"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

So the insurance companies that resisted this "change" are the ones you blame for the inept program we all have to deal with now?


Pretty soon I expect someone to try and pin this one on Bush '43. It's what you do when Obama fails.
yes...it is a windfall for insurance companies....they are in bed with the government...they have a guaranteed payment....without any resistance....

I don't doubt their ability to make lemonade out of lemons, but you want to pin the blame for all this on the very same insurance companies that resisted this terrible law from the start. That dog won't hunt.

How did they resist it? They resisted single payer, and several other initiatives that threatened their profits. But in the end, they got pretty much everything they wanted.
yes...it is a windfall for insurance companies....they are in bed with the government...they have a guaranteed payment....without any resistance....

I don't doubt their ability to make lemonade out of lemons, but you want to pin the blame for all this on the very same insurance companies that resisted this terrible law from the start. That dog won't hunt.

How did they resist it? They resisted single payer, and several other initiatives that threatened their profits. But in the end, they got pretty much everything they wanted.

Busted! Health Insurers Secretly Spent Huge To Defeat Health Care Reform While Pretending To Support Obamacare - Forbes

Health Care Insurers Spent $100 Million To Combat The Affordable Care Act | ThinkProgress

quite the opposite william....

the insurance companies are not being screwed,

the insurance companies ARE the ones doing the screwing, on all of us....

and especially the people on the exchange with such high priced policies...with their high deductibles and high out of pockets....

the gvt didn't choose to do that....the insurance companies chose to do it....

This is a windfall for insurance companies....imo.

So the insurance companies that resisted this "change" are the ones you blame for the inept program we all have to deal with now?


Pretty soon I expect someone to try and pin this one on Bush '43. It's what you do when Obama fails.
yes...it is a windfall for insurance companies....they are in bed with the government...they have a guaranteed payment....without any resistance....

So the government is to blame for passing a bill for letting this happen....thanks.
Dec 30 (Reuters) - Walgreen Co said on Monday it will provide a month's supply of certain prescriptions at no upfront cost to U.S. participants who have not yet received a plan identification number under President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law.
The offering comes as U.S. government officials struggle to roll out the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Myriad enrollment problems have dogged the site's website, HealthCare.gov, since its October launch and many insurance companies have said they are not getting accurate enrollee information to be able to process required forms.
Walgreen offers month of prescriptions to backlogged Obamacare enrollees | Reuters

(Reuters) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc said on Tuesday it will provide a month's supply of certain prescriptions at no upfront cost to participants of U.S. President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law who have not yet received a plan identification number.
The move by Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, comes a day after Walgreen Co instituted a similar practice.
Wal-Mart Obamacare Prescription - Business Insider
So the insurance companies that resisted this "change" are the ones you blame for the inept program we all have to deal with now?


Pretty soon I expect someone to try and pin this one on Bush '43. It's what you do when Obama fails.
yes...it is a windfall for insurance companies....they are in bed with the government...they have a guaranteed payment....without any resistance....

So the government is to blame for passing a bill for letting this happen....thanks.

yes they are responsible, and if the insurance route is the way they chose to go, then it should have had more restrictions prohibiting the price gouging the insurance companies are doing...imo.
Insurance costs were already rising prior to this mess, now they are rising exorbitantly more so because of this mess. Saying the insurance companies are price gouging when nothing was done to address the cost issue and made worse by letting people with p.e.'s "pay the same" as those without p.e.'s (hint: those without p.e.'s have now seen their costs rise dramatically to cover the p.e. folks) is bunk. You can't add 30+M who, prior to obamacare, couldn't afford insurance and still can't afford insurance and be surprised that whoa! someone has to pay for it all.

The only reason this stupid law was passed was because the Ds had a trifecta and ran with it. They didn't give a shit what they passed, as long as they passed something. And since they had the votes they decided to ram as much as they could into the bill and deal with the consequences later. Well, it's later. And it sucks.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoYv5KOxvhU#t=11]WCHS-WV: ObamaCare's Taxes Are Hiking Costs For Small Business Owners - YouTube[/ame]
The rate at which Obama is deconstructing the bill is not fast enough to keep from amplifying GOP gains in the next two elections it is fast enough to make the exchange insurance companies go belly up.
Obamacare Medicaid Expansion to Worsen Hospital ER Burden - Bloomberg

Emergency rooms may be a preferred choice for care among 3.9 million people newly enrolled in the U.S. Medicaid program for the poor, according to a study that suggests Obamacare’s costs may be higher than expected.

The concern is being raised by economists who said a state Medicaid expansion in Oregon five years ago led newly insured patients to visit ERs 40 percent more often than the uninsured. That finding, published today in the journal Science, runs counter to government assumptions that the newly insured would choose lower-cost options for care, such as doctors’ offices.


See also: Oregon Study Exposes Another ObamaCare Falsehood: Rather Than Reduce Unnecessary ER Use, Medicaid Increases It - Forbes
You know what is really funny? The obama administration is running around saying look, registrations are going up. People are starting to embrace the program. No, the program is mandated. You have to sign up. Remove the mandate and lets see how well it is accepted
You know what is really funny? The obama administration is running around saying look, registrations are going up. People are starting to embrace the program. No, the program is mandated. You have to sign up. Remove the mandate and lets see how well it is accepted

How many are newly insured vs people who lost their insurance and had to go through Obamacare?
The columnists at real clear politics are claiming Ocare could cost the Ds a net 12 seats but the scarcity of polling data and being this early makes me nervous . The Hill, which is also free, has a number of arguments that are well out of my circle of competence but seem to indicate the Ds are losing or have lost viability in a majority of the states.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eED-QUfe_yQ]KUSI-CA: Countless Numbers Of Californians Still Struggling With ObamaCare Website - YouTube[/ame]
You know what is really funny? The obama administration is running around saying look, registrations are going up. People are starting to embrace the program. No, the program is mandated. You have to sign up. Remove the mandate and lets see how well it is accepted

The tax is very small, less than a month's premium in most cases. The mandate hardly can be considered the reason.
Where's my $2,500? :confused:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66bgpRRSDD4]Obama Promises To Lower Health Insurance Premiums by $2,500 Per Year - YouTube[/ame]
You know what is really funny? The obama administration is running around saying look, registrations are going up. People are starting to embrace the program. No, the program is mandated. You have to sign up. Remove the mandate and lets see how well it is accepted

The tax is very small, less than a month's premium in most cases. The mandate hardly can be considered the reason.

spin another yarn why don't you
Kind of long but worth the read. If the left wonders why people are so outraged over this thing, they need to open their eyes to stories like this (which are being played out all over the country).

An Open Letter to the Obama Administration and American Citizens:

My family’s journey with securing our new insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) started on October 1, 2013. I have decided to write this letter to let the American people know what it has been like for us. We are a family of four, with two little boys’ ages seven years old and three years old. My husband and I have had full time jobs for 6 years and 13 years respectively. We have been with the same two companies for those years. We are a middle class family; we own our three bedroom two bath house, we own two cars, and previously provided our own insurance for the four of us. We have coverage through Individual Blue from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama until 12/31/13. Our premiums have been $380.00 a month, which also included dental coverage for all four of us.
On October, 1, 2013 we received our letters like other Alabamians about our new premiums and plans for 2014 from Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of Alabama. When I opened our letter to say I had sticker shock was an understatement. Our premiums for the Blue Saver Silver would now be $753.26. This included the ACA tax but did not include the additional $75.00 we would need to pay in order to keep dental for me and my husband. So we would need to pay total $828.26 to keep health and dental insurance for the four of us. This payment is roughly $64.00 less than what we pay for our mortgage each month. I was outraged that anyone thought we could afford this. Sure we have some savings, but with that price tag we would whittle it down to almost nothing very quickly. I consider savings as a rainy day fund, a start to saving for the kid’s college, our retirement, etc. I never dreamed in a million years we would need to use it to pay our insurance premiums each month – how in the world could this help the economy too?

Throughout the month of October we read everything we could on what our plan would cover, and tried to get the information we needed about the ACA. I was also blown away when I realized that my son’s medical care, he has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), would cost us so much more out of pocket than it was currently costing us. My son has to go to his doctor every other month for his care. If we need to see a therapist we do that monthly, so you see on top of the premiums there are other out of pocket cost we have to factor in. He is also on medication that he takes daily. His medicine is a life saver for him and helps him function like a normal seven year old, without it he can’t focus, his grades slip and his mind literally goes back to the mind of a three or four year old. When he was first put on his medicine his reading went up 20 points and he went from writing one to two sentences to paragraphs, all in the course of a week. He is a straight A student and very bright, but without the proper medical care that could slip away from him. Under our new plan for 2014 we would need to pay a $55.00 co-pay, and then it would be covered at 80 percent once we reached his deductible, which would be $2,000 individual $4,000 family. Out of pocket max numbers are $6,350 individual and $12,700 family. All of this is enough to make anyone’s head spin. We were then forced to look at other options as none of this was affordable for our family.


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