"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

Yeah I expect premiums and bankruptcies to go way up in the second quarter as insurance companies find out how badly they have been screwed by this bill.

Yeah I expect premiums and bankruptcies to go way up in the second quarter as insurance companies find out how badly they have been screwed by this bill.
quite the opposite william....

the insurance companies are not being screwed,

the insurance companies ARE the ones doing the screwing, on all of us....

and especially the people on the exchange with such high priced policies...with their high deductibles and high out of pockets....

the gvt didn't choose to do that....the insurance companies chose to do it....

This is a windfall for insurance companies....imo.
Yeah I expect premiums and bankruptcies to go way up in the second quarter as insurance companies find out how badly they have been screwed by this bill.
quite the opposite william....

the insurance companies are not being screwed,

the insurance companies ARE the ones doing the screwing, on all of us....

and especially the people on the exchange with such high priced policies...with their high deductibles and high out of pockets....

the gvt didn't choose to do that....the insurance companies chose to do it....

This is a windfall for insurance companies....imo.

So let me understand....

You are saying that Obamacare (which really isn't any kind of care) is being used against us ?
Yeah I expect premiums and bankruptcies to go way up in the second quarter as insurance companies find out how badly they have been screwed by this bill.
quite the opposite william....

the insurance companies are not being screwed,

the insurance companies ARE the ones doing the screwing, on all of us....

and especially the people on the exchange with such high priced policies...with their high deductibles and high out of pockets....

the gvt didn't choose to do that....the insurance companies chose to do it....

This is a windfall for insurance companies....imo.

So the insurance companies that resisted this "change" are the ones you blame for the inept program we all have to deal with now?


Pretty soon I expect someone to try and pin this one on Bush '43. It's what you do when Obama fails.
Since Medical Bills have been the number one cause of bankruptcy for a decade and using the emergency room for health care is bankrupting the states, I'm glad someone is doing something. Even if it is adopting the GOP plan. See "Romneycare".
All arguments aside here's the bottom line Leftytoons. If any of you walk into a doctors office and find out you have no coverage I don't want to hear shit from you. You got what you asked for.
Yeah I expect premiums and bankruptcies to go way up in the second quarter as insurance companies find out how badly they have been screwed by this bill.
quite the opposite william....

the insurance companies are not being screwed,

the insurance companies ARE the ones doing the screwing, on all of us....

and especially the people on the exchange with such high priced policies...with their high deductibles and high out of pockets....

the gvt didn't choose to do that....the insurance companies chose to do it....

This is a windfall for insurance companies....imo.

So the insurance companies that resisted this "change" are the ones you blame for the inept program we all have to deal with now?


Pretty soon I expect someone to try and pin this one on Bush '43. It's what you do when Obama fails.
yes...it is a windfall for insurance companies....they are in bed with the government...they have a guaranteed payment....without any resistance....
quite the opposite william....

the insurance companies are not being screwed,

the insurance companies ARE the ones doing the screwing, on all of us....

and especially the people on the exchange with such high priced policies...with their high deductibles and high out of pockets....

the gvt didn't choose to do that....the insurance companies chose to do it....

This is a windfall for insurance companies....imo.

So the insurance companies that resisted this "change" are the ones you blame for the inept program we all have to deal with now?


Pretty soon I expect someone to try and pin this one on Bush '43. It's what you do when Obama fails.
yes...it is a windfall for insurance companies....they are in bed with the government...they have a guaranteed payment....without any resistance....
Interesting thought care, what happens when those insurance companies cannot meet their payments because of all the new coverage? They'll fold and everybody will be stuck on the government plan. 2015/2016 when it will happen.
Yeah I expect premiums and bankruptcies to go way up in the second quarter as insurance companies find out how badly they have been screwed by this bill.
quite the opposite william....

the insurance companies are not being screwed,

the insurance companies ARE the ones doing the screwing, on all of us....

and especially the people on the exchange with such high priced policies...with their high deductibles and high out of pockets....

the gvt didn't choose to do that....the insurance companies chose to do it....

This is a windfall for insurance companies....imo.

So let me understand....

You are saying that Obamacare (which really isn't any kind of care) is being used against us ?

Understatement of the century (so far).
Since Medical Bills have been the number one cause of bankruptcy for a decade and using the emergency room for health care is bankrupting the states, I'm glad someone is doing something. Even if it is adopting the GOP plan. See "Romneycare".

An absolutely perfect, vivid example of the problem.

"At least we did SOMETHING". A mind-numbingly simplistic way to look at one-sixth of our economy, an incredibly complicated and intricate web of heavy government regulation, a variety of industries, and our very health.

Holy crap.

Well, this "something" didn't need to happen. They just wanted to push "something" through because they had just enough votes.

So now we're stuck with it, it's not going to go away, and they'll keep adding band aid after band aid after band aid to it for the foreseeable future.

But at least we did "something".

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Since Medical Bills have been the number one cause of bankruptcy for a decade and using the emergency room for health care is bankrupting the states, I'm glad someone is doing something. Even if it is adopting the GOP plan. See "Romneycare".

An absolutely perfect, vivid example of the problem.

"At least we did SOMETHING". A mind-numbingly simplistic way to look at one-sixth of our economy, an incredibly complicated and intricate web of heavy government regulation, a variety of industries, and our very health.

Holy crap.

Well, this "something" didn't need to happen. They just wanted to push "something" through because they had just enough votes.

So now we're stuck with it, it's not going to go away, and they'll keep adding band aid after band aid after band aid to it for the foreseeable future.

But at least we did "something".


it was more about a political win for the Obama and the democrats than anything else. Which is why none of them read the bill before it was passed, they didn't care. They got the win, which is what they wanted. the win, the power over the people, and money to their liberal, crony, organizations

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nk_HPs34usU]Congressman John Dingell: "It takes a long time to ... control the people" - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACbwND52rrw]John Conyers on Reading the Healthcare Bill - YouTube[/ame]
quite the opposite william....

the insurance companies are not being screwed,

the insurance companies ARE the ones doing the screwing, on all of us....

and especially the people on the exchange with such high priced policies...with their high deductibles and high out of pockets....

the gvt didn't choose to do that....the insurance companies chose to do it....

This is a windfall for insurance companies....imo.

So the insurance companies that resisted this "change" are the ones you blame for the inept program we all have to deal with now?


Pretty soon I expect someone to try and pin this one on Bush '43. It's what you do when Obama fails.
yes...it is a windfall for insurance companies....they are in bed with the government...they have a guaranteed payment....without any resistance....
It is also CT. Obama has made promises to the exchange insurers that he has no funding for.
So the insurance companies that resisted this "change" are the ones you blame for the inept program we all have to deal with now?


Pretty soon I expect someone to try and pin this one on Bush '43. It's what you do when Obama fails.
yes...it is a windfall for insurance companies....they are in bed with the government...they have a guaranteed payment....without any resistance....
Interesting thought care, what happens when those insurance companies cannot meet their payments because of all the new coverage? They'll fold and everybody will be stuck on the government plan. 2015/2016 when it will happen.
The insurance companies that stayed out of the national exchanges are not at risk and there are some biggies as well as a huge host of small ones in that category. The Pru for example is betting on the collapse of Ocare and no passage of singlepayer.
The house votes for single payer do not exist.
The exchange companies can and will stop taking new policies, if needed.
Many companies effectively priced themselves out of the subsidies.
The subsidies are a loan against the estate of the insured.
As the magnitude of this clusterfuck becomes obvious it will reduce the power of the Ds.
The states determine who can sell insurance in their state and that increasingly means that non-exchange companies have a comparative advantage.

Since Medical Bills have been the number one cause of bankruptcy for a decade and using the emergency room for health care is bankrupting the states, I'm glad someone is doing something. Even if it is adopting the GOP plan. See "Romneycare".

And yet you support a law that incentivizes emergency room visits by charging a co-pay and deductibles to see primary care physicians and specialists.
quite the opposite william....

the insurance companies are not being screwed,

the insurance companies ARE the ones doing the screwing, on all of us....

and especially the people on the exchange with such high priced policies...with their high deductibles and high out of pockets....

the gvt didn't choose to do that....the insurance companies chose to do it....

This is a windfall for insurance companies....imo.

So the insurance companies that resisted this "change" are the ones you blame for the inept program we all have to deal with now?


Pretty soon I expect someone to try and pin this one on Bush '43. It's what you do when Obama fails.
yes...it is a windfall for insurance companies....they are in bed with the government...they have a guaranteed payment....without any resistance....

I don't doubt their ability to make lemonade out of lemons, but you want to pin the blame for all this on the very same insurance companies that resisted this terrible law from the start. That dog won't hunt.

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