"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

If Obama hadn't lied so much and if Democrats and the media hadn't called me a racist for complaining about things which deserved to be complained about, I would be willing to help spread information which might help alleviate some of the confusion about Obamacare.

Oh wait, no, scratch that. If Obama hadn't lied so much, Obamacare wouldn't have passed. At least not in the present form. So I wouldn't need to help spread information to help people get past some of the confusion.

That said, I do have one friend who is in such dire straits because of her cancelled policy that I tried to help her get over her fears about the security issues of the healthcare.gov site so that maybe she would at least check to see if she can get something more affordable than she was left with. She has paid taxes all these years. If she can get some subsidies and help with deductibles, I want her to be able to take it even though Obama and the Democrats remain utter slime for forcing her into this position.

No need to go to the government site, she can look for options by contacting an agent from here:

Agent Finder

Can she get a subsidy that way?

Yes, most agencies have agents that can use insurance provider tools to write qualifying policies with subsidies. Look for one that is certified to market ACA FFM (Federally Facilitated Marketplace) plans.

Oregon Health Exchange Yet to Complete One Enrollment
Considering switching to federal exchange next year

That has state officials weighing several options including scrapping its own enrollment system and moving to HealthCare.gov, the federal enrollment portal which is working better now after its own disastrous start. Switching to the federal site could be considered a significant political defeat for the state and Democratic Gov. John Kitzhaber, who strongly embraced the president’s health care law and is seeking reelection this year.

“As much as we don’t want to walk away from a big IT project, we have to consider it,” Kitzhaber health policy adviser Sean Kolmer told Politico. “It’s all about enrollment.”

Oregon is now analyzing what went wrong with the website, with many blaming the main contractor of the site.

The state has been able to enroll some people through a process that requires some online work and some paperwork.

Maryland is also considering switching to the federal exchange, which currently serves 36 states, according to Politico Pro.

Oregon Health Exchange Yet to Complete One Enrollment | Washington Free Beacon
A report this week shows that about 75,000 state residents signed up for health care on the federal exchange through Dec. 28. Nationally, about 2.2 million registered through December.

Standing with Sebelius, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan said Wednesday that there are heart-breaking stories every day in the city's hospital systems of "people who end up losing a foot or a leg" from untreated diabetes.

Michigan Republican U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land is criticizing Sebelius, saying she should take responsibility for what Land calls the failure of Obama's health plan.

Sebelius promotes Affordable Care Act in Detroit - Fox 2 News Headlines

This makes me giggle...I have no idea why. :lol:
No need to go to the government site, she can look for options by contacting an agent from here:

Agent Finder

Can she get a subsidy that way?

Any agent worth a damn can help her with all of it. It isn't nearly as complicated as everyone thinks.

all agents go through the web site to get you policy ... they also will get you a subsidy if you qualify for it ... as for myself my cost has been cut in half of what I was paying and my deduction went from 5000 dollars to 250 dollar ... my Prescriptions went from paying 25 dollars a Prescription to 4 dollars per Prescription ... of course that's in a blue state ... in red states well who knows ???
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so if you are going to go public and bitch about something, shouldn't you make sure you have your facts straight first? its kind of bad when you complain numbers are way overstated, you invesitage and they turn out to be even worse. lol libs just can't win with obamacare

Sen. Mark Udall was right, sort of: Those Colo. Obamacare cancellation numbers were wildly off | Twitchy

in colorado, the state I live in, the state your site refers to, I have sign up, a lot of people have signed up, because we are a blue state now .... as for your site ... until Udal got all the numbers, which by the way, I was one of those numbers who got canceled ...
I'm happy as hell with what I have now ...I have a policy that covers my needs ... a policy that won't cost me 5000 dollars every time I use it ... as for the complainers in Colorado, tuff shit !!! deal with it !!!
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A report this week shows that about 75,000 state residents signed up for health care on the federal exchange through Dec. 28. Nationally, about 2.2 million registered through December.

Standing with Sebelius, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan said Wednesday that there are heart-breaking stories every day in the city's hospital systems of "people who end up losing a foot or a leg" from untreated diabetes.

Michigan Republican U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land is criticizing Sebelius, saying she should take responsibility for what Land calls the failure of Obama's health plan.

Sebelius promotes Affordable Care Act in Detroit - Fox 2 News Headlines

This makes me giggle...I have no idea why. :lol:

you're evil and ignorant for one...
so if you are going to go public and bitch about something, shouldn't you make sure you have your facts straight first? its kind of bad when you complain numbers are way overstated, you invesitage and they turn out to be even worse. lol libs just can't win with obamacare

Sen. Mark Udall was right, sort of: Those Colo. Obamacare cancellation numbers were wildly off | Twitchy

in colorado, the state I live in, the state your site refers to, I have sign up, a lot of people have signed up, because we are a blue state now .... as for your site ... until Udal got all the numbers, which by the way, I was one of those numbers who got canceled ...
I'm happy as hell with what I have now ...I have a policy that covers my needs ... a policy that won't cost me 5000 dollars every time I use it ... as for the complainers in Colorado, tuff shit !!! deal with it !!!

so what you are admitting to here is that you are one of those slackers who draws off the system because you haven't figured out how to or don't have the ability to make it on your own
ok, Wow, just wow! So what is really happening with Obamacare? Seems to be that the peopel who have signed up so far are the people who draw from the system. People who are being subsidized. But who isn't signing up are people who are an asset. People who are paying on their own and help provide the funding for the people who drain. so in other words, this sucker isn't even close to being funded. man is the middle class taxpayer ever going to be hammered on this mess

The Startling Number That May Spell Doom For Obamacare - PolicyMic
bottom line. it doesn't work. Bottom line, they are still shoving it down our throats. also, besides the cost of the plan itself, just think of the cost to the taxpayer from all the lawsuites and challenges being filed. a fuck up of epic proportions by the democrats launching obamacare. not one democrat should be reelected in november

6 major hurdles to implementing Obamacare - Diana Furchtgott-Roth - MarketWatch
bottom line. it doesn't work. Bottom line, they are still shoving it down our throats. also, besides the cost of the plan itself, just think of the cost to the taxpayer from all the lawsuites and challenges being filed. a fuck up of epic proportions by the democrats launching obamacare. not one democrat should be reelected in november

6 major hurdles to implementing Obamacare - Diana Furchtgott-Roth - MarketWatch
The Ds are in trouble with blacks, hispanics and women. But the house Rs under Boner and senate Rs under McCon are trying for a fix that will continue this stupidity. Getting rid of the Ds is insufficient.
A report this week shows that about 75,000 state residents signed up for health care on the federal exchange through Dec. 28. Nationally, about 2.2 million registered through December.

Standing with Sebelius, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan said Wednesday that there are heart-breaking stories every day in the city's hospital systems of "people who end up losing a foot or a leg" from untreated diabetes.

Michigan Republican U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land is criticizing Sebelius, saying she should take responsibility for what Land calls the failure of Obama's health plan.

Sebelius promotes Affordable Care Act in Detroit - Fox 2 News Headlines

This makes me giggle...I have no idea why. :lol:

you're evil and ignorant for one...

Can't count Billy?
so if you are going to go public and bitch about something, shouldn't you make sure you have your facts straight first? its kind of bad when you complain numbers are way overstated, you invesitage and they turn out to be even worse. lol libs just can't win with obamacare

Sen. Mark Udall was right, sort of: Those Colo. Obamacare cancellation numbers were wildly off | Twitchy

in colorado, the state I live in, the state your site refers to, I have sign up, a lot of people have signed up, because we are a blue state now .... as for your site ... until Udal got all the numbers, which by the way, I was one of those numbers who got canceled ...
I'm happy as hell with what I have now ...I have a policy that covers my needs ... a policy that won't cost me 5000 dollars every time I use it ... as for the complainers in Colorado, tuff shit !!! deal with it !!!

There are polices that cost $5000 every time you use it?:confused: Is that a new Obamacare policy?
There are polices that cost $5000 every time you use it?:confused: Is that a new Obamacare policy?

I remember someone in a recent thread who thought the deductible reset for each time you saw a doctor. I didn't remember who thought that. Sounds like maybe it was Billy.
so if you are going to go public and bitch about something, shouldn't you make sure you have your facts straight first? its kind of bad when you complain numbers are way overstated, you invesitage and they turn out to be even worse. lol libs just can't win with obamacare

Sen. Mark Udall was right, sort of: Those Colo. Obamacare cancellation numbers were wildly off | Twitchy

in colorado, the state I live in, the state your site refers to, I have sign up, a lot of people have signed up, because we are a blue state now .... as for your site ... until Udal got all the numbers, which by the way, I was one of those numbers who got canceled ...
I'm happy as hell with what I have now ...I have a policy that covers my needs ... a policy that won't cost me 5000 dollars every time I use it ... as for the complainers in Colorado, tuff shit !!! deal with it !!!

There are polices that cost $5000 every time you use it?:confused: Is that a new Obamacare policy?

Billy explains it all here...and so much more! :lol:


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