The Obesity Pandemic

Ask any adult which is healthier a hot fudge sundae or a plate of steamed veggies and I will bet that all of them will say the veggies.
People know what is healthy and what isn't. Fat people just don't care so they eat the junk

Look deeper.
The small plate of steamed veggies cost twice as much as the ice cream sundae.
Fresh produce is outrageously high. Fresh bakery items are also. And good meats? Get out of town.
A lot of people eat crap because the crap is CHEAP.
24 cans of coke at Walmart - $.24 cents a can. $5.98
A large bag of Doritos this week is $1.98...oh wait..a can of Pringles is $.88
Oh look - one of those big packages of Oreos - $2.29!!!
A package of bologna - $1.99
Total = $13.12
How far will $13 get you in the fresh produce section?
Or in fresh meats?
Frozen produce is cheap and just as healthy as fresh.
And it's funny how I ate a bologna sandwich every day for lunch when i was a kid and was never fat.

It's the eating of 4 or 5 sandwiches for lunch that's the problem not having one.

There was a time in my life where I lived on Mac and cheese and ramen and was never fat. It's all a matter of degree and everyone knows it.

Ask any fat guy who lives on bologna sandwiches chips and Coke if eating only 2 slices of bologna on a sandwich instead of 20 will result in weight loss or if eating only 10 chips instead of half the bag and having a diet coke will result in weight loss and what do you think the answer would be?

Everyone already knows all this. The fact is they do not care and choose to be fat
:blahblah: where is your medical degree from again? :anj_stfu:
Ask any adult which is healthier a hot fudge sundae or a plate of steamed veggies and I will bet that all of them will say the veggies.
People know what is healthy and what isn't. Fat people just don't care so they eat the junk

Look deeper.
The small plate of steamed veggies cost twice as much as the ice cream sundae.
Fresh produce is outrageously high. Fresh bakery items are also. And good meats? Get out of town.
A lot of people eat crap because the crap is CHEAP.
24 cans of coke at Walmart - $.24 cents a can. $5.98
A large bag of Doritos this week is $1.98...oh wait..a can of Pringles is $.88
Oh look - one of those big packages of Oreos - $2.29!!!
A package of bologna - $1.99
Total = $13.12
How far will $13 get you in the fresh produce section?
Or in fresh meats?
Frozen produce is cheap and just as healthy as fresh.
And it's funny how I ate a bologna sandwich every day for lunch when i was a kid and was never fat.

It's the eating of 4 or 5 sandwiches for lunch that's the problem not having one.

There was a time in my life where I lived on Mac and cheese and ramen and was never fat. It's all a matter of degree and everyone knows it.

Ask any fat guy who lives on bologna sandwiches chips and Coke if eating only 2 slices of bologna on a sandwich instead of 20 will result in weight loss or if eating only 10 chips instead of half the bag and having a diet coke will result in weight loss and what do you think the answer would be?

Everyone already knows all this. The fact is they do not care and choose to be fat

Perhaps I didn't explain myself very well, obesity, like poverty, is mostly self induced. I don't disagree with you there. My issue is absurdly poor nutrition. We are the only country in the world where obesity rates are as high as they are - AND - are malnourished at the same time. Quite a feat. Generations before fat people were almost always - wealthy people. Today there is no correlation between obesity and income. Some of the poorest in our nation are the fattest in the nation.
My issue is how this is possible. It is possible primarily because of corn subsidies and Genealogy. Corn is magnificently cheap. Therefore companies use corn in every way imaginable. And corn is not very nutritious if your diet is based on it, even if you don't know it.
The caloric content of corn is 87% carbs, 11% fat and 7% protein.
The vitamin content is also pretty weak with an exception of iron.
In contrast broccoli - 26% of it's caloric content is protein. And the vitamin content is literally 10 times - TEN TIMES that of corn.
Then there is iceberg lettuce. Another product unnaturally cheap due to heavy subsidies. Why not for greenleaf or romaine? Both having a much greater nutritional
value - but cost much higher because of subsidies.
The government provides enormous subsidies (aka money collected from us) and literally hands it over to highly profitable big agriculture to ensure profits for many products to keep the prices cheap. Great if the products they subsidize are high in nutrition - but they are not. They are versatile and can be substituted for many-many other more expensive products to cheapen the price, but also greatly reducing nutrition while increasing carb/fat to caloric value.
It's none of your business if someone else is fat, is it?
Yes it is because over-eating is a choice & results in a whole host of illness' resulting in the raising of the price of premiums Skull Pilot

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Wrong. The majority of price increases in the health industry are hospital and doctor bills that are written off because patients and insurance companies refuse to pay them. Doesn't matter if the patient is fat or thin.
Wrong. The majority of price increases in the health industry are hospital and doctor bills that are written off because patients and insurance companies refuse to pay them. Doesn't matter if the patient is fat or thin.

Actually not right. Healthcare bills have actually being going down for over a decade now. What went up is the cost of insurance, which has rose exponentially in the past few decades. Now with Obamacare - the deductibles have risen and the copay has almost doubled for many.
When people talk about the high cost of healthcare, it isn't the Doctor bill - it is the out of pocket increase in both high premiums and rising deductible/copay.
Wrong. The majority of price increases in the health industry are hospital and doctor bills that are written off because patients and insurance companies refuse to pay them. Doesn't matter if the patient is fat or thin.

Actually not right. Healthcare bills have actually being going down for over a decade now. What went up is the cost of insurance, which has rose exponentially in the past few decades. Now with Obamacare - the deductibles have risen and the copay has almost doubled for many.
When people talk about the high cost of healthcare, it isn't the Doctor bill - it is the out of pocket increase in both high premiums and rising deductible/copay.
Not disagreeing really. I was referring to the hospitals POV. But .. Also mentioned the insurance companies that deny more claims than they pay for. And when they do deny them... The patients aren't paying either. Even the skinny ones. That's all I was saying. :)
Ask any adult which is healthier a hot fudge sundae or a plate of steamed veggies and I will bet that all of them will say the veggies.
People know what is healthy and what isn't. Fat people just don't care so they eat the junk

Look deeper.
The small plate of steamed veggies cost twice as much as the ice cream sundae.
Fresh produce is outrageously high. Fresh bakery items are also. And good meats? Get out of town.
A lot of people eat crap because the crap is CHEAP.
24 cans of coke at Walmart - $.24 cents a can. $5.98
A large bag of Doritos this week is $1.98...oh wait..a can of Pringles is $.88
Oh look - one of those big packages of Oreos - $2.29!!!
A package of bologna - $1.99
Total = $13.12
How far will $13 get you in the fresh produce section?
Or in fresh meats?
Frozen produce is cheap and just as healthy as fresh.
And it's funny how I ate a bologna sandwich every day for lunch when i was a kid and was never fat.

It's the eating of 4 or 5 sandwiches for lunch that's the problem not having one.

There was a time in my life where I lived on Mac and cheese and ramen and was never fat. It's all a matter of degree and everyone knows it.

Ask any fat guy who lives on bologna sandwiches chips and Coke if eating only 2 slices of bologna on a sandwich instead of 20 will result in weight loss or if eating only 10 chips instead of half the bag and having a diet coke will result in weight loss and what do you think the answer would be?

Everyone already knows all this. The fact is they do not care and choose to be fat
:blahblah: where is your medical degree from again? :anj_stfu:
Thank you for illustrating your idiocy.

If you can't figure out that eating less helps you lose weight maybe you need to be in a home where other people are making choices for you.
Ask any adult which is healthier a hot fudge sundae or a plate of steamed veggies and I will bet that all of them will say the veggies.
People know what is healthy and what isn't. Fat people just don't care so they eat the junk

Look deeper.
The small plate of steamed veggies cost twice as much as the ice cream sundae.
Fresh produce is outrageously high. Fresh bakery items are also. And good meats? Get out of town.
A lot of people eat crap because the crap is CHEAP.
24 cans of coke at Walmart - $.24 cents a can. $5.98
A large bag of Doritos this week is $1.98...oh wait..a can of Pringles is $.88
Oh look - one of those big packages of Oreos - $2.29!!!
A package of bologna - $1.99
Total = $13.12
How far will $13 get you in the fresh produce section?
Or in fresh meats?
Frozen produce is cheap and just as healthy as fresh.
And it's funny how I ate a bologna sandwich every day for lunch when i was a kid and was never fat.

It's the eating of 4 or 5 sandwiches for lunch that's the problem not having one.

There was a time in my life where I lived on Mac and cheese and ramen and was never fat. It's all a matter of degree and everyone knows it.

Ask any fat guy who lives on bologna sandwiches chips and Coke if eating only 2 slices of bologna on a sandwich instead of 20 will result in weight loss or if eating only 10 chips instead of half the bag and having a diet coke will result in weight loss and what do you think the answer would be?

Everyone already knows all this. The fact is they do not care and choose to be fat
:blahblah: where is your medical degree from again? :anj_stfu:
Thank you for illustrating your idiocy.

If you can't figure out that eating less helps you lose weight maybe you need to be in a home where other people are making choices for you.

Actually, "idiocy" lies in presuming one's hypersimplistic one-size-fits-all armchair ideas of how the body works like a gas tank and that's that.

With a side of arrogance, extra clueless.
The Right has cruelly attacked Michelle Obama for trying to promote healthy foods and exercise. The Right just can't be satisfied.

Being fat and having fat kids has become a badge, a way to show you disagree with her efforts to give kids healthier food. It's the same ignorant, 'that'll show those nanny-state Dems' crap we read here every day.

No matter what, the RWs will find a way to blame either President or Mrs Obama for their own obesity.

Go traveling and you can easily pick out the Americans.
The Right has cruelly attacked Michelle Obama for trying to promote healthy foods and exercise. The Right just can't be satisfied.

Being fat and having fat kids has become a badge, a way to show you disagree with her efforts to give kids healthier food. It's the same ignorant, 'that'll show those nanny-state Dems' crap we read here every day.

No matter what, the RWs will find a way to blame either President or Mrs Obama for their own obesity.

Go traveling and you can easily pick out the Americans.
You think only republicans are fat? Have you seen the hispanic and black population lately?
The Right has cruelly attacked Michelle Obama for trying to promote healthy foods and exercise. The Right just can't be satisfied.

Being fat and having fat kids has become a badge, a way to show you disagree with her efforts to give kids healthier food. It's the same ignorant, 'that'll show those nanny-state Dems' crap we read here every day.

No matter what, the RWs will find a way to blame either President or Mrs Obama for their own obesity.

Go traveling and you can easily pick out the Americans.
You think only republicans are fat? Have you seen the hispanic and black population lately?

Where did I say that? I said "Americans".

Do you think that all Hispanics and blacks vote for Dems?

I said that Repubs/RWs don't take responsibility for their own choices. And, they don't. A constantly recurring theme here is that its all Barry's and Mitzi's fault. Name it - its their fault.

The right is against good nutrition in schools and accurate labeling of food products.
The Right has cruelly attacked Michelle Obama for trying to promote healthy foods and exercise. The Right just can't be satisfied.

Being fat and having fat kids has become a badge, a way to show you disagree with her efforts to give kids healthier food. It's the same ignorant, 'that'll show those nanny-state Dems' crap we read here every day.

No matter what, the RWs will find a way to blame either President or Mrs Obama for their own obesity.

Go traveling and you can easily pick out the Americans.
You think only republicans are fat? Have you seen the hispanic and black population lately?

Where did I say that? I said "Americans".

Do you think that all Hispanics and blacks vote for Dems?

I said that Repubs/RWs don't take responsibility for their own choices. And, they don't. A constantly recurring theme here is that its all Barry's and Mitzi's fault. Name it - its their fault.

The right is against good nutrition in schools and accurate labeling of food products.
Yeah? If dems are the only folks taking responsibility for themselves. Why are they still fat?

Think they are spending all their money on the vending machine granola bars do you? Or are the vendors losing money do ya think?
The Right has cruelly attacked Michelle Obama for trying to promote healthy foods and exercise. The Right just can't be satisfied.

Being fat and having fat kids has become a badge, a way to show you disagree with her efforts to give kids healthier food. It's the same ignorant, 'that'll show those nanny-state Dems' crap we read here every day.

No matter what, the RWs will find a way to blame either President or Mrs Obama for their own obesity.

Go traveling and you can easily pick out the Americans.
You think only republicans are fat? Have you seen the hispanic and black population lately?

Where did I say that? I said "Americans".

Do you think that all Hispanics and blacks vote for Dems?

I said that Repubs/RWs don't take responsibility for their own choices. And, they don't. A constantly recurring theme here is that its all Barry's and Mitzi's fault. Name it - its their fault.

The right is against good nutrition in schools and accurate labeling of food products.
Yeah? If dems are the only folks taking responsibility for themselves. Why are they still fat?

Think they are spending all their money on the vending machine granola bars do you? Or are the vendors losing money do ya think?

I said "Americans" and I meant Americans. We are a fat country and getting fatter.

And its not the left that is fighting against good nutrition in schools and accurate food labeling.

I used to have a small side business of selling condoms in vending machines and sold it before I left Tucson. I don't buy "food" from machines, don't drink sugary sodas and wouldn't touch a so-called "granola bar". Sorry, but beyond that, I can't comment on vending machine sales.
The Right has cruelly attacked Michelle Obama for trying to promote healthy foods and exercise. The Right just can't be satisfied.

Being fat and having fat kids has become a badge, a way to show you disagree with her efforts to give kids healthier food. It's the same ignorant, 'that'll show those nanny-state Dems' crap we read here every day.

No matter what, the RWs will find a way to blame either President or Mrs Obama for their own obesity.

Go traveling and you can easily pick out the Americans.
You think only republicans are fat? Have you seen the hispanic and black population lately?

Where did I say that? I said "Americans".

Do you think that all Hispanics and blacks vote for Dems?

I said that Repubs/RWs don't take responsibility for their own choices. And, they don't. A constantly recurring theme here is that its all Barry's and Mitzi's fault. Name it - its their fault.

The right is against good nutrition in schools and accurate labeling of food products.
Yeah? If dems are the only folks taking responsibility for themselves. Why are they still fat?

Think they are spending all their money on the vending machine granola bars do you? Or are the vendors losing money do ya think?

I said "Americans" and I meant Americans. We are a fat country and getting fatter.

And its not the left that is fighting against good nutrition in schools and accurate food labeling.

I used to have a small side business of selling condoms in vending machines and sold it before I left Tucson. I don't buy "food" from machines, don't drink sugary sodas and wouldn't touch a so-called "granola bar". Sorry, but beyond that, I can't comment on vending machine sales.
No... You just implied that only republicans are fat because they don't take responsibility for themselves. Don't evade now.

And speaking as a person that works in a place that only allows health food to be sold in the vending to guess what the most popular fund raisers are in the work place these days?
Being fat and having fat kids has become a badge, a way to show you disagree with her efforts to give kids healthier food. It's the same ignorant, 'that'll show those nanny-state Dems' crap we read here every day.

No matter what, the RWs will find a way to blame either President or Mrs Obama for their own obesity.

Go traveling and you can easily pick out the Americans.
You think only republicans are fat? Have you seen the hispanic and black population lately?

Where did I say that? I said "Americans".

Do you think that all Hispanics and blacks vote for Dems?

I said that Repubs/RWs don't take responsibility for their own choices. And, they don't. A constantly recurring theme here is that its all Barry's and Mitzi's fault. Name it - its their fault.

The right is against good nutrition in schools and accurate labeling of food products.
Yeah? If dems are the only folks taking responsibility for themselves. Why are they still fat?

Think they are spending all their money on the vending machine granola bars do you? Or are the vendors losing money do ya think?

I said "Americans" and I meant Americans. We are a fat country and getting fatter.

And its not the left that is fighting against good nutrition in schools and accurate food labeling.

I used to have a small side business of selling condoms in vending machines and sold it before I left Tucson. I don't buy "food" from machines, don't drink sugary sodas and wouldn't touch a so-called "granola bar". Sorry, but beyond that, I can't comment on vending machine sales.
No... You just implied that only republicans are fat because they don't take responsibility for themselves. Don't evade now.

And speaking as a person that works in a place that only allows health food to be sold in the vending to guess what the most popular fund raisers are in the work place these days?

You implied that all Hispanics and blacks vote for Dems and I let it pass.

It's none of your business if someone else is fat, is it?
Yes it is because over-eating is a choice & results in a whole host of illness' resulting in the raising of the price of premiums Skull Pilot

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Wrong. The majority of price increases in the health industry are hospital and doctor bills that are written off because patients and insurance companies refuse to pay them. Doesn't matter if the patient is fat or thin.
I was saying that many hospital admissions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease are brought-on by obesity shit stain
The Right has cruelly attacked Michelle Obama for trying to promote healthy foods and exercise. The Right just can't be satisfied.

Being fat and having fat kids has become a badge, a way to show you disagree with her efforts to give kids healthier food. It's the same ignorant, 'that'll show those nanny-state Dems' crap we read here every day.

No matter what, the RWs will find a way to blame either President or Mrs Obama for their own obesity.

Go traveling and you can easily pick out the Americans.
You think only republicans are fat? Have you seen the hispanic and black population lately?
on Flickr
The Right has cruelly attacked Michelle Obama for trying to promote healthy foods and exercise. The Right just can't be satisfied.

Being fat and having fat kids has become a badge, a way to show you disagree with her efforts to give kids healthier food. It's the same ignorant, 'that'll show those nanny-state Dems' crap we read here every day.

No matter what, the RWs will find a way to blame either President or Mrs Obama for their own obesity.

Go traveling and you can easily pick out the Americans.
You think only republicans are fat? Have you seen the hispanic and black population lately?
on Flickr
You think blacks or hispanics don't eat at Chick Fil A?
It's none of your business if someone else is fat, is it?
Yes it is because over-eating is a choice & results in a whole host of illness' resulting in the raising of the price of premiums Skull Pilot

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Wrong. The majority of price increases in the health industry are hospital and doctor bills that are written off because patients and insurance companies refuse to pay them. Doesn't matter if the patient is fat or thin.
I was saying that many hospital admissions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease are brought-on by obesity shit stain
Plenty of thin people with those ailments.
It's none of your business if someone else is fat, is it?
Yes it is because over-eating is a choice & results in a whole host of illness' resulting in the raising of the price of premiums Skull Pilot

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Wrong. The majority of price increases in the health industry are hospital and doctor bills that are written off because patients and insurance companies refuse to pay them. Doesn't matter if the patient is fat or thin.
I was saying that many hospital admissions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease are brought-on by obesity shit stain
Plenty of thin people with those ailments.
More prevalent in obese people, ask you doctor or read something.

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