"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

One thing I noticed on a far more leftist board I also belong to is that the Ocare advocates were buying their insurance off exchange and seemed unusually well informed about concierge care for the masses and they are the people who taught me how big a deal it is going to be. They also encouraged my current investment strategy. When possible take note of what leftists do as opposed to what they say and it is easier for you to figure out the best course.

WARNING WILL ROBINSON leftists are good at figuring out what not to do but not too good at figuring out what to do so be careful about which non-exchange policy you choose.
Cover Oregon: If you haven?t heard from us by Monday? you should probably look for alternate coverage « Hot Air

It’s yet another sign that the health insurance exchange’s technological breakdowns will prevent some — perhaps many — Oregonians from getting subsidized coverage Jan. 1, despite Gov. John Kitzhaber’s previous assurances otherwise. Out of more than 65,000 applicants, the exchange reports enrolling nearly 30,000, but only about 11,000 of them in private insurance plans.

Another 2/3rd Medicaid signups. :thup:
Cover Oregon: If you haven?t heard from us by Monday? you should probably look for alternate coverage « Hot Air

It’s yet another sign that the health insurance exchange’s technological breakdowns will prevent some — perhaps many — Oregonians from getting subsidized coverage Jan. 1, despite Gov. John Kitzhaber’s previous assurances otherwise. Out of more than 65,000 applicants, the exchange reports enrolling nearly 30,000, but only about 11,000 of them in private insurance plans.

Another 2/3rd Medicaid signups. :thup:

Expanded Medicaid’s fine print holds surprise: ‘payback’ from estate after death

As thousands of state residents enroll in Washington’s expanded Medicaid program, many will be surprised at fine print: After you’re dead, your estate can be billed for ordinary health-care expenses. State officials are scrambling to change the rule
it was the fine print.

As fine print is wont to do, it had buried itself in a long form — Balhorn’s application for free health insurance through the expanded state Medicaid program. As the paperwork lay on the dining-room table in Port Townsend, Prins began reading.

She was shocked: If you’re 55 or over, Medicaid can come back after you’re dead and bill your estate for ordinary health-care expenses.

The way Prins saw it, that meant health insurance via Medicaid is hardly “free” for Washington residents 55 or older. It’s a loan, one whose payback requirements aren’t well advertised. And it penalizes people who, despite having a low income, have managed to keep a home or some savings they hope to pass to heirs, Prins said.

Expanded Medicaid’s fine print holds surprise: ‘payback’ from estate after death | Local News | The Seattle Times
Cover Oregon: If you haven?t heard from us by Monday? you should probably look for alternate coverage « Hot Air

It’s yet another sign that the health insurance exchange’s technological breakdowns will prevent some — perhaps many — Oregonians from getting subsidized coverage Jan. 1, despite Gov. John Kitzhaber’s previous assurances otherwise. Out of more than 65,000 applicants, the exchange reports enrolling nearly 30,000, but only about 11,000 of them in private insurance plans.

Another 2/3rd Medicaid signups. :thup:

Expanded Medicaid’s fine print holds surprise: ‘payback’ from estate after death

As thousands of state residents enroll in Washington’s expanded Medicaid program, many will be surprised at fine print: After you’re dead, your estate can be billed for ordinary health-care expenses. State officials are scrambling to change the rule
it was the fine print.

As fine print is wont to do, it had buried itself in a long form — Balhorn’s application for free health insurance through the expanded state Medicaid program. As the paperwork lay on the dining-room table in Port Townsend, Prins began reading.

She was shocked: If you’re 55 or over, Medicaid can come back after you’re dead and bill your estate for ordinary health-care expenses.

The way Prins saw it, that meant health insurance via Medicaid is hardly “free” for Washington residents 55 or older. It’s a loan, one whose payback requirements aren’t well advertised. And it penalizes people who, despite having a low income, have managed to keep a home or some savings they hope to pass to heirs, Prins said.

Expanded Medicaid’s fine print holds surprise: ‘payback’ from estate after death | Local News | The Seattle Times

That is a great article!

I've only seen this for long term care and that's if the patient has a high income and 'cost share' (co-pay) which is determined by the county.
Cover Oregon: If you haven?t heard from us by Monday? you should probably look for alternate coverage « Hot Air

It’s yet another sign that the health insurance exchange’s technological breakdowns will prevent some — perhaps many — Oregonians from getting subsidized coverage Jan. 1, despite Gov. John Kitzhaber’s previous assurances otherwise. Out of more than 65,000 applicants, the exchange reports enrolling nearly 30,000, but only about 11,000 of them in private insurance plans.

Another 2/3rd Medicaid signups. :thup:

Expanded Medicaid’s fine print holds surprise: ‘payback’ from estate after death

As thousands of state residents enroll in Washington’s expanded Medicaid program, many will be surprised at fine print: After you’re dead, your estate can be billed for ordinary health-care expenses. State officials are scrambling to change the rule
it was the fine print.

As fine print is wont to do, it had buried itself in a long form — Balhorn’s application for free health insurance through the expanded state Medicaid program. As the paperwork lay on the dining-room table in Port Townsend, Prins began reading.

She was shocked: If you’re 55 or over, Medicaid can come back after you’re dead and bill your estate for ordinary health-care expenses.

The way Prins saw it, that meant health insurance via Medicaid is hardly “free” for Washington residents 55 or older. It’s a loan, one whose payback requirements aren’t well advertised. And it penalizes people who, despite having a low income, have managed to keep a home or some savings they hope to pass to heirs, Prins said.

Expanded Medicaid’s fine print holds surprise: ‘payback’ from estate after death | Local News | The Seattle Times

That is a great article!

I've only seen this for long term care and that's if the patient has a high income and 'cost share' (co-pay) which is determined by the county.

Who needs private insurance when we have Medicaid right ?People who used to buy their own insurance now on Medicaid? Obama's progress:cuckoo:
People who used to buy their own insurance forced onto Medicaid!

I know Obama doesn't appreciate the notion but some people like to feel like contributing members of society.

I understand the campaign to reduce the stigma of taking handouts when people really need to but if someone has been supporting themself their whole lives and feels pride in paying taxes and paying for their own insurance, forcing them onto government programs blows.
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Cover Oregon: If you haven?t heard from us by Monday? you should probably look for alternate coverage « Hot Air

It’s yet another sign that the health insurance exchange’s technological breakdowns will prevent some — perhaps many — Oregonians from getting subsidized coverage Jan. 1, despite Gov. John Kitzhaber’s previous assurances otherwise. Out of more than 65,000 applicants, the exchange reports enrolling nearly 30,000, but only about 11,000 of them in private insurance plans.

Another 2/3rd Medicaid signups. :thup:

Expanded Medicaid’s fine print holds surprise: ‘payback’ from estate after death

As thousands of state residents enroll in Washington’s expanded Medicaid program, many will be surprised at fine print: After you’re dead, your estate can be billed for ordinary health-care expenses. State officials are scrambling to change the rule
it was the fine print.

As fine print is wont to do, it had buried itself in a long form — Balhorn’s application for free health insurance through the expanded state Medicaid program. As the paperwork lay on the dining-room table in Port Townsend, Prins began reading.

She was shocked: If you’re 55 or over, Medicaid can come back after you’re dead and bill your estate for ordinary health-care expenses.

The way Prins saw it, that meant health insurance via Medicaid is hardly “free” for Washington residents 55 or older. It’s a loan, one whose payback requirements aren’t well advertised. And it penalizes people who, despite having a low income, have managed to keep a home or some savings they hope to pass to heirs, Prins said.

Expanded Medicaid’s fine print holds surprise: ‘payback’ from estate after death | Local News | The Seattle Times
Did you know that the Rs are test-marketing ads already about this and other Ocare dirty laundry? Stealing from the relatively poor to give insurance execs bigger bonuses is not going to increase the popularity of the Ds. Also the bad publicity from this legislation will hurt the reputation of the participating companies. What may kill this bill is the refusal of insurance companies to participate any further.
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Obama is the greatest leader America ever had. He's got it all worked out, if it doesn't make sense to you, maybe you should consider a course in economics.
It's no joke my friend, look at the huge strides black leaders throughout the country have made in making America great again. Look not at the color of their skin, but at their great accomplishments!
It's no joke my friend, look at the huge strides black leaders throughout the country have made in making America great again. Look not at the color of their skin, but at their great accomplishments!

The Boi King is as much white as he is black.....you are right color does not matter...but this man is the worst leader in Modern History....sorry.
It's no joke my friend, look at the huge strides black leaders throughout the country have made in making America great again. Look not at the color of their skin, but at their great accomplishments!

The Boi King is as much white as he is black.....you are right color does not matter...but this man is the worst leader in Modern History....sorry.

Obama will forevermore be celebrated as one of the greatest leaders that ever lived...wanna bet?
Of course, that's why he is polling in the low 40's. (rolling eyes)

He has never been, nor will EVER be a Leader he Carter redux.
Of course, that's why he is polling in the low 40's. (rolling eyes)

He has never been, nor will EVER be a Leader he Carter redux.

Regardless of his performance, regardless of facts he will go down in history as a superb leader. If you doubt this, you must be asleep.
Of course, that's why he is polling in the low 40's. (rolling eyes)

He has never been, nor will EVER be a Leader he Carter redux.

Regardless of his performance, regardless of facts he will go down in history as a superb leader. If you doubt this, you must be asleep.

Hey buddy, this is the wrong thread for the stand up comedy act
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