"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

Amelia, did you encounter any information on the web about the lists of out of the network providers for specific plans - by states?

generally we all have read that the networks are VERY narrow - some exclude the major hospitals exactly in order to contain costs.
I have read that in Georgia basically only ONE hospital will be available for the obamacare plans, but can not find the link now.

news about very limited lists of providers were about states of California, Oregon, Washington, New Hampshire and Georgia.

any other news on this subject?
The advertised networks are much narrower than advertised according to the state versions of the AHA and AMA. We won'y have really hard data until July 1 when all the first qtr reports are in. Waiting line death reports should start hitting the news 1/2/14 along with exits from network by caregivers and hospitals.

ObamaCare's Troubles Are Only Beginning

The "sticker shock" that many buyers of new, ACA-compliant health plans have experienced—with premiums 30% higher, or more, than their previous coverage—has only begun. The costs borne by individuals will be even more obvious next year as more people start having to pay higher deductibles and copays.

If, as many predict, too few healthy young people sign up for insurance that is overpriced in order to subsidize older, sicker people, the insurance market will unravel in a "death spiral" of ever-higher premiums and fewer signups. The government, through taxpayer-funded "risk corridors," is on the hook for billions of dollars of potential insurance-company losses. This will be about as politically popular as bank bailouts.

The "I can't keep my doctor" shock will also hit more and more people in coming months. To keep prices to consumers as low as possible—given cost pressures generated by the government's rules, controls and coverage mandates—insurance companies in many cases are offering plans that have very restrictive networks, with lower-cost providers that exclude some of the best physicians and hospitals.
Next year, millions must choose among unfamiliar physicians and hospitals, or paying more for preferred providers who are not part of their insurance network. Some health outcomes will deteriorate from a less familiar doctor-patient relationship.

Boskin: ObamaCare's Troubles Are Only Beginning - WSJ.com
“Women are often the primary decision-makers on finances and health care for their families,” a White House official explained. “Moms have a huge influence on their kids and husbands and are a key demographic for the ongoing effort to make sure women and their families know the benefits they can access through the health law.”

The Obamas, who rarely co-host events in the Oval Office, aim to enlist moms in the campaign to convince their adult children, family members and peers to sign up for health insurance under the president's signature law.

1) Yes they are

2) Yes they do

Obamas to host moms in Oval Office ?Obamacare? push
“Women are often the primary decision-makers on finances and health care for their families,” a White House official explained. “Moms have a huge influence on their kids and husbands and are a key demographic for the ongoing effort to make sure women and their families know the benefits they can access through the health law.”

The Obamas, who rarely co-host events in the Oval Office, aim to enlist moms in the campaign to convince their adult children, family members and peers to sign up for health insurance under the president's signature law.

1) Yes they are

2) Yes they do

Obamas to host moms in Oval Office ?Obamacare? push

A Kaiser Family Foundation poll in November found that 49 percent of women have an unfavorable view of Obamacare, compared to 33 percent with a favorable view.

does anyone get the feeling this program has a permanent black cloud hovering over it?

The Obamacare Delays Just Keep on Coming - Yahoo Finance

they're are trying to delay the bulk of the pain...Obama still has hopes of regaining control of the house and holding the senate. He'll have unlimited power then has he did when they forced this crap down our throat to begin with:evil:

no doubt about that. he even delayed its launch until he was reelcted. he knew it would fail. he knew its launch would have cost him the election.
So if the whitehouse has insured us illegals will not be able to sign up for the plan, why is this even being used as an excuse for low enrollment?

Obamacare enrollment by Latinos hurt by immigration law concerns | Yahoo Health

Well, I can see it. I don't have a lot of empathy for the lawbreakers, but I can understand their concern. You're a parent -- you want to get insurance for your kids -- but to do so you have to input all your personal information including your illegal status and your illegally earned wages?

You're not getting insurance for yourself but your fear of deportation is standing in the way of you getting insurance for your citizen children.

Or you're a spouse of an illegal alien. You want to get insurance for yourself but you'll have to input not only your information but also that of your spouse. Whatever led you to marry someone who is here illegally, you may not be ready to come out of the shadows and say, "Here's all our personal information -- I just want insurance for myself and the kids -- you promise you won't use it against my lawbreaking husband?
So if the whitehouse has insured us illegals will not be able to sign up for the plan, why is this even being used as an excuse for low enrollment?

Obamacare enrollment by Latinos hurt by immigration law concerns | Yahoo Health
You think maybe immigrants consider the president untrustworthy?

Well, they should.

He made a special and specific promise to the Latino community -- that he was aware of how people make promises to them and take them for granted as reliable votes and then break the promises and he wouldn't be that guy. There would definitely be comprehensive immigration drafted in his first year in office and he would put his weight behind getting it passed.

And instead of keeping that solemn, time-sensitive promise he forced Obamacare on the shellshocked nation.

They should consider him untrustworthy. Everyone should consider him untrustworthy.
Reports: Obamacare Sticker Shock to Slam Families, Small Businesses - Guy Benson

The Associated Press' latest poll shows nearly half of all insured Americans reporting that Obamacare has already impacted their 2014 coverage. Within this group, nearly seven in ten point to rising premiums, and nearly eight in ten place blame squarely on the new law.

With an example:

Sue Walker received the bad news in September from the insurer who handled her medical coverage in Jacksonville, Ill. She was told that to meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act, her premium would go from $513 a month to $890. She also would be required to purchase insurance that included maternity benefits, even though Walker is 64 years old. Walker wonders how Congress could have approved such a boondoggle...The horror stories come from people such as Carla Watkins of Pikeville, Ky., and John Keegan of Hazleton, Pa. Watkins, a 45-year-old nursing assistant, called her three hours on the website a nightmare. “I was ready to scream by the time I was done,” she said. “It’s really going to put me in a financial bind now that I will be paying $92 more a month.” It took Keegan 10 days to finally gain access to the website. “I tried three to six times a day, at all different times,” he said. And what he finally found? “If I bought a plan, it would be approximately the premium I’m paying now. I would have much higher deductibles and co-pays,” Keegan said.

What a great plan.

I wonder if Obama can even enter the realm where he made a mistake ?
So if the whitehouse has insured us illegals will not be able to sign up for the plan, why is this even being used as an excuse for low enrollment?

Obamacare enrollment by Latinos hurt by immigration law concerns | Yahoo Health

Well, I can see it. I don't have a lot of empathy for the lawbreakers, but I can understand their concern. You're a parent -- you want to get insurance for your kids -- but to do so you have to input all your personal information including your illegal status and your illegally earned wages?

You're not getting insurance for yourself but your fear of deportation is standing in the way of you getting insurance for your citizen children.

Or you're a spouse of an illegal alien. You want to get insurance for yourself but you'll have to input not only your information but also that of your spouse. Whatever led you to marry someone who is here illegally, you may not be ready to come out of the shadows and say, "Here's all our personal information -- I just want insurance for myself and the kids -- you promise you won't use it against my lawbreaking husband?

that is all very true, but counting illegals was never part of the calculations in determining the feasiblity of the plan. they were excluded. or at least that is what they told us. but now they are claiming illegals being afraid to sign up is part of the reason the numbers are so low. their statements are contradicting

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