"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

Woman Spent Six Weeks Trying to Get Out of Obamacare Insurance

A Missouri woman spent six weeks trying to unenroll from Obamacare using its “navigators” and online help.

Lesli Hill was stuck talking to multiple Obamacare navigators who would transfer her calls over the month-and-a-half time period, Fox News reported. After being deferred to multiple navigators, both online and by phone, Hill drove to her insurance company in Kansas City to deal with the problem.

Hill’s experience stands as a cautionary tale to anyone who, for whatever reason, is trying to bow out of insurance they purchased on the exchanges. Hill’s troubles started last fall, after the high-risk pool coverage she had was discontinued due to the health law. For lack of options, she went on the exchange and bought a policy with a $950-a-month premium.

Woman Spent Six Weeks Trying to Get Out of Obamacare Insurance | Washington Free Beacon
195,000 people a year die in the USA from misdiagnosis or improper healthcare. What was done to address that with the claimed healthcare overhaul obamacare? what was done to improve anything with healthcare, cost, quality, resources? besides being a massive entitlement program, how was healthcare reformend?
195,000 people a year die in the USA from misdiagnosis or improper healthcare. What was done to address that with the claimed healthcare overhaul obamacare? what was done to improve anything with healthcare, cost, quality, resources? besides being a massive entitlement program, how was healthcare reformend?
Actually this is one case where ACA might be useful. By computerizing symptoms, diagnoses and outcomes from all doctors better analysis is possible. whether it will get done is another question.
195,000 people a year die in the USA from misdiagnosis or improper healthcare. What was done to address that with the claimed healthcare overhaul obamacare? what was done to improve anything with healthcare, cost, quality, resources? besides being a massive entitlement program, how was healthcare reformend?
Actually this is one case where ACA might be useful. By computerizing symptoms, diagnoses and outcomes from all doctors better analysis is possible. whether it will get done is another question.

considering their computerizatoin can't even register folks, i'm not holding out much faith it will cure them lol
The computerization of records is another place where many people have been impacted but the news coverage has brushed them under the rug.

Medical transcription services are being put out of business at a faster rate than natural, so it's harder for their people to get retrained and absorbed into the rest of the work force. And doctors' practices have spent lots of money on technology which hasn't worked very well.

At least that's what I've heard murmuring about.
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The computerization of records is another place where many people have been impacted but the news coverage has brushed them under the rug.

Medical transcription services are being put out of business in a faster rate than natural, so it's harder for their people to get retrained and absorbed into the rest of the work force. And doctors' practices have spent lots of money on technology which hasn't worked very well.

At least that's what I've heard murmuring about.
This is part of the intended reduction in employment and economic output of ACA.
Another diminishing of GDP. As I posted on another thread this program has the potential of making the Y2K, 87 and 29 crashes look like walks in the park.
This is getting really bad. we all expected problems with this plan but never really to the magnitude there are. Obamacare is hurting far more people than it is helping. Someting has to be done to stop this disaster. i honestly can't believe the democrats are still running blindly ahead with this mess

Target Joins Home Depot, Walmart, Others In Cutting Health Care For Part-Timers, Citing Obamacare - Forbes

Yup. My daughter (the college grad, 5/2012) stills works p/t at Target (can not find a real job) and told us this last night. One worker who got his insurance via Target said he can not afford whatever is on the exchanges and is opting to just pay the fine. Here's the problem .... insurance isn't some random waste of money that many often think it is, especially younger people. They tend to think it's a waste to pay all this money for something that they likely won't need and then when they don't needs it, it just reconfirms what they believe. They don't get it. That exactly the scenario one wants! You want to pay xx for car insurance or house insurance or health insurance and (hopefully) you won't have to actually use it. That means you're covered 'just in case' but don't have any problems, so you never need to make a claim. That means you haven't had any accidents, your pipes didn't burst, and you are healthy. So while this guy is saving his $700/yr (or whatever) he is setting himself up for problems down the road because you just don't know what can/might/will happen. And who will be on the hook for when he gets slammed in a multi-car accident and requires surgery or therapy or ?? ... you and me. Still.

How can this thing be so catastrophically bad and still exist? Is there nothing that can be done to stop it? We still have insurance via the hubs work but this time next year it will not surprise me one bit if that is gone, baby, gone and we will be like millions of others out looking for insurance and paying even more through the nose.
This is getting really bad. we all expected problems with this plan but never really to the magnitude there are. Obamacare is hurting far more people than it is helping. Someting has to be done to stop this disaster. i honestly can't believe the democrats are still running blindly ahead with this mess

Target Joins Home Depot, Walmart, Others In Cutting Health Care For Part-Timers, Citing Obamacare - Forbes

Yup. My daughter (the college grad, 5/2012) stills works p/t at Target (can not find a real job) and told us this last night. One worker who got his insurance via Target said he can not afford whatever is on the exchanges and is opting to just pay the fine. Here's the problem .... insurance isn't some random waste of money that many often think it is, especially younger people. They tend to think it's a waste to pay all this money for something that they likely won't need and then when they don't needs it, it just reconfirms what they believe. They don't get it. That exactly the scenario one wants! You want to pay xx for car insurance or house insurance or health insurance and (hopefully) you won't have to actually use it. That means you're covered 'just in case' but don't have any problems, so you never need to make a claim. That means you haven't had any accidents, your pipes didn't burst, and you are healthy. So while this guy is saving his $700/yr (or whatever) he is setting himself up for problems down the road because you just don't know what can/might/will happen. And who will be on the hook for when he gets slammed in a multi-car accident and requires surgery or therapy or ?? ... you and me. Still.

How can this thing be so catastrophically bad and still exist? Is there nothing that can be done to stop it? We still have insurance via the hubs work but this time next year it will not surprise me one bit if that is gone, baby, gone and we will be like millions of others out looking for insurance and paying even more through the nose.

it shows you the government doesn't care about the people. all they care about is saying see, we told you we would deliver this and we did.
I thought obamacare was supposed to be the better insurance option? I guess not.

Workers Opting For Employer Coverage Over ObamaCare - Forbes

That little problem will be fixed soon. HHS predicts that half of people with employer plans will lose them when the mandate is in place.

Yep it's already started and the mandated hasn't kicked in yet

More Companies Dump Employee Insurance for Obamacare

This week, another major U.S. retailer, Target, announced that it will be cutting health coverage for its part-time workers in response to changes stemming from the president’s health care law.

The Minneapolis-based company now joins the likes of Home Depot and Trader Joes, among others, that have decided to dump part-time employee coverage to save on health care costs.

“Health-care reform is transforming the benefits landscape and affecting how all employers, including Target, administer health benefits coverage,” Jodee Kozlak, Target’s executive vice president of human resources, said in a post on the company’s website.

The companies say the move benefits their employees, who, with employer-based health insurance, would otherwise not be able to get coverage and subsidies through the exchanges.

In some cases, that might be true. According to CNN, using the HealthCare.gov calculator, Trader Joe’s officials estimated that 70 percent of their employees who work an average of 17.3 hours and 29.9 hours per week would pay less for comparable insurance if they switched to a plan on the health exchange.

Of course, the companies will also save some big money on health benefits.

More Companies Dump Employee Insurance for Obamacare | The Fiscal Times

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