The Obesity Epidemic

Actually, we should let God settle the matter, after all he designed our bodies, and the foods provided.

See Deuteronomy 14
People have already thought of that sort of thing

The problems with this quote are many but the most glaring one is that it's from the USDA dietary guidelines! It's completely biased towards its own food production system which is completely based on animal agriculture. There are many many people, both ordinary individuals like myself, and popular athletes who are vegan and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a plant-based diet is not only healthier but sustainable for their long-term health. A plant-based diet is better for the planet as well of course as for animals, too.
I think I’ll go with the ribeye this morning and the tenderloin tonight.

All the kids that wouldn't eat her cooking. ;)
Yes. That was not what I was answering Blues Man on. He said
"Michelle changed her program after the big food industry put pressure on her.

She backed off the healthy food message and added in the move more crap.

Weight control is about 80% diet"

That was what I heard her criticised for. That originally she had had a good up to date program but after pressure from the food industry she reverted it to the old untrue information. That exercise makes you lose weight which as he points out is nothing like the amount people are led to believe and that you just need to go on a low fat diet. In that on the diet side she was not taking the opportunity to educate the kids on the new information which could help them to have a healthy life. I don't know whether her recipes were any good or whether they stuck to what she originally was going to say. Just that that was what I heard people criticising her for.
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Yes. That was not what I was answering Blues Man on. He said "
Michelle changed her program after the big food industry put pressure on her.

She backed off the healthy food message and added in the move more crap.

Weight control is about 80% diet"

That was what I heard her criticised for. That originally she had had a good up to date program but after pressure from the food industry she reverted it to the old untrue information. That exercise makes you lose weight which as he points out is nothing like the amount people are led to believe and that you just need to go on a low fat diet. In that on the diet side she was not taking the opportunity to educate the kids on the new information which could help them to have a healthy life. I don't know whether her recipes were any good or whether they stuck to what she originally was going to say. Just that that was what I heard people criticising her for.
Regarding the value of exercise in weight control, what is not appreciated, or even known for that matter, is the level of physical activity kids engaged in prior to television. There were very few kids that were the least bit overweight. With the coming of television programming aimed at kids outside activities came to an abrupt halt for most. I saw this firsthand in the mid 1950's. A decade later we had a growing obesity problem.
Yes. That was not what I was answering Blues Man on. He said
"Michelle changed her program after the big food industry put pressure on her.

She backed off the healthy food message and added in the move more crap.

Weight control is about 80% diet"

That was what I heard her criticised for. That originally she had had a good up to date program but after pressure from the food industry she reverted it to the old untrue information. That exercise makes you lose weight which as he points out is nothing like the amount people are led to believe and that you just need to go on a low fat diet. In that on the diet side she was not taking the opportunity to educate the kids on the new information which could help them to have a healthy life. I don't know whether her recipes were any good or whether they stuck to what she originally was going to say. Just that that was what I heard people criticising her for.

No one would have raised an eyebrow if the kids had liked the food.

"But in the year since the changes took effect, the meals have been under serious scrutiny. The standards have been criticized as too rigid. Districts in states including California, New York and Texas have dropped the program because their students simply weren’t eating the healthier foods and they were losing money on the lunches.

Individual students have also protested the lunches. Kids at a Kansas high school made a video parody to the tune of Fun’s “We Are Young” showing kids fainting, dragging themselves across the floor, and falling asleep in class. Most recently, a fourth grader in New York did a video investigation of his lunch, complaining that the food was not palatable."

I wouldn't use the word political. But yeah, it's not about diet. (that's just one part of it.) It's an ethical stance. Basically it's just being against exploitation of and cruelty to animals. You know how most people (at least in the western world) feel about dogs and cats? It's about giving ALL sentient animals that same love and dignity.
It's partly political in that almost everyone in the vegan/vegetarian movement is an extreme liberal.
There is a difference between God's IDEAL FOR MAN and what He PERMITS.

What He DOESNT accept is what we do to these animals their entire lives.
God commanded the bloody sacrifice of millions of animals up until the death of Christ. That wasn't ideal either but was done for a purpose.
"Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins."

God also killed the first animal sacrifice, in the ideal setting of the garden.
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No one would have raised an eyebrow if the kids had liked the food.

"But in the year since the changes took effect, the meals have been under serious scrutiny. The standards have been criticized as too rigid. Districts in states including California, New York and Texas have dropped the program because their students simply weren’t eating the healthier foods and they were losing money on the lunches.

Individual students have also protested the lunches. Kids at a Kansas high school made a video parody to the tune of Fun’s “We Are Young” showing kids fainting, dragging themselves across the floor, and falling asleep in class. Most recently, a fourth grader in New York did a video investigation of his lunch, complaining that the food was not palatable."

There is a segment in one of Michael Moore’s movies where he’s in a French grade school lunchroom eating with the kids. He offers them a typical American school lunch. It’s hilarious. They won’t touch it.

Apparently in French schools they have a professional chef preparing wonderful meals every school day. Too bad American schools are so poor they can’t afford that. Lol.
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God commanded the bloody sacrifice of millions of animals up until the death of Christ. That wasn't ideal either but was done for a purpose.
"Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins."

God also killed the first animal sacrifice, in the ideal setting of the garden.

It's supposed to make you repulsed by sin knowing you are responsible for the death of an innocent creation of God

When you cut up slabs of dead animals, WERE YOU REVULSED?

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