"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

Big Thanks to you for posting this, and to the doctor for writing it. This reminds me of the Sheriff who refused to enforce some gun regulation he felt went against his oath to uphold the Constitution and Second Amendment. The final check on government and interpreting/enforcing laws DOES remain with citizens and common sense. No one can make you worship, follow or fund a religious authority against your will, and this ACA is like setting up a national religion to bypass the Constitution and make any law you want as long as majority rule votes on it. Sorry, but Constitutional laws and common sense still get in the way of a bad political conspiracy to defraud the public of equal human rights and freedom under law.

We should all write "Dear John" letters to Congress and renounce the ACA as government interference with our beliefs in free choice of health care, "signing our names to business contracts with insurance companies" that we did NOT consent to nor agree to pay for, and penalizing an entire class of taxpayers without due process proving which persons have committed any crime before depriving us of liberties we had before the ACA was passed.

If criminals in prison are not required to pay for health care that is charged to the public, even in cases where they were convicted of premeditated violence causing injuries and DOCUMENTED costs of emergency room surgeries and other medical assistance at taxpayer expenses, then certainly law-abiding taxpayers should not be required to pay additional tax penalties or fines for not buying insurance which is NOT a crime. The bill makes no sense if it treats lawabiding citizens penalized for earning higher income, which is not a crime, WORSE than lawbreaking criminals whose costs to public health have been documented.

Believing in other ways of providing or paying for our own health care is not a crime either. Those who believe in states' rights, and our right as taxpayers to vote directly on health care policies, should not be penalized by law, in favor of others who believe in singlepayer health care regulated through federal government. We should all remain equally free to fund health care policies and programs of our choice, in accordance with our religious and political beliefs held equal under Constitutional laws. The federal government is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of creed, exempting some while penalizing others.

I cannot participate in, endorse, or support the ACA insurance mandates without becoming complicit in "conspiring to violate the civil rights and equal protections" of other citizens whose political beliefs are not only excluded from equal practice but penalized by this bill.

In your face,
Signed: ___ ___
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Nothing will really change until the expected bodycount per month firms up and that will not be known until June 2014 at the earliest. With the rate of ER closures possibly peaking in 2015 the count may not level out until 2016.

Some quotes from your link, Amelia:

If you’re a Denver Broncos fan who watched in horror as your team disintegrated during the Super Bowl on Sunday, then you’ll have some idea of how Obamacare’s proponents will feel as they read this report. :ack-1:

1) Obamacare Will Destroy 2.5 Million Jobs By 2024
2) In 2024, There Will Still Be 31 Million People In The U.S. Without Health Insurance
3) Surprise! Millions Of People Who Liked Their Health Plan Will Lose Their Health Plan
4) Obamacare Reduces The Incentive To Find And Keep A Job
5) Your Paycheck Will Be Smaller Thanks To Obamacare
5 Devastating Obamacare Facts From CBO's Latest Economic Report
#4 gets me.

The White House is trying to spin that as a feature. Now people won't feel tied to a job, they say. It's a good thing. They're free to change to part time, or no time, and voluntarily contribute less in taxes while letting wage earners pay for their healthcare.
A father called into Rush today and said that his son was kicked off his insurance when the son turned 23. I think he said it was in October. He was surprised and was sure it was an error but his research told him that it was perfectly legal because of some O-care exception. Even after he learned his son wouldn't be able to stay on his insurance, he heard Obama repeat the false claim that he would. The radio was on in the background so I didn't register the details. I think the exception might have been because the father was retired but I'm not sure.

Did anyone here catch the story?
A father called into Rush today and said that his son was kicked off his insurance when the son turned 23. I think he said it was in October. He was surprised and was sure it was an error but his research told him that it was perfectly legal because of some O-care exception. Even after he learned his son wouldn't be able to stay on his insurance, he heard Obama repeat the false claim that he would. The radio was on in the background so I didn't register the details. I think the exception might have been because the father was retired but I'm not sure.

Did anyone here catch the story?

I don't listen to radio unless it's cranked when my maid and I are cleaning the house. :tongue:

Couldn't find a transcript. Might show up on Thursday?
I tried to do some googling and I don't know if this is the same situation but it appears that people on Tricare aren't able to keep their kids on their insurance.

Tricare is for the military, right?

So kids of military members aren't given the same breaks as other kids?
#4 gets me.

The White House is trying to spin that as a feature. Now people won't feel tied to a job, they say. It's a good thing. They're free to change to part time, or no time, and voluntarily contribute less in taxes while letting wage earners pay for their healthcare.

its all part of the reshaping of america plan. do you remember the old company store concept? where you worked for the company and everything you need you purchased through the company store. you were always indebt to them so you could never afford to leave. basically, you became their slave. well the new america is the old company store concept. Only yhe government is tho company and obama is the CEO
I tried to do some googling and I don't know if this is the same situation but it appears that people on Tricare aren't able to keep their kids on their insurance.

Tricare is for the military, right?

So kids of military members aren't given the same breaks as other kids?
Tricare is military.

I do not know.
you know, every time you look their is another major issue popping up. Pelosi was right. we really have to launch it to see what its all about. what a collective screw up this has turned out to be. I'd have more respect for the democrats if they just owned up and said we need to take a step back and rework this. but they won't. they will continue to force failure on us. I have no respect for that.

Obamacare 'Bailout' For One Insurer Will Cost Up To $450 Million In 2014 - Forbes
you know, every time you look their is another major issue popping up. Pelosi was right. we really have to launch it to see what its all about. what a collective screw up this has turned out to be. I'd have more respect for the democrats if they just owned up and said we need to take a step back and rework this. but they won't. they will continue to force failure on us. I have no respect for that.

Obamacare 'Bailout' For One Insurer Will Cost Up To $450 Million In 2014 - Forbes
The reason Ocare could launch is that exchange insurers have become federally regulated utilities with Ag like subsidies like in ethanol or milk.
#4 gets me.

The White House is trying to spin that as a feature. Now people won't feel tied to a job, they say. It's a good thing. They're free to change to part time, or no time, and voluntarily contribute less in taxes while letting wage earners pay for their healthcare.

That's exactly what's happening. You have a fire sale going on with medicade under Obamacare--meaning FREE insurance--while not many are pushing the buy button--or their getting most of their insurance subsidizes by others who's premiums went through the roof that don't qualify for subsidies.

Obamacare is nothing more than a SUCKER PUNCH to the middle class of this country. The have's are paying for the have not's. This has nothing to do with RICH people paying for other people's insurance. The rich can afford any premium. It's the middle class that are going to pay for this one.

There's an ad which runs regularly on the radio here, where someone says she has opened a 401K and her brother (sounds like) accuses her of having given up. He's still counting on a rich uncle dying and leaving everything to them. He says that retirement shouldn't be something to save for, it should be a way of life.

In the ad, the brother is considered the misguided one.

Now that Democrats have decreed that the brother has the right idea, I guess the ad council will need to pull that one and retool it with new talking points from Obama.
Cover Oregon Scandal Deepens
State officials reportedly lied about progress of site


OREGON—The story behind the massive failure of the Oregon health exchange website continues to unravel as allegations of fraud and gross mismanagement mount.

Local news agencies have obtained emails and other reports suggesting state officials lied about the progress of the website, possibly even creating dummy sites to present to federal officials.

“It’s a scandal much worse than New Jersey,” said state GOP representative Dennis Richardson, who is running for governor against incumbent Democrat Gov. John Kitzhaber.

The issue is starting to bubble up to Capitol Hill. Richardson is calling for an audit of the program by the federal Government Accountability Office. That push would likely come from Rep. Greg Walden (R., Ore.), the only Republican in the Oregon delegation.

A spokesman for Walden said the congressman is “aggressively pursuing” more information about the botched rollout of the website.

“Greg is very concerned about failure of Cover Oregon,” a spokesman for Walden said in a statement to the Free Beacon. “The breakdown of the exchange is unacceptable, and taxpayers deserve accountability for the more than $300 million the federal government has given the state.”

Cover Oregon Scandal Deepens | Washington Free Beacon
That's scary on so many levels.

... including how the fed had standards Oregon was supposed to pass, but the fed didn't pass the standards themselves, and how the fed was snookered by Oregon.

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