The Obesity Epidemic

Animals that are raised for food on family farms are usually treated with love and dignity. And while 'slaughterhouses' seem cruel even there steps are taken to keep the animal's calm.

I'm sorry but that is simply not true. First it needs to said that the majority of meat comes from factory farms, something like 98%... so the idea that the animals people eat were happy farm animals skipping around freely in the sunshine on a quaint family farm is just a fantasy.

But even in the small number of family farms, there are still cruel practices taking place. And even if they are treated better than in factory farms (which again, the overwhelming majority of meat comes from), the fact that their life was taken from them against their will in and of itself is cruel. So even if the conditions are slightly better, their fate is the same... having their lives prematurely taken from them, unnecessarily. That is not showing love or dignity toward those animals. Love means respecting their will to live, unharmed, and to let them live and enjoy life like the rest of us.

Why should a dog be treated 10,000 times better than a pig? Pigs are actually smarter than dogs, and they're just as social. Yet there are some cruel idiots who think eating a baby pig roasted whole is somehow cool or no big deal. I find that level of callousness from humans repulsive.
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I'm sorry but that is simply not true. First it needs to said that the majority of meat comes from factory farms, something like 98%... so the idea that the animals people eat were happy farm animals skipping around freely in the sunshine on a quaint family farm is just a fantasy.

But even in the small number of family farms, there are still cruel practices taking place. And even if they are treated better than in factory farms (which again, the overwhelming majority of meat comes from), the fact that their life was taken from them against their will in and of itself is cruel. So even if the conditions are slightly better, their fate is the same... having their lives prematurely taken from them, unnecessarily. That is not showing love or dignity toward those animals. Love means respecting their will to live, unharmed, and to let them live and enjoy life like the rest of us.

Why should a dog be treated 10,000 times better than a pig? Pigs are actually smarter than dogs, and they're just as social. Yet there are some cruel idiots who think eating a baby pig roasted whole is somehow cool or no big deal. I find that level of callousness from humans repulsive.
It's easy for some humans to compartmentalize death. Nazi Germany did it. The pro-choice community does it, and meat eaters do it. Humans generally don't want to face the consequences of their own evil. They would be forced to admit something to themselves they just don't want to face. So we make excuses and are willing to look ridiculous pushing those excuses
Eating meat is an atrocity that, in a hundred years, will be thought of the same way that we think of slavery now. Just as vacuous Leftists want to discount The Founders who owned slaves, their grandchildren will discount today's leaders who eat meat.

Having stuffed pork chops for dinner tomorrow...lovin' it.
It's easy for some humans to compartmentalize death. Nazi Germany did it. The pro-choice community does it, and meat eaters do it. Humans generally don't want to face the consequences of their own evil. They would be forced to admit something to themselves they just don't want to face. So we make excuses and are willing to look ridiculous pushing those excuses
That is exactly what Michelle Obama did. Advocate good diets and exercise for children

Conservatives were outraged and told her she had no business telling them how their children should eat.

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Maybe. I heard her criticised for carrying on with the old advice which was not accurate in the beginning, if you want to look after your heart at least. That would be eat low fat, vegetable oils and exercise. Exercise makes little difference on calory reduction or so I am told but of course it would make you feel better as you did it. Most vegetable fats put on more weight than butter! On that a lot of people have been duped. Extra Virgin cold pressed Olive oil possibly being the one exception though now people are saying you should fry without oil. Great fun. Processed food is what puts on weight creating cravings and encouraging people to go back for more. The food industry have been told about this but do not give a rats arse. ;) Sugar not fat is now seen as worst for your heart.
Maybe. I heard her criticised for carrying on with the old advice which was not accurate in the beginning, if you want to look after your heart at least. That would be eat low fat, vegetable oils and exercise. Exercise makes little difference on calory reduction or so I am told but of course it would make you feel better as you did it. Most vegetable fats put on more weight than butter! On that a lot of people have been duped. Extra Virgin cold pressed Olive oil possibly being the one exception though now people are saying you should fry without oil. Great fun. Processed food is what puts on weight creating cravings and encouraging people to go back for more. The food industry have been told about this but do not give a rats arse. ;) Sugar not fat is now seen as worst for your heart.
There is relatively new research showing “seed oils“ may be far worst for the heart than sugar. Omega 6 linoleic acid (LA) is the culprit they claim.

Americans prior to about 1915 never used seed oils like vegetable oil. Crisco changed that. Heart disease was a minor issue up until then. Plus Americans ate a mostly meat based diet.

There is relatively new research showing “seed oils“ may be far worst for the heart than sugar. Omega 6 linoleic acid (LA) is the culprit they claim.

Americans prior to about 1915 never used seed oils like vegetable oil. Crisco changed that. Heart disease was a minor issue up until then. Plus Americans ate a mostly meat based diet.

Yes that was what I should have said. I have heard that Crisco is dreadful and Americans have been using it thinking it is good for them certainly since the time they came out saying it was saturated fats which was the main culprit. We don't get that in the UK. Possibly rather than say whether Crisco or other seed oils or sweets are worse we could say they both really are better avoided!

Yes, Heart disease was apparently not that common until quite recently. Now it is either the main or second killer disease which could be really brought down if people followed a good diet and if food manufacturers provided healthy meals. Did Americans eat a mainly meat based diet around 1915?
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Yes that was what I should have said. I have heard that Crisco is dreadful and Americans have been using it thinking it is good for them certainly since the time they came out saying it was saturated fats which was the main culprit. We don't get that in the UK. Possibly rather than say whether Crisco or other seed oils or sweets are worse we could say they both really are better avoided!

Yes, Heart disease was apparently not that common until quite recently. Now it is either the main or second killer disease which could be really brought down if people followed a good diet and if food manufacturers provided healthy meals. Did Americans eat a mainly meat based diet around 1915?
Americans of all economic classes ate predominantly a beef based diet prior to electricity. Veggies weren’t available in the cold weather months, other than what they canned. Fruits were nonexistent. Chicken was prevalent but used primarily for eggs. Eating chicken was considered a delicacy.
Americans of all economic classes ate predominantly a beef based diet prior to electricity. Veggies weren’t available in the cold weather months, other than what they canned. Fruits were nonexistent. Chicken was prevalent but used primarily for eggs. Eating chicken was considered a delicacy.
I am surprised there was not veg. Winter veg both grow in winter and can be eaten in winter. I think here it was only those better off who had regular meat. My mother used to have tripe and dripping as her taste of meat. Dripping to her was ecstasy!! She was in Ireland so I imagine there was plenty of potatoes. Food was in scarce supply. Occasionally there was a chicken but her share was only the dripping. She was the 2nd youngest of ten or twelve. She also spoke of her father occasionally getting a steak but not them. Porridge was a regular breakfast. and yes she absolutely loved new potatoes and butter which she apparently got then.

People used to get a mandarin for Christmas and I guess people would have had apples during the winter.
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Fwiw, not much, I think the gut biome has a lot to do with many aspects of wellness, including weight. I know a lot of people now who eat at the least yogurt daily (me) and some who go for kefir and other fermented foods. It seems these things might counterbalance the poisons....
The body's pH balance is essential to good health! And as you say, the gut biome is also essential to good health, thus yogurt, other fermented foods. 15 Best High-Alkaline Foods - Facty Health

"A complete shift away from food animal production would present major challenges to meeting America's nutritional needs. With no meat, milk, eggs, fish, or cheese in our diets, the U.S. population would not receive enough of several different essential dietary nutrients from the foods they eat, according to the study results. The findings are based on information compiled in the USDA dietary guidelines."
The problems with this quote are many but the most glaring one is that it's from the USDA dietary guidelines! It's completely biased towards its own food production system which is completely based on animal agriculture. There are many many people, both ordinary individuals like myself, and popular athletes who are vegan and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a plant-based diet is not only healthier but sustainable for their long-term health. A plant-based diet is better for the planet as well of course as for animals, too.
The problems with this quote are many but the most glaring one is that it's from the USDA dietary guidelines! It's completely biased towards its own food production system which is completely based on animal agriculture. There are many many people, both ordinary individuals like myself, and popular athletes who are vegan and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a plant-based diet is not only healthier but sustainable for their long-term health. A plant-based diet is better for the planet as well of course as for animals, too.
It is true that USDA promotes agricultural products, that's their job. Their mandate is to make America food secure, and they have certainly succeeded. Regarding their dietary advice, it is updated nearly every year, not because our needs change but because we constantly abuse our diets and they trying to guide us to better choices.

Raising animals for their meat, milk, and eggs is another way of marketing cereal grains.
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I'm sorry but that is simply not true. First it needs to said that the majority of meat comes from factory farms, something like 98%... so the idea that the animals people eat were happy farm animals skipping around freely in the sunshine on a quaint family farm is just a fantasy.

But even in the small number of family farms, there are still cruel practices taking place. And even if they are treated better than in factory farms (which again, the overwhelming majority of meat comes from), the fact that their life was taken from them against their will in and of itself is cruel. So even if the conditions are slightly better, their fate is the same... having their lives prematurely taken from them, unnecessarily. That is not showing love or dignity toward those animals. Love means respecting their will to live, unharmed, and to let them live and enjoy life like the rest of us.

Why should a dog be treated 10,000 times better than a pig? Pigs are actually smarter than dogs, and they're just as social. Yet there are some cruel idiots who think eating a baby pig roasted whole is somehow cool or no big deal. I find that level of callousness from humans repulsive.
You are making a terrible assumption, that if not raised for food these animals would even exist. What you are really advocating is the extinction of these animals. And of course, domestic pets will be next to go. Fido and Mittens will be a thing of the past. The few feral dogs and cats will not survive. Horses will also become extinct as 'riding' on them is cruelty. These animals won't appear in zoos either as they too will be closed.
Once the first domino falls the extinction won't end until all animals that serve man in any way are...gone. What kind of person would want to live in a world without these animals? :omg:

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