The Obvious Case for Corporate Welfare over Personal Welfare:

when 2 people got together to hunt 10,000 years ago they were in effect
a partnership or corporation. Govt does not create corporations. It is too stupid to invent things or do real work. It just provides some administration.
Really aren't very bright, are ya?

"Artificial entities that are created by state statute..."


IWO, The statute (created by government) precedes the existence of any corporation.
Maybe the "corporate welfare cliche" works for low information lefties but it really doesn't make sense. True welfare as we know it involves confiscating money from taxpayers and filtering it through a myriad of government bureaucracies to finally end up as cash to needy low income recipients. Liberals have tagged the "welfare" cliche on corporations when they get a government loan or they get a tax break. Real welfare people contribute nothing to society and sadly they probably never will. the ironic thing is that government never made a dime that wasn't confiscated from taxpayers who work for (or are) corporations. Corporations are the backbone of society and the only source of income. Why democrats including the current president hate corporations is anybody's guess. While the (corporate hypocrite) criminal enterprise known as the "mainstream media" continues to try to smear capitalism with lies and spin doctoring it seems that the American public made the right decision in the last election.
"Artificial entities that are created by state statute..."

that would be the libcommie definition. Do you understand? It gives the state permission to control corporations since the state the created them. In fact it gives them the obligation to control them!!!Got it now?
Why democrats including the current president hate corporations is anybody's guess.

1) the jobs and products corporations provide are not good enough for the liberal even though both are the best that life and death international competition can produce.

2) if people buy the Marxist lie that corporations are exploiting people, rather than doing the very best possible against international competition, they can get votes and political power by promising to rip off the evil exploiter corporations for them.
I would like to be a corporate whistleblower....and not one officer or exec would ever be ambitious enough to figure it out. I stake my LIFE on it. Please deport this american born citizen. Perhaps Edward you can come after me....if you have the guts.
Corporations got us from the stone age to here with their ingenious products and the jobs that enable us to buy those products. It's a welfare program that allows the earth to support 7.28 billion people!! Liberal personal welfare programs and entitlements do the opposite. They encourage people not to participate or contribute to this great welfare program but instead to leech off it and otherwise diminish it despite how amazingly it has served humanity. Instead of cash handouts to liberal leeches why not subsidies to our great saintly corporations? Liberalism should be made illegal as our Founders intended because of such obvious and destructive ignorance.
hey eddy...if you are laid off and down on your luck, taking welfare until you get back on your feet does not mean you are a leech and want the country to go under....and i do realize that there are people on it who are leeches and do abuse the system,but the ones who actually need it are not....and show where the founders wanted "liberalism" outlawed...

1) When Clinton and Newt ended welfare as we know it by making it workfare fully half decided they no longer needed it. Why do you learn from that?

2) Founders gave Federal govt a few enumerated powers only.

67)James Madison in Federalist paper NO. 45: "The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce."
point no 1 does not give me an answer for what i said about those who may need it.....and as shocking as it sounds things change over the years,im sure back in the founders day they could not imagine the problems with a country as big and populated like it has become....things have to change and adapt to what happens over time...including parts of the constitution....things relevant back then may not be relevant today,and many things that are around today would not have been even concieved back then....

thats your opinion kg....
point no 1 does not give me an answer for what i said about those who may need it.....and as shocking as it sounds things change over the years,im sure back in the founders day they could not imagine the problems with a country as big and populated like it has become....things have to change and adapt to what happens over time...including parts of the constitution....things relevant back then may not be relevant today,and many things that are around today would not have been even concieved back then....
A different date on the calendar doesn't suddenly make it OK for the government to change from a protector from aggression, to being an aggressor itself.
things change and so do people.....
Corporations got us from the stone age to here with their ingenious products and the jobs that enable us to buy those products. It's a welfare program that allows the earth to support 7.28 billion people!! Liberal personal welfare programs and entitlements do the opposite. They encourage people not to participate or contribute to this great welfare program but instead to leech off it and otherwise diminish it despite how amazingly it has served humanity. Instead of cash handouts to liberal leeches why not subsidies to our great saintly corporations? Liberalism should be made illegal as our Founders intended because of such obvious and destructive ignorance.
Corporate welfare enables sclerotic business models to squash more efficient businesses which would supplant them.
point no 1 does not give me an answer for what i said about those who may need it.....
sure it does you just lack the IQ to grasp that at least half on welfare don't need it, yet treasonous liberals always want more never less. Enough for a liberal is communism. Why do you think our liberals spied for Stalin and elected Obama/Sanders??
oh there it is,i dont agree with you so here comes the insults...and since i did say there are people who are on it that dont need it,apparently you dont have the IQ to understand what you read....and i got news for you eddie...there are lots of conservatives out there who also want more and never less,if you werent one of them you might see that....
,im sure back in the founders day they could not imagine the problems with a country as big and populated like it has become....things have to change and adapt to what happens over time...

perfect liberal ignorance.Total ignorance of history so there is nothing to learn from it.

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766
perfect conservative ignorance eddie....say what you think i believe when you have no idea....
...things relevant back then may not be relevant today,and many things that are around today would not have been even concieved back then....

any examples or just BSing like a typical liberal who forgot to read history?
if you cant figure that out eddie maybe you should go back and check out how things have changed over the years.......and ask your good buddy dean if he thinks im a typical are one dumb typical dipshit eddie....if someone disagrees with you they must be a "typical liberal"...i mean what else can you be?....
I would like to be a corporate whistleblower....and not one officer or exec would ever be ambitious enough to figure it out. I stake my LIFE on it. Please deport this american born citizen. Perhaps Edward you can come after me....if you have the guts.
Corporate welfare enables sclerotic business models to squash more efficient businesses which would supplant them.

if so we would not have gone from horse and buggy to electric cars or from rotary dial phones to Iphones. Do you understand?
...things relevant back then may not be relevant today,and many things that are around today would not have been even concieved back then....

any examples or just BSing like a typical liberal who forgot to read history?
if you cant figure that out eddie maybe you should go back and check out how things have changed over the years.......and ask your good buddy dean if he thinks im a typical are one dumb typical dipshit eddie....if someone disagrees with you they must be a "typical liberal"...i mean what else can you be?....

any comments on OP thesis or are you trying to change subject because you don't understand OP?
...things relevant back then may not be relevant today,and many things that are around today would not have been even concieved back then....

any examples or just BSing like a typical liberal who forgot to read history?
if you cant figure that out eddie maybe you should go back and check out how things have changed over the years.......and ask your good buddy dean if he thinks im a typical are one dumb typical dipshit eddie....if someone disagrees with you they must be a "typical liberal"...i mean what else can you be?....

any comments on OP thesis or are you trying to change subject because you don't understand OP?
i believe i gave my opinion on that...if you want me to dumb it down for you,just let me know....
Corporations got us from the stone age to here with their ingenious products and the jobs that enable us to buy those products. It's a welfare program that allows the earth to support 7.28 billion people!! Liberal personal welfare programs and entitlements do the opposite. They encourage people not to participate or contribute to this great welfare program but instead to leech off it and otherwise diminish it despite how amazingly it has served humanity. Instead of cash handouts to liberal leeches why not subsidies to our great saintly corporations? Liberalism should be made illegal as our Founders intended because of such obvious and destructive ignorance.
Think you are forgetting that without PEOPLE then corporations get NO WHERE. People wouldn't NEED welfare if companies didn't steal their labor for unfair wages.
Think you are forgetting that without PEOPLE then corporations get NO WHERE.

what are trying to say?? obviously if there are no people there are no people to form the corporation, work for it, or buy its products???????????? Do you think someone forgot that???????????
People wouldn't NEED welfare if companies didn't steal their labor for unfair wages.

absurd of course. A company has to pay the highest wage possible and produce the best product possible just to survive. If you doubt it start a company with substandard pay and products? Can you think ahead and tell us what would happen?
People wouldn't NEED welfare if companies didn't steal their labor for unfair wages.

absurd of course. A company has to pay the highest wage possible and produce the best product possible just to survive. If you doubt it start a company with substandard pay and products? Can you think ahead and tell us what would happen?
You obviously haven't been to ANY fast food joint lately. I know MANY people working NORMAL jobs not fast food that need welfare to make ends meet because they aren't paid enough. Companies worth the HUNDREDS of millions and the BILLIONS and yet they pay their workers less than 15$ an hour.
People wouldn't NEED welfare if companies didn't steal their labor for unfair wages.

absurd of course. A company has to pay the highest wage possible and produce the best product possible just to survive. If you doubt it start a company with substandard pay and products? Can you think ahead and tell us what would happen?
You obviously haven't been to ANY fast food joint lately. I know MANY people working NORMAL jobs not fast food that need welfare to make ends meet because they aren't paid enough. Companies worth the HUNDREDS of millions and the BILLIONS and yet they pay their workers less than 15$ an hour.

you have so much to understand. If Walmart gave all employees a $5/hr raise it would bankrupt them. Figure it out yourself before you express an opinion.

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