"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

One of the "promises" made in the campaign to sell us ACA, was the idea that the IRS was limited in its ability to actually collect the penalties associated with the individual mandate. They told us that, if you refused to pay the mandate penalty, the most the IRS could do was deduct it from any refund owed.

Now, setting aside the stupidity of passing a law with penalties that are relatively easy to dodge (or, even dumber, advertising it as a 'feature' of the law), do we really believe that? Even if it is, for now, the letter of the law, does anyone believe it would remain so, especially in the face of widespread civil disobedience?
One of the "promises" made in the campaign to sell us ACA, was the idea that the IRS was limited in its ability to actually collect the penalties associated with the individual mandate. They told us that, if you refused to pay the mandate penalty, the most the IRS could do was deduct it from any refund owed.

Now, setting aside the stupidity of passing a law with penalties that are relatively easy to dodge (or, even dumber, advertising it as a 'feature' of the law), do we really believe that? Even if it is, for now, the letter of the law, does anyone believe it would remain so, especially in the face of widespread civil disobedience?
I suspect the Obamabots do believe that.
So dems are all about the people while republicans favor corporations. well maybe not.

Businesses get relief on Obamacare deadline. Here?s why consumers likely won?t | The Exchange - Yahoo Finance

Businesses get relief on Obamacare deadline. Here’s why consumers likely won’t

The Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s signature health reform law, has turned out to be friendlier toward businesses than many ever imagined. The White House has twice delayed the deadline by which companies must comply with major provisions of the law, for instance, while easing up on other requirements.

But individuals are unlikely to get a similar break. The deadline for all Americans to have health insurance is March 31, and with only about 3.3 million enrolled so far, that leaves more than 40 million Americans who don’t have health insurance. Some of them will qualify for exemptions from the “individual mandate,” as it’s known, but that could still leave more than 10% of the U.S. population in violation of the law as of April 1.
Everyone should be required to have one of these cards.


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