"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

I didn't realize the fine got that large. I knew it got bigger but I didn't realize how big. People might skip O-care this year and choose the fine, but if O-care lasts to 2016 and isn't tossed out in the states which aren't running their own exchanges, that penalty could be effective in making people find some way to afford the premiums in spite of deductibles making coverage meaningless in many cases.

if this plan was any good they wouldn't have to mandate it. the fact is, they knew it wouldn't fly, people wouldn't accept it. So it had to be issued by force

Well, how could the gov't bring about reasonable coverage for preexisting conditions without mandating? If I understand correctly, New York insurance rates have been extraordinarily high because New York required insurers to cover sick people but didn't require healthy people to join the pool.

I don't think a mandate is inherently a sign that a plan is bad.

The lies used to push the plan are a sign that it was bad but mandates themselves don't make something bad.
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The use of religious and "temporary" 364 day insurance loopholes are appearing more often on boards like this. By the time critical mass hits with the employer exchanges this should get real interesting.

There will be a Political Tsunami in November.

I'll bite. What are you trying to say?

The ACA will set the Left back for a decade.

In the end they will win, they will get their single payor...
There will be a Political Tsunami in November.

I'll bite. What are you trying to say?

The ACA will set the Left back for a decade.

In the end they will win, they will get their single payor...
Where will the votes come from? Ocare does permit temporary insurance as compliance and insurance through religious affiliation is also exempt from the law. The use of loopholes, civil disobedience and tax revolt are all growing.
Public opinion about the new health care reform law has hit a new low, according to a new poll Monday.

The CNN survey found that just 35 percent of Americans approve of Obamacare, down five points since late November. Sixty-two percent said they oppose the Affordable Care Act, and 42 percent of those who disapproved said the law, President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement, is too liberal, CNN reports. Forty-two percent said they think their family will be worse off under the new law, up two percentage points since November

Much of the hostility toward Obamacare is coming from women, CNN analysts say. CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said that opposition to the health care law is “bad news for an administration that is reaching out to moms across the country in an effort to make Obamacare a success.” Among women, opposition has risen almost six points since November, from 54 percent to 60 percent.

Obamacare Approval Ratings Reach All-Time Low | TIME.com
2013: The Year of Broken Obamacare Promises

1. The website is simple and user-friendly

2. "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan."

3. "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

4. Premiums will fall by as much as $2,500 per family

5. Obamacare won't add 'one dime to our deficits'

6. The ACA will cost around $900 billion over 10 years

7. Families making less than $250,000 won't see 'any form' of tax increase

8. The ACA will keep healthcare costs down.

9. You have a deadline and a mandate.

10. Sure, the national exchange is glitchy, but the state sites are working great

Ten Obamacare Promises Broken in 2013
so the rush is in to get your tests before obamacare kicks in. not a real vote of confidence. interesting how the top medical facilities and hospitals are excluded from accepting obamacare. can't have all those poor folk getting treated with the rich folks. or getting quality treatment for that matter. yea the democrats are real champions of the poor

Patients Cram In Tests Before Health-Law Start - Yahoo Finance
I'll bite. What are you trying to say?

The ACA will set the Left back for a decade.

In the end they will win, they will get their single payor...
Where will the votes come from? Ocare does permit temporary insurance as compliance and insurance through religious affiliation is also exempt from the law. The use of loopholes, civil disobedience and tax revolt are all growing.

They will lose the Senate this year.
Hillary will get beat in '16....

But the damage will have been done to the system....the industry has been crippled and by 16 will have been ruined.
The ACA will set the Left back for a decade.

In the end they will win, they will get their single payor...
Where will the votes come from? Ocare does permit temporary insurance as compliance and insurance through religious affiliation is also exempt from the law. The use of loopholes, civil disobedience and tax revolt are all growing.

They will lose the Senate this year.
Hillary will get beat in '16....

But the damage will have been done to the system....the industry has been crippled and by 16 will have been ruined.
I agree that the companies involved face ruin or withdrawal from the system but:

A) not all companies have signed on with the exchanges.

B) The use of loopholes is already growing and the bill is not yet in effect.
The idea itself is horrible. Health care for all citizens? What bunk!!!

Obamacare isn't health care for all citizens.

Well, it's not health insurance for all citizens. All citizens theoretically have access to health care, as they already did before Obama snatched the rug out from under millions of people who had insurance they liked. But Obamacare doesn't give all citizens health insurance. And it takes away insurance from some people who had it before.
The idea itself is horrible. Health care for all citizens? What bunk!!!

Obamacare isn't health care for all citizens.

Well, it's not health insurance for all citizens. All citizens theoretically have access to health care, as they already did before Obama snatched the rug out from under millions of people who had insurance they liked. But Obamacare doesn't give all citizens health insurance. And it takes away insurance from some people who had it before.

The PPACA addressed http://www.usmessageboard.com/healt...-facts-and-history-and-constitutionality.html Opinion of ROBERTS, C. J. 7 Cite as: 567 U. S. ____ (2012) Opinion of the Court

In 2010, Congress enacted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 124 Stat. 119. The Act aims to increase the number of Americans covered by health insurance and decrease the cost of health care.
The idea itself is horrible. Health care for all citizens? What bunk!!!

Obamacare isn't health care for all citizens.

Well, it's not health insurance for all citizens. All citizens theoretically have access to health care, as they already did before Obama snatched the rug out from under millions of people who had insurance they liked. But Obamacare doesn't give all citizens health insurance. And it takes away insurance from some people who had it before.

Hmmmmm. Please name a country that legislates health care for all.

Then......ask why we are not doing what they do.
The idea itself is horrible. Health care for all citizens? What bunk!!!

Obamacare isn't health care for all citizens.

Well, it's not health insurance for all citizens. All citizens theoretically have access to health care, as they already did before Obama snatched the rug out from under millions of people who had insurance they liked. But Obamacare doesn't give all citizens health insurance. And it takes away insurance from some people who had it before.

Hmmmmm. Please name a country that legislates health care for all.

Then......ask why we are not doing what they do.

Why should I do that? This thread is about Obamacare and I presumed you were implying that Obamacare was healthcare for all. Excuse me if I misunderstood your implication.
Marc Thiessen: The Obamacare Obama gets - The Washington Post


In other words, the president signed up for Obamacare coverage he does not intend to use, skipped the disastrous Web site he forced millions of Americans to navigate, had someone else do the paperwork for him, chose the cheapest possible plan to avoid the premiums he is imposing on others and waited until the last possible moment to decide whether he wanted to cough up $400 a month as a symbolic show of solidarity.

That’s symbolic all right — but not in the way the White House intended.

If the president really wants to show solidarity with the rest of America, there is an easy way for him to do so. While he needs to have doctors on call at all times when he is in office as a matter of national security, once he leaves office that is another matter. Will the president agree to give up his free military health care when his presidency is over? Will Obama live under Obamacare once he is a private citizen?

If you believe he will, you probably still think you can keep your doctor.
Amelia, count your blessings ACA guarantees single payer will never pass and it will also be a nullity before Obama leaves office.

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