"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

Of course, that's why he is polling in the low 40's. (rolling eyes)

He has never been, nor will EVER be a Leader he Carter redux.

Regardless of his performance, regardless of facts he will go down in history as a superb leader. If you doubt this, you must be asleep.

If you believe this drivel you must be deaf and blind...

Or stupid.

Regardless of his performance, regardless of facts

there's your sign
It's no joke my friend, look at the huge strides black leaders throughout the country have made in making America great again. Look not at the color of their skin, but at their great accomplishments!

Obuma Care's only accomplishment was making health care unaffordable.
The problem with competition in insurance and healthcare is that it results in fewer bribes to state and local officials.
I've yet to sign up. Yep, tried and failed.

Since then, found a job with bennies, kick in 2/1/14. Going to wait for that. Wonder the repercussions, then figure blood and stone.
I see the far left has no clue other than the propaganda/Talking points form the Obama drone programming.

Bronze plan = $6000 deductible and a 60%/40% split. Not sure how that is going to help the poor or the middle class.
Re: OP: So true but we need to change the name to 'Americare,' the American approach to healthcare, you're sick, tough, you're dying tough, you're children, oh well you know that this is no longer the can do nation, wake up and smell the reality. America is no longer the nation of our founding principles. We at the top got ours tough for you, and sorry too about your outsourced work.

'If Nikki White had been a resident of any other rich country, she would be alive today.'

"Around the time she graduated from college, Monique A. "Nikki" White contracted systemic lupus erythematosus; that's a serious disease, but one that modern medicine knows how to manage. If this bright, feisty, dazzling young woman had lived in, say, Japan-the world's second-richest nation-or Germany (third richest), or Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, Sweden, etc., the health care systems there would have given her the standard treatment for lupus, and she could have lived a normal life span. But Nikki White was a citizen of the world's richest country, the United States of America. Once she was sick, she couldn't get health insurance. Like tens of millions of her fellow Americans, she had too much money to qualify for health care under welfare, but too little money to pay for the drugs and doctors she needed to stay alive. She spent the last months of her life frantically writing letters and filling out forms, pleading for help. When she died, Nikki White was thirty-two years old." from the 'Prologue: A Moral Question,' "The Healing of America," T.R. Reid

Re: OP: So true but we need to change the name to 'Americare,' the American approach to healthcare, you're sick, tough, you're dying tough, you're children, oh well you know that this is no longer the can do nation, wake up and smell the reality. America is no longer the nation of our founding principles. We at the top got ours tough for you, and sorry too about your outsourced work.

'If Nikki White had been a resident of any other rich country, she would be alive today.'

"Around the time she graduated from college, Monique A. "Nikki" White contracted systemic lupus erythematosus; that's a serious disease, but one that modern medicine knows how to manage. If this bright, feisty, dazzling young woman had lived in, say, Japan-the world's second-richest nation-or Germany (third richest), or Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, Sweden, etc., the health care systems there would have given her the standard treatment for lupus, and she could have lived a normal life span. But Nikki White was a citizen of the world's richest country, the United States of America. Once she was sick, she couldn't get health insurance. Like tens of millions of her fellow Americans, she had too much money to qualify for health care under welfare, but too little money to pay for the drugs and doctors she needed to stay alive. She spent the last months of her life frantically writing letters and filling out forms, pleading for help. When she died, Nikki White was thirty-two years old." from the 'Prologue: A Moral Question,' "The Healing of America," T.R. Reid


For some reason people like you cant understand the fact that most people had good health insurance coverage. the very few that didn't have it, are either illegals, or people who never bothered to get their own insurance. Other than that, those who didn't have it, or if there were people who were left out, that problem could have been fix without destroying everyone else's health insurance coverage. The problem is Obama and people like you and your stupid Obama worship. You people are sick
Re: OP: So true but we need to change the name to 'Americare,' the American approach to healthcare, you're sick, tough, you're dying tough, you're children, oh well you know that this is no longer the can do nation, wake up and smell the reality. America is no longer the nation of our founding principles. We at the top got ours tough for you, and sorry too about your outsourced work.

'If Nikki White had been a resident of any other rich country, she would be alive today.'

"Around the time she graduated from college, Monique A. "Nikki" White contracted systemic lupus erythematosus; that's a serious disease, but one that modern medicine knows how to manage. If this bright, feisty, dazzling young woman had lived in, say, Japan-the world's second-richest nation-or Germany (third richest), or Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, Sweden, etc., the health care systems there would have given her the standard treatment for lupus, and she could have lived a normal life span. But Nikki White was a citizen of the world's richest country, the United States of America. Once she was sick, she couldn't get health insurance. Like tens of millions of her fellow Americans, she had too much money to qualify for health care under welfare, but too little money to pay for the drugs and doctors she needed to stay alive. She spent the last months of her life frantically writing letters and filling out forms, pleading for help. When she died, Nikki White was thirty-two years old." from the 'Prologue: A Moral Question,' "The Healing of America," T.R. Reid


So a libtard with a libtard education and a libard family, can't get medicaid because she has too much money and refused to spend the 10grand a year on lupus treatments that she needed. And you blame us for her and her family screwing up. Then she dies of complications after hundreds of thousands of dollars of "free" operations. Then you blame us again for her death.

You know what? SCREW YOU!
Re: OP: So true but we need to change the name to 'Americare,' the American approach to healthcare, you're sick, tough, you're dying tough, you're children, oh well you know that this is no longer the can do nation, wake up and smell the reality. America is no longer the nation of our founding principles. We at the top got ours tough for you, and sorry too about your outsourced work.

'If Nikki White had been a resident of any other rich country, she would be alive today.'

"Around the time she graduated from college, Monique A. "Nikki" White contracted systemic lupus erythematosus;

For some reason people like you cant understand the fact that most people had good health insurance coverage. the very few that didn't have it, are either illegals, or people who never bothered to get their own insurance. Other than that, those who didn't have it, or if there were people who were left out, that problem could have been fix without destroying everyone else's health insurance coverage. The problem is Obama and people like you and your stupid Obama worship. You people are sick

Nikki White had good insurance also.

Not long before being diagnosed with lupus, White, who had a degree in psychology, got a hospital job that gave her medical insurance. But when her symptoms intensified, she lost the job and the insurance.

Didn't she know she was covered under HIPPA?

She went home to Tennessee and got TennCare for a while, but funding for that program was cut back in 2005 and she was excluded. Social Security denied her disability benefits.

As Reid wrote, "If Nikki White had been a resident of any other rich country, she would be alive today." White—ironically, the daughter of two middle managers for a pharmaceutical firm—died at 32 of lupus, though today 80 percent of people with lupus live lives of normal length.

Does anyone else see the trend in these quotes?
Or am I just :cuckoo:
So a libtard with a libtard education and a libard family, can't get medicaid because she has too much money and refused to spend the 10grand a year on lupus treatments that she needed. And you blame us for her and her family screwing up. Then she dies of complications after hundreds of thousands of dollars of "free" operations. Then you blame us again for her death.

You know what? SCREW YOU!

That's how they roll.
Marc Siegel: The Death of the Bedside Manner - WSJ.com

'It is as painful perhaps to be awakened from a vision as to be born," James Joyce wrote famously in his masterpiece "Ulysses." I recently had such an experience when my office manager—who protects me from the daily insurance grind of referrals and approvals and pre-certifications and blood drawing—was out sick. Thus the veil was lifted from my eyes, and I awoke to the harsh realities of our medical future.

One patient was severely depressed and needed medication and a referral to a psychiatrist. Another was having trouble breathing from asthma that requires inhalers. A third had a faded rash on her arm that she was ready to call a spider bite until she showed me a two-day-old iPhone photo. It was the angry red rash of Lyme disease. Each problem had an effective treatment but each visit took over half an hour to carefully complete.

The appointments were gratifying, in an old-fashioned way. Patients still have the expectation that their doctor will be patient and listen carefully, but one by one doctors and patients are awakening from that comforting vision of the past to the rushed, restricted world of the ObamaCare future. Thanks to that eye-opening week without my office manager, when I ran hours behind, I was forced to forfeit the vision I had of myself as an old country doctor practicing in a big city.

For me and many of my colleagues, the real practice of medicine is supposed to involve an intimate encounter with each patient and a diagnosis of illness leading to a potential cure. In the future, however, a diagnosis of Lyme disease or the severity of a patient's depression may be missed because showing the photo or taking an extensive mental-health history doesn't fit squarely into the 10-minute visit authorized by insurance, along with mandatory computer documentation, insurance verifications and appointment scheduling.

These problems predate ObamaCare, but the new law brings more regulations and low-quality insurance at a time when we are already struggling to comply with the electronic health-record mandate.


I didn't realize the fine got that large. I knew it got bigger but I didn't realize how big. People might skip O-care this year and choose the fine, but if O-care lasts to 2016 and isn't tossed out in the states which aren't running their own exchanges, that penalty could be effective in making people find some way to afford the premiums in spite of deductibles making coverage meaningless in many cases.

I didn't realize the fine got that large. I knew it got bigger but I didn't realize how big. People might skip O-care this year and choose the fine, but if O-care lasts to 2016 and isn't tossed out in the states which aren't running their own exchanges, that penalty could be effective in making people find some way to afford the premiums in spite of deductibles making coverage meaningless in many cases.

if this plan was any good they wouldn't have to mandate it. the fact is, they knew it wouldn't fly, people wouldn't accept it. So it had to be issued by force

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