"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

lol, obamcare commercial

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kimVLbCKVOo#ws]ObamaCare commercial explains how cost shifting works.[/ame]
Does anyone else get the feeling that we may wake up at any second and realize that Ocare is the funny skit we watched just before going to bed?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYGEl-smsgU]WOOD-MI: New Report Finds Western Michigan Has 1,000 Fewer Jobs Due To ObamaCare - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oYRo7vp4UA]Hacker: No security ever built into Obamacare website healthcare gov - YouTube[/ame]
It ain't going to change either. But Jroc look at the cost containment targets and realize that each cost is someone's income. Ocare is designed to sink the economy.
I was discussing "the wall of worry" for the stock market and a few points relevant to this discussion came up:

Overly narrow networks particularly in CA are likely to amplify talent and capital flight in many states.

External shocks and/or other bad news will be blamed on Ocare due to the goal of eliminating 8-12% of GDP involved in healthcare and related fields such as insurance, medequip, pharma et al.

Did anyone think to run the numbers for "externalities" on this turkey?
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From the opinion piece:

The author seems to be ignorant of the fact that the Bronze plans are the ones which have the high deductibles. The Silver and Gold plans are the ones with subsidies. He's conflating the different plans.

The Bronze plans are for the voluntarily uinsured who are mandated to buy insurance but don't want to pay a lot.

If you are voluntarily uninsured, you have an infinite deductible, so a $5,000 Bronze plan deductible is far less painful should you get ill.

and if you dont meet the deductible, you end up payling out of pocket, like you did before, and you now have an oh so fun monthly payment the government is forcing you to make. Or you can pay a penalty, which the government is then forcing you to pay.

Progressives seem to only like force when it is used against the countries own citizens.

Why of course. It's Oblama's fault that we must have auto insurance or face a penalty, no mortgage insurance, like hell, you are forced to have it.

Why of course. It's Oblama's fault that we must have auto insurance or face a penalty, no mortgage insurance, like hell, you are forced to have it.

No one is FORCED to buy auto insurance.
No one is FORCED to have a mortgage.
Why? no one is forced to operate a vehicle or own a home..
So you don't have to if you don't want.

Because of ObamaCare everyone is forced to buy insurance or pay a fine...

I thought everyone understood this?? :confused:
The majority of the more than 2 million Americans who signed up for health insurance under ObamaCare through the end of December were already enrolled in employer-sponsored plans or had previously bought their own coverage, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

Early data from insurers, brokers and consultants suggest that the marketplaces are popular with consumers who were previously covered elsewhere, raising questions about a law intended to expand coverage to millions of healthy, uninsured Americans to help offset costs.

A survey by management consulting firm McKinsey & Co. found that only 11 percent of consumers who purchased new coverage under ObamaCare were previously uninsured.
"I don't know we're growing the number of people with insurance here, so much as we're just adding complexity," Geoff Bartsh, vice president for policy at Minneapolis-based Medica Health Plans told the Journal.

^ bolded? bingo.

Most ObamaCare enrollees already had health plans, report says | Fox News
Seems like there was a dearth of realistic analysis.
What amazes me is how rapidly state level Democrats are becoming an endangered species across the nation and another major gerrymander loss there won't be a national Democratic party. Political analysis is something I expect politicians to understand.
I've posted references to this before. the widening gape between healthcare available to the rich and what the poor can expect. already the to hospitals and clinics have been excluded from obamacare.
now it looks like employers can give better insurance to executives than the workers. but the poor still believe Obama is their man. Obama sold out to the man. and the man is insurance companies and pharmaceuticals. they now own healthcare


frankly it is simply stupefying , if true that, oregano has not registered completely one, thats 1 enrollee....unbelievable.

look this thing is heading for a massive and I mean massive cash infusion, theres is simply no other way. those 30 million ( down from their pre-obamacare figure of 46 million) folks how are uninsured, maybe, by next jan. we'll net 10 or 12 million....OF THOSE, but running a possible net negative due to folks losing, cancelling, being cancelled etc...:doubt:

frankly it is simply stupefying , if true that, oregano has not registered completely one, thats 1 enrollee....unbelievable.

look this thing is heading for a massive and I mean massive cash infusion, theres is simply no other way. those 30 million ( down from their pre-obamacare figure of 46 million) folks how are uninsured, maybe, by next jan. we'll net 10 or 12 million....OF THOSE, but running a possible net negative due to folks losing, cancelling, being cancelled etc...:doubt:

that has been one of the concerns from the start. this thing only made any financial sense if a few dozen, hypothetical, if/then actions took place. and all of them had to take place while most were improbable. as predicted this is going to become nothing more than a massive entitlement program with the burden falling on the middle class once again. politicians who pushed this through should not only be elected out of office, they should be run out on a rail. this is complete and total failure by our government.
Somebody please green Spoonman for that last post. 8 states going into default by the 2016 election is the way to bet.

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