"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

obmacare kills unemployment benefits. seriously though, how far can we keep stretching our tax dollars? what is happening wrong in American is our tax dollars used to be spent on services that benefit everyone. Roads, bridges, fire and police protection and many others that benefited all citizens. Today though, larger and larger chunks of our money are going to benefit specific segments of society. Not society as a whole

How Obamacare helped kill unemployment aid | The Exchange - Yahoo Finance
obmacare kills unemployment benefits. seriously though, how far can we keep stretching our tax dollars? what is happening wrong in American is our tax dollars used to be spent on services that benefit everyone. Roads, bridges, fire and police protection and many others that benefited all citizens. Today though, larger and larger chunks of our money are going to benefit specific segments of society. Not society as a whole

How Obamacare helped kill unemployment aid | The Exchange - Yahoo Finance
What tends to be forgotten in this debate is that medicaid payment rates are so low that they significantly increase deathrates relative to even the uninsured and on many state exchanges those reimbursement rates are even lower as in CA. That will be ever bigger news.
obmacare kills unemployment benefits. seriously though, how far can we keep stretching our tax dollars? what is happening wrong in American is our tax dollars used to be spent on services that benefit everyone. Roads, bridges, fire and police protection and many others that benefited all citizens. Today though, larger and larger chunks of our money are going to benefit specific segments of society. Not society as a whole

How Obamacare helped kill unemployment aid | The Exchange - Yahoo Finance
What tends to be forgotten in this debate is that medicaid payment rates are so low that they significantly increase deathrates relative to even the uninsured and on many state exchanges those reimbursement rates are even lower as in CA. That will be ever bigger news.

medicaid reimbursement rates ARE INCREASED under obamacare, NOT REDUCED.....William?

Doctors are getting paid/reimbursed MORE now than before the ACA....

Provider Payments

Areas of interest under this provision:

  • Improving Payments for Primary Care Services
  • Q & A: Increased Medicaid Payments for Primary Care Physicians
  • Combined State Plan Reimbursement Template for Medicaid PCP Payment Increases and VFC
  • Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Payment
  • Medicaid Emergency Psychiatric Demonstration Project
  • Improvements to the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC)

Improving Payments for Primary Care Services: Increasing payments for primary care payments for primary care services to equal Medicare Part B payments. States will receive 100 percent federal matching funds for the increase in payments.

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obmacare kills unemployment benefits. seriously though, how far can we keep stretching our tax dollars? what is happening wrong in American is our tax dollars used to be spent on services that benefit everyone. Roads, bridges, fire and police protection and many others that benefited all citizens. Today though, larger and larger chunks of our money are going to benefit specific segments of society. Not society as a whole

How Obamacare helped kill unemployment aid | The Exchange - Yahoo Finance
What tends to be forgotten in this debate is that medicaid payment rates are so low that they significantly increase deathrates relative to even the uninsured and on many state exchanges those reimbursement rates are even lower as in CA. That will be ever bigger news.

medicaid reimbursement rates ARE INCREASED under obamacare, NOT REDUCED.....William?

Doctors are getting paid/reimbursed MORE now than before the ACA....

Provider Payments

Areas of interest under this provision:

  • Improving Payments for Primary Care Services
  • Q & A: Increased Medicaid Payments for Primary Care Physicians
  • Combined State Plan Reimbursement Template for Medicaid PCP Payment Increases and VFC
  • Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Payment
  • Medicaid Emergency Psychiatric Demonstration Project
  • Improvements to the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC)

Improving Payments for Primary Care Services: Increasing payments for primary care payments for primary care services to equal Medicare Part B payments. States will receive 100 percent federal matching funds for the increase in payments.

Provider Payments | Medicaid.gov

Forbes does not agree with you.....

Doctors Face A 24% Pay Cut In Both Medicare And Medicaid Reimbursements - Forbes
What tends to be forgotten in this debate is that medicaid payment rates are so low that they significantly increase deathrates relative to even the uninsured and on many state exchanges those reimbursement rates are even lower as in CA. That will be ever bigger news.

medicaid reimbursement rates ARE INCREASED under obamacare, NOT REDUCED.....William?

Doctors are getting paid/reimbursed MORE now than before the ACA....

Provider Payments

Areas of interest under this provision:

  • Improving Payments for Primary Care Services
  • Q & A: Increased Medicaid Payments for Primary Care Physicians
  • Combined State Plan Reimbursement Template for Medicaid PCP Payment Increases and VFC
  • Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Payment
  • Medicaid Emergency Psychiatric Demonstration Project
  • Improvements to the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC)

Improving Payments for Primary Care Services: Increasing payments for primary care payments for primary care services to equal Medicare Part B payments. States will receive 100 percent federal matching funds for the increase in payments.

Provider Payments | Medicaid.gov

Forbes does not agree with you.....

Doctors Face A 24% Pay Cut In Both Medicare And Medicaid Reimbursements - Forbes
by now, you should know that the guy at forbes has a partisan agenda...I mean, how many articles has Forbes Opinion done now on the ACA...40? 50? All distorted and all without the full truth....if you research and check ALL that has been said in these articles you would know this....

You shouldn't trust your source without confirming what they tell you and say...
What tends to be forgotten in this debate is that medicaid payment rates are so low that they significantly increase deathrates relative to even the uninsured and on many state exchanges those reimbursement rates are even lower as in CA. That will be ever bigger news.

medicaid reimbursement rates ARE INCREASED under obamacare, NOT REDUCED.....William?

Doctors are getting paid/reimbursed MORE now than before the ACA....

Provider Payments

Areas of interest under this provision:

  • Improving Payments for Primary Care Services
  • Q & A: Increased Medicaid Payments for Primary Care Physicians
  • Combined State Plan Reimbursement Template for Medicaid PCP Payment Increases and VFC
  • Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Payment
  • Medicaid Emergency Psychiatric Demonstration Project
  • Improvements to the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC)

Improving Payments for Primary Care Services: Increasing payments for primary care payments for primary care services to equal Medicare Part B payments. States will receive 100 percent federal matching funds for the increase in payments.

Provider Payments | Medicaid.gov

Forbes does not agree with you.....

Doctors Face A 24% Pay Cut In Both Medicare And Medicaid Reimbursements - Forbes

I have an original idea for you...ask a doctor.
Most of my physicians are mighty pleased.
My optometrist isn't very happy, but I can't get him to provide any concrete numbers.
obmacare kills unemployment benefits. seriously though, how far can we keep stretching our tax dollars? what is happening wrong in American is our tax dollars used to be spent on services that benefit everyone. Roads, bridges, fire and police protection and many others that benefited all citizens. Today though, larger and larger chunks of our money are going to benefit specific segments of society. Not society as a whole

How Obamacare helped kill unemployment aid | The Exchange - Yahoo Finance
What tends to be forgotten in this debate is that medicaid payment rates are so low that they significantly increase deathrates relative to even the uninsured and on many state exchanges those reimbursement rates are even lower as in CA. That will be ever bigger news.

medicaid reimbursement rates ARE INCREASED under obamacare, NOT REDUCED.....William?

Doctors are getting paid/reimbursed MORE now than before the ACA....

Provider Payments

Areas of interest under this provision:

  • Improving Payments for Primary Care Services
  • Q & A: Increased Medicaid Payments for Primary Care Physicians
  • Combined State Plan Reimbursement Template for Medicaid PCP Payment Increases and VFC
  • Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Payment
  • Medicaid Emergency Psychiatric Demonstration Project
  • Improvements to the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC)

Improving Payments for Primary Care Services: Increasing payments for primary care payments for primary care services to equal Medicare Part B payments. States will receive 100 percent federal matching funds for the increase in payments.

Provider Payments | Medicaid.gov

so are taxes. and this from a guy who said he wouldn't increase taxes on the middle class. but of course, as usual, the middle class is the one bearing the full weight of these taxes.

Forget 'Keep Your Plan' And The Website, Obamacare Taxes Are Worse - Forbes
Democrats Continue Class Warfare Rhetoric | RealClearPolitics

After 14 months, one Pittsburgh businessman still wonders: If everyone like him had voted in 2012, how differently might 2013 have turned out?

The lifelong Democrat, who runs a five-man machine shop, regrets not voting for president in 2012.

He admits President Barack Obama's assault on Mitt Romney's character cast just enough doubt in his mind that he believed the Republican nominee would favor Wall Street over Main Street, put Washington into political deadlock and keep the economy stubbornly at a standstill.
He also believed he could keep his health-care plan — the one he liked — under Obama.

“For me, the class-warfare slogans were just enough to keep me at home,” he explained, adding that he'll never do that again.

“Wall Street boomed under Obama, Washington is still at a stalemate, and the economy is still at a standstill. It was all a crock.”


I'm sorry. What kind of business did she work for?

It's easy to be glib about Democrats reaping the rewards of disincentivizing businesses from hiring but all my glibness flies out the window when I think about the real people being hurt. I get angry. I hope your mother lands on her feet.
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I'm sorry. What kind of business did she work for?

It's easy to be glib about Democrats reaping the rewards of disincentivizing businesses from hiring but all my glibness flies out the window when I think about the real people being hurt. I get angry. I hope your mother lands on her feet.

Telemarketing....She's on social Security too, so she can still pay her bills at least. The younger people don't have that option.
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and lest we forget medicaid eligibility was expanded more than medicaid expenditures so on a per capita basis reimbursement must be cut.
obmacare kills unemployment benefits. seriously though, how far can we keep stretching our tax dollars? what is happening wrong in American is our tax dollars used to be spent on services that benefit everyone. Roads, bridges, fire and police protection and many others that benefited all citizens. Today though, larger and larger chunks of our money are going to benefit specific segments of society. Not society as a whole

How Obamacare helped kill unemployment aid | The Exchange - Yahoo Finance
What tends to be forgotten in this debate is that medicaid payment rates are so low that they significantly increase deathrates relative to even the uninsured and on many state exchanges those reimbursement rates are even lower as in CA. That will be ever bigger news.

medicaid reimbursement rates ARE INCREASED under obamacare, NOT REDUCED.....William?

Doctors are getting paid/reimbursed MORE now than before the ACA....

Provider Payments

Improving Payments for Primary Care Services: Increasing payments for primary care payments for primary care services to equal Medicare Part B payments. States will receive 100 percent federal matching funds for the increase in payments.

Provider Payments | Medicaid.gov

Here is the rule:
View Rule
Here is the definition of the rule:
Here is what's happening in one state: (info is hard to come by)
CMS rule will subject Medicare physicians to 24% cut on January 1 | Medical Association of Georgia
Here is an article on why:
Permanent 'Doc-Fix' Looks DOA for 2013 - NationalJournal.com
CMS decided not to finalize its proposal to cap physician payment rates at the hospital outpatient or ambulatory surgery center level.
Which means only Doctor office visits are covered, Medicaid reimbursement increases to the new lower levels of Medicare reimbursement.

And I can't say for sure cause my eyes are bugging out from reading too much, but it appears this rule only pertains to states that set up their own exchanges.
My Mother was just laid off.... Her company is being downsized to 40 employees

Jroc, a friend of mine owns a large contract packaging company. he employed 265 FT people and had a part time floating force for peak seasons. he now has 16 FT employees and the rest are now part time. because of obamacare. most of his part time people are his previous FT. Same workers getting less hours.
Covered California Faces $78M Deficit in FY 2015-2016 Budget - California Healthline

Thursday, January 2, 2014
Covered California will face a $78 million deficit in fiscal year 2015-2016 when the federal government stops providing funding for the exchange through the Affordable Care Act, according to budget estimates, U-T San Diego reports.

Thanks for posting this.

I wonder where J.B. thinks that money will come from.

Didncha' hear? Cali has a huuuuuge budget surplus this year? :lol:

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