 other exchanges tested.

Even HealthCare.gov — which technology experts have alleged is incredibly unsafe — is “coded much more securely than the MNsure webpage is,” according to Mark Lanterman, of Minnesota tech firm Computer Forensic Services.

“MNsure is vulnerable to a type of WiFi attack where hackers can intercept user names and passwords,” Minnesota ABC local reported.

Of the 12 other state exchanges Lanterman tested for the WiFi weakness, 7 failed. Maryland, Colorado, D.C., Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico and New York are also vulnerable to the same type of attacks, the study found.

So the latest count almost $5,000,000 canceled, under 350,000 signed up. and the ones signing up are the sickest and most costly. the young and healthy are not signing up. the ones they need to make this work

The Latest Obamacare Figures Are In. Is It Time to Panic Yet?

The 5.5 million cancelled policies you're talking about does not reflect how many lost their insurance. If you add in spouses and children that were covered under these now cancelled plans we may have another 12 million uninsured in this country due to the Obamacare mandates.

Obviously they're not signing up. 350,000 holy bee-gees that is absolutely horrible numbers. That's why they're in a PANIC.

And CBS evening news announced the 350,000 figure like it was good news and moved along without any analysis.

I have completely changed my mind on Obamacare. It is not going to implode. It will turn into another post office run by insurance companies at a loss, and will be subsidized by government borrowing to the consternation of the surrender monkey Republican political class.

Embrace the suck.
when the horror stories outweigh the wins, its really time to rethink your plan

The Many Disrupted Lives Under Obamacare - Yahoo Finance
I just wish people would stop lying....this "Crying wolf" coming primarily from the right, with repeated sad stories that end up not being true is making it hard to discern the depth of the problems with the ACA.

As Example, in your article Spoon, the first sob story claim was that the ACA no longer allowed group insurance for 2 people who owned a business....

Deb McEneaney of Sag Harbor, N.Y., was jolted in November when her insurance company notified her that it was canceling a group health plan that had been tailor made for her and her husband and their family-run business.
Her insurance broker assured her she had nothing to worry about when the administration began the formal rollout of Obamacare on Oct.1. But the insurance company, United Healthcare Oxford, subsequently wrote her saying that it would no longer allow group health plans for two people who were related because of new restrictions under the Affordable Care Act.
Now this woman may not be lying and her Insurance company may have told her this lie and she believed it, but with a quick search on the net here is what I found about group insurance plans and the ACA....

Is Your Business Eligible for Group Coverage?

Under federal law, small employers are guaranteed group coverage should they choose to purchase it, regardless of the employees’ health status. A “small employer” is defined as a business with 2 to 50 full-time employees. Owners are generally counted as employees, so sole proprietorships with one employee usually fall into this category, as do partnerships without any employees (by definition partnerships have two or more partners). Some states define the self-employed as “groups of one” and require insurers to guarantee issue them coverage in the small group market.
Group Coverage Basics | Affordable Care Act Health Coverage Guide

Soooooo, something just ain't right with this sob story and many others as well....

YET there ARE some true sob stories out there and major problems and donut holes etc etc etc with the ACA.... it's just hard to keep track on what is a REAL problem vs a manufactured problem or just an outright fabrication....this is what happens when the "boy cries wolf", when the real problem shows up, no one believes him.....

It might be the right thing to do Politically for one particular party or another....stirring up all of these fake problems and sob stories.....but it does a disservice to the rest of America, and distorts the ACTUAL FLAWS and mistakes with the ACA, so we won't be able to LEARN from those mistakes, if we don't even know what the mistakes truly are with all of the fabrication stories floating around...just my 2 cents...
I have completely changed my mind on Obamacare. It is not going to implode. It will turn into another post office run by insurance companies at a loss, and will be subsidized by government borrowing to the consternation of the surrender monkey Republican political class.

Embrace the suck.

True that. I've been saying that since the beginning. The goal of ACA was to create a public utility company for health insurance. Still run for very private profits, of course.

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