"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"


I'm sorry. What kind of business did she work for?

It's easy to be glib about Democrats reaping the rewards of disincentivizing businesses from hiring but all my glibness flies out the window when I think about the real people being hurt. I get angry. I hope your mother lands on her feet.

and that is what realy sucks. more people are being hurt then are being helped. and the burden of this mess is falling squarely on the shoulders of the middle class. the poor, they are subsidized. The rich, have their own plans. Obamacare is a non issue to them. the burden of the cost falls squarely on the hard working middle class
Evil Walmart?...

Walmart health plan is cheaper, offers more coverage than Obamacare

New Obamacare health insurance enrollees may feel a pang of envy when they eye the coverage plans offered by Walmart to its employees.

For many years, the giant discount retailer has been the target of unions and liberal activists who have harshly criticized the company's health care plans, calling them “notorious for failing to provide health benefits” and "substandard.”

But a Washington Examiner comparison of the two health insurance programs found that Walmart's plan is more affordable and provides significantly better access to high-quality medical care than Obamacare.

Independent insurance agents affiliated with the National Association of Health Underwriters and health policy experts compared the two at the request of the Examiner.

Walmart furnished employee benefit information to the Examiner. Neither Obamacare advocate Families USA nor the United Food and Commercial Workers, which backs anti-Walmart campaigns, responded to Examiner requests for comment.

Walmart offers its employees two standard plans, a Health Reimbursement Account and an alternative it calls "HRA High" that costs more out of employees' pockets but has lower deductibles. Blue Cross Blue Shield manages both plans nationally.

Also offered is a Health Savings Account plan that includes high deductibles but allows tax-free dollars to be used for coverage.

Click here to see an infographic comparing Obamacare's health access to Walmart's

For a monthly premium as low as roughly $40, an individual who is a Walmart HRA plan enrollee can obtain full-service coverage through a Blue Cross Blue Shield preferred provider organization. A family can get coverage for about $160 per month.

Unlike Obamacare, there are no income eligibility requirements. Age and gender do not alter premium rates. The company plan is the same for all of Walmart's 1.1 million enrolled employees and their dependents, from its cashiers to its CEO.

A Journal of the American Medical Association analysis from September showed that unsubsidized Obamacare enrollees will face monthly premiums that are five to nine times higher than Walmart premiums.

JAMA found the unsubsidized premium for a nonsmoking gouple age 60 can cost $1,365 per month versus the Walmart cost of about $134 for the same couple.

The medical journal reported a 30-year-old smoker would pay up to $428 per month, in contrast to roughly $70 each month for a Walmart employee.

A family of four could pay a $962 premium, but the same Walmart family member would pay about $160

Surprise! Walmart health plan is cheaper, offers more coverage than Obamacare | WashingtonExaminer.com
A central premise of ObamaCare was that vastly expanding Medicaid would ultimately save health care dollars. The millions of uninsured gaining access to Medicaid would no longer crowd costly emergency rooms looking for care, the thinking went. And that improved access would keep them healthier.

Turns out that neither of those claims is true.

A study published late last week in the prestigious journal Science found that Medicaid actually increases emergency room use — by a substantial margin.


The problem is that, rather than fixing this badly broken system, ObamaCare is shoving millions more into it. In fact, twice as many people who applied through an ObamaCare exchange in the first three months ended up on Medicaid rather than a private insurance plan.

With these added millions competing for increasingly scarce doctors, many will likely end up piling into ERs. And, since an ER visit won't cost them, they'll have even more incentive to make that the place to go.

Many critics of ObamaCare pointed out this adverse side effect long ago, but their concerns were, of course, ignored. As a result, millions now stuck in Medicaid will learn the hard way that ObamaCare is an empty promise.

ObamaCare's Phony Medicaid Promise Of Cost-Savings Is Exposed - Investors.com
A central premise of ObamaCare was that vastly expanding Medicaid would ultimately save health care dollars. The millions of uninsured gaining access to Medicaid would no longer crowd costly emergency rooms looking for care, the thinking went. And that improved access would keep them healthier.

Turns out that neither of those claims is true.

A study published late last week in the prestigious journal Science found that Medicaid actually increases emergency room use — by a substantial margin.


The problem is that, rather than fixing this badly broken system, ObamaCare is shoving millions more into it. In fact, twice as many people who applied through an ObamaCare exchange in the first three months ended up on Medicaid rather than a private insurance plan.

With these added millions competing for increasingly scarce doctors, many will likely end up piling into ERs. And, since an ER visit won't cost them, they'll have even more incentive to make that the place to go.

Many critics of ObamaCare pointed out this adverse side effect long ago, but their concerns were, of course, ignored. As a result, millions now stuck in Medicaid will learn the hard way that ObamaCare is an empty promise.

ObamaCare's Phony Medicaid Promise Of Cost-Savings Is Exposed - Investors.com
Ocare is closing emergency rooms by cutting the subsidies that keep them open. Not a criticism of your source just pointing out the difficulty of connecting all of the dots with this pos.
A central premise of ObamaCare was that vastly expanding Medicaid would ultimately save health care dollars. The millions of uninsured gaining access to Medicaid would no longer crowd costly emergency rooms looking for care, the thinking went. And that improved access would keep them healthier.

Turns out that neither of those claims is true.

A study published late last week in the prestigious journal Science found that Medicaid actually increases emergency room use — by a substantial margin.


The problem is that, rather than fixing this badly broken system, ObamaCare is shoving millions more into it. In fact, twice as many people who applied through an ObamaCare exchange in the first three months ended up on Medicaid rather than a private insurance plan.

With these added millions competing for increasingly scarce doctors, many will likely end up piling into ERs. And, since an ER visit won't cost them, they'll have even more incentive to make that the place to go.

Many critics of ObamaCare pointed out this adverse side effect long ago, but their concerns were, of course, ignored. As a result, millions now stuck in Medicaid will learn the hard way that ObamaCare is an empty promise.

ObamaCare's Phony Medicaid Promise Of Cost-Savings Is Exposed - Investors.com
Ocare is closing emergency rooms by cutting the subsidies that keep them open. Not a criticism of your source just pointing out the difficulty of connecting all of the dots with this pos.

More going to the ERs but less ERs available = chaos. Never let a crisis go to waste.
You are a starry eyed optimist. The state exchanges make the national exchange look good. The Rs can and, if they had both a brain and a spine, would campaign on the employee mandate being postponed, "Obama pushed it past the election to avoid giving us veto proof majorities in both houses." Not that that is actually true 67 senate seats and 290 house seats are not mathematically possible but it would sell well.

The 1% vote disproportionately D and donate their money the same way. Do the Rs play the populist card vs. new class/statist/crony capitalism? Excuse me while I vomit, simultaneously giving thanks that I have with one exception voted Libertarian since 1980 whenever possible.

I'm sorry. What kind of business did she work for?

It's easy to be glib about Democrats reaping the rewards of disincentivizing businesses from hiring but all my glibness flies out the window when I think about the real people being hurt. I get angry. I hope your mother lands on her feet.

and that is what realy sucks. more people are being hurt then are being helped. and the burden of this mess is falling squarely on the shoulders of the middle class. the poor, they are subsidized. The rich, have their own plans. Obamacare is a non issue to them. the burden of the cost falls squarely on the hard working middle class

Not to mention the disabled who will continue to be screwed left and right.
Obamacare Hasn't Slowed The Growth of Health Care Costs - It's The Economy, Stupid!

People don't seek medical care because they can't afford it. Yay, Obama brought down healthcare spending!

People give up looking for work so they're no longer counted as unemployed. Yay, Obama brought down unemployment!

QE2 helps buoy Wall Street while Main Street languishes. Yay, Obama has saved the economy.

Obama's failed diplomacy leaves Iraq with no American presence to help protect against the return of the terrorists. Yay, Obama got everyone out of Iraq.

Russia bails out Syria, Iran bails out Iraq, the Saudis and the Israelis are looking to each other because the Obama administration is having friendly chats with the crazy dictators. Yay, Obama is playing a long game. We have no idea what the eff the game is. But it's Obama, so we know it's good.
You are a starry eyed optimist. The state exchanges make the national exchange look good. The Rs can and, if they had both a brain and a spine, would campaign on the employee mandate being postponed, "Obama pushed it past the election to avoid giving us veto proof majorities in both houses." Not that that is actually true 67 senate seats and 290 house seats are not mathematically possible but it would sell well.

The 1% vote disproportionately D and donate their money the same way. Do the Rs play the populist card vs. new class/statist/crony capitalism? Excuse me while I vomit, simultaneously giving thanks that I have with one exception voted Libertarian since 1980 whenever possible.

Not starry eyed at all. I live what I post concerning ACA.

Here's a gift for you ;)


Hope it's big enough! ')
we really are so screwed. I wonder if the true cost to the American public for this disaster will ever be known? What kind of healthcare reform allows for out of control price increases? There isn't a democrat in office that should be allowed to remain there.

New Survey of Health Insurance Brokers: Private Health Plan Premiums Are Spiking. Now, Even The Fed Is Watching These Trends - Forbes
ACA has never been anything but a D pork barrel of epic proportions robbing the poor to give to the rich. Only the Ds can't figure out how to do that and so they are screwed.
we really are so screwed. I wonder if the true cost to the American public for this disaster will ever be known? What kind of healthcare reform allows for out of control price increases? There isn't a democrat in office that should be allowed to remain there.

New Survey of Health Insurance Brokers: Private Health Plan Premiums Are Spiking. Now, Even The Fed Is Watching These Trends - Forbes
ACA has never been anything but a D pork barrel of epic proportions robbing the poor to give to the rich. Only the Ds can't figure out how to do that and so they are screwed.

obamacare vs Walmart

we really are so screwed. I wonder if the true cost to the American public for this disaster will ever be known? What kind of healthcare reform allows for out of control price increases? There isn't a democrat in office that should be allowed to remain there.

New Survey of Health Insurance Brokers: Private Health Plan Premiums Are Spiking. Now, Even The Fed Is Watching These Trends - Forbes
ACA has never been anything but a D pork barrel of epic proportions robbing the poor to give to the rich. Only the Ds can't figure out how to do that and so they are screwed.

obamacare vs Walmart


The Village Idiot knows this is the biggest scam ever...

Oh wait, it was the Village Idiot that created this mess...
Wow comparing Walmart who provides plans under one umbrella to the ACA that is a website. Brilliant.
Wow comparing Walmart who provides plans under one umbrella to the ACA that is a website. Brilliant.

The comparison was made between Walmart and networks available under the ACA.

It appears that Walmart alone may provide more coverage options than all the the options available through healthcare.gov combined.

"ACA" is the shorthand for the options now available to people -- options which in many cases are fewer than what people had before the law went into effect.
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