The Obesity Epidemic

Just curious. Do you claim to be a Christian?

If not, why are you trying to debate me using a book you reject?
You eat whatever you want and allow me to eat whatever I want. Deal? If not, go fuck yourself.
It's supposed to make you repulsed by sin knowing you are responsible for the death of an innocent creation of God
Absolutely. The Israelites had to watch all their labors go up in smoke because of their sins.
When you cut up slabs of dead animals, WERE YOU REVULSED?
I was a meat cutter for 15 years. Not revulsed at all. It was a great trade. I still enjoy processing the deer I kill.
This is the app I use to make sure I'm getting the essentials. It's a lot of food, but it ensures you'll never be hungry and never become obese

Absolutely. The Israelites had to watch all their labors go up in smoke because of their sins.

I was a meat cutter for 15 years. Not revulsed at all. It was a great trade. I still enjoy processing the deer I kill.
So you didn't learn the lesson God was trying to teach Israel. But don't worry, neither did they.

Innocent blood can only pay the price of your sins. If you had to pay the price of your sins, your "reward" is ETERNAL DEATH
So you didn't learn the lesson God was trying to teach Israel. But don't worry, neither did they.
We are led by and through the Holy Spirit today (which Israel never received), not by the Laws, statutes, judgments, and animal sacrifices of the Old Covenant, which was an exercise in futility for God and man.
We are led by and through the Holy Spirit today (which Israel never received), not by the Laws, statutes, judgments, and animal sacrifices of the Old Covenant, which was an exercise in futility for God and man.
You really Don't understand the covenants. Most Christians don't. You have the typical Protestant view

But you're drifting FAR from the intent of the OP's thread. Start a thread on this topic in the appropriate forum if you want any more participation in this topic
You really Don't understand the covenants. Most Christians don't. You have the typical Protestant view

But you're drifting FAR from the intent of the OP's thread. Start a thread on this topic in the appropriate forum if you want any more participation in this topic
There will always be disagreements about the covenants, but I'm certain that the knowledge of health is imparted by the HS.

Any discussion about meat eating, or general health, invites the bible's word on it.
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No one would have raised an eyebrow if the kids had liked the food.

"But in the year since the changes took effect, the meals have been under serious scrutiny. The standards have been criticized as too rigid. Districts in states including California, New York and Texas have dropped the program because their students simply weren’t eating the healthier foods and they were losing money on the lunches.

Individual students have also protested the lunches. Kids at a Kansas high school made a video parody to the tune of Fun’s “We Are Young” showing kids fainting, dragging themselves across the floor, and falling asleep in class. Most recently, a fourth grader in New York did a video investigation of his lunch, complaining that the food was not palatable."

I don't know what her recipies were and your article doesn't say. The criticism I have heard about her food was that she used the old guidelines basically you will lose weight if you eat low fat products and exercise which we now know is not so. Whether she did this or not I do not know. It is strange that kids and their parents were apparently not wanting a healthier option.
Regarding the value of exercise in weight control, what is not appreciated, or even known for that matter, is the level of physical activity kids engaged in prior to television. There were very few kids that were the least bit overweight. With the coming of television programming aimed at kids outside activities came to an abrupt halt for most. I saw this firsthand in the mid 1950's. A decade later we had a growing obesity problem.
That is not the point, The point was that she apparently was telling the kids to go on low fat foods and to exercise to lose weight when these have been shown not to be effective. If people are being taught unsuccessful ways to lose weight and hence do not lose weight then people can hardly have a go at them for not trying as some have done in this thread.
It doesn't have to be all one way or another when it comes to meat. IMO vegan food is getting good enough most folks would benefit by cutting back some on farm produced meat and and replace with some plant based food. Just try it, you may be surprised. We don't have to be polarized on every single issue.
It doesn't have to be all one way or another when it comes to meat. IMO vegan food is getting good enough most folks would benefit by cutting back some on farm produced meat and and replace with some plant based food. Just try it, you may be surprised. We don't have to be polarized on every single issue.
I sort of agree with you on this. People do need to wean themselves off cows and cows milk. Fish may have a problem in making men infertile and with chicken it just seems to be an issue of bringing them up in a humane way without making them a warehouse for antibiotics. The Mediterranean diet is also supposed to be very good for you. Some describe it as the best in the world and it includes meat. People can go various ways, a little meat, vegetarian, vegan and there are some people who have such a strict diet that they believe they can undo heart failure but that is too much for most. You are right in that vegan has gone a long way and it is now possible to buy burgers for instance which taste like meat but have no meat in them - though that isn't a very good example as one of these is full of GMO. You need to read the label or get good recipe's and do it yourself....but I agree trying maybe one vegan meal a week for a few weeks and then adding another or going on the Mediterranean diet and cutting out the meat after a few weeks to eventually being vegan is a good idea as well particularly for people who have been heavy meat eaters all their lives.
I sort of agree with you on this. People do need to wean themselves off cows and cows milk. Fish may have a problem in making men infertile and with chicken it just seems to be an issue of bringing them up in a humane way without making them a warehouse for antibiotics. The Mediterranean diet is also supposed to be very good for you. Some describe it as the best in the world and it includes meat. People can go various ways, a little meat, vegetarian, vegan and there are some people who have such a strict diet that they believe they can undo heart failure but that is too much for most. You are right in that vegan has gone a long way and it is now possible to buy burgers for instance which taste like meat but have no meat in them - though that isn't a very good example as one of these is full of GMO. You need to read the label or get good recipe's and do it yourself....but I agree trying maybe one vegan meal a week for a few weeks and then adding another or going on the Mediterranean diet and cutting out the meat after a few weeks to eventually being vegan is a good idea as well particularly for people who have been heavy meat eaters all their lives.
Another consideration is the amount of water it takes to produce beef. Here is an interesting statistic:

But here's where the water footprint comes in. Do you know what food has the largest global water footprint? Beef. It takes approximately 1,847 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of beef — that's enough water to fill 39 bathtubs all the way to the top.Feb 14, 2019
You are making a terrible assumption, that if not raised for food these animals would even exist. What you are really advocating is the extinction of these animals. And of course, domestic pets will be next to go. Fido and Mittens will be a thing of the past. The few feral dogs and cats will not survive. Horses will also become extinct as 'riding' on them is cruelty. These animals won't appear in zoos either as they too will be closed.
Once the first domino falls the extinction won't end until all animals that serve man in any way are...gone. What kind of person would want to live in a world without these animals? :omg:

On the contrary, YOU are making a terrible assumption there. Why on earth do you think people would let them go extinct? Most people who don't eat animals do that because they LOVE animals. So why would people who love animals enough to not eat them let them go extinct? That makes no sense.

As it is now, there are farm animals who were rescued from the meat and dairy industries and are living their lives out in animal sanctuaries. As time goes on, I think there will be more and more animal sanctuaries, because there are a lot of people who love animals, and believe that they have just as much right to live on this earth as you and I do. To think otherwise is arrogant, anthropocentric and cruel, in my view.

Speaking of animals being rescued from the meat industry, here's a fantastic story. I hope you take a few minutes and check it out.

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It's partly political in that almost everyone in the vegan/vegetarian movement is an extreme liberal.

I've been around a lot of vegans in recent years, and I'm subscribed to a lot of vegan channels on YouTube...and you'd be surprised. There are actually a lot of vegans who are libertarian, some conservatives, and a growing number of Christians, who I think were not vegan before because there's been a collective blindspot among Christians in this area. I did a blog post on that topic a few years back. I think the non-leftist vegans are not as vocal on social media, and that's probably why you don't hear about them as much.

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