"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

Obamacare must be a joke...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpucmfBcH7c]Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar And Rep. Tim Walz Can't Answer Obamacare Questions - YouTube[/ame]
Fourth Georgia Hospital Closes Because of Obamacare

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkL9ulpTA-Y]A Fourth Georgia Hospital Is Being Forced To Close Because Of Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]
The U.S. government is expected to announce this week the proposed payment rates for insurer-run Medicare plans in 2015, but industry officials say the anticipated cuts will mean higher co-pays and fewer benefits for seniors.

Of the more than 50 million older Americans who receive coverage through Medicare, about 15 million are enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans offered by companies such as UnitedHealth Group Inc., Humana Inc. and Aetna Inc. The rest use Medicare fee-for-service programs, in which doctors are reimbursed by the government for patient visits and procedures.

Health Insurers Brace for New Steep Medicare Cuts

The Obama administration ignited a new election-year controversy Friday when regulators handed down fresh cuts to Medicare Advantage (MA).

Next year, plans in the program will see their payments cut by at least 2 percent on average between ObamaCare and a regular annual update, the announcement stated.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) argued that the reductions will help to strengthen the program — an increasingly popular alternative to traditional Medicare — and guard against waste.

"We are making certain that plans are providing value to Medicare and taxpayers," said CMS principal deputy administrator Jonathan Blum in a statement.


"Nearly every week we hear about another group Americans harmed by ObamaCare," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who is facing a primary challenge, in a statement.

"Today, it is America's seniors … While some Senate Democrats may have second thoughts, these are the same Democrats who voted to impose these cuts on seniors in the first place."
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As the administration touts the benefits of ObamaCare in a push to sign up more people before the March deadline, a FoxNews.com review shows how much of the law has really been pushed off.

Since its inception, provisions of the law have been delayed a total of 28 times; the average delay was six months and three weeks. Put another way, the cumulative delays add up to an astonishing 15 years and three months.

The administration has been announcing changes to the law at a fairly steady clip.

The White House's latest delay was rolled out on Feb. 10, and allowed companies with between 50 and 99 workers to skirt the mandate to provide health care until 2016.

Tracking ObamaCare: As enrollment deadline nears, law endures 28 delays and counting | Fox News
sucks. The republican solution sucks. The real solution is already known to the vast majority of Americans. It is explained here: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uI9UyJS6_I]Give us free health care - YouTube[/ame]
He did. Definitely. But Republicans destroyed it to. You know why? Cause the health care lobbyists wrote a bill that is fucking many of an Americans. They literally wrote the bill. So its no surprise Obamacare sucks for most of us.
He did. Definitely. But Republicans destroyed it to. You know why? Cause the health care lobbyists wrote a bill that is fucking many of an Americans. They literally wrote the bill. So its no surprise Obamacare sucks for most of us.
The Republicans would have also screwed the pooch I will grant you. However Pelosi, Reid and Obama excluded them from the negotiations. So, through no fault of their own the Rs have clean hands on this one. That reopens the question of which of our major parties is Dumb and which is Dumber?
It was a misbegotten plan all around.

They bit off more than they could chew and didn't give a damn about the people saying to slow down and break their project into smaller portions so as to have better legislation they didn't need to lie about, legislation which wouldn't be so inherently complicated with so incredibly much potential for negative consequences.
He did. Definitely. But Republicans destroyed it to. You know why? Cause the health care lobbyists wrote a bill that is fucking many of an Americans. They literally wrote the bill. So its no surprise Obamacare sucks for most of us.

You're blaming the GOP because the Dems colluded with health care lobbyists to write and pass a bill that the GOP voted against?

Your cognitive dissonance is pathetic.
He did. Definitely. But Republicans destroyed it to. You know why? Cause the health care lobbyists wrote a bill that is fucking many of an Americans. They literally wrote the bill. So its no surprise Obamacare sucks for most of us.

You're blaming the GOP because the Dems colluded with health care lobbyists to write and pass a bill that the GOP voted against?

Your cognitive dissonance is pathetic.

That one always cracks me up. I get that Republicans would have probably served up a similar heap of manure. But this time it was the Democrats. They own it outright.
He did. Definitely. But Republicans destroyed it to. You know why? Cause the health care lobbyists wrote a bill that is fucking many of an Americans. They literally wrote the bill. So its no surprise Obamacare sucks for most of us.

You're blaming the GOP because the Dems colluded with health care lobbyists to write and pass a bill that the GOP voted against?

Your cognitive dissonance is pathetic.

That one always cracks me up. I get that Republicans would have probably served up a similar heap of manure. But this time it was the Democrats. They own it outright.

Yes, indeed they do. And they are terrified.
The good news is that eventually the bad news will get out. It's probably too late to do much good. Jobs, income and insurance policies are already lost -- even if there is a delay Blue Cross Blue Shield won't be able to say, "Come back to us at your old rates and deductions". Nor will employers be able to say, "Come back to work for us at your old hourly level for one more year before we have to let you go again". But at least the news will eventually be told. I hope.

Marc Thiessen: The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think - The Washington Post

From the opinion piece:

Plans with the least expensive monthly premiums — highlighted by state and federal officials as proof the new law will keep costs low for consumers — have deductibles as high as $6,350 for individuals and $12,700 for families.” Even with federal subsidies, few Americans will bother to buy insurance with a $4,000 to $12,700 deductible — and millions won’t even be eligible for the subsidies.

The author seems to be ignorant of the fact that the Bronze plans are the ones which have the high deductibles. The Silver and Gold plans are the ones with subsidies. He's conflating the different plans.

The Bronze plans are for the voluntarily uinsured who are mandated to buy insurance but don't want to pay a lot.

If you are voluntarily uninsured, you have an infinite deductible, so a $5,000 Bronze plan deductible is far less painful should you get ill.

what people had before Obama care was the Bronze plans monthly premium with the gold or silver plan deductibles

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